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Netflix US ‏@netflix 2h2 hours ago
We all know Pablo dies. The question now is #WhoKilledPablo?


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Brain it was in 1993....on top of the roof.....why are we making mountain out of mole-hill?
About to start episode 4 in a little while. Really like it so far!

The writers are giving us a big story in almost every episode. It is how a series should end as long as they don't overdue it at the end. As long as Uhtred doesn't go crazy in the last episode and fly off on a dragon it should be okay.
The writers are giving us a big story in almost every episode. It is how a series should end as long as they don't overdue it at the end. As long as Uhtred doesn't go crazy in the last episode and fly off on a dragon it should be okay.

Always thought each episode felt like a movie--so much happens. Really liking this season & excited for the movie.
The writers are giving us a big story in almost every episode. It is how a series should end as long as they don't overdue it at the end. As long as Uhtred doesn't go crazy in the last episode and fly off on a dragon it should be okay.

agreed. They have done such a good job up until this point, I don’t see them getting too cute in the finale. Like some crazy spin. Uhtred wakes up, and it was all a dream. lol
Been watching the Andy Warhol series on Netflix.

It's been a really interesting watch. I didn't know much about him other than some of his iconic work. Poor guy was so seemingly uncomfortable with himself.
If you are interested in a documentary about the dumbest person on earth, or maybe the most sinister, then catch Bad Vegan on Netflix. If you believe this woman's story she is the person who fell for the Nigerian banker scam - or something similar - or she is full of BS and is a huge scammer herself. You be the judge.
Crakow Monsters - Bizzare new netflix show. Supernatural stuff out of Poland.
Tried that, the English dubbing was distracting. I kept thinking "What's Up, Tiger Lily".

Dubbing did not bother me. Guess I am used to is as I tend to watch a good number of foreign shows/movies.
Finished the Last Kingdom. Pretty good ending/final season. Not perfect but the series has followed history and they stuck to it at the end as well. Of course the whole story line about Uhtred is made up but the events in the story are based on historical records. Alfred the Great, Edward his son, Aethelflaed, Aethelstan, Aethelweard, etc. were al real people. Their position and accomplishments are historical record. The series storyline did not conflict with history, but clearly there is a lot of fictional content in the series.

Overall, I give the 5 season series 9 of 10. I really liked it and want more. I cannot think of a major series whose final season was as good as The Last Kingdom.

I understand Netflix will follow this up with a movie called Seven Kings Must Die. It is an epilogue to the series. There is a storyline that was left incomplete in the series and I wonder if that is where the movie goes. From what I read, the movie is going to function as a standalone story with a mix of characters from the series and some new characters. Filming has started but there is no release date yet.

In one episode in season 5 Uhtred refers to a son who has been hidden since birth. In the final episode, Hild is seen walking towards Bebbanburg with a young man and their conversation implies the young man is Uhtred's son. But we do not see the two re-united. The movie must carry this plotline forward somehow.

btw, according to the history books, Edward does not united North Umbria to create England. His son Aethelstan does and he becomes the first King of England. He does this 3 years after taking the throne after his father, Edward, dies. Aethelweard contests the thrown first but he dies 3 weeks after his father. Some intrigue about that I am sure.
Jeen-Yuhs on Netflix.

This is a docuseries that chronicles Kanye West rise to fame in the early 2000s to close to present. The footage is all taken from his on again off again close confident from Chicago.

I remember taking an abnormal psychology class back in college and learning that most psychological issues manifest themselves in full form in peoples’ late 20s. That tracks perfectly with Kanye as you see him age in this series.

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