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Finished last season of Locke and Key.

Did not realize that Joe Hill was the creator of the comic and writer for the show.
Have enjoyed his regular books.

For those that don't know. Joe Hill is actually Joe Hillstrom King, the son of Stephen King.
He should have gone with Joe Hill Prince :D
Finished last season of Locke and Key.

Did not realize that Joe Hill was the creator of the comic and writer for the show.
Have enjoyed his regular books.

For those that don't know. Joe Hill is actually Joe Hillstrom King, the son of Stephen King.
I liked the ending, personally.
Firefly was supposedly modeled after Farscape, which I have binge watched at least a dozen times. For some reason Firefly (series) is still not free for Amazon Prime subscribers.
I was a Browncoat from the very first episode, of course didn't even know they were airing the episodes out of order....... :confused: Horrible time slot, but was appointment TV for me. I bought the DVDs as soon as they were available, it was very much a "take my money" moment....lol I checked the stores every few days when they were due to be released.

That show never got the proper chance it deserved and received a fate it did not deserve. It fleshed out characters, especially for an ensemble cast, so well and created such rich universe in only a handful of episodes better than most shows have done in multiple seasons. There were so many stories yet to tell. :( I've never quite gotten over the sudden but inevitable betrayal and have never forgiven FOX for what they did........

The executives that had a hand in that decision "are going to burn in a very special level of hell".

Better Call Saul was a huge disappointment and the black and white got old quick. Best I would give it is a 5 and I regret wasting the time.
One point I want to make about Westworld, and maybe this needs its own thread.

At the end of season 4, the show reverts back to the old concept that AI robots will become sentient and in time realize the humans are self-destructive and will eventually wipe themselves out. The ending soliloquy is 1960s bull-junk. At least not something I subscribe to. I believe AI, if it ever gets that far, will come to realize that humans are actually evolving away from self-destruction not towards it. We just do not see it because it is a slow process. I would bet that Neanderthals did not realize that they were a dying species and homo sapiens were taking over. But we are still slowly evolving both physically and mentally. For example, we do not practice the behaviors of the 12th century any longer. Sure there are pockets of barbaric cultures, but in the main, humans are becoming more humane and more tolerant. Need proof? There are almost 8 billion of us now. Sounds like we have created something where people thrive.

The theory that humans will destroy themselves is understandable considering wars and weaponry we see on TV and the internet, but also ignores maybe the only instinct the human species still maintains, survival. The "AI is the boogeyman" narrative is good for entertainment but it is old and tired. It is also illogical to conclude humans should be destroyed because they are out to destroy themselves. I was hoping in 2022 Westworld would get creative and explore some other possibilities. Maybe we haven't evolved as much as I thought.
Been on a Mike Flanagan binge.
First was midnight mass, Bly Manor and now Hill House.

Midnight mass is probably my favorite then followed closely by Hill House.
Glad to see he's working on another horror drama series with Netflix
Reminder .. do NOT divulge anything about movies or episodes of TV shows without using SPOILER tags!

This includes general spoilers such as "a main character dies", "there's a plot twist", "something unexpected happens", etc.

Those are things you got to enjoy unexpectedly so please do not take that away from other members here who have not had a chance yet to watch the movie, TV show or episodes you are talking about!
Okay, so I finished watching all 8 episodes of Resident Evil on Netflix.

I'll cut to the chase, it is bad all the way through. Episodes 7 and 8 are particularly bad. I'd say they are ridiculous, but the entire series is ridiculous. I am offended someone got paid to write this drivel. They probably got paid a lot of money too.

I don't think I have ever given a series a 1 out of 10 before. I am feeling generous today so I will give it a 1.5 out of 10.

As a few of us stated in earlier posts one reason the show is so awful to watch is the main character, I won't call her a heroine because she repeatedly gets everyone around her killed out of stupidity and selfishness. At first I thought, okay, the angsty teenager is par for the course but when she grows up she is even more selfish, irresponsible and dangerous than when she was a teenager, if that is possible. When I say she commits an act in episode 7 that deserved the death penalty, I mean it was worse than that. If you insist I will tell you what happened but suffice to say she put her own daughter as well as all the other people around her in peril and it could have easily been avoided. But she is hopelessly stupid, impulsive, selfish and irresponsible. You will not find a more detestable, loathsome lead character in any film or series anywhere. By episode 7 you are wishing someone would kill her before she destroys all of humanity to satisfy her own desire to break every rule in existence. This is not hyperbole.

