Oh! Good Grief!!! Enough already!!

ndanger said:
There's nothing like being wrapped up in a womans lingerie.Ltn you bring so much more to this board than excellent posts,football passion and knowledge.I just hope people recognize just how refreshing you are sometimes.As to the topic of this thread ,it doesn't take me long to look at a horseshoe.Board members feel free to apply spin here as needed to feed the need.
I have to admit..you are one of my favorites here, you lunatic. :D
Little Jr said:
IF and i reat IF we're 8-1 and Bledsoe goes down, you would feel comfotable with Henson or Romo?

I know I wouldn't.

We already know Vinny sucks. If Bledsoe goes down then that will be a chance to see what the young ones can do. If we are 8-1 it want be solely because of Bedsoe it will be because our team has improved significantly. If our team hasimproved that much then I think Romo/Henson would be more than adequate as a "bus driver". Personally I believe it will be Henson as the eventual #2 even if it doesn't start out that way.
cml750 said:
We already know Vinny sucks. If Bledsoe goes down then that will be a chance to see what the young ones can do. If we are 8-1 it want be solely because of Bedsoe it will be because our team has improved significantly. If our team hasimproved that much then I think Romo/Henson would be more than adequate as a "bus driver". Personally I believe it will be Henson as the eventual #2 even if it doesn't start out that way.

Well, I dont think Vinny sucks. I know people hate the here this but I think VInny would "GIVE US A BETTER CHANCE TO WIN". To me if you thinkd Vinny sucks then you think Bledsoe sucks. To me they're pretty much the same QB. With Bledsoe having a slight edge.
SultanOfSix said:
Henson's a failure. I just don't understand how anyone can believe otherwise. It's the end of the first week of training camp. Zip it up and seal the deal.

Good thing you are not running the Cowboys. Hello, it's only his SECOND training camp with the Cowboys. Give the guy a break.
Little Jr said:
Well, I dont think Vinny sucks. I know people hate the here this but I think VInny would "GIVE US A BETTER CHANCE TO WIN". To me if you thinkd Vinny sucks then you think Bledsoe sucks. To me they're pretty much the same QB. With Bledsoe having a slight edge.

Well I was never a big fan of the Bledsoe signing. The whole "GIVE US A BETTER CHANCE TO WIN" argument made me sick to my stomach once we were eliminated last year. WHile I have never been a Bledsoe fan I do admit he is by far the best QB on our roster. Because of age DB has a short future with the team while Vinny is over the hill.
Well no matter what you or we think Parcells has made the decision to play Bledsoe for now. And he's gone on record to wait until after the second preseason game to finish this summer's evaluation of the backups. If he doesn't think one of them can come in and do the job he'll bring someone else in. Hopefully one or both will rise to the occasion.

What would you rather have?

a) Bledsoe playing playoff caliber ball. Henson and Romo close enough you can't figure out which one to play backup vs emerg QB. Both looking good enough one will eventually beat Bledsoe out and become a franchise QB and the other good enough to make a trade for a high draft pick or be a great backup.

or b) Bledsoe sucks. Henson/Romo playing so poorly that we have to get a journeyman QB in here to back Bledsoe up or sub for him.

That's what some of you guys are asking for....b). If you really are pulling for Dallas then you want a) and not b).

If all you're doing is expressing an opinion that Bledsoe should be the starter yada then fine. But wishing for any of our QBs to be bad doesn't make any sense to me.
jobberone said:
Well no matter what you or we think Parcells has made the decision to play Bledsoe for now. And he's gone on record to wait until after the second preseason game to finish this summer's evaluation of the backups. If he doesn't think one of them can come in and do the job he'll bring someone else in. Hopefully one or both will rise to the occasion.

What would you rather have?

a) Bledsoe playing playoff caliber ball. Henson and Romo close enough you can't figure out which one to play backup vs emerg QB. Both looking good enough one will eventually beat Bledsoe out and become a franchise QB and the other good enough to make a trade for a high draft pick or be a great backup.

or b) Bledsoe sucks. Henson/Romo playing so poorly that we have to get a journeyman QB in here to back Bledsoe up or sub for him.

That's what some of you guys are asking for....b). If you really are pulling for Dallas then you want a) and not b).

If all you're doing is expressing an opinion that Bledsoe should be the starter yada then fine. But wishing for any of our QBs to be bad doesn't make any sense to me.


esp. this

"If all you're doing is expressing an opinion that Bledsoe should be the starter yada then fine. But wishing for any of our QBs to be bad doesn't make any sense to me."
Dude you are preaching a sermon that either soem people know, or some people arent gonna listen to. Most people on here are show me people, and dont wanna hear about giving chances, all they care about is winning now.
I was a big backer of Henson. When Bledsoe was signed it p*ssed me off cuz I thought it was holding Henson back again. Well Big Bill made the right choice.

If Henson would have shown some improvement from last year you wouldn't be seeing these slam posts. But the problem is Henson is WORSE then last year. I have last faith in the guy and I don't think he is a chance at ever making it here.

I am all for making a trade up in either the '06 '07 or '08 drafts for the top QB in that draft. Yeah it will cost us but we need a real QB of the future not some project.

Just get it done. Get a real QB of the future in here cuz we don't have anything close to a QB of the future on this roster.

It would be nice if we could get that QB in the '07 draft so he can learn for 1 year behind Bledsoe and then take over in 2008.
Chief said:
I still can't believe David Lee is the QB coach of the Dallas Cowboys.

Let's just say that I'm not convinced that our two young throwers are in good hands.

