Official I quit as a fan because of TO *merged*

Shotgun Dave
Jack Magist
Sultan of Six

To me this makes no sense. Chill, take a deep breath, it's not that big of a deal. And by the way, like I said earlier in the week, you'll all be back very soon. You're not going to watch any games while TO is a Cowboy? :laugh2:
You will not post on this board while TO is a Cowboy? :laugh2:

I'll call all your bluffs. You guys come to a Dallas Cowboys message board numerous times a day during the football season and during the offseason and you're not coming back becasue of one player? You're full of it. Prove me wrong. Please!
I agree. All of these people who say they are no longer Cowboys fans because of one signing were never fans of the franchise anyway.

I wonder what happened when the team was 1-15? Did they jump ship then? But, I guarantee you they were right on board when things started looking better. The same thing will happen this time, too, when the Boys start hammering people with the offense. Those "I'm never going to be a Cowboys fan" people will be right back on this board talking about how they knew things were going to work out and they were right all along.

Some of us here were predicting that TO would wear a star this year when the first rumor of JJ talking about TO came up during last season. Like everyone says, when it comes to Jerrah, where there's smoke, there's fire.
nathanlt said:
I can’t believe Terrell Owens is a Cowboy. He’s actually not, in my mind, but the DIRTBAG will be wearing the uniform. Because of his acts of defiance and mockery of our organization, our fans, and our star, I will no longer watch the Cowboys as long as his name is on the roster.

I have been a diehard Cowboy fan for 27 of my 32 years, beginning at age 5 while living in Dallas, and though I’ve been all over the world since then, the Cowboys have always gone with me. I am as diehard as they come.

This PUNK we have on the team is as different as any NFL player can be from Tom Landry’s persona. T.O. hated the Cowboys, and now wants to bilk money from us while driving the team into the ground with his cancerous attitude and 2 year old mentality. We’re paying millions for cancer?? I can’t bear to watch it and I won’t.

That is why, effective immediately, I am not watching the Cowboys, or posting on this board, until T.O. is gone. I request that the mods send an email notifying me when he is no longer on our roster, so that I can resume watching the games, and following the team. I love my Cowboys, I won’t watch them be torn apart by this spoiled brat.

It doesn’t bother me that people think I’m doing this for attention, or that my statement will make little impact among other fans. I’m doing it because I cannot stand him.

To others who feel this way, please add your comments.

Mods, please sticky this so that there is a record of who has left. Don’t forget us. We love the Cowboys!!! See you later.

Also, can we only let only the "No T.O." people post? This is their last post until T.O. is gone. Please.

The list of who’ve had enough
Shotgun Dave
Jack Magist
Sultan of Six

I think a lot of us would appreciate it if you guys requested immediate bans on your user accounts.....Thank you.
BrAinPaiNt said:
You know I think I have read other threads by some of the same users that said they will not follow the cowboys if TO is signed.

Yet they keep coming back saying the same thing again.

I am not being rude or sarcastic about this but give it a break PLEASE.

If you won't follow the cowboys because of TO then I have no problem with that, If you want to say goodbye because of TO then I have no problem with that.

But for the love of whatever you find high in your heart, say it and then do it instead of saying it over and over.

Once again that is not picking on anyone, not being rude towards anyone but really enough is enough...don't just talk the talk.


Great post BP.
the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
I agree. All of these people who say they are no longer Cowboys fans because of one signing were never fans of the franchise anyway.

And this forum just added their 6,000th member yesterday. Yep, they are just jumping ship left and right. It's good to be a Cowboys fan.
IMO,the Cowboy fans that are jumping ship because of ADDING the best receiver in the league weren't really fans to begin with.Even if I tried to renounce my fanmanship,it would never stick.As soon as the first preseason game rolled around,I'd be glued to my TV hoping to see some of the young players and new free agents and start the new season with hope that we could be on track for #6.Some of these guys act like they now have to invite T.O. over for dinner and babysit his kids.You don't have a personal relationship with the players.This thinking reminds me of high school girls-"did you see who she was talking to?We can't hang out with HER anymore".Give me a break.I'd like to bid a fond farewell to those who feel they need to move on and since your fanmanship is based totally on your hatred for T.O.,I suggest you join the Philly crew and maybe you'll get lucky and have a chance to hit him with a battery or two.BTW,if you're gone,stay gone.I'll steal a quote from Gene Hackman in Hoosiers "My team's on the floor."
Glenn Carano said:
Shotgun Dave
Jack Magist
Sultan of Six

To me this makes no sense. Chill, take a deep breath, it's not that big of a deal. And by the way, like I said earlier in the week, you'll all be back very soon. You're not going to watch any games while TO is a Cowboy? :laugh2:
You will not post on this board while TO is a Cowboy? :laugh2:

I'll call all your bluffs. You guys come to a Dallas Cowboys message board numerous times a day during the football season and during the offseason and you're not coming back becasue of one player? You're full of it. Prove me wrong. Please!

