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I have 2 complaints about the mandalorian and boba fett series

1. They made the woman who repairs the ships and has the droids turn into the jar jar binks character to me

2. The female shock trooper in the madalorian is too tuff for what she is. She fights alongside mando like she has the armor and somehow survives. It seems fake.

I am not creating an anti woman star wars post. The female madalorians were great, and played their roles well

Those were my only complaints. I liked both series.

I would like to know why mando's sword could not get through the droids shield. If the shield is like the weapons that can stop a light saber, then why do not all droids and humans have them. What is the weapon hierarchy. If I remember right they talked about the type of weapons they have, and maybe the blow my the beast was power and could weaken the shield and the sword is some other type of power that the shield repels
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They must be doing something. He's a 6'2" actor, playing a 6'5" character...Still better than a 5'7" actor. :laugh:

I don't think it's working. When he stands next to someone else he does not look 6'5" unless everyone else is 6' tall. It would have been fine if they let him be 6'3".

I love that his young self is played by the kid who played Will Robinson in lost in space. Geeky skinny kid grows up to be a musclebound killer!
Just an FYI .. the Mandalorian is in the Book of Boba Fett as well and if you do not watch it and plan to watch season 3 of the Mandalorian, you are going to be wondering what happened between the Mandalorian season 2 finale episode and the season 3 first episode.

That stinks. This is why I rarely make it past 2 seasons in any show. LOL

I was worried Marvel was going to be like that with their shows. Didn’t watch the Vision or Nomad TV series but still been able to follow along with the movies and shows I have watched.

Does anyone else have a bad feeling about the Lord of the Rings series? Watching that trailer, I see more Hobbit and less Rings. And that’s not a good thing.

Despite advances in technology and increased budget, I felt the Hobbit series was far worse than the original trilogy. The effects looked too ‘clean’ and therefore faker and I think it looks much the same in this trailer. Part of making things look real is to have some dirt on ‘em and a works that looks lived in. This trailer looks sterile.
Does anyone else have a bad feeling about the Lord of the Rings series? Watching that trailer, I see more Hobbit and less Rings. And that’s not a good thing.

Despite advances in technology and increased budget, I felt the Hobbit series was far worse than the original trilogy. The effects looked too ‘clean’ and therefore faker and I think it looks much the same in this trailer. Part of making things look real is to have some dirt on ‘em and a works that looks lived in. This trailer looks sterile.
The part on the cliff side looked pretty fake...and whoever that was looked much too calm and relaxed after what just happened. I see what you mean, but maybe it'll look better in a full episode.
Does anyone else have a bad feeling about the Lord of the Rings series? Watching that trailer, I see more Hobbit and less Rings. And that’s not a good thing.

Despite advances in technology and increased budget, I felt the Hobbit series was far worse than the original trilogy. The effects looked too ‘clean’ and therefore faker and I think it looks much the same in this trailer. Part of making things look real is to have some dirt on ‘em and a works that looks lived in. This trailer looks sterile.

Yes. Admittedly I am not a huge fan though. I've only watched the Rings movies once each and just now realized I did not watch the third Hobbit movie. And at least one scene in this trailer I thought looked like it was from a CGI animated show, not live-action.
Yes. Admittedly I am not a huge fan though. I've only watched the Rings movies once each and just now realized I did not watch the third Hobbit movie. And at least one scene in this trailer I thought looked like it was from a CGI animated show, not live-action.

My family and I are huge fans of the original trilogy. I think I must have bought three copies of them. First on DVD, then on blu-ray, and then the extended editions.

Our expectations for the Hobbit trilogy were naturally very high and while we enjoyed them, it was a big step down.

I’m both excited and nervous about this new series, hoping for the best.
The part on the cliff side looked pretty fake...and whoever that was looked much too calm and relaxed after what just happened. I see what you mean, but maybe it'll look better in a full episode.
I am not very excited or optimistic about the Rings of Power series. Between the modernization of the lore and the extensive CGI, the only thing missing will be a Tolkien version of Jar Jar Binks.

