Oh! Good Grief!!! Enough already!!

HeavyHitta31 said:
It amazes me how supposedly grown men can be this ignorant :rolleyes: No true fan WANTS Henson to fail, but it's hard to make an arguement in his favor these days. After almost 2 years, his throwing motion has not improved much and he has even reverted back to his original, bad motion. He has no chance of playing much this year, and with him turning 27 before next season starts, time is starting to run out on his chances of being our future QB.

I have noticed that most of those who still defend Henson are simply in denial, they refuse to admit what is so blatantly obvious. The man is getting outplayed by an undrafted QB, this is not a good thing. And all the time while you people are defending him, not once, NOT ONCE, has anyone given a reason why he will succeed other than "he needs more time" which is the eternal optimist response that has no bearing on anything.

ThankYOu, Thankyou Very Much for this post.
LaTunaNostra said:
I'm reconciled now to Bledsoe being the starter for a minimum of the next two years. And I hope it's not just via default, but that he makes a serious statement about reclaiming his former 'elite' status.

Henson I have wrapped up and put into my 'tomorrow' drawer....like lingerie that no longer fits but is too valuable to throw away. I have every expectation some hard work and patience will pay off down the road.

Romo I am PRAYING can keep us from looking outside for a vet backup this summer.

It's Drew Bledsoe for the extended present now.

And I'm not nearly as disappointed as I thought I'd be.

LOL. You're alright, LTN.

dbair1967 said:
let me preface by saying I havent been to TC this yr, however...

if Henson is really struggling with his throws as much as some have proclaimed, dont be surprised if we see him back in Dallas soon for shoulder/elbow testing and ultimately perhaps on IR...you dont go from throwing a football the way he did here last yr and while he was at Michigan to what he supposedly is doing now...many have made reference to a "dead" or "tired" arm, and it could be that maybe he has some rotator cuff or loose bodies in the elbow causing him some problems...remember that not only were Jerry Jones, reporters and fans gushing about how Henson threw last yr but so did Ron Wolf, who admitted he was impressed with how well Henson could throw

just saying I wont be surprised...even minor shoulder and/or elbow problems can have a dramatic effect on throwing accuracy and velocity


Things I see here: Denial, excuses, homerism and optimism ...

A deadly mix ...

For you Henson supporters, how many times do you have to stick you hand in the fire before you realize that it is bad for your health. Cut our losses while we still can, and get a REAL QB next year. Do whatever it takes to get a real leader not a project. I am tired of experiments at QB I want a real one, and Henson ain't it.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Tory was better his Junior year of college than Henson is now, there's absolutely no comparison.

I don't know about that. Aikman was as wretched a player as I've seen on the field his first year in the pros. I wouldn't even call him good his second year. He got to serviceable his second year.

DallasEast said:
Once upon a time, Aikman was a rookie quarterback, but he was never a mediocre one.

I guess you don't know the difference between talent and performance. 9TDs and 18INTs aren't mediocre stats, they stink.

sacase said:
For you Henson supporters, how many times do you have to stick you hand in the fire before you realize that it is bad for your health. Cut our losses while we still can, and get a REAL QB next year. Do whatever it takes to get a real leader not a project. I am tired of experiments at QB I want a real one, and Henson ain't it.
How do any of us know that? Because he didn't have a awesome scrimmage yesterday after 1 week of training camp and before the first preseason game of the year???
big dog cowboy said:
How do any of us know that? Because he didn't have a awesome scrimmage yesterday after 1 week of training camp and before the first preseason game of the year???

First of all I have NEVER thought Henson was goign to do it for us. This is not a I told you so but me continually expressing my belief. It is my opinion that he doesn't have it. I will say that till the day he shows SOMETHING, and to date he hasn't. But since none of us see all the practices, meetings, workouts, or for that matter have any part of the decision making process, our opinions don't account for much, thankfully.
dwmyers said:
I guess you don't know the difference between talent and performance. 9TDs and 18INTs aren't mediocre stats, they stink.

