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The whole thing with the little girl seems completely out of left field, unless they're planning a spinoff or something.

There was the question about what happened to the sample of the proto-molecule. I was thinking it found it's way to Laconia and the little boy who came back to life was actually infected with it. That's my guess, but yes, it was completely out of left field and never really clarified.

But there was the short conversation Marcos was having with the Admiral on Laconia when the Admiral tells Marcos he can't hep him because he is fighting gods. I think they left that and the fate of Naomi's son unresolved in case they want to resurrect the show with a movie.
Not a streaming show but is anyone watching The Curse of Oak Island? I first became interested in this treasure hunt when I was a kid after reading an article about it in the Reader's Digest back in the 1960s. I actually drove up there once in the 1970s but there was nothing going on at the time. Anyway, the TV show is about two brothers and a bunch of other investors trying to solve the mystery and find the treasure. The show has been on for years but has turned into a borefest about historical artifacts they find on the island. So far, they must have spent millions looking for the treasure with little to show for it. I am sure the TV show pays a lot of their expenses now, but still, it must be costing a fortune to keep his going. .

Anyway, this season has gotten even more boring the the past few seasons. I mean, they are dragging it out to the point of torture. I have a bunch of years invested in this show so turning it off is really hard, even though I am 95% certain they are never going to find any treasure. Still, I don't want to miss that 5% chance they do!
I tried… I really tried to like the new Boba Fett show. I couldn’t get past episode two. Hard to believe it’s the same guy that created Mandalorian. Anyone else think the actor looks ridiculous with his Fett armor and the beer belly? I think it’s great they brought back an original actor, but the armor is what made him cool, not the Prequel clone stories.

Star Wars franchise stuff is so hit and miss after the original three films. A few good ones, but a lot of garbage too.
Watched the season finale of The Book of Boba Fett. Last week I was hoping for more action scenes and wow did I get it. If you were waiting to binge watch the series, all episodes are available now. :D
Looks like Mos Eisley is no longer a wretched hive of scum and villainy. I can't wait for season three of The Mandalorian. I wonder if Din Djarin and Grogu are currently to taking the N-1 Starfighter to the barren remains of planet Mandalore to atone. But that's if the living waters still exist in the mines beneath the glass surface of planet Mandalore. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. But first I'll be enjoying the new Star Wars series Obi-Wan Kenobi premiering on May 25th. Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. :D
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Still regarding The Expanse:
I don't know if they're planning a movie or spinoff, or if they had plans for the little girl's story, but scrapped it, or maybe it was just some type of artistic thing they added. I can't think of any relevance that little story had to the show.

I think I read that the little girl and whatever was happening on that planet is a story that continues through the last 3 books of the series. Or something like that. If that is true I do not know why you would include it unless there is already plans to continue the show in another format whether as a spinoff or (hopefully) just a continuation of the story in movie form.
Watched the season finale of The Book of Boba Fett. Last week I was hoping for more action scenes and wow did I get it. If you were waiting to binge watch the series, all episodes are available now. :D

There was action but most of it was pretty lame in my opinion with the exception of Sarlacc, which was pretty cool.
I finished Cobra Kai's newest season (been purposely slow watching some shows lately). Love this show.

I actually enjoyed the Book of Boba Fett.

Started The Silent Sea. Not watching as slowly. So far though I like it. Glad it is dubbed and not subtitled.

Disenchantment new season is out. Gonna have to start watching it soon.
Found out recently that they will be bringing "Justified" back with a new story, pretty excited to hear that. I really loved Justified, great show with Timothy Olyphant back as Raylan Givens. He does a great job with these old west kinda characters, even if they're not necessarily set in the "Old West", like Justified and Cobb Vanth in The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett. Don't know when it's coming out, but can't wait.

Found out recently that they will be bringing "Justified" back with a new story, pretty excited to hear that. I really loved Justified, great show with Timothy Olyphant back as Raylan Givens. He does a great job with these old west kinda characters, even if they're not necessarily set in the "Old West", like Justified and Cobb Vanth in The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett. Don't know when it's coming out, but can't wait.

The Mandalorian is the first thing I've liked him in. I disliked him so much in The Girl Next Door that I never even took a look at Justified.
Another 10/10 episode of Peacemaker! Such a breath of fresh air after The Bland Ballad of Boba.
The Mandalorian is the first thing I've liked him in. I disliked him so much in The Girl Next Door that I never even took a look at Justified.
Guess you never watched Deadwood, he was great in that. Hard to believe you never watched Justified, great crime show based on an Elmore Leonard book. Touch notch writing, great dialogue, lot of quotable lines, had it's humorous moments, plenty of action, great acting. Boyd Crowder was one of the best bad guys on TV. This was a must watch every week. Here's the opening scene for the whole series......

I tried… I really tried to like the new Boba Fett show. I couldn’t get past episode two. Hard to believe it’s the same guy that created Mandalorian. Anyone else think the actor looks ridiculous with his Fett armor and the beer belly? I think it’s great they brought back an original actor, but the armor is what made him cool, not the Prequel clone stories.

Star Wars franchise stuff is so hit and miss after the original three films. A few good ones, but a lot of garbage too.
Not really the original actor. This guy was in ESB:

There was action but most of it was pretty lame in my opinion with the exception of Sarlacc, which was pretty cool.
I could've never imagined seeing the crazy action scenes featured in the last episode of The Book of Boba Fett in live action while watching Star Wars movies as a kid. We'll have to agree to disagree. :D
I tried… I really tried to like the new Boba Fett show. I couldn’t get past episode two. Hard to believe it’s the same guy that created Mandalorian. Anyone else think the actor looks ridiculous with his Fett armor and the beer belly? I think it’s great they brought back an original actor, but the armor is what made him cool, not the Prequel clone stories.

Star Wars franchise stuff is so hit and miss after the original three films. A few good ones, but a lot of garbage too.
Just an FYI .. the Mandalorian is in the Book of Boba Fett as well and if you do not watch it and plan to watch season 3 of the Mandalorian, you are going to be wondering what happened between the Mandalorian season 2 finale episode and the season 3 first episode.

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