Olive Garden’s unlimited Soup & Salad

I nominate @Trouty to tackle this feat. It's on me, I'll call the restaurant and have them put the tab on my card for you and your son. The catch is you have to hit the 4 soups, 3 salads and 10 breadsticks or I don't pay. You would be on the honor system of course. What say you?
My son would kill me for doing this (because he friggin' loves him some Olive Garden), but I must decline, Aria. :) I could probably do half of that :D

I'd much prefer to pay for my own, and not explode on the way to the car!
I think the soup would be the biggest challenge not the breadsticks. I also wonder what their policy is on timing the meals. For example, can I polish off the breadsticks then ask for another basket as I start working on the soup? I would assume so but can I ask for a 2nd bowl of soup as I'm half way through the first bowl? If they delay the meals significantly (which I bet they do on purpose) it would really hurt the appetite factor.
I think the soup would be the biggest challenge not the breadsticks. I also wonder what their policy is on timing the meals. For example, can I polish off the breadsticks then ask for another basket as I start working on the soup? I would assume so but can I ask for a 2nd bowl of soup as I'm half way through the first bowl? If they delay the meals significantly (which I bet they do on purpose) it would really hurt the appetite factor.
Ok, Aria, that does it! You have too many questions, you most go on the inside for CZ and test it out and report back!!! :)
This was funny as heck, Reality! I looked him up, sad to see he passed away. Are you a fan of his?

He's good. I remember him back in the day. If you have Netflix, check out the new Brian Regan special. Family friendly too, if you're into that kinda thing.
I don't eat out much anymore but that's where I go and what I order when I do. Great meal. I always get the minestrone soup. The atmosphere by the fireplace is very nice too. I think the last time we went I didn't even get a second bowl of soup.
I don't eat out much anymore but that's where I go and what I order when I do. Great meal. I always get the minestrone soup. The atmosphere by the fireplace is very nice too. I think the last time we went I didn't even get a second bowl of soup.
And they rely on lightweights like you to balance out the beefeaters that routinely tear up their profit margins..
Next time, just order a second soup whether you eat it or not. Hit "The Man" where it hurts. Fight the power, bro!
Went there last night, before seeing this thread.

Had 3 bowls of soup, about 4 breadsticks, and bowl of salad. I wish I would have read this thread before going. I think I could have went another round or 2 on the soup. The waiter came around and asked if I wanted more and seemed eager to do it. Had no feeling that they would have cut me off.

I will say this, the breadsticks are the most filling item. If someone actually ate 10 of those things along with the other stuff and still wanted more food then they have an eating disorder.
Ok, Aria, that does it! You have too many questions, you most go on the inside for CZ and test it out and report back!!! :)
I'm tempted but with the holiday eating and drinking season upon us I've been trying to cut back the unnecessary calories where I can. Who knows though, it is tempting and I like food challenges.

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