Elway had seven touchdowns to 14 interceptions his rookie year.

Fouts had six touchdowns to 13 interceptions.

Young had 11 touchdowns to 21 interceptions his first TWO seasons in Tampa Bay.

What's your point? What? 'You're a mediocre quarterback if you end up with a less than stellar touchdown-to-interception ratio playing in a bad offense'???

Get real.


Mediocre quarterbacks never progress beyond mediocrity.


Stats are not the sum of a player's ability. I can't quote observers word-for-word, but I do remember sports broadcasters such as Madden praising Aikman's ability and hoping that it would survive the team's transition from m-e-d-i-o-c-r-i-t-y to success.

Mediocre my...
sacase said:
But since none of us see all the practices, meetings, workouts, or for that matter have any part of the decision making process, our opinions don't account for much, thankfully.
You are 100% correct on that. :)
sacase said:
First of all I have NEVER thought Henson was goign to do it for us. This is not a I told you so but me continually expressing my belief. It is my opinion that he doesn't have it. I will say that till the day he shows SOMETHING, and to date he hasn't. But since none of us see all the practices, meetings, workouts, or for that matter have any part of the decision making process, our opinions don't account for much, thankfully.

Exactly. I'm just your average moron. What do I know anyways?
DallasEast said:
Stats are not the sum of a player's ability.

No, but they're far more objective than fans. I'm sorry, but I have a definition of a good quarterback that includes throwing more touchdowns than interceptions, generally, and if you do not, then we'll have to agree to disagree.

I've seen few quarterbacks their first year that were worth a damn. Very few are. Does that mean they lack potential? No. Does that mean I'd put them up against, say, the 1977 Cowboys? You have got to be kidding me.

dwmyers said:
I don't know about that. Aikman was as wretched a player as I've seen on the field his first year in the pros. I wouldn't even call him good his second year. He got to serviceable his second year.



his stats might have been bad, but he wasnt exactly surrounded with many (if any) good players those first two seasons...he was also playing for the worst offensive coordinator (and possibly worst assistant in general) in Dave Shula

no matter what his "stats" said, the guy flashed immediate 5-star talent on the field...even that first start in 1989 he made throws that others could only dream about

"wretched" was a pretty lame description..onbiously you never watched the guy play

dwmyers said:
No, but they're far more objective than fans. I'm sorry, but I have a definition of a good quarterback that includes throwing more touchdowns than interceptions, generally, and if you do not, then we'll have to agree to disagree.

I've seen few quarterbacks their first year that were worth a damn. Very few are. Does that mean they lack potential? No. Does that mean I'd put them up against, say, the 1977 Cowboys? You have got to be kidding me.


stats are for losers...just because the guy doesnt throw up the fantasy numbers you want to see, doesnt mean he isnt a good player

Dude, Henson hasn't even played one preseason game yet, So, how in the world do you know he hasn't improved from last season. Last time i check, the only thing that matter in the NFL,is, how well you perform during GameTime, not how you look in pratice or control scrimmage. This goes for every player on the team. I could care less if you look great in practice. Do it when it count.

Wolverine said:
I was a big backer of Henson. When Bledsoe was signed it p*ssed me off cuz I thought it was holding Henson back again. Well Big Bill made the right choice.

If Henson would have shown some improvement from last year you wouldn't be seeing these slam posts. But the problem is Henson is WORSE then last year. I have last faith in the guy and I don't think he is a chance at ever making it here.

I am all for making a trade up in either the '06 '07 or '08 drafts for the top QB in that draft. Yeah it will cost us but we need a real QB of the future not some project.

Just get it done. Get a real QB of the future in here cuz we don't have anything close to a QB of the future on this roster.

It would be nice if we could get that QB in the '07 draft so he can learn for 1 year behind Bledsoe and then take over in 2008.
dwmyers said:
No, but they're far more objective than fans. I'm sorry, but I have a definition of a good quarterback that includes throwing more touchdowns than interceptions, generally, and if you do not, then we'll have to agree to disagree.

