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I highly recommend FROM. It's an Epix exclusive show. First 5 episodes are fantastic. Crazy premise, should check it out.
I'm caught up now with it. Definitely has a LOST meets horror movie to it.

Enjoying it
Finished the Last Kingdom. Pretty good ending/final season. Not perfect but the series has followed history and they stuck to it at the end as well. Of course the whole story line about Uhtred is made up but the events in the story are based on historical records. Alfred the Great, Edward his son, Aethelflaed, Aethelstan, Aethelweard, etc. were al real people. Their position and accomplishments are historical record. The series storyline did not conflict with history, but clearly there is a lot of fictional content in the series.

Overall, I give the 5 season series 9 of 10. I really liked it and want more. I cannot think of a major series whose final season was as good as The Last Kingdom.

I understand Netflix will follow this up with a movie called Seven Kings Must Die. It is an epilogue to the series. There is a storyline that was left incomplete in the series and I wonder if that is where the movie goes. From what I read, the movie is going to function as a standalone story with a mix of characters from the series and some new characters. Filming has started but there is no release date yet.

In one episode in season 5 Uhtred refers to a son who has been hidden since birth. In the final episode, Hild is seen walking towards Bebbanburg with a young man and their conversation implies the young man is Uhtred's son. But we do not see the two re-united. The movie must carry this plotline forward somehow.

btw, according to the history books, Edward does not united North Umbria to create England. His son Aethelstan does and he becomes the first King of England. He does this 3 years after taking the throne after his father, Edward, dies. Aethelweard contests the thrown first but he dies 3 weeks after his father. Some intrigue about that I am sure.

I loved season 5 also. About as good an ending as there could have been. I hate that it's over.
Stayed up late to catch Halo! Wow! Episode 1 was fantastic. Admittedly, as a Halo fan, I am probably watching the show a little bit through my homer glasses, but I don't feel let down at all.........well...... except one massive problem which I'll put in a spoiler below.

It is heavy in the CGI, but in a universe like Halo's, you kind of have to. Also, I'm still trying to get past the voice of Master Chief not being the original, but other than that, I'm 100% on board and excited for this series.

Ok, now for my one issue, and, it's a biggie to us Halo nerds:
Looking forward to this one very much. I was disappointed with this past season of Discovery.

So is this supposed to be about Star Trek teams that the first to contact different worlds? Or is this like Star Trek Original and Star Trek TNG, just another crew and time period?
Anyone seen Atlanta Season 3 on Hulu yet? Thoughts?

Season 1 and 2 still some of my favorite shows of all-time. Some crazy stories.

It's like watching a short story anthology from a classic modern writer.
I know I'm late to it, but finished binge watching "Longmire" a few days ago, good series well worth the watch. Not sure why it took me so long to watch it as I generally like "western" themed type shows
Yeah, it was pretty good, though it seemed like a bit more going on in that area than one would expect.
Checked out the Halo premiere on Paramount+. As a massive fan of the games since I stood in line TWICE at Midnight for the original xbox, then for Halo 2, I was a little disappointed but intrigued. I'll tune in especially since it already got renewed for Season 2.
I haven't seen anyone post about Severance on Apple TV.

Man, what a show. One of the best i've seen in awhile, really original concept for a series.

Ben Stiller does most of the directing.

Anyone watching "From" on Epix. Good concept but moves slower than a snail with a 10 pound weight strapped to its shell. It reminds me of "Outcast". Not the story but the pace. Almost done with the season and we still don;t know what the heck is going on.
Checked out the Halo premiere on Paramount+. As a massive fan of the games since I stood in line TWICE at Midnight for the original xbox, then for Halo 2, I was a little disappointed but intrigued. I'll tune in especially since it already got renewed for Season 2.
I'm on the same wavelength. I feel like the first half of the show was awesome, and then the second half they did some things that made me go "ugh". Still, I'm interested enough and I'm down to keep going .
I haven't seen anyone post about Severance on Apple TV.

Man, what a show. One of the best i've seen in awhile, really original concept for a series.

Ben Stiller does most of the directing.

Yep. My wife and I are into this show for sure.
Watched Jeff Foxworthy's latest special about the good ole days and it was more a trip down memory lane than really funny. Had some good moments but I felt he should have brought his wife out on the stage since so much of it was about her.

I really would prefer HBO, Netflix and Amazon would just to an hour of their actual live stand up instead of something created for the special because they do retakes. Do they have Applause and Laugh lights up?

I have seen a couple of them that made me wonder if they imported some laughter because some of it seems really staged.
Watched Jeff Foxworthy's latest special about the good ole days and it was more a trip down memory lane than really funny. Had some good moments but I felt he should have brought his wife out on the stage since so much of it was about her.

I really would prefer HBO, Netflix and Amazon would just to an hour of their actual live stand up instead of something created for the special because they do retakes. Do they have Applause and Laugh lights up?

I have seen a couple of them that made me wonder if they imported some laughter because some of it seems really staged.
I think Foxworthy's schtick got old anyway. Not as quick as Larry the Cable Guy's, but the novelty wore off. He does have a quick wit, so maybe some audience participation would be a better way for him to go.

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