They will be back, that's for sure! It might be under a different user name, if that's possible, but, they will be back!

As a matter of fact, they are probably reading as we speak! :laugh1:

Ok, Let me start off by saying that all this crying about not being a Cowboys fan anymore because of TO, is just plain stupid. If you say, as some are, that you have been a die hard fan for many, many years then I challenge you to look within yourself and attempt to gauge your feelings when Charles Hailey, signed with the team, or when Deion Sanders signed with the team.

I can already picture the responses to this question "well, they did not tear a team or two appart." You are correct Deion did not, however he did celebrate many times in our endzone after picking off a Cowboys passers pass. Now, onto the second individual I mention Mr. Hailey. In fact Charles Hailey did tear the 49ers apart. I have posted the link on top of the page for you to read and share your thoughts.

I will cut & paste some info I feel is important to my topic for those who are unable to follow the link.

"How did he accomplish his objective? Let's just say Haley made T.O.'s recent run of misbehavior look like that of a fiendish frat boy. Or maybe a frat-boy analogy does apply to Haley's behavior. To paraphrase a line from Animal House, his acts were so perverse and grotesque that decorum prevents me from listing all of them here.
Because I covered the 49ers as this was going down, I was treated to some mighty graphic tales in the midst of Haley's summer of discontent, several of which involved bodily excretions. Most famously, there was a post-practice incident in which Haley decided to turn the car of Tim Harris -- the similarly gifted pass rusher whom the 49ers had acquired the previous season -- into a makeshift urinal. Stunningly, Harris objected, resulting in a physical confrontation between the two men.

When Haley, the following afternoon, did something even more disgusting in a defensive-line meeting, Seifert reached his breaking point. Get rid of him, he and general manager John McVay agreed, and they set about trying to unload him to the highest bidder.
Unfortunately for the 49ers, that bidder turned out to be the Cowboys."

Were you a Cowboys fan when Hailey signed? Are you still a Cowboys fan? Why cry about TO? How some tend to forget the past....
It makes no difference to me whether Terrell Owens scores 100 touchdowns for Dallas or if he never plays a down - I won't let it matter. I accept things I can't change and get on with my life.

Ewwww! Yuck! I actually typed HIS name. I must immediately go flush the toilet and wash my hands. :D
Sorry, the Cowboys are about pride and legacy ... players like Staubach, Lilly, White, Aikman, Emmitt, Michael, etc, surround our history with unselfish and dedicated play.

TO is a piece of garbage who I'm ashamed to say is now a Cowboy. He doesn't deserve to wear the star. He's a me-only mercenary with no thoughts of team.

He could care less about the Cowboys, so long as TO is happy.

Tom Landry is looking down and shaking his head. Deep in his heart, he's hurting as well.

TO doesn't deserve to wear the Star ... the same star he disrespected so many years ago.

F TO!!!
I'm gone until he's gone. I have no desire to watch TO in a Cowboys uniform. He's everything that's wrong with sports, and I can't support him in any way. He'll be here for a year, maybe a year and a half at most. Then I'll be back to rooting for the Cowboys. Until then I simply won't follow football. I'm not going to root for another team, I just won't root at all. And since I only watch the Cowboys I'll simply find something else to do with my Sundays. Rooting for a team comes from the heart, you can't fake that. With TO on the team I simply don't feel any urge to watch. For anyone who wants to tell me that I'm not a real fan because of that, piss off. Nobody has the right to tell me if I'm a fan or not, nobody has the right to tell me how to feel or who to root for. I was a fan of this team, on the previous iteration of this forum, discussing this team passionately when we were 5 - 11 for 3 years running. So don't dare accuse me of being a fair weather or fickle fan. I was making highlight videos of seasons for my fellow hard core fans when most of my accusers probably didn't bother to watch the games because the team wasn't on the rise or in the spotlight.

Edit: And for those who say that anyone who doesn't want to watch TO should simply do it and not say it, go back and look at my posting history. I've hardly posted at all this offseason. There has been too much TO talk for me, and too much speculation that made it seem we might actually sign him, so I've simply found other things to do with my time. I didn't even want to talk about TO being a Cowboy, so I've just stayed away.
People forget sometimes that this game is a GAME. This is fun stuff.. Enjoy it while you can. Enjoy the fact that you have a HOF coach that's an idiot playcaller sometimes, but don't forget CAMPO.

