CFZ Only one way to stop the negative narratives Cowboy fans

Just a lot of frustration with the team.

Last two playoff runs have been train wrecks.

This one looks sketchy.

It’s near impossible to win multiple playoff games on the road.
Apparently all this is a little bit complicated for some people. Sorry.

They are allowed to make up stuff nobody actually said.
Lets win something FIRST...then see what people say. Don't make it up in your head to validate your agenda.

That is all I am saying. I think that's fair.
'Complication' is irrelevant. Everyone will not agree how others will say anything.

One thing that does matter is that everyone stop calling each other names and cussing at one another. Doing so will allow each member, not calling fellow members names and cussing at them, to continue having a conversation within this thread.
Look, i'm not speaking for myself. All i'm saying is @zrinkill is a good poster. Whatever issue you have with me is irrelevent i'm just saying your energy is a bit off here. I don't know if you read his post wrong or what but the energy you brought wasn't warranted. He never said his opinion was "fact".
So you want me to take "energy" advice...from you?

You argue and fight with anyone who dare disagrees or not fan like you demand.

Re access your own "energy" and how you approach people. Before giving advice.

Please God CouchCoach advice here!
IMO there are multiple reasons why fans here have these constant “negative” vs “positive“ standoffs:
  • This is an opinion forum. Which by definition means a variety of opinions will be offered on a variety of people and topics. As long as those opinions are within the rules, it’s all good. No one has to agree with anyone else’s opinions. Either way.
  • Whether someone prefers the “positive” outlook or not, I do understand why many fans find it hard to “buy in” to a positive outlook. Nearly 3 decades of disappointment will do that to people.
  • While other fans can’t stand hearing any negativity because it makes their enjoyment of a season or even a player harder. I get that too.
  • I do understand why some fans tire of negativity. Some of our fans don’t like certain players, coaches or front office people and can get hung up on that alone. To the point it’s all they ever talk about. That can be tiresome but again, it’s an opinion forum. Not a pep squad.
Folks we should ALL be more tolerant of each other’s opinions around here. You don’t like something someone is saying, tell them where you disagree and why, then let it go.

IMO-THE most tiresome thing that happens on this forum are people attacking and insulting their fellow Cowboys fans because they disagree with their opinion. That to me is way more tiresome than negativity or cheerleading.

We can all do better.
We can all do better?! You try to do better and I’ll take care of myself. Thx
'Complication' is irrelevant. Everyone will not agree how others will say anything.

One thing that does matter is that everyone stop calling each other names and cussing at one another. Doing so will allow each member, not calling fellow members names and cussing at them, to continue having a conversation within this thread.

"everyone will not agree".

So why do we allow some people to say that we MUST fan like them,,,but not others?

Rhetorical only.....I do give benefit of the doubt to those that are positive...but also appreciate criticism and caution too.
Winning a Super Bowl will reduce negative narratives. It will not stop them. There are extremely few examples of all people agreeing on any topic. And that is a huge understatement on my part.

Perhaps winning a Super Bowl will make hearing and reading negative narratives far less frequent is a better reflection of what might happen..?
No. Negative people are generally negative through their lives 24/7/365.
You must be to young to remember when we won the 90's Superbowls ........ there were "Cowboy fans" then that hated that team because of Landry getting fired and badmouthed them every chance they got no matter what.

It was an agenda before the internet, and its just gotten worse since.

Not to mention I can see your posting history.

Have a great day ........ or miserable one ....... whichever you prefer.
So you don;t remember cleveland/cinnci fans putting bags on their heads. How would that go over NOW? An "AGENDA before the internet".

Some fans are not now what?

You "see my posting history"?

So what is it? Pin me down....prove your agenda against me.
No. Negative people are generally negative through their lives 24/7/365.
Too true. Even people CLAIMING to fight "negativity" with every inch of their being can be extremely negative. When you do it and know there's no chance of are just virtue signaling at that point.

My point is fighting who you call trolls by fighting them every inch of the dumb because you are giving them exactly what they want.

It makes zero sense...but we have them here.
He stated his opinion and you got upset. Where did he say it was a "fact"?

Didn't you just accuse me of saying something yesterday that I didn't say? You might want to dial it back because you're doing it again this time with another poster.
Piranhas in the water and we all do it as fans because all of us diehards share one common goal, and that is to get another ring.
We are all bulldog mentality at this point.
This team has the ability to get to that level and that is my honest opinion, just slightly biased, but honest none the less.
So you want me to take "energy" advice...from you?

You argue and fight with anyone who dare disagrees or not fan like you demand.

Re access your own "energy" and how you approach people. Before giving advice.

Please God CouchCoach advice here!
Ok you keep making this about "me"...its fine. I tried. Have at it. Keep making a fool of yourself. Can't say I didn't try to help you.
Piranhas in the water and we all do it as fans because all of us diehards share one common goal, and that is to get another ring.
We are all bulldog mentality at this point.
This team has the ability to get to that level and that is my honest opinion, just slightly biased, but honest none the less.
I agree. Mine isn't slightly i'm straight up biased lol. But I do think we have a shot. I think the 49ers are the hurdle. The mental and physical hurdle. I say this now but I may change my opinion depending on how we look when we face tougher competition.
The people doing this will still continue even if we win a Superbowl.

Its personal with them now and they are to invested for it to ever change.
Exactly. They will have a brand new narrative. Negative people in this world don't become positive. They stay bitter, sad and negative. It would be like saying...if the sun comes out tomorrow my dog will be able to fly. A dog can't fly. A miserable person can't become happy over a football team.

Those people need much more in there life then a bunch of grown men winning a kids game to become happy.
I disagree.
Don't see certain Dak critics on here as much lately.
You don't. However its not an admission of being wrong its them staying away until he plays poorly. Because he will at some point. Now if those guys came around here and admitted possibly being wrong? I would agree. But no one admits to being wrong. At all. They take that opinion to their grave. And while I don't respect those type of Cowboy fans.....if a Eagle fan had a issue admitting being wrong i'd understand it. They're rivals full of hatred. But for the life of me I don't get how supposed Cowboy fans have a issue doing it about the team they claim to root for.
I agree. Mine isn't slightly i'm straight up biased lol. But I do think we have a shot. I think the 49ers are the hurdle. The mental and physical hurdle. I say this now but I may change my opinion depending on how we look when we face tougher competition.
They are as worried about as we are of them at this point, I can say that with confidence.
Cowboys are gelling at the right time.
Timing is everything.
prove your agenda against me.
They are as worried about as we are of them at this point, I can say that with confidence.
Cowboys are gelling at the right time.
Timing is everything.
Oh I agree. I don't know if I said it in this thread but going back and forth with them they keep using the "We haven't played our A game" yet.....that's their new mantra. I think this is their A game they just don't know it yet.
Ok you keep making this about "me"...its fine. I tried. Have at it. Keep making a fool of yourself. Can't say I didn't try to help you.
So how is it NOT about you? You are the one that has the nerve to hand out advice about perceived energy.

Passive aggressive sheesh~!

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