I've seen few quarterbacks their first year that were worth a damn. Very few are. Does that mean they lack potential? No. Does that mean I'd put them up against, say, the 1977 Cowboys? You have got to be kidding me.

Gosh, what the heck more you want from me???

I said, "Mediocre quarterbacks never progress beyond mediocrity".

Let's take a look at the DEFINITION of the WORD you continue to use...


Main Entry: me·di·o·cre
Pronunciation: "mE-dE-'O-k&r
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin mediocris, from medius middle + Old Latin ocris stony mountain; akin to Latin acer sharp -- more at EDGE
: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ORDINARY, SO-SO

According to you, in 1989, Aikman's talent and/or performance was of 'moderate or low quality, value, ability, performance, ordinary or so-so'.

I don't.

When I watched Aikman in his rookie season, I saw a quarterback with excellent potential which was:

a) Above-average in quality

b) who's value to the franchise for seasons to come was very evident from day one

c) because his ability as a 1st round overall selection was seemingly apparent to everyone except Mel Kiper and yourself

d) his performance was pretty freaking outstanding for a guy who MISSED his first five games due to a broken finger

e) he was apparently so ordinary his rookie season that the man was named to MULTIPLE All-Rookie teams

f) the Cardinals and Rams thought he was so-so after he lit them up for over 350 yards and threw FOUR touchdowns, respectively

My goodness! Don't you believe that you've used the WRONG word here or what???
dbair1967 said:
let me preface by saying I havent been to TC this yr, however...

if Henson is really struggling with his throws as much as some have proclaimed, dont be surprised if we see him back in Dallas soon for shoulder/elbow testing and ultimately perhaps on IR...you dont go from throwing a football the way he did here last yr and while he was at Michigan to what he supposedly is doing now...many have made reference to a "dead" or "tired" arm, and it could be that maybe he has some rotator cuff or loose bodies in the elbow causing him some problems...remember that not only were Jerry Jones, reporters and fans gushing about how Henson threw last yr but so did Ron Wolf, who admitted he was impressed with how well Henson could throw

just saying I wont be surprised...even minor shoulder and/or elbow problems can have a dramatic effect on throwing accuracy and velocity

There is nothing wrong with his arm. He is still adjusting to the mechanics change. Henson is having the very same struggles that one Tony Romo had in training camp last year when he made changes to his mechanics.
dbair1967 said:
stats are for losers...just because the guy doesnt throw up the fantasy numbers you want to see, doesnt mean he isnt a good player


Agreed, look at Bradys #'s last year and Mannings #'s but I'd still rather have Brady because he is a winner.

The problem im having is that Henso isnt showing any improvement acording to the guys at camp, if this is true then yes there is a problem. We been working with him now for close to 2 years if he isnt getting it yet I dont know if he will.
RonBurgandy31 said:
Agreed, look at Bradys #'s last year and Mannings #'s but I'd still rather have Brady because he is a winner.

The problem im having is that Henso isnt showing any improvement acording to the guys at camp, if this is true then yes there is a problem. We been working with him now for close to 2 years if he isnt getting it yet I dont know if he will.
The Brady/Manning debate is an interesting one. But to say you would rather have Brady because he is a winner isn't right. He also has something called DEFENSE. Case in point: Marino

The deal with Henson is simply this, how long? Apparently you feel close to 2 years (which isn't right by the way it has been just over 1 year) is enough. He could easily be a 3 year project. If that is what it takes then that is what it takes. Of course that isn't saying he will ever get it. Just because a guy doesn't get it within your time frame doesn't mean he won't. I remember the day when rookie QB's could be expected to carry a clipboard for 4-5 years before they were ready.
Whoever thinks a rookie QB is mediocre that throws 4 TDs and 350 yards in one game against a decent LA Rams team with an absolutely horrid 1-15 team is asinine. It irritates me beyond measure that anyone could think Aikman was a "mediocre" QB in any sense whatsoever.

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