Official Tashard Choice Thread **MERGED**

Stautner;3745442 said:
This has got to be a joke. You are saying losing makes getting an autgraph for your nephew unacceptible, but doesn't have any bearing on exchanging warm hugs and pleasant conversation with the opponent?

I would love to hear some actual rationale behind this.

By the way, you do realize the players from the two teams aren't in the same lockerroom where they could "do it in the lockerroom"?

and it's a long haul from one side to the other where the "fans" would make it near impossible to get over there.

i can see where some would be upset after a loss but in the light of the next day and the overall story, there's just no story here.
Man, i am getting blasted this morning at work not because of the game or what happened on the field. But because of this issue. People asking how could you let a rival disrespect you over and over again and then act like you're fans of rock stars at the end of the game. Man this team is soft and its going to take until the end of the season plus the off-season to rid themselves of that culture.
Joshmvii;3745424 said:
Fans getting riled up over this are as bad as the ESPN crazies we're all typically complaining about. Choice apologized for it because he saw how much of a fuss people were making over it, but I guarantee you that's the only reason.

Did he really apologize? I missed that.
Stautner;3745442 said:
This has got to be a joke. You are saying losing makes getting an autgraph for your nephew unacceptible, but doesn't have any bearing on exchanging warm hugs and pleasant conversation with the opponent?

I would love to hear some actual rationale behind this.

By the way, you do realize the players from the two teams aren't in the same lockerroom where they could "do it in the lockerroom"?

teams have pr guys and other equipment guys who can go over and get the thing set up or get the auto for him.

Joe avezzano in speaking about it after the game said this is the proper way and the way he had always known it.

again, who the autograph is for doesnt matter. Simply dont do it on the field right after you lost, its just not right.
StylisticS;3745453 said:
Man, i am getting blasted this morning at work not because of the game or what happened on the field. But because of this issue. People asking how could you let a rival disrespect you over and over again and then act like you're fans of rock stars at the end of the game. Man this team is soft and its going to take until the end of the season plus the off-season to rid themselves of that culture.

This describes my feelings much better than I have managed to this morning.
This issue is this. Losing to a division rival and having the outcome decided in the last two minutes should trigger sadness and remorse, and does trigger sadness in all fans who are watching at that point. The people on this forum defending this young georgia-raised RBs poor judgement are turning a blind eye to what it takes to win in the NFL. TC disrespected the fans who were morning the loss nothing more. Belicheck wouldn't put up with it, and Jimmy sends this attitude to the "ashma field" .There is a huge difference between a gentlemanly handshake offered to a victor and a schoolgirl-like autograph request.
What I'm more angry about, than anything, is once again they went HUGE STRETCHES of the game where they never let Choice touch the ball and even after his great game last week they simply didn't give him the ball hardly, at all, after that first drive.
theebs;3745460 said:
teams have pr guys and other equipment guys who can go over and get the thing set up or get the auto for him.

Joe avezzano in speaking about it after the game said this is the proper way and the way he had always known it.

again, who the autograph is for doesnt matter. Simply dont do it on the field right after you lost, its just not right.

So they are saying it is ok to do, .. but just don't let the fans know.

Got it.
Gemini Dolly;3744342 said:
My three year old niece knows who Tony Romo is (well to her its TonyRoRo) and if you ask her who her favorite team is she says TonyRoRo, so I believe TC's that his nephew likes Vick and so he got his auto for him.

Our daughter, who is three, can look at the tv and know that football is on, and also knows that it's the Cowboys. She doesn't know individual players, but she will watch the game with us for 10 minutes at a time and say "Go Cowboys!" or "Touchdown!"

It's completely possible that it's for his nephew.
theebs;3745460 said:
teams have pr guys and other equipment guys who can go over and get the thing set up or get the auto for him.

Joe avezzano in speaking about it after the game said this is the proper way and the way he had always known it.

again, who the autograph is for doesnt matter. Simply dont do it on the field right after you lost, its just not right.

I agree that it may not have been the best way to handle it, but think about what you are saying. You are saying that the only thing Choice did wrong was to allow the camera to catch him getting the autograph, which means that the only issue is perception, not the act itself. Are we really saying perception is more important than the act?

Still, you have avoided the question I have been asking, which is why is the autograph for Choice's nephew such a negative thing for people to see, but all the players warmly hugging and laughing and cutting up together after the game is not.

By the way, I think it's BS to say it doesn't matter who the autograph is for. Anyone that wouldn't go out of the way for a child in the family more than just some acquaintnace doesn't rate very well in my book.

So Choice didn't think about the cameras and fan reaction before getting an outograph for his nephew. Is that really a big deal?
Who freakin cares....

Get over it homers...

Maybe hes going to sell it on eBay because his 4th round deal just isn't paying the bills.

Non issue.
Stautner;3745506 said:
I agree that it may not have been the best way to handle it, but think about what you are saying. You are saying that the only thing Choice did wrong was to allow the camera to catch him getting the autograph, which means that the only issue is perception, not the act itself. Are we really saying perception is more important than the act?

Still, you have avoided the question I have been asking, which is why is the autograph for Choice's nephew such a negative thing for people to see, but all the players warmly hugging and laughing and cutting up together after the game is not.

By the way, I think it's BS to say it doesn't matter who the autograph is for. Anyone that wouldn't go out of the way for a child in the family more than just some acquaintnace doesn't rate very well in my book.

So Choice didn't think about the cameras and fan reaction before getting an outograph for his nephew. Is that really a big deal?

Pretty well put in my mind.
To anyone who thinks that Choice getting an autograph from an opposing player after the game is over for his 2-year old nephew is worthy of any note whatsoever much less multiple pages of bellyaching:

Apparently, I must respectfully disagree with every thought you have ever had.

Thank you.
CATCH17;3745521 said:
I think we can all agree Tashard made a bad choice.

yea, no argument there but i don't see it as the anti-****** others are making it out to be.

2 weeks ago the same crowd whining cause he should be starting, now he's slapped the face of every 'fan' alive.

CATCH17;3745521 said:
I think we can all agree Tashard made a bad choice.

Nope. I don't care whom he asks to sign what.

Unless it's a bad choice by definition because some fans will twist it way out of proportion. That puts it into the same category Tony Romo got into when he had the audacity to go to Mexico on his day off. I don't like to blame the players when fans freak out over nothing, but at some point it does actually become a distraction for everybody involved.
CATCH17;3745521 said:
I think we can all agree Tashard made a bad choice.

No. For the record, I disagree. Why would he worry at all after the game is over? Why would he risk not being able to get that autograph?

This is the kind of thing you might worry about if you're in 7th grade. For adult viewers (and certainly for the professionals playing the game and probably consorting with old friends on opposing teams when not on the field), it's a non-issue.

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