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There have been fewer crickets in another thread. :) I did believe the series kicked off weakly in the first episode but I have really enjoyed the last two episodes.

Kathryn Hahn established her eccentric character in WandaVision. What this show has been able to capitalize on (so far) is surrounding Agatha with lesser but still eccentric characters in their own way.

I think Aubrey Plaza's casting will pay off big time by the end of this season. I also see Debra Jo Rupp's Mrs. Hart character as a masterstroke, which I will stop talking about for members who have not watched the series yet, lol.
Debra Jo Rupp adds sunshine into everything she's in. Her character is almost always the same, but there's always room for it.
Tulsa King s2-e1

I still like this show a lot more than I'd expected to. The suit try on montage made me laugh pretty hard.
Just finished watching "The Terror" on Netflix. It is an AMC original, I assume ran on that network at one point. Now it is on Netflix without commercials. The editing is disjointed at times, but that could be because it was made for commercial TV and breaks for ads were placed at the points necessary for the network to make their commercial breaks. But I still liked the show, despite the fact the entire story is not always clear and some loose ends are never tied up completely.

I would say it could have been a lot better with a few minor changes, but overall I gave it a 6 out of 10. It's a little slow at times but it keeps your interest.

It is a story about two ships that sail north into the arctic looking for the "northwest passage" to China and India. The two ships eventually get stuck in the ice. For some reason they provoke a spirit animal which is a giant polar bear with a humani-ish face. It begins brutally killing crew members and becomes a nuisance throughout the story. At the same time they are dealing with food in cans that is slowly killing them with lead poisoning. Of course they are dealing with the elements as well.
Finished "Warrior" on Netflix. 3 seasons of Western style Kung **. I enjoyed it. Cinemax says the 3rd season was the last so I guess it's over. Then ending left an opening if they want to bring it back for another season.

I didn't watch it when it was on Cinemax. I just binged all 3 season on Netflix. If you don't know anything about it, it is a story about a Kung ** expert for China who comes to America in the late 1800s looking for his sister. His grandfather was an American so he speaks perfect English. He lands in San Francisco where it turns out his sister is married to the head of one of the powerful tongs of SF. Upon arrival the brother winds up joining a rival tong and the story begins. There is lots of kung ** fighting and other stuff going on. There are intriguing characters that help fill the episodes in all directions. If you like action TV and martial arts you should like this series too. It is not just a lot of chop socky. There is some depth to the story.

I will give it a 7 out of 10. It is not Game of Thrones but it is not disappointing either.
Finished "Warrior" on Netflix. 3 seasons of Western style Kung **. I enjoyed it. Cinemax says the 3rd season was the last so I guess it's over. Then ending left an opening if they want to bring it back for another season.

I didn't watch it when it was on Cinemax. I just binged all 3 season on Netflix. If you don't know anything about it, it is a story about a Kung ** expert for China who comes to America in the late 1800s looking for his sister. His grandfather was an American so he speaks perfect English. He lands in San Francisco where it turns out his sister is married to the head of one of the powerful tongs of SF. Upon arrival the brother winds up joining a rival tong and the story begins. There is lots of kung ** fighting and other stuff going on. There are intriguing characters that help fill the episodes in all directions. If you like action TV and martial arts you should like this series too. It is not just a lot of chop socky. There is some depth to the story.

I will give it a 7 out of 10. It is not Game of Thrones but it is not disappointing either.
If I remember, it starts off a little slow (story wise), but the fight scenes are top notch.
Been watching the new Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix. Some entertaining/interesting stuff on there, but the show definitely misses Robert Stack. RIP
Best episode of The Penguin yet. This show has blown me away. Amazing.
I watched the first 15 or 20 minutes of S1-E1, and then the game was supposed to kickoff, and I forgot to get back to it yesterday. I think I spent more time trying to see if it was really Colin Farrell under the makeup than I did actually paying attention to the dialogue.
I watched the first 15 or 20 minutes of S1-E1, and then the game was supposed to kickoff, and I forgot to get back to it yesterday. I think I spent more time trying to see if it was really Colin Farrell under the makeup than I did actually paying attention to the dialogue.
Bold> I know right? My mind has been blown, even going back to him playing the role in The Batman, over how much he differs from the Colin Farrell I have seen act in other parts. For me, it... does... not... look and feel like Farrell.

