CFZ Opinions vs Trolling- Some Serious Advice

One thing that we all need to consider and own. It is incumbent on all of us to keep these forums civil and respectful, not just the mods to police it.

That is a human being at the end of that keyboard, not some robot with no feelings. And let me say, if you spent some time in the OTZ where some bare their fears and tribulations, you would see a lot of people are fighting their battles and they do not come here for more.

The words hater and troll get casually thrown around here when they do not actually apply most of the time. In fact, the large majority of the words casually thrown at your fellow members do not apply.

I do have a question for some. You like a player or a coach and someone else doesn't, why do you care? This isn't someone trashing a friend of yours that you feel the responsibility to defend. Is Dak Prescott going to send you a Christmas card for standing up for him? Why do you care if someone else doesn't like him or want him for QB?

FWIW, I'm hearing that I may actually be on the Rush Family's Christmas card list this year for keeping low expectations
Well done Hazey!!

But I suppose until the forum stops responding to the trolls continuing to feed them there’s not much that can be done . And the Homers are as much to blame cause they can’t look the other way while the thread falls off the front page.

We’ve fed them for so many years will be extremely tough for them to leave now . Many of the critics aren’t trolls but when the homers push back then they begin attaching . It goes both ways .

The bigger problem as I see it are the Trolls who begin the Dak attacking threads with links or Tweets which align with or support their bashing and attacks on Prescott. And it’s the only subject matter that generally interest them. They need to be rooted out. Serve no purpose . Simply here to incite responses and rile up the masses about their QB.

They become like the Stephen A of Cowboys Zone.
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....I do have a question for some. You like a player or a coach and someone else doesn't, why do you care?...

I wondered that for a while, and finally decided I don't care why they care. ;)

I've just chalked it up to symptom of narcissim... the need to always be "right".... as if you not agreeing with them about something is the same as calling them stupid and insulting them.
One thing that we all need to consider and own. It is incumbent on all of us to keep these forums civil and respectful, not just the mods to police it.

That is a human being at the end of that keyboard, not some robot with no feelings. And let me say, if you spent some time in the OTZ where some bare their fears and tribulations, you would see a lot of people are fighting their battles and they do not come here for more.

The words hater and troll get casually thrown around here when they do not actually apply most of the time. In fact, the large majority of the words casually thrown at your fellow members do not apply.

I do have a question for some. You like a player or a coach and someone else doesn't, why do you care? This isn't someone trashing a friend of yours that you feel the responsibility to defend. Is Dak Prescott going to send you a Christmas card for standing up for him? Why do you care if someone else doesn't like him or want him for QB?

Couch it goes both ways, if someone says something positive about said player or coach why do some feel the need to "Set them straight"? With how they should be thinking using the word "Homer or lover"....its certainly a 2 way street.
Well done Hazey!!

But I suppose until the forum stops responding to the trolls continuing to feed them there’s not much that can be done . And the Homers are as much to blame cause they can’t look the other way while the thread falls off the front page.

We’ve fed them for so many years will be extremely tough for them to leave now . Many of the critics aren’t trolls but when the homers push back then they begin attaching . It goes both ways .

The bigger problem as I see it are the Trolls who begin the Dak attacking threads with links or Tweets which align with or support their bashing and attacks on Prescott. And it’s the only subject matter that generally interest them. They need to be rooted out. Serve no purpose . Simply here to incite responses and rile up the masses about their QB.
You, Sir, are a TROLL.
A fan who puts 1 player above the team's best interests and success can only but surely be considered a major TROLL!
I’m writing this to try and reduce some of the unnecessary vitriol and occasional trolling that pops up on our great forum from time to time that can be easily avoided and make this forum even better for everyone. Probably 90-95% of our members show respect at all times so just trying to increase the respect meter around here.

Let me say upfront, we encourage everyone’s opinions about the Cowboys. Having a variety of opinions is what makes this place interesting. What we don’t encourage is name calling, race-baiting, insults, and general immature, trolling behavior. We are Cowboys fans, not e-girls fans.

Here are some serious suggestions to avoid getting the bench:
  • Once you’ve made the same argument time and time again, and many people have disagreed with that same basic argument, there’s no need to just keep making it over and over and over. At some point, we can all agree to disagree and move on.
  • Very few people dug in an opinion are going to suddenly say, “Wow, that 13th time you made that same point, I saw the light.”
  • The constant criticism and nit-picking of your fellow fans is tiresome.
  • We’re not here to win arguments. We’re here to offer opinions.
  • Once you start calling people names or insulting them, you’ve already lost whatever points you wanted to make.
  • If you don’t like someone’s thread, instead of insulting them and the topic, just don’t post on it. The fastest way to kill a thread is to avoid it. They usually die a quick death that way.
Finally- Sometimes there’s a fine line between sharing an opinion repeatedly and trolling. If we all stopped trying to “own” or “school” someone rather than respect them, this place would be so much better than it already is.

I appreciate our forum and every single Cowboys fan who posts here. In the end, there’s so much more we have in common than the things we disagree on around here.

Let’s Go Cowboys!!!
Good stuff BH.