Besides that, the rest of the story gets absolutely comical by episode 7. There are clones, giant crocodiles, and other ridiculous scenes that make you wonder who at Netflix thought this was a good idea. I got the feeling someone at Amazon Prime called up Netflix and told them there is this really good series they should buy, while snickering the entire call. The whole thing ends with a cliff hanger but so what?. I will be shocked if Netflix gives this one a second season. Let the cliffhanger hang forever. No one will care.
Saw the new Netflix documentary on Manti Te'o. Probably 6 out of 10. Not as good as an ESPN 30 for 30 but tries.

I didn't follow this much when it was happening, so was all news to me... what a freak show!

I always thought Manti was the one who did the scam, but poor dude... raised a god-fearing Mormon on the islands, just totally oblivious, and duped into the all-time fake relationship.

Then the dude who duped him who wanted to be a woman and was living his fantasy through the internet..... Wow!

Say what you will but something like that traumatizes someone, and I bet Manti would have had a better career if not embarrassed like that on national media.

And I'm sure it happens to many people, or maybe something as stupid as being duped by the Nigerian Prince emails, but what a confidence destroyer to be led into that scam --- Just happened in realtime on CNN to Manti.

But don't think I don't see the anti-jock bias from the nerd reporter who combs internet stuff and probably enjoyed hurting and taking down Manti, but I did enjoy watching him take down mainstream media.

I used to work in Hawaii and loved the culture. The peeps who worked for me would go to war for me, as long as I treated them right. Love working with Polynesians and Somoans, and yes, some of those Somoan girls are crazy hot! Can see why he fell for those pics.

Saw the hidden football culture there too that rivaled states like Texas and Florida. Loved talking football with the locals in Hawaii. Very underrated hardcore fans. I know we have a few here who are from the Islands.

I forwarded both episodes a lot when bored, but still, random life story. The cesspool known as the internet.
Saw the new Netflix documentary on Manti Te'o. Probably 6 out of 10. Not as good as an ESPN 30 for 30 but tries.

I didn't follow this much when it was happening, so was all news to me... what a freak show!

I always thought Manti was the one who did the scam, but poor dude... raised a god-fearing Mormon on the islands, just totally oblivious, and duped into the all-time fake relationship.

Then the dude who duped him who wanted to be a woman and was living his fantasy through the internet..... Wow!

Say what you will but something like that traumatizes someone, and I bet Manti would have had a better career if not embarrassed like that on national media.

And I'm sure it happens to many people, or maybe something as stupid as being duped by the Nigerian Prince emails, but what a confidence destroyer to be led into that scam --- Just happened in realtime on CNN to Manti.

But don't think I don't see the anti-jock bias from the nerd reporter who combs internet stuff and probably enjoyed hurting and taking down Manti, but I did enjoy watching him take down mainstream media.

I used to work in Hawaii and loved the culture. The peeps who worked for me would go to war for me, as long as I treated them right. Love working with Polynesians and Somoans, and yes, some of those Somoan girls are crazy hot! Can see why he fell for those pics.

Saw the hidden football culture there too that rivaled states like Texas and Florida. Loved talking football with the locals in Hawaii. Very underrated hardcore fans. I know we have a few here who are from the Islands.

I forwarded both episodes a lot when bored, but still, random life story. The cesspool known as the internet.

I caught it tonight too. I remembered something about his story but not the details they laid out in the 2 part docuseries. It kind of angers me to think that crazy fat lunatic did that to him and basically got away with no punishment. It did not say if Te'o sued him but he should have. The media was pretty harsh too, insinuating he set the whole scam up himself to cover up that he was gay? Accusing the guy with no evidence is just awful.

The one thing I do not understand still and the series did not answer it is how he could have claimed to have a girlfriend that he had not met in person for 2 or 3 years or whatever it was. That is still bizarre to me.

In any case, Te'o is married now with a baby daughter. I wish him well.
I enjoyed the 2 part bonus episode of The Sandman released yesterday. I was not a reader of the source material, but enjoyed the series. This bonus episode was good.
Didn't know about that. I'll have to check it out.

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