CFZ Opinions vs Trolling- Some Serious Advice

Identifying trolls:

If you look at a user's profile and the last 10 posts are all on the same subject across multiple threads.
Users with less than 100 posts ever suddenly creating threads. --this generally means they were banned before and are back in a new account to troll more because emails are easy to come by.
If the likes on a post are chockful of other people suspected of being trolls.
You can see the likes of people you have on ignore so birds of a feather here.

As noted above use ignore liberally. Forum is much better if you weed out people that have no real interest in talking football IMO.

Identifying trolls:

If you look at a user's profile and the last 10 posts are all on the same subject across multiple threads.
Users with less than 100 posts ever suddenly creating threads. --this generally means they were banned before and are back in a new account to troll more because emails are easy to come by.
If the likes on a post are chockful of other people suspected of being trolls.
You can see the likes of people you have on ignore so birds of a feather here.

As noted above use ignore liberally. Forum is much better if you weed out people that have no real interest in talking football IMO.
Not sure I would pass your user criteria. My last post, 'Dakstabbers are Out in Mass' was deleted by mods after over 250 replies because it 'turned into an insult fest.' I only post when I feel strongly about something but do not ridicule or bait any replies that I get but only try to have a reasonable conversation. I guess the posters on the thread had other motives to their posts. Anyway, I don't post often but I am not a troll or someone that tries to stir the pot.
I’m writing this to try and reduce some of the unnecessary vitriol and occasional trolling that pops up on our great forum from time to time that can be easily avoided and make this forum even better for everyone. Probably 90-95% of our members show respect at all times so just trying to increase the respect meter around here.

Let me say upfront, we encourage everyone’s opinions about the Cowboys. Having a variety of opinions is what makes this place interesting. What we don’t encourage is name calling, race-baiting, insults, and general immature, trolling behavior. We are Cowboys fans, not e-girls fans.

Here are some serious suggestions to avoid getting the bench:
  • Once you’ve made the same argument time and time again, and many people have disagreed with that same basic argument, there’s no need to just keep making it over and over and over. At some point, we can all agree to disagree and move on.
  • Very few people dug in an opinion are going to suddenly say, “Wow, that 13th time you made that same point, I saw the light.”
  • The constant criticism and nit-picking of your fellow fans is tiresome.
  • We’re not here to win arguments. We’re here to offer opinions.
  • Once you start calling people names or insulting them, you’ve already lost whatever points you wanted to make.
  • If you don’t like someone’s thread, instead of insulting them and the topic, just don’t post on it. The fastest way to kill a thread is to avoid it. They usually die a quick death that way.
Finally- Sometimes there’s a fine line between sharing an opinion repeatedly and trolling. If we all stopped trying to “own” or “school” someone rather than respect them, this place would be so much better than it already is.

I appreciate our forum and every single Cowboys fan who posts here. In the end, there’s so much more we have in common than the things we disagree on around here.

Let’s Go Cowboys!!!

What we don’t encourage is name calling, race-baiting, insults, and general immature, trolling behavior. We are Cowboys fans, not e-girls fans.

So you don't encourage insults, yet your next sentence try's to insult eagles phans. Just be more specific next time. What we don’t encourage is name calling, race-baiting, insults, and general immature, trolling behavior of cowboys fans.
What we don’t encourage is name calling, race-baiting, insults, and general immature, trolling behavior. We are Cowboys fans, not e-girls fans.

So you don't encourage insults, yet your next sentence try's to insult eagles phans. Just be more specific next time. What we don’t encourage is name calling, race-baiting, insults, and general immature, trolling behavior of cowboys fans.
We have a couple Eagle fans who make some sound contributions . I always welcome opposing fans opinions . I think what Bob is referring to is those” E-girl “ fans who are posing as disgruntled Cowboy fans .

Fan forums are well known for having opposing fans come in as their own to rile up or incite the base.
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If I may be so bold as to say:

"Trolling" is NOT being in disagreement.

False accusations...or trolling the few actual trolls out of your big crusade ("enlightenment" you say)...makes you just as bad.
Not sure I would pass your user criteria. My last post, 'Dakstabbers are Out in Mass' was deleted by mods after over 250 replies because it 'turned into an insult fest.' I only post when I feel strongly about something but do not ridicule or bait any replies that I get but only try to have a reasonable conversation. I guess the posters on the thread had other motives to their posts. Anyway, I don't post often but I am not a troll or someone that tries to stir the pot.

Actually I thought that was rather clever and funny. Nobody should be insulted by that term of endearment even though I must be one of them by certain definitions, lol
I’m writing this to try and reduce some of the unnecessary vitriol and occasional trolling that pops up on our great forum from time to time that can be easily avoided and make this forum even better for everyone. Probably 90-95% of our members show respect at all times so just trying to increase the respect meter around here.

Let me say upfront, we encourage everyone’s opinions about the Cowboys. Having a variety of opinions is what makes this place interesting. What we don’t encourage is name calling, race-baiting, insults, and general immature, trolling behavior. We are Cowboys fans, not e-girls fans.

Here are some serious suggestions to avoid getting the bench:
  • Once you’ve made the same argument time and time again, and many people have disagreed with that same basic argument, there’s no need to just keep making it over and over and over. At some point, we can all agree to disagree and move on.
  • Very few people dug in an opinion are going to suddenly say, “Wow, that 13th time you made that same point, I saw the light.”
  • The constant criticism and nit-picking of your fellow fans is tiresome.
  • We’re not here to win arguments. We’re here to offer opinions.
  • Once you start calling people names or insulting them, you’ve already lost whatever points you wanted to make.
  • If you don’t like someone’s thread, instead of insulting them and the topic, just don’t post on it. The fastest way to kill a thread is to avoid it. They usually die a quick death that way.
Finally- Sometimes there’s a fine line between sharing an opinion repeatedly and trolling. If we all stopped trying to “own” or “school” someone rather than respect them, this place would be so much better than it already is.

