On the Mark: Goodell Changing the Rules

Bob Sacamano;1562012 said:
did you read appendix C-NFL Player Contract, point 15? hell, it begins with...


and then after that, it goes on to say...

Player recognizes the detriment to the League and professional football that would result from impairment of public confidence in the honest and orderly conduct of NFL games or the integrity and good character of NFL players.
OK, so it says, "conduct detrimental to the league" includes impairment of public confidence in the integrity and good character of NFL players. It doesn't exclude anything. I never said that lacking integrity wasn't "conduct detrimental." I said that the way it's phrased doesn't limit to "conduct detrimental to the league's integrity."

sucking at what you do is not lacking in integrity
Geebus summer... how many times have I said, the QB thing is an extreme example to prove a point? I'm not actually putting that forth as an example of something that will get you suspended.

Do you want a more believable example?? How about TO? Could he have been suspended for "conduct detrimental to the league?" Do you think a case could be made that he lacks integrity or good character?

BTW one definition of integrity is "of sound or perfect condition."

I mean, what kind of law do you practice? stupid? seriously

Says the waiter.
peplaw06;1562035 said:
Some people don't have very high opinions of car salesmen, mechanics, doctors, priests, etc. etc.

I tend to base my opinions off of personal experiences, and even then I don't indict a whole profession simply because of a few bad apples.

I mean I would expect that most people on this board have heard more about the missteps of professional football players than attorneys. So we've seen there are a few bad apples. Do you immediately assume every football player is the same as Michael Vick?

As I said there are bad in all profession but it does not change the fact that in survey after survey lawyers ranks low in public opinion polls down there with politicians and the media. Ever since I can remember lawyers have never been highly thought of expect by other lawyers.
peplaw06;1562052 said:
OK, so it says, "conduct detrimental to the league" includes impairment of public confidence in the integrity and good character of NFL players. It doesn't exclude anything. I never said that lacking integrity wasn't "conduct detrimental." I said that the way it's phrased doesn't limit to "conduct detrimental to the league's integrity."

too much spin...head...dizzy

you said there was nothing in the CBA that said anything about the integrity of the game being a factor, I showed you where it did, case closed

peplaw06 said:
Geebus summer... how many times have I said, the QB thing is an extreme example to prove a point? I'm not actually putting that forth as an example of something that will get you suspended.

so basically you were just talking out of your arse? I don't know how an extreme example that's non-sensical helps your point

peplaw06 said:
Do you want a more believable example?? How about TO? Could he have been suspended for "conduct detrimental to the league?" Do you think a case could be made that he lacks integrity or good character?

it depends on what the charges against him are, you have to be a little more specific here

peplaw06 said:
BTW one definition of integrity is "of sound or perfect condition."

I don't see how that applies

peplaw06 said:
Says the waiter.

who can read a contract better than the lawyer
Doomsday101;1562055 said:
As I said there are bad in all profession but it does not change the fact that in survey after survey lawyers ranks low in public opinion polls down there with politicians and the media. Ever since I can remember lawyers have never been highly thought of expect by other lawyers.
Don't know if anything similar has been posted on this thread, but I excerpted this from an '04 CBS News/WebMD/Gallup poll ( Link )

Curious about how your profession rated? Here's Gallup's list, starting with the professions rated "very high" or "high" on honesty and ethical standards:
  1. Nurses (79 percent)
  2. Druggists, pharmacists (72 percent)
  3. Military officers (72 percent)
  4. Medical doctors (67 percent)
  5. Police officers (60 percent)
  6. Clergy (56 percent)
  7. Judges (53 percent)
  8. Day care providers (49 percent)
  9. Bankers (36 percent)
  10. Auto mechanics (26 percent)
  11. Local officeholders (26 percent)
  12. Nursing home operators (24 percent)
  13. State officeholders (24 percent)
  14. TV reporters (23 percent)
  15. Newspaper reporters (21 percent)
  16. Business executives (20 percent)
  17. Lawyers (18 percent)
  18. Congressmen (10 percent)
  19. Advertising practitioners (10 percent)
  20. Car salesmen (9 percent)
DallasEast;1562074 said:
Don't know if anything similar has been posted on this thread, but I excerpted this from an '04 CBS News/WebMD/Gallup poll ( Link )