The funny thing is that most Cowboys fans probably agree on about 95% of everything else Cowboys related.
I do have a question for some. You like a player or a coach and someone else doesn't, why do you care? This isn't someone trashing a friend of yours that you feel the responsibility to defend. Is Dak Prescott going to send you a Christmas card for standing up for him? Why do you care if someone else doesn't like him or want him for QB?

Good question.
One thing that we all need to consider and own. It is incumbent on all of us to keep these forums civil and respectful, not just the mods to police it.

That is a human being at the end of that keyboard, not some robot with no feelings. And let me say, if you spent some time in the OTZ where some bare their fears and tribulations, you would see a lot of people are fighting their battles and they do not come here for more.

The words hater and troll get casually thrown around here when they do not actually apply most of the time. In fact, the large majority of the words casually thrown at your fellow members do not apply.

I do have a question for some. You like a player or a coach and someone else doesn't, why do you care? This isn't someone trashing a friend of yours that you feel the responsibility to defend. Is Dak Prescott going to send you a Christmas card for standing up for him? Why do you care if someone else doesn't like him or want him for QB?

First off...This is a great post.

Secondly...In my opinion ( could be completely wrong here ) I don't think anyone really cares that much if someone doesn't like a specific player or not. It's the ones that raise the bar after every game that become the issue. It's not even NOT liking the player at that point, it's downright rooting for the player to fail where the issues come up most. It's the ones that say we would start the season 2-5 then when we went 5-2 say "the only reason we started 5-2 is because Dak didn't play. Why? What's the point of that comment? That's not disagreeing on a player, that's actively just hating on a player.
Well done Hazey!!

But I suppose until the forum stops responding to the trolls continuing to feed them there’s not much that can be done . And the Homers are as much to blame cause they can’t look the other way while the thread falls off the front page.

We’ve fed them for so many years will be extremely tough for them to leave now . Many of the critics aren’t trolls but when the homers push back then they begin attaching . It goes both ways .

The bigger problem as I see it are the Trolls who begin the Dak attacking threads with links or Tweets which align with or support their bashing and attacks on Prescott. And it’s the only subject matter that generally interest them. They need to be rooted out. Serve no purpose . Simply here to incite responses and rile up the masses about their QB.

" And the Homers are as much to blame cause they can’t look the other way while the thread falls off the front page."

"It goes both ways"

I agree 100%.
First off...This is a great post.

Secondly...In my opinion ( could be completely wrong here ) I don't think anyone really cares that much if someone doesn't like a specific player or not. It's the ones that raise the bar after every game that become the issue. It's not even NOT liking the player at that point, it's downright rooting for the player to fail where the issues come up most. It's the ones that say we would start the season 2-5 then when we went 5-2 say "the only reason we started 5-2 is because Dak didn't play. Why? What's the point of that comment? That's not disagreeing on a player, that's actively just hating on a player.

With all due respect go back and read posts where members were celebrating Rush guiding the team to 4 straight wins because it helped the team and yet they were attacked as trolls and haters by those supporting Dak more than the team.
This is the same side of a 2 sided coin so include both sides and not just one side.
Unfortunately there are those that take things from a disagreement over a player, coach, etc. to a personal level wherein they start attacking someone by use of their kids, military service, etc. which is pathetic on a sports social media talk group.
People will have differences of opinion but that does not make them a 'hater' or 'troll' as is thrown out there by members and overseers alike.
I mistakenly had harsh words for someone's military service. When he brought it to my attention (sort to speak)...I was embarrassed and immediately apologized.

We should just leave that out. And an apology goes a long way.
I mistakenly had harsh words for someone's military service. When he brought it to my attention (sort to speak)...I was embarrassed and immediately apologized.

We should just leave that out. And an apology goes a long way.

Agreed. More than likely a lot of the crap on here stems from real life stressers having really nothing to do with the comments on here. Everybody deals with crap and has bad days but at the very least if people leave family, service, and personal insults out of it chances are most people would find common ground or at least be civil.
With all due respect go back and read posts where members were celebrating Rush guiding the team to 4 straight wins because it helped the team and yet they were attacked as trolls and haters by those supporting Dak more than the team.
This is the same side of a 2 sided coin so include both sides and not just one side.

As we discussed yesterday there will be outliers, probably the main point to this thread is "Dont make your response to the outliers"...We do have a select few that will jerk the wheel way left or right looking for responses...the thread then goes in a downward spiral...moral of the story to me is try and keep your response to the real general audience. "Rush did a great job for what his skill set is, thank you now lets get QB1 back" is a much diferent statement than "Your a troll for not saying Dak is elite and Rush is trash", if your responding in general to the second one your probably not responding to the majority of either side. My opinion of course.
You, Sir, are a TROLL.
A fan who puts 1 player above the team's best interests and success can only but surely be considered a major TROLL!
Of course that’s totally false . I’ve repeatedly critiqued our QB. I’ve maintained he’s not Elite and closer to average but I stop short of totally blaming him for our lack of success.

There’s only one piece of the Cowboys who I’ve blamed for our lack of more success. Jethro Jone$.

Dak is merely a product of his dysfunctional ways. Much like Garrett was who I also defended against the Lynch Mob.

In a thread today I said if we had Mahomes we’d be instant serious SB contenders.

And I’ve only trolled trolls. And do it pretty darn well. . Lol

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