Official I quit as a fan because of TO *merged*

Sure will be nice to get rid of all the fickle fans so we dont have to listen to all the whining around here, Thanks TO.:star:
You could hire Gibbs to be head coach, replace all of our coordinators with the Fun Bunch, and sell the team to Danny Snyder, and I'd still root for the Cowboys.

I root for the Star, I don't care who owns it, coaches it, and plays for it. I care about winning games, and TO will do that.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is being a complete moron about this. ;)
pungofish said:
Sure will be nice to get rid of all the fickle fans so we dont have to listen to all the whining around here, Thanks TO.:star:

and it sure will be nice when people grow up and quit feeling the ned to call other fans views into question cause they're not like yours.
I honestly see the signing of TO as less of an issue than the firing of Landry and hiring of Jimmy. Landry had been the embodiment of this franchises goals on and off the field. He defined the goals. Firing him and replacing him with Jimmy, the Landry antithesis was sacriligious to many. Yet most eventually found good even in Jimmy. Jimmy had flaws too and we learned in the Landry transition that even Tom himself was not perfect. Its ok.

But Landry himself used to say that no one man is bigger than the organization. In other words, no one is irreplaceable. I found great irony in those words during his exit. No one is bigger than the organization. No one outlasts the organization.

That doesn't mean that individuals will not detract from time to time from the team's goals. TO is indeed a significant risk there. But even if TO blows up completely here if the team keeps their focus on the star it'll be a painful time that will heal and move forward.

Give TO a chance here. You might be surprised to find a few redeeming qualities in the man. Perhaps an embrace from this organization could even impact him for good in some way.

We'll see where this all leads. In their own way, those who are claiming to turn in their star are doing so out of loyalty. I choose to express my loyalty by sticking it out through the most challenging of times even if they are self-inflicted.

Welcome TO! Go Cowboys!
coco2 said:
Give TO a chance here. You might be surprised to find a few redeeming qualities in the man.

now THAT'S funny!!!

if TO were signed by KC or any other team - would his fan club he's gained recentely be praising the signing or would their own TO bashing continue?
Duane said:
If I can stay when Jerry booted Landry, Campo had three 5-11 seasons and chutch was our QB, I can stay with TO.
Ditto and add signing Deion to that. But booting Landry was the biggest kick in the rear, especially the manner in which it happened. Still I remain, and always will be, a Cowboys fan.
Hostile said:
See, I agree with this. I'm not jumping ship just because I don't like him. That thinking is alien to me.

I'll root for him to do good, because that helps the team I love, but I doubt I'll be a fan of his ever.
Now if Dallas cuts Polite that is a different story :D
Won't be the first a-hole that played for the Cowboys and won't be the last, and there have been worse human beings who have worn the silver and blue. But I can't believe the power some people let TO have over their lives. Obviously I enjoy following the Cowboys. Not just the games on Sundays, but the offseason. The draft. Training camp. You think I'm going to let someone I don't even know take that away from me?
iceberg said:
and it sure will be nice when people grow up and quit feeling the ned to call other fans views into question cause they're not like yours.

You still here? I thought you were lleaving cause you had Higher principles than the true Cowboy fans...:lmao2:
There's going to be a lot of happy wives this year(former football widows), I bet they are writing their Honey-do lists for the year at this very moment. Have fun!:D
pungofish said:
You still here? I thought you were lleaving cause you had Higher principles than the true Cowboy fans...:lmao2:

oooo - after 10 whopping posts, it's easy to see you're the model fan. my bad.
iceberg said:
oooo - after 10 whopping posts, it's easy to see you're the model fan. my bad.

LOL when you dont have an answer you want compare post #s, I guess that like comparing pen1s size... who needs to grow up:lmao:
I have read in many posts that people's most hated memory of the Cowboys was Jones letting Tom Landry go. While I don't want to argue about that most horrendous move, I want to say that I agree. The worst decision ever made by the Cowboys organization was letting Landry go. Having written that, I can honestly say that his dismissal was the hardest thing to swallow. TO is another player. I root for the star, the uniform, and for what the Cowboys stand for. Trust me, I work in an office with people from all over the United States and they all hate the cowboys (especially my friend from Buffalo). Yet, they all respect the greatness of the 'Boys. They may not like them, but they don't overlook what the star signifies. I can't wait to return on Monday and hear their thoughts.
Well, now that TO is going to sign with the Cowboys, I will be leaving for good! I got the razor blade out right now...I'm gonna finally do it! Woe is me...I will miss all of you...if the razor blade don't work, I got some sleeping pills and Vodka to help out...wait...I'm drinking the Vodka and pills right now!

