Official Tashard Choice Thread **MERGED**

wileedog;3744322 said:
I'm more enraged that Choice expects me to believe that he has a 2 year old nephew who is a Vick fan. Or is really a fan of anything beyond The Wiggles and mashed carrots.
I be more worried if he was a fan of the Wiggles than Vick.
iGor Olpiffsky;3744299 said:
Now if I call you out on why you say such things, I'm the one that gets banned. And thats fine. In your eyes, unarmed Black or Latino man = thug.

Who said anything about Black or Latino? You, not me. I've got news for you, there are thugs out there of every color, size, etc. I always find it funny that those who bring race into a discussion are the ones that point fingers and call others racist. Typical. I deal with criminals. I know what I'm talking about. You? Not so much.
My three year old niece knows who Tony Romo is (well to her its TonyRoRo) and if you ask her who her favorite team is she says TonyRoRo, so I believe TC's that his nephew likes Vick and so he got his auto for him.
Star4Ever;3744301 said:
Thought his tweet said his nephew was 3? Can't get the story straight? And yea, most two year olds know a LOT about the NFL. Gives them something to occupy their minds while potty training.

The fact that he doesnt know if his nephew is 2 or 3 is a dead giveaway right there that this excuse is pure BS.

Secondly, I hardly doubt a 2 year old would tell Choice, "Vick is my brother".

Seriously Choice, that is the best excuse you could come up with???
Gemini Dolly;3744342 said:
My three year old niece knows who Tony Romo is (well to her its TonyRoRo) and if you ask her who her favorite team is she says TonyRoRo, so I believe TC's that his nephew likes Vick and so he got his auto for him.

Stop lying. And stop trying to cover for Choice.

Don't you know that the child experts onboard have already told us that no three year old has any understanding of football or sports personalities?

Beast_from_East;3744343 said:
Secondly, I hardly doubt a 2 year old would tell Choice, "Vick is my brother".
he probably said it after watching film of Choice trying to hit a hole. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to to be related to TC either.
Gemini Dolly;3744342 said:
My three year old niece knows who Tony Romo is (well to her its TonyRoRo) and if you ask her who her favorite team is she says TonyRoRo, so I believe TC's that his nephew likes Vick and so he got his auto for him.

So clearly your niece would simply kill for a Tony RoRo autograph. That would totally be worth being shown on national TV begging for the bitter division rival's QB signature after losing a game in a disastrous season, amirite?
LatinMind;3744334 said:
if only the nfl had all these tough enraged guys we have in the cowboyszone forum in the nfl it would be back to gladiator days.
It has a bunch of them...they have Super Bowl rings.
wileedog;3744322 said:
I'm more enraged that Choice expects me to believe that he has a 2 year old nephew who is a Vick fan. Or is really a fan of anything beyond The Wiggles and mashed carrots.

Or maybe just as kids respond to cartoon shows, some kids watch football and show an excited reaction when they see certain players or jersey colors.. just like some kids im sure have their favorite "wiggle" or whatever.
I live between the philly and baltimore markets. Most of my friends are eagles fans. We all know how classless eagles fans are. However, even these guys cant stand Vick. Sure they are forced to route for him because he is their QB. But they all thing he is disgusting person. They are eagles fans and they have less love for Vick than our running back does.

I kinda wish we didnt know so much about these players. Its now hard to like Choice because his mouth opened and he made comments that shows the type of person he really is. His level of love and respect for Vick shows he shares the same lack of moral fiber that Vick possesses.

His TO love was bad enough. Then when we were 1-5 he decided to dance around the locker room because Wade told him he might get more carries. Now he decides to "have nothing but respect for Vick".

Its just too much. How can anyone like this guy. Is he a bad person? He sure seems to be.
Gemini Dolly;3744342 said:
My three year old niece knows who Tony Romo is (well to her its TonyRoRo) and if you ask her who her favorite team is she says TonyRoRo, so I believe TC's that his nephew likes Vick and so he got his auto for him.

Thank you sir.

Hopefully this stops some of the ******** posts in this thread.. although i doubt it.

RoyTheHammer;3744358 said:
Or maybe just as kids respond to cartoon shows, some kids watch football and show an excited reaction when they see certain players or jersey colors.. just like some kids im sure have their favorite "wiggle" or whatever.

Have a kid and get back to me.
Air Force One;3744352 said:
he probably said it after watching film of Choice trying to hit a hole. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to to be related to TC either.
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
RoyTheHammer;3744358 said:
Or maybe just as kids respond to cartoon shows, some kids watch football and show an excited reaction when they see certain players or jersey colors.. just like some kids im sure have their favorite "wiggle" or whatever.

I have a 2 year old boy who loves watching football with me. However its just goofy to think he knows who the players are. He keeps forgetting my sisters name. How could a child at 2 know enough ot understand who Vick is? They cant.
wileedog;3744353 said:
So clearly your niece would simply kill for a Tony RoRo autograph.

Or maybe autographing a glove for his neice who loves Tony "RoRo" is something he could give to her when she gets a little older? Wouldn't that be a really great thing to do for his family? Something that she would probably think was really special?

Nahh.. that couldn't possibly make sense.
Considering this thread is now 22 pages long, I think it is safe to say that Choice is never going to live this down with alot of Cowboy fans.

Whatever side of the argument you are on, I think everybody can agree on this.
RoyTheHammer;3744371 said:
Or maybe autographing a glove for his neice who loves Tony "RoRo" is something he could give to her when she gets a little older? Wouldn't that be a really great thing to do for his family? Something that she would probably think was really special?

Nahh.. that couldn't possibly make sense.

Is that what he said? No, he said his nephew was a huge fan, when in all probability the 2 or 3 year old doesn't have a clue who Michael Vick is. Or what a quarterback is even.

And beyond that, is it worth getting caught on national TV asking for a bitter division rival's qb's autograph for?

I could almost excuse Payton or Brady, but an Eagle's QB who is hated by so many for the terrible things that he did?

Its just stupid, and his cover story is even more lame.
Beast_from_East;3744372 said:
Considering this thread is now 22 pages long, I think it is safe to say that Choice is never going to live this down with alot of Cowboy fans.

Whatever side of the argument you are on, I think everybody can agree on this.
FWIW if you change your settings its only 9 pages :laugh2:

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