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yu yu hakusho

I am only 2 episodes in, and it is not as good as the anime, but it is cool that a lot of the anime and books I read a long time ago are being made into live action movies and shows
I read comics, but stopped reading them more or less in the 90's, so I have limited knowledge on the Echo character. I don't know what cog in the MCU she will be, but the immediate ones are the ties to Kingpin and Daredevil, which will always get my attention. Going forward, don't know what connection to the ongoing, omnipresent Kang/Multiverse story, but seems like she has more connection to some type of X-Men story, again something that gets my attention, but we'll see.

I appreciate the shift in tone and style from the usual Disney treatment on Marvel characters, that it's OK to portray a character and tell a story that doesn't feel geared towards a 12 year old. It gives me a little more hope for their upcoming Daredevil series.
Finally watched the remaining episodes. It had a darker, sharper edge, which would have been ideal for the character if all the mysticism had not been included. The cultural stuff I enjoyed but the character was modified too much in my opinion. The overall first season was fair but could have been much better.
I started watching "The Brothers Sun" on Netflix. It is a Jackie Chan style action comedy about two Taiwanese brothers, one is a martial arts trained assassin living in Taiwan, the other a college nerd living in Los Angeles who really wants to study improv. They have been separated for years but wind up back together in LA with their mother, played by Michelle Yeoh.

It's entertaining. Not sure the plot matters because its mostly a series of gags and comedic fight scenes, like Jackie Chan fights, just not as acrobatic. It should be fun to watch until something else comes along.
For those that like Western shows.
Bass Reeves on Paramount is not bad so far. Only a few episodes in but like it.
Just started watching it. That first episode was rough to watch, but well done. The second episode was easier to sit through, without feeling sick. Looking forward to the rest.
Finally watched the remaining episodes. It had a darker, sharper edge, which would have been ideal for the character if all the mysticism had not been included. The cultural stuff I enjoyed but the character was modified too much in my opinion. The overall first season was fair but could have been much better.
Watched the final two episodes and it did feel like they could have done more with the character and story, it felt like Disney wasn't quite sure how to handle it. I do feel a little encouraged that they tried a style change and curious about more of these "Marvel Spotlight" shows. Echo wasn't great, it had some good moments and there was some promising takeaways. The Marvel Spotlight shows are meant to be stand alone series that are story and character driven, we'll see how they handle them going forward.
Watched the final two episodes and it did feel like they could have done more with the character and story, it felt like Disney wasn't quite sure how to handle it. I do feel a little encouraged that they tried a style change and curious about more of these "Marvel Spotlight" shows. Echo wasn't great, it had some good moments and there was some promising takeaways. The Marvel Spotlight shows are meant to be stand alone series that are story and character driven, we'll see how they handle them going forward.
It does feel like, at least to me, studio heads, a.k.a. Disney, are meddling with how Marvel characters are presented to general audiences way too much. Note: the following are comic book references and are not spoilers by definition. Ajak was GREATLY depowered in Eternals. Kamala Khan's abilities was more like Mr. Fantastic in Ms. Marvel.

Similarly, Maya Lopez had human-based muscle memory type abilities like Bullseye or Taskmaster. She could copy a fighter's move instantly and make it her own. The show touched on that initially but did not emphasize it throughout the season. Instead, we got a dumbed down 'mystical' Psylocke psychic abilities.

I disagree with the strategy if that is true. Comic book characters, especially Marvel characters, do not need juice. Modify their outfits but leave who they are alone. Comic fans generally gravitate towards Marvel more than DC because they are vulnerable in nature. They are more human like no matter how they look on the outside or their abilities or powers.

Echo was eventually 'suped up' in the comics but it was done after she had been well-established as she was at the start. Now the character has gone live action and must be tweaked for some idiotic reason. Echo should have been a one-shot for Hawkeye only if she was 'so boring' in the studio heads' opinion. Now, she has magic hands. They should have gone all out and had her singing Into The Unknown from Frozen II. THAT'S definitely a Disney audience hook for sure. :rolleyes: Forgive me, Queen Elsa. :muttley:

Just finished watching Lawmen: Bass Reeves on Prime. Very good little series.

The first episode is pretty rough to watch, like Roots was, but worth the harsh feels. After that, it just gets better and better.

It does feel like, at least to me, studio heads, a.k.a. Disney, are meddling with how Marvel characters are presented to general audiences way too much. Note: the following are comic book references and are not spoilers by definition. Ajak was GREATLY depowered in Eternals. Kamala Khan's abilities was more like Mr. Fantastic in Ms. Marvel.

Similarly, Maya Lopez had human-based muscle memory type abilities like Bullseye or Taskmaster. She could copy a fighter's move instantly and make it her own. The show touched on that initially but did not emphasize it throughout the season. Instead, we got a dumbed down 'mystical' Psylocke psychic abilities.

I disagree with the strategy if that is true. Comic book characters, especially Marvel characters, do not need juice. Modify their outfits but leave who they are alone. Comic fans generally gravitate towards Marvel more than DC because they are vulnerable in nature. They are more human like no matter how they look on the outside or their abilities or powers.

Echo was eventually 'suped up' in the comics but it was done after she had been well-established as she was at the start. Now the character has gone live action and must be tweaked for some idiotic reason. Echo should have been a one-shot for Hawkeye only if she was 'so boring' in the studio heads' opinion. Now, she has magic hands. They should have gone all out and had her singing Into The Unknown from Frozen II. THAT'S definitely a Disney audience hook for sure. :rolleyes: Forgive me, Queen Elsa. :muttley:

Yeah, the whole ancestry magic thing was over the top, and "shockingly", it was only the female ancestors who gave her power.