Curious about how your profession rated? Here's Gallup's list, starting with the professions rated "very high" or "high" on honesty and ethical standards:
  1. Nurses (79 percent)
  2. Druggists, pharmacists (72 percent)
  3. Military officers (72 percent)
  4. Medical doctors (67 percent)
  5. Police officers (60 percent)
  6. Clergy (56 percent)
  7. Judges (53 percent)
  8. Day care providers (49 percent)
  9. Bankers (36 percent)
  10. Auto mechanics (26 percent)
  11. Local officeholders (26 percent)
  12. Nursing home operators (24 percent)
  13. State officeholders (24 percent)
  14. TV reporters (23 percent)
  15. Newspaper reporters (21 percent)
  16. Business executives (20 percent)
  17. Lawyers (18 percent)
  18. Congressmen (10 percent)
  19. Advertising practitioners (10 percent)
  20. Car salesmen (9 percent)

I admit I have yet to meet a car saleman I have liked. High pressure sales and going back and forth to their manager with yet another offer I am not going to go with. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;1562082 said:
I admit I have yet to meet a car saleman I have liked. High pressure sales and going back and forth to their manager with yet another offer I am not going to go with. :laugh2:
I think car salesmen are mostly disliked because they are so annoying on TV
superpunk;1562037 said:
I like how what you highlighted talks about the integrity and good character of NFL players.

I also like how certain people decided to trash the hell out of all lawyers ("all") and then just want to brush everything under a rug when a lawyer (inevitably included in "all lawyers") takes offense and shows that certain people's opinions are baseless.

Classy. ;)

How would you know what 'classy' is?

I'm glad you think somebody 'showed' me anything.

I merely got tired of this pointless argument.

But once again, the lawyers have to 'make their case' and keep things locked in litigation.

At least they're consistant......
Bob Sacamano;1562069 said:
too much spin...head...dizzy

you said there was nothing in the CBA that said anything about the integrity of the game being a factor, I showed you where it did, case closed
Link? Just cause you say "case closed" doesn't mean it is. I wouldn't expect you to keep the arguments straight. You read what you want into everything. When Comprehension is a problem for you, you tend to get dizzy in arguments.

it depends on what the charges against him are, you have to be a little more specific here
Where does it say charges must be levied against him? Integrity or of good character, right? Does TO have good character?

I don't see how that applies
You don't say...?? Do you think the QB play in the NFL is sound or in perfect condition?

who can read a contract better than the lawyer
Did your daddy provide with you a pop-up book of the CBA?

You still haven't shown me where it says the Commissioner can suspend for "conduct detrimental to the integrity of the league."
Bob Sacamano;1562087 said:
I think car salesman are mostly disliked because they are so annoying on TV

I don't mind them on TV I hate them in my face. I once was looking at an explorer and was listed at 40,000 and I could not afford it at the time and told that to the saleman as he approached. He asked if I wanted to test drive it I told him that will not change what I can afford and what I can't. He keep on going so finally I took the vehicle for a test drive as soon as we returned he started with what do I have to do to put you in this SUV today after I already explained my price range. I have had many bad encounters with these people.
DallasEast;1562074 said:
Don't know if anything similar has been posted on this thread, but I excerpted this from an '04 CBS News/WebMD/Gallup poll ( Link )

Curious about how your profession rated? Here's Gallup's list, starting with the professions rated "very high" or "high" on honesty and ethical standards:
  1. Nurses (79 percent)
  2. Druggists, pharmacists (72 percent)
  3. Military officers (72 percent)
  4. Medical doctors (67 percent)
  5. Police officers (60 percent)
  6. Clergy (56 percent)
  7. Judges (53 percent)
  8. Day care providers (49 percent)
  9. Bankers (36 percent)
  10. Auto mechanics (26 percent)
  11. Local officeholders (26 percent)
  12. Nursing home operators (24 percent)
  13. State officeholders (24 percent)
  14. TV reporters (23 percent)
  15. Newspaper reporters (21 percent)
  16. Business executives (20 percent)
  17. Lawyers (18 percent)
  18. Congressmen (10 percent)
  19. Advertising practitioners (10 percent)
  20. Car salesmen (9 percent)

*raises hand*

Teacher? Weren't all judges at some point lawyers??
superpunk;1562112 said:
Because I've got it coming out my "assy", son.