I appreciate our forum and every single Cowboys fan who posts here. In the end, there’s so much more we have in common than the things we disagree on around here.

Let’s Go Cowboys!!!

If the mods care about this site they will create a Dak specific forum and be done with it already. All other threads are completely drowning in Dak threads or are being hijacked by people arguing about Dak.
What we don’t encourage is name calling, race-baiting, insults, and general immature, trolling behavior. We are Cowboys fans, not e-girls fans.

So you don't encourage insults, yet your next sentence try's to insult eagles phans. Just be more specific next time. What we don’t encourage is name calling, race-baiting, insults, and general immature, trolling behavior of cowboys fans.
Don’t worry. Cowboys fans usually treat our opposing fans much better than they do in Philly.
The old forum was JV and the CZ is the NFL.
It was run like a dictatorship where censorship and selling the teams line were evident.
Depending on which mod was on duty the world turned pretty much.
I was banned simply for questioning the talent level of Dak on numerous occasions back in 2016/2017.
Kskboys was dictator # 1 as he likes to control everything around him esp when it came to Dak posts.
No major loss.....;)
@kskboys was a mod?
I never traipsed upon that site.
Didn't know it existed.
I'll say this, the mod's bear a lot of responsibility for the way this board has degenerated on the subject of Dak. You guys have basically let the name calling and personal attacks from both sides go on unchecked. If you want to see it improve, start handing out warnings, suspensions, and then all out ban if people can't adhere to the rules. I can't tell you how many times I have seen the personal attacks going back-and-forth. "Moron, clown, idiot." Nothing is said..and there will be mods with multiple posts throughout the thread, sometimes right under it. So what would even be the point of reporting it?

I'm not going to pretend to be a saint and say i never post something just to get under someone's skin, but you won't see me attacking people personally over their opinion of a player. I get that the job you guys have is thankless and ALL done on a volunteer basis, and we ALL appreciate that, but people will push things as far as YOU GUYS let them take it. Just food for thought.
I love it...Dak is Good thread and Dak is Bad thread.

You can post in whatever one you want after each game.

Its not a dak is good thread. There will be no Dak is good thread. No place for the Dak Homies.
He supposed to have one for serious discussion and one for the bashing.
You really only need one Dak hate thread for the handful of Zoners that scream about his every move. You can probably make it a Dak & Rush thread and you’ll corral the same zoners into the same thread.

Good thread topic though. Because I had some Zoner tell me “F you” because I said Rush would never be picked over Dak by any of the other 31 NFL teams. He didn’t even have the decency to PM me and wish me an F you! Seriously, It’s crazy how some posters have so much hate for a football player that they become subjective and resort to that type of behavior. I can’t wrap my brain around that.
Agreed with the name calling. One dude attempted to call my avatar ugly. Said if that was a picture of me, he felt sorry for me. It was a picture of Sal from Impractical Jokers but still, it hurt lol.

Yeah, some people will take out on others how unhappy they are with themselves.

I liken them to the Skip Scoundrel Bayless' of the world: those who will stab you in the back to boost themselves up.

That said, if posters can't debate and be respectful or if they don't have their facts straight and are constantly carrying on like a blowhard, just add them to your ignore list.

In the end, the ignore feature makes it a better place, because the trolls don't get the attention they're desperate for.
My issue is the hijacking of threads it gets tiresome. We have ennough Dak sux threads on the board that you can direct your vitrol to. Perfect example is the chicgo rushing attack thread. 2 post in it was about dak. That garbage happens frequently.
another example is the prescott had better game than some are getting credit for.That thread wa not needed all it does is invite the same disageements as the 48 dak threads. Make a Dak zone if need be. I can avoid obvious troll threads but when it takes over every thread even the ones that have nothing to do with the QB its trolling. I can look at user namers and know who is trolling and who isnt

But . . . just ignore the trolls. Let them discuss with themselves. That way, those of use who are interested in talking about various aspects of the team and also respecting differing views from ours can do so without the trolls.

It really is a win win.

Once upon a time, I never used the ignore feature. But I can appreciate it a lot more as I've gotten older.

Some people are who they are and think how they think. i cant imagine coming to a message board with the thought of trying to change some grown *** person's mind about what THEY think about the cowboys. some people are super dug in on their perceptions and opinions and honestly thats their right. it aint that serious here so who cares. you can show some people a mountain of evidence one way or another and they will still die with their opinions. thats just how some are wired and sometimes a few wanna be antagonist. my best advice is the ignore button and simply DON'T go into a thread you don't like or respect. its the INTERNET, you don't have to be here. its a choice! ive been on these cowboys sites for about 15 years and there has always been these kind of issues. you just have to work around it or ignore it because you can best believe that there are some people who come to the board strictly to bully, try to force opinions and be difficult to anybody that doesnt agree with them. its actually insane sometimes LOL

I've changed my mind several times based on considering someone else's perspective. It's a sign of intelligence.

I have a lot of respect for most posters on this board. Many do know what they're talking about. On the other hand, others just can't resist trolling.
The old forum was JV and the CZ is the NFL.
It was run like a dictatorship where censorship and selling the teams line were evident.

If I read correctly that forum was on the team website? I could see why they'd be selling the team and not crazy about calling it into question. I was never on that forum.

I did time at The Ranch on the defunct Scout forums. That place was a free-for-all - cursing, threats, doxxing - you name it. If it had mods I never saw them do anything.