Official San Antonio Spurs Thread


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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zrinkill;2084788 said:
Wow ...... they have now resorted to making things up.

He was not in the air.

Danny White;2084801 said:
It's no where near as dramatic as you're making it sound:


I do play basketball and that is a perfectly legit screen.

When someone already has an injured back, it is dramatic..back problems can be chronic if you didnt know already. The back is not supposed to bend backwards in a split second like that. He is also leaning into the screen in which you also are not supposed to do.

Not in the air huh Zrinkill/Biggems? :laugh2: I HOPE you arent tooo blind to see that..

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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ajk23az;2084807 said:
When someone already has an injured back, it is dramatic..back problems can be chronic if you didnt know already. The back is not supposed to bend backwards in a split second like that.

Not in the air huh Zrinkill/Biggems? :laugh2: I HOPE you arent tooo blind to see that..

He wasn't in the air when the screen was set, but he was when contact was made, obviously.

It's not like Horry moved under him. Horry simply stood his ground and braced himself.


Cowboy Fan
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ajk23az;2084807 said:
Not in the air huh Zrinkill/Biggems? :laugh2: I HOPE you arent tooo blind to see that..

He was throwing himself in the air the same moment he made contact with Horry ....

You were attempting to make it seem as if Horry hit him when he was already way in the air.

Big difference.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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Danny White;2084809 said:
He wasn't in the air when the screen was set, but he was when contact was made, obviously.

It's not like Horry moved under him. Horry simply stood his ground and braced himself.

Watch again, contact is made right when the right foot has left the ground.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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zrinkill;2084814 said:
He was throwing himself in the air the same moment he made contact with Horry ....

You were attempting to make it seem as if Horry hit him when he was already way in the air.

Big difference.

So you are saying West made the contact with Horry? I dont think so.

In no post did i say West was "way" in the air. I said he was in the air, not way in the air.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
ajk23az;2084819 said:
So you are saying West made the contact with Horry? I dont think so.

In no post did i say West was "way" in the air. I said he was in the air, not way in the air.

You know what your were eluding too ..... lets not try and be coy here.

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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ajk23az;2084815 said:
Watch again, contact is made right when the right foot has left the ground.
I have no idea what you're talking about here? Whose foot?

Horry's? Both his feet were on the ground until West hit him.

I'm not sure what your point is here?

If it wasn't Horry, and if West wasn't already all gimped up, then this whole thing is a complete non-issue.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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zrinkill;2084891 said:
You know what your were eluding too ..... lets not try and be coy here.

Im not being coy, you were the one putting words into my mouth. If i never typed it, i never said it...

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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Through Pain Comes Clarity
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Danny White;2084906 said:
I have no idea what you're talking about here? Whose foot?

Horry's? Both his feet were on the ground until West hit him.

I'm not sure what your point is here?

If it wasn't Horry, and if West wasn't already all gimped up, then this whole thing is a complete non-issue.

David West's foot was off the ground when Robert Horry's body hit David West's body.

Everyone was saying David West was not in the air when Robert Horry "screened" him. Obviously, David West was in the air. Hopefully there is no confusion now.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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Danny White;2084921 said:
You wanna see some screens? Here are some hard screens!

(no fouls called on either of these too!)

This one was a foul. Is KG a dirty player?

And the best one of all. I think David West was on the receiving end of this one too! ;)

Those first 2 are perfectly fine, they are in WIDE open court in which their teammates are supposed to call out the screens. Both guys were perfectly set and did not lean into the screens.

KG has become more so of a dirty player since he's been on the Celtics yes. I am from MN and have watched KG throughout his career.

That pick by KG was completely illegal, led with his shoulder and leaned into it.

I still havent seen any screens in the same matter as the one we are talking about. A screen were the contact happened in the air and was a backscreen.

In which one person said he has seen a number of the same ones.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
ajk23az;2084919 said:
Im not being coy, you were the one putting words into my mouth. If i never typed it, i never said it...

You compared what he did to undercutting ..... you acted like he was helpless in the air when they made contact.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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zrinkill;2084931 said:
You compared what he did to undercutting ..... you acted like he was helpless in the air when they made contact.

West was helpless while he was in the air. Nobody expects a back screen while in the air. Pretty hard to brace yourself for that when you have no idea its coming and are not expecting it because nobody ever sets screens when someone is in the air not? I have played & watched basketball for over 20 years and have not ONCE seen a screen like that.

I compared it to undercutting because its something in basketball you ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO. Its like an unwritten law. I've seen a ton of torn acls and injuries coming from undercuts.


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i just saw it and that was a dirty play. jim rome just said it best " looks like big shot bob has turned into cheapshot bob". seems like between this and trying to go Roy williams on nash the other year that Horry has basically become a basketball goon.


Well-Known Member
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dude, you are a complete morron, horry was set before west left the ground is the point, whats wrong with you? what, you think horry read his mind, knew he was gonna jump and just stood in that spot to hit him? your being ridiculous

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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MC KAos;2084975 said:
dude, you are a complete morron, horry was set before west left the ground is the point, whats wrong with you? what, you think horry read his mind, knew he was gonna jump and just stood in that spot to hit him? your being ridiculous

They see what they want to see. This is rapidly turning into Bad Bruce/Good Bruce territory.

I'm giving up this argument as it's going nowhere. If West wants to crumple to the ground like a 6th grade girl, that's up to him. :D

Seriously, though, how amped will you be Monday night?!?!?!


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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MC KAos;2084975 said:
dude, you are a complete morron, horry was set before west left the ground is the point, whats wrong with you? what, you think horry read his mind, knew he was gonna jump and just stood in that spot to hit him? your being ridiculous

It doesnt matter if hes set. Is he leaning into Wests back? The answer is, yes!

And also, Manu was jumping up to pass a couple steps before horry was "set" for the pick.. he had time to pull back.

It was a dirty play. Abandon your homerism for once in your life.


White and Nerdy
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ajk23az;2084919 said:
Im not being coy, you were the one putting words into my mouth. If i never typed it, i never said it...

u Nones fans really need to are flat out ridiculous. You knew you were making it seem like West was airbourne and Horry took him out.....

West was just barely off the floor when he and horry made contact....just so you know, when you are running down the floor, during your stride, you have split moments when u are not touching the ground.....does that make you airbourne?

your argument and stance is as weak as the Nones defense and as empty as their trophy case.


White and Nerdy
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ajk23az;2084991 said:
It doesnt matter if hes set. Is he leaning into Wests back? The answer is, yes!

And also, Manu was jumping up to pass a couple steps before horry was "set" for the pick.. he had time to pull back.

It was a dirty play. Abandon your homerism for once in your life.

Well considering that the analysts said it wasnt dirty.....Since Horry was not hit with a technical, a flagrant, a suspension, or a fine, the league says it wasn't dirty.....many radio hosts said it wasnt dirty.....of course a Nones fan thinks its dirty.....since Horry nudged your favorite player half way across San Antonio last year.

Apparently you missed out on the NBA during the 80s and obviously have no idea what dirty is.

If what Horry did is your idea of dirty, quit playing basketball now.....cause you stand no chance of getting anywhere in the sport with that kind of mindset.....cause that kind of screen happens multiple times every game.


White and Nerdy
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Danny White;2084978 said:
They see what they want to see. This is rapidly turning into Bad Bruce/Good Bruce territory.

I'm giving up this argument as it's going nowhere. If West wants to crumple to the ground like a 6th grade girl, that's up to him. :D

Seriously, though, how amped will you be Monday night?!?!?!

Who needs drugs..............I got the Spurs and Penguins to keep me juiced