I will miss you...wait...I'm cutting my wrist right...OUCH, DAMN that hurts...OH NO...I'm bleeding right now....and those pills are stuck in my throat....hold on, I'm drinking some more Vodka....yuck I hate that stuff

Goodbye my fellow fans....T.O. just threw me off the (damn blood, all over my keyboard now)...cliff...

If this don't work, I got a new rope hanging in my garage for the ultimate end! I will miss all of you, and I will never watch the Cowboys again...I hate them because of T.O....(burp...dmn pills are still stuck)....I'm getting dizzy's goinl opll knvvklpo lwled.d. lkdpw,lkassss..,


So, when is the first game! :rolleyes:
coco2 said:
I honestly see the signing of TO as less of an issue than the firing of Landry and hiring of Jimmy. Landry had been the embodiment of this franchises goals on and off the field. He defined the goals. Firing him and replacing him with Jimmy, the Landry antithesis was sacriligious to many. Yet most eventually found good even in Jimmy. Jimmy had flaws too and we learned in the Landry transition that even Tom himself was not perfect. Its ok.

But Landry himself used to say that no one man is bigger than the organization. In other words, no one is irreplaceable. I found great irony in those words during his exit. No one is bigger than the organization. No one outlasts the organization.

That doesn't mean that individuals will not detract from time to time from the team's goals. TO is indeed a significant risk there. But even if TO blows up completely here if the team keeps their focus on the star it'll be a painful time that will heal and move forward.

Give TO a chance here. You might be surprised to find a few redeeming qualities in the man. Perhaps an embrace from this organization could even impact him for good in some way.

We'll see where this all leads. In their own way, those who are claiming to turn in their star are doing so out of loyalty. I choose to express my loyalty by sticking it out through the most challenging of times even if they are self-inflicted.

Welcome TO! Go Cowboys!

I don't think it was the firing of Landry that bothered Cowboys fans, especially since many had felt the game had passed him by.

It was the way it was done, Jerry and Jimmy being seen in his favorite restaurant, a picture that graced the front page of The Dallas Morning News.

I think most fans understood that a new owner, Jerry Jones, was going to bring in a new coach. That generally always happens, especially when a franchise has fallen on hard times.

So with all due respect, I don't think your analogy fits.
SultanOfSix said:
I'm leaving because TO is the devil. And he's leading us into the depths of hell.

BrAinPaiNt said:
You know I think I have read other threads by some of the same users that said they will not follow the cowboys if TO is signed.

Yet they keep coming back saying the same thing again.

I am not being rude or sarcastic about this but give it a break PLEASE.

If you won't follow the cowboys because of TO then I have no problem with that, If you want to say goodbye because of TO then I have no problem with that.

But for the love of whatever you find high in your heart, say it and then do it instead of saying it over and over.

Once again that is not picking on anyone, not being rude towards anyone but really enough is enough...don't just talk the talk.


:lmao2: :hammer:
I'm really tired of all the noise surrounding TO.

We got the man because he makes playes.
If we didn't get him you'd be crying about that.

So now you are going to leave, or so you say.
Remember Landry?
I do.

I remember when Jerry bought the team and all the NEGATIVE LOUD MOUTHS about the now loved JIMMY JOHNSON.

He helped bring in 2 Super Bowls.

I remember Deion / Switzer and once again all the negative noise.
They helped with an additional Super Bowl, no matter what you think or say.

And if TO comes in and increase our threat a WR then he too will help us win a Super Bowl.

In comparison of Jerry and Snyder.
Jerry gambles have paid off more than Snyder, so I trust him.
- Jimmy was considered a gamble, but he came in and adjusted to the NFL without a problem. Oh.. and he didn't waste 5-10 mil a year.
- Switzer was right for the time, but depended too much on player self-discipline. However, he too helped to bring us a Super Bowl without costing 5-10 mill a year.
- Deion did cost us some money. But he too helped us win that Super Bowl.

Snyder has spent all kinds of money to desperately win a Super Bowl and hasn't do it yet and I do not believe this latest additions will do it either.

While you are out there admiring his willingness to pay, look back over the history of Jerry Jones and admire his willingness to bring in what it takes to win and do it with success.

Some of the same people complaining now wanted Moss, remember.
And you complained about how Moss and Aikman could be hooking up.
So give it a break and give the man a chance to shine as a star of the Dallas Cowboys.

We are not in the locker rooms of the 49ers or Eagles, so we do not know what caused the flare ups.

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