I agree Chief...I'll go you one further too, I'm not so sure Sean Payton is a good fit either...

and its safe to say niether is remotely close to the QB coach/offensive coordinator Norv was when he was here

Wolverine said:
I was a big backer of Henson. When Bledsoe was signed it p*ssed me off cuz I thought it was holding Henson back again. Well Big Bill made the right choice.

If Henson would have shown some improvement from last year you wouldn't be seeing these slam posts. But the problem is Henson is WORSE then last year. I have last faith in the guy and I don't think he is a chance at ever making it here.

I am all for making a trade up in either the '06 '07 or '08 drafts for the top QB in that draft. Yeah it will cost us but we need a real QB of the future not some project.

Just get it done. Get a real QB of the future in here cuz we don't have anything close to a QB of the future on this roster.

It would be nice if we could get that QB in the '07 draft so he can learn for 1 year behind Bledsoe and then take over in 2008.

well wolverine i see your back, i been wondering where you left to
Wolverine said:
I was a big backer of Henson. When Bledsoe was signed it p*ssed me off cuz I thought it was holding Henson back again. Well Big Bill made the right choice.

If Henson would have shown some improvement from last year you wouldn't be seeing these slam posts. But the problem is Henson is WORSE then last year. I have last faith in the guy and I don't think he is a chance at ever making it here.

I am all for making a trade up in either the '06 '07 or '08 drafts for the top QB in that draft. Yeah it will cost us but we need a real QB of the future not some project.

Just get it done. Get a real QB of the future in here cuz we don't have anything close to a QB of the future on this roster.

It would be nice if we could get that QB in the '07 draft so he can learn for 1 year behind Bledsoe and then take over in 2008.

Dare I say it....I agree with Wolverine...... :eek:
let me preface by saying I havent been to TC this yr, however...

if Henson is really struggling with his throws as much as some have proclaimed, dont be surprised if we see him back in Dallas soon for shoulder/elbow testing and ultimately perhaps on IR...you dont go from throwing a football the way he did here last yr and while he was at Michigan to what he supposedly is doing now...many have made reference to a "dead" or "tired" arm, and it could be that maybe he has some rotator cuff or loose bodies in the elbow causing him some problems...remember that not only were Jerry Jones, reporters and fans gushing about how Henson threw last yr but so did Ron Wolf, who admitted he was impressed with how well Henson could throw

just saying I wont be surprised...even minor shoulder and/or elbow problems can have a dramatic effect on throwing accuracy and velocity

Im not saying he is, all im saying is we need to find out if he's good now rather than later.
Henson stashed on IR? Thats a thought but its gotta be half legit and the player "tows the line".

Is he physically ailing? I don't know but throwing all offseason that hard scared me. I know from reading that Brady and Bledsoe shut down throwing a month or 2 in offseason as part of their offseason conditioning.

Or maybe Henson is mentally struggling to the speed of the NFL and its affecting his throwing. It could just be the learning curve that only playing experience gets you. Maybe he should have gone to NFL Europe after all.

Then there's also the hope he lights it up and gets on track.
HeavyHitta31 said:
It amazes me how supposedly grown men can be this ignorant :rolleyes: No true fan WANTS Henson to fail, but it's hard to make an arguement in his favor these days. After almost 2 years, his throwing motion has not improved much and he has even reverted back to his original, bad motion. He has no chance of playing much this year, and with him turning 27 before next season starts, time is starting to run out on his chances of being our future QB.

I have noticed that most of those who still defend Henson are simply in denial, they refuse to admit what is so blatantly obvious. The man is getting outplayed by an undrafted QB, this is not a good thing. And all the time while you people are defending him, not once, NOT ONCE, has anyone given a reason why he will succeed other than "he needs more time" which is the eternal optimist response that has no bearing on anything.

He has been here one year

May wanna check that birthdate again

Not being outplayed acoding to the Dallas Cowboys organization (we havent played any games yet)
BIGDen said:
Have you actually read some of the posts by the Henson bashers? Some people here seem to rejoice when Henson struggles and spout their "I told you so" crap. I have no doubt that they love the Cowboys, but some people are more interested in being proven right than anything else. I'm sure you've met people like this and it's not any different on this board. The "ignorant" comment was not only incorrect - but out of line.
Quincy lover=Henson hater, for whatever reason.
cml750 said:
I just can't understand why there are so many people on this board so ready to annoint Henson a failure. They jump at the chance to point out mistakes he has made.The man played baseball for 3 years and since coming back to football has been asked to completely change his throwing motion. Cut the man some slack. We should all be routing for him. If he does well then we have found our QB of the future for a third round pick. If he fails, be glad we didn't waste a first round pick on him. Is he the future? Noboby knows but we should at least give him a chance. I personally feel he should of played last year after we were eliminated from the playoffs. He has the pedigree to succeed only time will tell if he has everthing else. :bang2:

BTW - A lot of people forget Quincy couldn't even throw a spiral when he first got here. He learned to throw the proper way and would probably be still on the roster if he didn't have his head up his arse.

Henson is done, dud. He is not a dog so his pedigree as you put it means nothing. His star has burned out.
All that Carter could not throw a spiral junk is junk that Junk. If he could not throw a spiral he would not have ever played QB in High School not to mention College and make it thru the combines to get drafted.

You could have kept this stuff to yourself.
jimmy40 said:
Quincy lover=Henson hater, for whatever reason.
That's not true.

Many of us former Carter supporters had no problem supporting Henson, and still don't.
We signed him to an 8 year contract for a reason. He's a long term project, end of story. It seems that little nugget of insight has not only been lost on the people who are ready to declare him a bust in his 2nd training camp, but also those who wanted the organization to hand him the starting job this offseason. Both sides are equally guilty of jumping the gun.

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