If they'd just left it at her having the innate abilities, combined with lifelong training, it would have been much better, IMO.
I watched the first episode of Ted on Peacock. I enjoyed it. It's going to take some getting use to not having Mark Wahlberg opposite of Ted (though I do realize this show is the prequel to the films), but I'll get there. Outside that, I thought it was good and it gave me quite a few laughs. I can see how it's probably not a show for everybody, but I think I'm going to enjoy it.
Just finished watching Lawmen: Bass Reeves on Prime. Very good little series.

The first episode is pretty rough to watch, like Roots was, but worth the harsh feels. After that, it just gets better and better.

I am going to give this series a look. But right now I am just so aggravated with Prime and how they are dropping episodes of Reacher 1 at time each week, I would love to ween myself off their streaming service. This is absolutely the last time I begin watching one of their series before all the episodes are available to binge. They are taking the stream out of streaming.
I am going to give this series a look. But right now I am just so aggravated with Prime and how they are dropping episodes of Reacher 1 at time each week, I would love to ween myself off their streaming service. This is absolutely the last time I begin watching one of their series before all the episodes are available to binge. They are taking the stream out of streaming.
Made a comment about this last year and was surprised to find that most people replied they enjoy it being like a network show release schedule. I personally prefer the binge style. ESPECIALLY since so many shows are turning into giant movies. I can't leave and come back 3 months later and still remember all the plot details! LOL
I watched the first episode of Ted on Peacock. I enjoyed it. It's going to take some getting use to not having Mark Wahlberg opposite of Ted (though I do realize this show is the prequel to the films), but I'll get there. Outside that, I thought it was good and it gave me quite a few laughs. I can see how it's probably not a show for everybody, but I think I'm going to enjoy it.
I didn't even know this existed. Maybe I'll resubscribe...maybe not.
Yeah, the whole ancestry magic thing was over the top, and "shockingly", it was only the female ancestors who gave her power.

If they'd just left it at her having the innate abilities, combined with lifelong training, it would have been much better, IMO.
Echo director and executive producer Sydney Freeland has said that the eponymous character’s powers will be different in the Disney+ series. Speaking at a press event, Freeland explained that Echo’s comic powers involved being able to copy anything, including movements, which the director described as “kind of lame.”


Disney keeps hiring people that don't like, respect, nor understand their source material. Just check boxes.
Echo director and executive producer Sydney Freeland has said that the eponymous character’s powers will be different in the Disney+ series. Speaking at a press event, Freeland explained that Echo’s comic powers involved being able to copy anything, including movements, which the director described as “kind of lame.”


Disney keeps hiring people that don't like, respect, nor understand their source material. Just check boxes.
Sydney Freeland is an oblivious idiot. Like you say, these people do not even know what they are talking about. Maya's ability to copy is essentially photographic memory. Nothing cosmic about it.

I bet someone gave him a summary of the character's entire history, including when she became The Phoenix Force host. Or he fumbled googling his own research. Regardless, he got confused or did not care enough to comprehend what 'cosmic' means in Marvel or the MCU. Unprofessional.
Made a comment about this last year and was surprised to find that most people replied they enjoy it being like a network show release schedule. I personally prefer the binge style. ESPECIALLY since so many shows are turning into giant movies. I can't leave and come back 3 months later and still remember all the plot details! LOL
Not me. I like to binge watch shows. If it is a good show I will watch to the end. But if it is a so-so show and I have to wait for the next episode, I just stop watching.
Echo director and executive producer Sydney Freeland has said that the eponymous character’s powers will be different in the Disney+ series. Speaking at a press event, Freeland explained that Echo’s comic powers involved being able to copy anything, including movements, which the director described as “kind of lame.”


Disney keeps hiring people that don't like, respect, nor understand their source material. Just check boxes.
They thought it was lame probably because they didn't know how to present it and translate the ability to the screen. There's a great Thai Martial Arts movie called "Chocolate" where a young autistic girl that's crazy about chocolate, is also a savant by watching martial art movies and mimicking Muay Thai moves. There's a part where she's obviously mimicking Bruce Lee's style and she nails it down to his little howl. There's also the crazy, in a good way, fight against a capoeira master with Tourette's and she adapts and learns his herky jerky style during the fight.

While I don't know much of the Echo character's comic book background, but sounds like it coulda been pretty cool if done right.
Sydney Freeland is an oblivious idiot. Like you say, these people do not even know what they are talking about. Maya's ability to copy is essentially photographic memory. Nothing cosmic about it.

I bet someone gave him a summary of the character's entire history, including when she became The Phoenix Force host. Or he fumbled googling his own research. Regardless, he got confused or did not care enough to comprehend what 'cosmic' means in Marvel or the MCU. Unprofessional.
While he does sound like an idiot, someone had to sign off on it....... cough, cough ..... Kevin Feige. How much of this type of influence is coming from him, I still can't get over what the director for the "Secret Invasion" show said. He said he was told not to read any of the comics or source material because it had nothing to do with what they were trying to do there. Wut?
Finished The Fall of the House of Usher. It's loosely based on several of Edgar Allen Poe's works. It shows the rise to power of a pharmaceutical kingpin and the fall of himself and his family. Lots of horror themes, but not overly scary. It's like a mix of a horror movie and Succession. I thought it was really well done, and I am a Mike Flanagan fan. He's the guy who did Oculus, The Haunting of Hill House, and Midnight Mass, all of which I thought were awesome. If you like horror, you might like it.
It started off decent but for me it fell off towards the end to the point I was not bothered if I missed it.
I think there is a second season coming soon though.
Now that I am 7 episodes in I see exactly what you mean. The storyline is a bit aggravating, that rebellious brat is a kid I would lock in a closet just to shut her the hell up.

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