Oh Commish your double standard is showing again

BoysRule2;1741258 said:
I'm actually quite surprised by how many people say "Reid is a GOOD man". You've seen his arrogant SOB attitude in recent years-that just sums it up right there.

I dont know my man. All we see is media snippets. I wouldnt assume to know him, but I live here in Philly and he is a class act. I can see how he would appear arrogant but I think its because he is reserved.

He has not said one word in his own defense, not to point fingers, not to deflect or blame anyone else. I am very impressed with the way he has handled this. He is taking it squarely on the chin. I dont agree with his decisions-but I understand. His kids probably snuck everything they did and lied to his face. From the outside it may seem obvious, as a parent you want to believe your kids. Its just the common psychology of families that go threw it. Common. Not the activities, but the denial.
dooomsday;1741271 said:
I dont know my man. All we see is media snippets. I wouldnt assume to know him, but I live here in Philly and he is a class act. I can see how he would appear arrogant but I think its because he is reserved.

Actually-I was talking about the times he ran up the score on us(i.e. the '04 Monday Night Massacre at TX Stadium).
Bob Sacamano;1741269 said:
link? not necessarily because I don't believe you, I kinda don't anyways, but just because I haven't seen it, would be nice of you

Many of them have posted on this board.
Reid: "hello son, what are you up to?...oh, you'll be on 5th avenue in North Philly?...slanging that thang? alright, just make curfew"

lol, I just had to throw that out there
BoysRule2;1741275 said:
Many of them have posted on this board.

I'm lazy, so would you just produce the reports that his son was selling dope to children and self-respecting parents, I would be much obliged
Bob Sacamano;1741278 said:
I'm lazy, so would you just produce the reports that his son was selling dope to children and self-respecting parents, I would be much obliged


The probation report read in court said Garrett didn’t use drugs until after he graduated high school. Then he started with pot and alcohol, and then prescription painkillers, then coke and heroin. He said he sold drugs out of his home to his friends (and his friends’ parents!), and even sold them in inner-city Philadelphia neighborhoods.
BoysRule2;1741281 said:

The probation report read in court said Garrett didn’t use drugs until after he graduated high school. Then he started with pot and alcohol, and then prescription painkillers, then coke and heroin. He said he sold drugs out of his home to his friends (and his friends’ parents!), and even sold them in inner-city Philadelphia neighborhoods.


I don't see any children, his friends were most likely around his own age, nor self-respecting and responsible adults
Oh, leave Reid alone
At worst he was a permissive father who didn't want to toss his addled sons on the street to certain death, eventually
There for but the grace of god, buddha, allah and Jehovah go we.
Bob Sacamano;1741239 said:
Reid's son sold drugs in the 'hood, not from the house

the Commissioner asked Vick if he was involved in dog-fighting, basically he caught wind of the rumors that were swirling for quite some time, and approached Vick about it, Vick denied it, the cruz was Vick and his role in it, not his cousin's role, in fact his cousin didn't come up until after the meeting, right before the investigation, Goodell and Vick's talk took place a month or 2 before that time

I wouldn't be suprised if his kid's rooms were on the upper story and he couldn't walk up the stairs LOL

I was very clear with Michael. In my mind, that is your responsibility. People living in your house and people on your property is your responsibility. And it is your responsibility to deal with that and make sure they are reflecting on you positively and in the way you want them to. That is not an excuse from my standpoint and I made that clear to Michael Vick. He needed to make sure he surrounded himself with people who were going to treat him properly and represent him the way he wanted to be.


Also, as I stated before it is just hersay and I will admit that, but according to some on Philly Talk Radio who claimed to be alot closer to the situation, Reid's sons not only sold dope in impoverished areas but were also selling it in their own neighborhood.

Anonymous persons on talk radio doesn't provide an iota of credibility but there have been several cases in which well off kids buy and sell drugs in the inner city and then return to their natural surroundings and distribute those drugs.

- Mike G.
Bob Sacamano;1741257 said:
I don't think Reid's kids are sick, sick people don't go around selling drugs, Britt or whatever did it for the fun, I can see if he was hooked on drugs, and that's it, but he's making money off of other's addictions

addiction is a disease though

It's a problem when a drugged up Reid slams your car running a red light on heroin or another in a roid rage points a gun at your head. I don't get all the Reid sympathy on ESPN and media. These kids live in his house.

