Official Tashard Choice Thread **MERGED**

I doubt most people have any problem with him getting Vick's autograph. If he likes Vick, fine. But don't do it on the field ten seconds after they just kicked your butt. That's just common sense, or should be.
ABQCOWBOY;3745140 said:
As a fan, no, I don't really think it was huge. I do think that it CLEARLY illustrates the difference between Philly and us this year.

However, if I were the HC, it would make a big difference to me. To me, it does not reflect the attitude I think we, as a team, would need to have in order to beat Philly and win our division.

Well then, it appears we need a new head coach then too because Garrett was all smiles and back slaps with Andy Reid after the game.

Hasn't anyone ever noticed how players from opposing teams always rush to meet and talk and share a laugh and hug each other after the game? It's commonplace. It's every game. Choice was no more pleasant to Vick than any number of players talking, laughing and hugging after the game.

I know we all like to think of these things like we do our high school cross town rivalries, but these are guys that play against each other every year, see wach other socially, attend the many of the same parties, work together with different charities, etc. it's a community of people that do the same thing for a living.

In many ways I wish it weren't that way - I can't imagine ever liking anyone from the 1970's Commanders, for example, but things are different now. Players know each other and interract and they have relationships beyond an annual hated rivalry. That's today's world.
The NFL has changed a great deal over the past 4 decades.

Choice's behavior reflects one of those changes ... rivalries are not what they used to be.

What Seinfeld said is much closer to the truth than any of us would care to admit -- not only do we root for laundry -- the laundry matters more to many of us than it does to the players.
Stautner;3745127 said:
Fine, maybe choice should have been a bit more discreet about it, but was it really a major thing?

I have to believe there were times Troy, Emmitt and Irvin were asked for autographs. Chris Carter said he sometimes asked for autographs after games.

Like I said before, the problem with it is really more in fan perception than it is with anything that matters regarding thet eam.

that is the issue, he did it on the field, his home stadium in front of his home fans who just had their guts ripped out again while watching the division rival taunt and insult them all night.

Joe avezzano and drew pearson both said it last night, the proper way to do this is to just have a locker room guy go over to their locker room and set it up for choice to meet him and get this done.

Greg williams said last night that nolan ryans last years in texas, on each road trip he had a designated day that he would sign stuff for the other teams players and on that day he would get boxes full of stuff.

There were tons of old players there last night, all have played in this rivalry and know exactly what it is about and most of them still despise the eagles, guys like randy white, cliff harris and charlie waters...etc...Doing this on the field was a big mistake.

he is going to pay a pr price for this big time, he has changed his story and is trying to plead with people on his twitter account, which shows he knows he was wrong. It was the frigging eagles, you simply cant do that.
ABQCOWBOY;3745145 said:
Cowboys and Philly? Oh yeah you do.


Why do I get the feeling that this would not have happened IMMEDIATELY following these games at midfield?
Chocolate Lab;3745159 said:
I doubt most people have any problem with him getting Vick's autograph. If he likes Vick, fine. But don't do it on the field ten seconds after they just kicked your butt. That's just common sense, or should be.

What about the other 15-20 players from each team meeting immediately after the game to share a laugh and a a hug? It's commonplace - happens after every game.
theebs;3745169 said:
that is the issue, he did it on the field, his home stadium in front of his home fans who just had their guts ripped out again while watching the division rival taunt and insult them all night.

Joe avezzano and drew pearson both said it last night, the proper way to do this is to just have a locker room guy go over to their locker room and set it up for choice to meet him and get this done.

Greg williams said last night that nolan ryans last years in texas, on each road trip he had a designated day that he would sign stuff for the other teams players and on that day he would get boxes full of stuff.

There were tons of old players there last night, all have played in this rivalry and know exactly what it is about and most of them still despise the eagles, guys like randy white, cliff harris and charlie waters...etc...Doing this on the field was a big mistake.

he is going to pay a pr price for this big time, he has changed his story and is trying to plead with people on his twitter account, which shows he knows he was wrong. It was the frigging eagles, you simply cant do that.

Again, so what about the 15-20 players from either team that met on the field after the game to shake hands, hug each oher and exchange pleasantries? Happens after every game.
ABQCOWBOY;3745113 said:
No, I don't see that. Hey, the Eagles lost three to us last year and I don't think I ever saw anybody asking anybody for autographs. That's just not something that I think would fly with Philly.

You're way that flys in Philly...and it shouldn't in Dallas.
Stautner;3745172 said:
What about the other 15-20 players from each team meeting immediately after the game to share a laugh and a a hug? It's commonplace - happens after every game.

I don't think a quick hello or "good game" is the same as getting someone's autograph like he's your hero. Come on.

And for the record, I didn't like it when Alex Barron was yukking it up with the Skins after that game, either. I don't care if it's commonplace or not.
Stautner;3745172 said:
What about the other 15-20 players from each team meeting immediately after the game to share a laugh and a a hug? It's commonplace - happens after every game.
They teach that from grade school on to shake hands after the game. No issue with that. Basic sportsmanship.