Enjoy that fact that the drama of what TO is going to do on an off the field is like a Soap Opera. It's pure entertainment with proof being this message board.

We are not just here for the Cowboys, we are here for the drama and the excitement of what could or wouldn't happen. TO is great drama and great TV. We are all in the back of our mind, hoping that he behaves and just goes out and shuts everyone down and leads us to the promise land.

The drama of JJones and Parcells taking risks and looking at the rest of the NFL to say, hah!! Rosenhause is great TV, just like his client. If for anything, stick around for a fun fun couple of years. This is ENTERTAINMENT PEOPLE, THAT'S ALL, NOTHING PERSONAL....:)

P.S. Smile and enjoy the ride...
I've always been a Cowboys fan and will continue to be one. I don't like T.O. and I don't like Keyshawn,but I dealed with Keyshawn and I'll just have to suck it up and deal with T.O. If he makes the team better and keeps his mouth shut then we'll be fine. I just don't want him to mess up our locker room.
BroGreg said:
We are not in the locker rooms of the 49ers or Eagles, so we do not know what caused the flare ups.

None of us will ever truly know what went down in the Eagles locker room. This is true.
I really think that the 'Boys will be fine as long as TO has learned his lesson. If not, we could be in for one bumpy ride. Hopefully he will get along with Parcells and Bledsoe.:pray2:
Glenn Carano said:
Shotgun Dave
Jack Magist
Sultan of Six

To me this makes no sense. Chill, take a deep breath, it's not that big of a deal. And by the way, like I said earlier in the week, you'll all be back very soon. You're not going to watch any games while TO is a Cowboy? :laugh2:
You will not post on this board while TO is a Cowboy? :laugh2:

I'll call all your bluffs. You guys come to a Dallas Cowboys message board numerous times a day during the football season and during the offseason and you're not coming back becasue of one player? You're full of it. Prove me wrong. Please!

I recognize a lot of those names. Plenty of folks with thousands of posts who have been on the board for over a year. I thought it was mostly the new guys who only popped up when TO became a possibility who were threatening to quit.

I tell you what, that year we drafted Quincy Carter and Tony Dixon as our first picks was more tempting to make me drop the Cowboys than this TO signing is. :laugh2:
LOL, i bet NOONE stopped being cowboys fans, stick wit em, through thick and thin, i love em, and aint never changin.............HERE IS TO A SUCCESSFUL SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!
the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
I agree. All of these people who say they are no longer Cowboys fans because of one signing were never fans of the franchise anyway.

I wonder what happened when the team was 1-15? Did they jump ship then? But, I guarantee you they were right on board when things started looking better. The same thing will happen this time, too, when the Boys start hammering people with the offense. Those "I'm never going to be a Cowboys fan" people will be right back on this board talking about how they knew things were going to work out and they were right all along.

Some of us here were predicting that TO would wear a star this year when the first rumor of JJ talking about TO came up during last season. Like everyone says, when it comes to Jerrah, where there's smoke, there's fire.

TO's a different story. Sure-teams have gone through ups and downs, but this jerk is a Katrina in the making.
It has been a while since I posted to the board. I have been here most every day laughing at the chicken littles’ and their predictions of horror over Jerry’s seemingly lack of action in free agency. I try not to post unless I have something of value to add to a thread.

The TO saga has been an interesting ride and I will admit I was one of those who adamantly opposed his coming to Dallas. I still do! I personally do not think he belongs in the NFL period. However, since that is not my decision to make, all I can do is hope for the best and continue to root for this team that I have followed since the 1970’s.

What would the Dallas Cowboys be if they weren’t shrouded by controversy? This seems to be part of the Cowboys mystique. I personally loved the signing of Deion Sanders ad he created as much if not more controversy than TO. This team has had some colorful players on it no doubt and I guess *sigh* we can now add TO to that list. Here is to hoping that he has matured through this last season, and is looking at Dallas as the place to go out on top. To rebuild his image as it were. I could never leave this team I have learned to love over the years. Let’s hope that TO has a 1500 yrd, 12 td season and we are watching our beloved boys return to Super Bowl glory.

All I want now is for Larry Allen to restructure his contract. LA needs to retire a Cowboy. It made me sick when Emmitt Smith had to finish out his career in Phoenix. That being said I will crawl back in the corner and watch the “real” zoners get back to action.


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