Don't give up your day job.

You're not nearly as entertaining as you think you are.

Maybe it's time to go for the 'white-out'?
peplaw, this is the argument, forget these outlandish examples

Vick being indicted, in the light of all the other arrests that have been taking place, is casting a negative image on the league and it's players, that is why he's being suspended, and why it's well within Goodell's power to do so under the CBA


read up
Doomsday101;1562098 said:
I don't mind them on TV I hate them in my face. I once was looking at an explorer and was listed at 40,000 and I could not afford it at the time and told that to the saleman as he approached. He asked if I wanted to test drive it I told him that will not change what I can afford and what I can't. He keep on going so finally I took the vehicle for a test drive as soon as we returned he started with what do I have to do to put you in this SUV today after I already explained my price range. I have had many bad encounters with these people.
I have that same problem with salespeople in general, especially telemarketers. I'm probably in the minority of people who really doesn't mind whenever a telemarketer calls (as long as it's before 10 pm), but I find it silly to say upfront "I ain't buying what you're selling ever" and then listen to the sales pitch for another 2 - 3 minutes. Not only did that salesperson waste minutes of my time, but minutes that he/she could've devoted on another sales call.

Still, I'm also the real patience type and will listen until the salesperson has exhausted themselves. It's hilarious whenever someone goes on for 10 - 20 minutes and after telling them "no" for the umpteenth time, they finally say, "So you don't want what I'm selling, right?" THEN you can hear the anger in the voices of the less professional ones. Too funny.
DallasEast;1562120 said:
I have that same problem with salespeople in general, especially telemarketers. I'm probably in the minority of people who really doesn't mind whenever a telemarketer calls (as long as it's before 10 pm), but I find it silly to say upfront "I ain't buying what you're selling ever" and then listen to the sales pitch for another 2 - 3 minutes. Not only did that salesperson waste minutes of my time, but minutes that he/she could've devoted on another sales call.

Still, I'm also the real patience type and will listen until the salesperson has exhausted themselves. It's hilarious whenever someone goes on for 10 - 20 minutes and after telling them "no" for the umpteenth time, they finally say, "So you don't want what I'm selling, right?" THEN you can hear the anger in the voices of the less professional ones. Too funny.

Normally I just hang up but when they call in the middle of a Cowboys game I admit I have gone off on them. :laugh2:
stasheroo;1562115 said:
Don't give up your day job.

You're not nearly as entertaining as you think you are.

Maybe it's time to go for the 'white-out'?

I'm gonna level with you on this one. I'm hilarious, AND smart.

It's a deadly combination, and generally causes lesser men to feel inadequate, and lash out.

But I don't hate. It ain't nothin' but a thing.
DallasEast;1562120 said:
I have that same problem with salespeople in general, especially telemarketers. I'm probably in the minority of people who really doesn't mind whenever a telemarketer calls (as long as it's before 10 pm), but I find it silly to say upfront "I ain't buying what you're selling ever" and then listen to the sales pitch for another 2 - 3 minutes. Not only did that salesperson waste minutes of my time, but minutes that he/she could've devoted on another sales call.

Still, I'm also the real patience type and will listen until the salesperson has exhausted themselves. It's hilarious whenever someone goes on for 10 - 20 minutes and after telling them "no" for the umpteenth time, they finally say, "So you don't want what I'm selling, right?" THEN you can hear the anger in the voices of the less professional ones. Too funny.

Telemarketer: "would you like to buy this product?"

victim: "no, but give me your name and home number and I'll call you back"

Telemarketer: "uh, sir, I can't do that"

victim: "no? oh, so you don't like it when people call you at your house, now you know how I feel" *click*
Doomsday101;1562123 said:
Normally I just hang up but when they call in the middle of a Cowboys game I admit I have gone off on them. :laugh2:
That's one of the few times they would get a busy signal. My phone's off the hook before kickoff. :laugh2:
superpunk;1562126 said:
I'm gonna level with you on this one. I'm hilarious, AND smart.

It's a deadly combination, and generally causes lesser men to feel inadequate, and lash out.

But I don't hate. It ain't nothin' but a thing.

Glad you feel that way!

Carry on!

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