But I doubt you'd find any players to request for autos immediately after the game.
WV Cowboy;3745150 said:
So now one thing that one player did after the game reflects the attitude of the entire team during the game?

I dont' get it.

I think what the players do prior to or during the game reflects attitude, .. but nothing they do after the game affects the outcome, .. that has already been decided.

I agree that we as fans probably won't like what TC did, but I also think some are "way" over-reacting and reading "way" more into this than necessary.

But this is a message board so I guess I'm not surprised.

One player? Where have you been all season?

Go back to the start of the season and see what many fans thought of Philly coming into the season and what we all felt about our team. This isn't about what one player did after one game. This is about something that has been going on for several seasons now. You don't have as talented a team as we are and go 1-7. You can say it was all Wade and I would be the first to agree that there were things Wade was doing that I didn't like but, it wasn't all Wade. Heck, the players themselves would tell you that.

It's about how you approach the game. Philly did it with an eye towards kicking the crap out of us. They were successful in winning. I hope this changes in the next meeting.
Stautner;3745172 said:
What about the other 15-20 players from each team meeting immediately after the game to share a laugh and a a hug? It's commonplace - happens after every game.

You may not believe this, but I have actually seen players from rival teams actually "pray" together after their games.

Seriously, I have seen this more than once. ;)
Arch Stanton;3745114 said:
Cowboys' Tashard Choice posts apology for Michael Vick autograph

Posted at 9:31 AM on Mon., Dec. 13, 2010 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Bill Nichols / Reporter Bio | E-mail | News tips

Tashard Choice will take much heat for securing Michael Vick's autograph after the Dallas Cowboys' loss to the Eagles Sunday night.

On Monday morning, the running back apologized to fans with this post on Twitter:

``If its anybody that cares about winning and the d cowboys its me. I apologize to the people it was just an innocent jesture for my nephew.''

Read more:http://cowboysblog.***BANNED-URL***/archives/2010/12/choice-posts-apology-for-seeki.html?

Ya think?

ABQCOWBOY;3745134 said:
I don't think that's what I said. In fact, I'm pretty sure I said just the opposite. Please don't put words into my mouth.

I guess you missed the question mark? :huh:

I was asking a question based on what you said. A question is asked for clarification. Stop getting so defensive.

What exactly is it you're saying? You move from implying that the Cowboys aren't focused on winning a champion - which they're not because they're out of the playoff picture - and then focus on them not playing hard. That's the implication of your comment.

I'm merely asking you to clarify.

We beat this team three times last year. I understand we are without a starting QB and I understand we are not in the playoffs. However, that really has nothing at all to do with the point. That's some stuff you came up with.

Okay, so what is your point? :huh:

Philly came here looking to try and win at all costs. Had they lost, they would not be asking for autographs on the field after the game. It would not be the right message to send. I have no problem with somebody saying that we lost to a better team. I don't agree that it doesn't matter so long as we played hard.

Oh, so winning at all costs means not asking for an autograph on the field afterwards? :huh:

I thought winning at all costs means leaving it on the field. And what do you call our defense battering Vick all night long even to the point of possibly getting a penalty called for roughing the quarterback or personal foul?

If you beat me in a game and then I cheap shot you after the game, is that an indication I wanted to win at all costs? :confused:
MarionBarberThe4th;3745183 said:

What was odd about the request?

It happens all the time.

WoodysGirl;3745180 said:
They teach that from grade school on to shake hands after the game. No issue with that. Basic sportsmanship.

But I doubt you'd find any players to request for autos immediately after the game.

Come on, this isn't gradeschool coaches lining up the players and having them walk single file to slap hands with the other team after the game. This is individual players seeking each ther out to talk and even embrace each other.

The players aren't even forced to interract by having to walk the same path to their lockerrom - they don't have to come anywhere near each other, yet they make the effort to seek each other out.

WV Cowboy;3745184 said:
You may not believe this, but I have actually seen players from rival teams actually "pray" together after their games.

Seriously, I have seen this more than once. ;)

Good point. Another common occurrance.
WV Cowboy;3745184 said:
You may not believe this, but I have actually seen players from rival teams actually "pray" together after their games.

Seriously, I have seen this more than once. ;)

The nerve of them, the Cowboys praying with Satan and his spawn. :mad:

Aikmaniac;3745171 said:

Why do I get the feeling that this would not have happened IMMEDIATELY following these games at midfield?

The guy wouldn't have made it out of the Shoe...I'm not kidding.
WoodysGirl;3745180 said:
They teach that from grade school on to shake hands after the game. No issue with that. Basic sportsmanship.

But I doubt you'd find any players to request for autos immediately after the game.

That's a bit of a stretch. How many grade school kids do you know who are famous enough where other kids want their autograph. :confused:

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