If I had to guess, the series will have at least two seasons as they are likely to film both at the same time given how much CGI editing they will have to do in post, so I will not be surprised if they announce a second season while the first season is still airing.

The mistake they are making is trying to replicate 20 year old movies instead of choosing a new concept or, better yet, using Game of Thrones (minus the last season of course) as their inspiration.
Yes. Admittedly I am not a huge fan though. I've only watched the Rings movies once each and just now realized I did not watch the third Hobbit movie. And at least one scene in this trailer I thought looked like it was from a CGI animated show, not live-action.
There was a third Hobbit movie? Huh!
I am not very excited or optimistic about the Rings of Power series. Between the modernization of the lore and the extensive CGI, the only thing missing will be a Tolkien version of Jar Jar Binks.

If I had to guess, the series will have at least two seasons as they are likely to film both at the same time given how much CGI editing they will have to do in post, so I will not be surprised if they announce a second season while the first season is still airing.

The mistake they are making is trying to replicate 20 year old movies instead of choosing a new concept or, better yet, using Game of Thrones (minus the last season of course) as their inspiration.
Would have been better if they'd taken on the Shannara series of books by Terry Brooks and done that right instead of how it was done.
I just looked it up. There was The Battle of the Five Armies, which I don't recall even hearing about, much less watching.
I have watched The Hobbit and LOTR every year since they became available on Blu Ray and used to feel the same about The Hobbit but over time I have come to appreciate it for it really has a great story line and acting. I even forgave Peter Jackson for the overuse of CGI and making Smaug look like a cartoon dragon.

Had they reversed the release on the films, the backlash wouldn't have been like it was. LOTR was a step up but released first. There was a reverse progression.
I have watched The Hobbit and LOTR every year since they became available on Blu Ray and used to feel the same about The Hobbit but over time I have come to appreciate it for it really has a great story line and acting. I even forgave Peter Jackson for the overuse of CGI and making Smaug look like a cartoon dragon.

Had they reversed the release on the films, the backlash wouldn't have been like it was. LOTR was a step up but released first. There was a reverse progression.
I don't really have a problem with The Hobbit or the second installment, other than the ridiculous river scene in the first one. It was just too... ridiculous. I went and checked out the trailer for the third one, and it looks pretty good, but I still don't recall ever hearing anything about it.
I don't really have a problem with The Hobbit or the second installment, other than the ridiculous river scene in the first one. It was just too... ridiculous. I went and checked out the trailer for the third one, and it looks pretty good, but I still don't recall ever hearing anything about it.

The third one is great.

I guess I'm in the minority but I love the Hobbit trilogy. I love the LOTR trilogy as well. I understand that some people don't like the CGI but it doesn't bother me in the least. It was still a great trilogy.
The third one is great.

I guess I'm in the minority but I love the Hobbit trilogy. I love the LOTR trilogy as well. I understand that some people don't like the CGI but it doesn't bother me in the least. It was still a great trilogy.
I don't mind CGI, as long as it's well done.
Anyone watching "Inventing Anna"? It is yet another example of Netflix trying to make a criminal sympathetic. When I heard they paid this con artist $320k for her story I wanted to wretch. Better people than her have gone to jail for a lot less and came out broke. She is no different than Bernie Madoff. She has shown no remorse for her crimes either. When she is finally deported we should all give her departure a round of applause.

It seems Netflix wants us to be sympathetic because she stole from big banks and rich people. The problem is, she is just an ordinary con artist who kited checks, stole from her friends, and defrauded banks and financial advisors. She manufactured bank statements that showed he had a $60 million trust when she actually had no money at all. That right there will get a person 4 years in prison for one offense.

I am happy to hear NY used their Son of Sam law to freeze her payments and force her to pay some of her victims back. Too bad she was able to keep about $100k of her payment.

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