It amazes me how supposedly grown men can be this ignorant

No true fan WANTS Henson to fail, but it's hard to make an arguement in his favor these days.
After almost 2 years, his throwing motion has not improved much and he has even reverted back to his original, bad motion. He has no chance of playing much this year, and with
him turning 27 before next season starts, time is starting to run out on his chances of being our future QB.
I have noticed that most of those who still defend Henson are simply in denial, they refuse to admit what is so blatantly obvious.
The man is getting outplayed by an undrafted QB, this is not a good thing. And all the time while you people are defending him, not once, NOT ONCE, has anyone given a reason why he will succeed other than "he needs more time" which is the eternal optimist response that has no bearing on anything.