And they then get arrested again after this. putting them in jail These are menaces to society that need to be jailed and away from mainstream people.
you're right Mickgreen, but he got suspended because not only did he know it was going on in his property, but he was a part of it
mickgreen58;1741334 said:

Also, as I stated before it is just hersay and I will admit that, but according to some on Philly Talk Radio who claimed to be alot closer to the situation, Reid's sons not only sold dope in impoverished areas but were also selling it in their own neighborhood.

Anonymous persons on talk radio doesn't provide an iota of credibility but there have been several cases in which well off kids buy and sell drugs in the inner city and then return to their natural surroundings and distribute those drugs.

- Mike G.

I read a story of the same, Kid was a drug dealer in the inner city and also to the "rich" in Andy Reids neighborhood.
Bob Sacamano;1741349 said:
you're right Mickgreen, but he got suspended because not only did he know it was going on in his property, but he was a part of it

Did you see "There's Something about Mary"? Remember the scene where Ben Stiller picked up some hitchhiker, but little did a know he was a serial killer carrying a dead body in his backpack?

Of course, he had absolutely nothing to do with nothing, but the police nonetheless put him in the slammer for a night.

FWIW-Reid may not have had anything to do with his son's criminal activities. But to say he had NO clue what they were doing-if that's the case, then he's a complete fool.
Bob Sacamano;1741349 said:
you're right Mickgreen, but he got suspended because not only did he know it was going on in his property, but he was a part of it

To me there are no Vick analogies here.

Were the Reid bad and negligent parents here some, sure - jmo. But unless they were part of procuring drugs for their kids. Reid is off the hook legally. I still want to know who was prescribing this stuff? Vicodents, Oxy, Opiates - thats bad stuff.....

As a father of 2 sons, I would NEVER allow that type prescription in my house.....for more than a day or two after a surgery or dental procedure.
BoysRule2;1741354 said:
Did you see "There's Something about Mary"? Remember the scene where Ben Stiller picked up some hitchhiker, but little did a know he was a serial killer carrying a dead body in his backpack?

Of course, he had absolutely nothing to do with nothing, but the police nonetheless put him in the slammer for a night.

FWIW-Reid may not have had anything to do with his son's criminal activities. But to say he had NO clue what they were doing-if that's the case, then he's a complete fool.

lol, and he was released because he was innocent of any wrongdoing, you have your opinion on Reid, but as Tom Cruise said as Lt. Caffey in A Few Good Men, "my client is an idiot, that's not against the law", although I believe that Reid's job schedule and his committment to his team was the reason his son was allowed to run unchecked, not stupidity
abersonc;1741032 said:
I agree to an extent as well.

People cry "Wade Wilson. Wade Wilson. Higher Standard. Higher Standard."

But really they are just hating on Reid.

Yea it's pretty lame imo. It's nothing to do with the NFL. You don't get suspended for being a bad father.
blindzebra;1741009 said:
Now I have a certain amount of sympathy for the Reid family's situation, but had this been a player or a lesser coach I'm sure the league would be looking seriously at a suspension.

Well, that's just stupid... I'd like to see Goodell try to suspend a coach (or even a player) for what his adult sons did...
GimmeTheBall!;1741328 said:
Oh, leave Reid alone
At worst he was a permissive father who didn't want to toss his addled sons on the street to certain death, eventually
There for but the grace of god, buddha, allah and Jehovah go we.

I've been waiting for this post all day. Reids kid at age 12-16 needed to know they had to fend for themselves, go to college or work after graduation from high school.

Instead they knew mommy and daddy would pay for everything and they could get away with being degenerates and live at home and funded. They turned to drug dealing and criminal lifestyle. These kids lived 3-5 years post 18 in Reids house under his watch.

He was never there and if he was he should have addressed. The notion that these kids would have died on the streets is faulty.

They should have known at age 12/13 that they were responsible to support themselves in the real world. I came from some affluence yet made my own lot in life never to rely on my mommy and daddy's money.

Reid failed here at some level
blindzebra;1741049 said:
That's the point.

When the Vick story broke the league looked into the case to see what Vick knew, they aren't doing a thing in this case.

You don't know what the league is or isn't doing, son... kindly stop acting as if you're privy to all their private workings...

And again, Reid isn't accused of doing ANYTHING, his sons are... so, you're suggesting the league suspend him for not being a particularly good father??

I said it before, I'll say it again, with emphasis-- that's just STUPID...
abersonc;1741059 said:
See what happens when you attribute intelligence to Zebra?

Don't be that way, pal... yeah, BZ's embarrassing himself with this thread, but he's generally one of our better posters...

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