There are only a handful of actors who I have given me that same impression. Charlize Theron in Monster is one example. I stare and stare and keep trying to convince myself these are not the actors who they say they are, lol.

Ironically, I did not have the same conscious befuddlement with the other famous Penguin performance. Danny Devito got the heavy cosmetic makeup treatment in Batman Returns. Devito got into character fairly decently also but I never forgot it was him for even a second.

Slightly off-topic but I have dealt with the same thing but without the same type of deep camouflage with Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black. Almost all her clone roles were slight differences, involving mostly hair and clothing. They rarely messed with her face. Even so, I would always be catching myself saying, "That's someone else." Crazy.
Bold> I know right? My mind has been blown, even going back to him playing the role in The Batman, over how much he differs from the Colin Farrell I have seen act in other parts. For me, it... does... not... look and feel like Farrell.

There are only a handful of actors who I have given me that same impression. Charlize Theron in Monster is one example. I stare and stare and keep trying to convince myself these are not the actors who they say they are, lol.

Ironically, I did not have the same conscious befuddlement with the other famous Penguin performance. Danny Devito got the heavy cosmetic makeup treatment in Batman Returns. Devito got into character fairly decently also but I never forgot it was him for even a second.

Slightly off-topic but I have dealt with the same thing but without the same type of deep camouflage with Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black. Almost all her clone roles were slight differences, involving mostly hair and clothing. They rarely messed with her face. Even so, I would always be catching myself saying, "That's someone else." Crazy.
I often take at least a few minutes to recognize Gary Oldman, even when they don't do anything with makeup. His persona changes his whole presence for me...maybe his hair too.
I often take at least a few minutes to recognize Gary Oldman, even when they don't do anything with makeup. His persona changes his whole presence for me...maybe his hair too.
Agreed. He is so versatile. Played so many different looking characters.
Love him and think he is severally underrated.
Been a long time since I watched it.

Lonesome Dove is currently on tubi.

Still a good watch.

I think tubi also has return to lonesome dove....although I never thought it was anywhere close to as good as the first one.
I caught episode 3 last night. I don't know if the storyline is that captivating, but the acting by Farrell and Cristin Milioti has been exceptional so far.
I even think the kid who plays Victor has been surprisingly great as well.
Just finished Season 1 of "From"

It's made by the same people who made "Lost". It's on the horror side and it's been intriguing and suspensful. There are 3 seasons.

Hopefully they end it better than Lost.
Just finished Season 1 of "From"

It's made by the same people who made "Lost". It's on the horror side and it's been intriguing and suspensful. There are 3 seasons.

Hopefully they end it better than Lost.
Been thinking about watching this.
Let me know if it is ok after another season please. :cool:
Just finished Season 1 of "From"

It's made by the same people who made "Lost". It's on the horror side and it's been intriguing and suspensful. There are 3 seasons.

Hopefully they end it better than Lost.
I have been watching it since it came on. I did not watch Lost so I have no idea what that was about or how it ended.

Frankly, From is getting frustrating to watch. 3 seasons in and we still know so little about what is going on. It its getting repetitious and boring. Something need to happen soon or the show will lose me. These personal stories about some of the characters become meaningless after awhile. In light of what is going on around them the personal stories are kind of pointless. It is all about what is going on, why, and how to fight it. The people are doing so little to figure out any of it.

I get the distinct impression this show will not have an ending. It will go on like it has until the network cancels it and we will be left never knowing anything about what was going on.

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