Owens blames Romo and Garrett for release - 5/23/09

Judas;2784853 said:
So what happens if we go 7-9 again, and the Devil makes the play offs, or goes to the Super Bowl? I guess that still makes me a person in sane since you just really didn't want it to happen that way.

Word to cowboy fans: It's okay to tear your team a part when they suck! Any fan that hates a guy who is an absolute EXCELLENT PLAYER, is not a fan. That's a fraud.
Here's something for your gee whiz collection. We haven't gone 7-9 since 1990. So with all your whining try bumping the freaking sob record you're playing or better yet, just shut up.
Hostile;2784859 said:
Here's something for your gee whiz collection. We haven't gone 7-9 since 1990. So with all your whining try bumping the freaking sob record you're playing or better yet, just shut up.
You know what to do if you can't handle what I say, you do what guys like Romo and Garrett do. They run to the owner and ask for a release.
Judas;2784858 said:
DallasEast knows the least about football and therefore should post the least.

Rant? What rant?

So telling the truth is now a rant? I'll tell you what, I'll stick to talking about football issues, you stick to talking about everything else, since you're better at it.

I talk about the QB of this team who can't complete simple passes the last few games of the year, so that's a rant?

Am I supposed to be okay with losing like you are? NOPE! So let the rant continue if I'm expected to agree with the puppets. I don't give a rats *** if you agree with me or not, but my posts are far more important because I see things for what they are, not for what I want them to be.

Try being real, it's cool.
You make proclamations about the future which you have no way of knowing and call it truth. Foolishness. Rant on Judas. Rant on.
Judas;2784861 said:
You know what to do if you can't handle what I say, you do what guys like Romo and Garrett do. They run to the owner and ask for a release.
You're asking for a release? Say it.
I don't know why ya'll haven't put him on your ignore list. He obviously just says things to get a reaction, and ya'll consistently give him one.
DallasEast;2784862 said:
You make proclamations about the future which you have no way of knowing and call it truth. Foolishness. Rant on Judas. Rant on.
I base everything I say on events from the past. Just like a person looking for a job is judged on his past.

Example: IN the future, your posts will be meaningless. These are based on historical events.
Apollo Creed;2784865 said:
I don't know why ya'll haven't put him on your ignore list. He obviously just says things to get a reaction, and ya'll consistently give him one.
I don't have the luxury of one or I would. He's worthless.
Judas;2784830 said:
Fans like you don't deserve to have a Super Bowl victory since you think and act like a 7-9 fan. And as far as Manning not winning a Super Bowl, he did however, win play off games.

You can make me out to whatever you want, you and this franchise come across as pretenders , and at least I see things for what they are while you sit lonely on your couch looking for moral victories in the team, vs Super Bowl victories. Enjoy the misery.

Why? Because I don't want to run Romo out of town yet? Ok you are the voice of reason. :lmao2:

Keep cementing your place as the forum clown. You are better than this, I wonder if we will ever get the old Clove back?

I do not pretend anything. We are what we are. I do not like Wade and I would get rid of him. Romo needs to improve on some things. The defense needs to step up. Lots of money and picks have gone to the defense, but they are not great by any stretch.

You obviously do not know what I think, but since I do not carry on whinning and moaning about Romo I am an 7-9 fan. Whatever dude.
Apollo Creed;2784865 said:
I don't know why ya'll haven't put him on your ignore list. He obviously just says things to get a reaction, and ya'll consistently give him one.
Judas is just like everyone else I've dealt with over many years. I won't be putting him on ignore.
Judas;2784866 said:
I base everything I say on events from the past. Just like a person looking for a job is judged on his past.

Example: IN the future, your posts will be meaningless. These are based on historical events.
You just contradicted yourself.
Primetime42;2784814 said:
Sad that you feel that way. A few things.

First, I didn't call you a punk, I said it was a punk move on your part and I stand by that. As soon as you had your ammo, you did what you did without knowing the validity of the statement (Thought we know now that it was indeed Owens' page). That, and you using the phrase "get this party started" in regards to that, disturbs me. It seems like you're developing an unhealthy obsession with this guy.

Second, don't lump me in with the TO apologists. I'm not, and never have been one. I rooted for him while he wore the uniform, but he made me roll my eyes plenty of times in the 3 years here. That being said, I think we squeezed the best we could out of him.

But don't get it twisted, TO is not a bad guy, but rather a guy who has serious emotional issues as far as trust and forgiveness for any (perceived) slights against him. I'm not gonna delve into the how or why, but he can't take criticism and his defense mechanisim is to retaliate when he feels he's been wronged. It doesn't matter if he's right or wrong, that's just how he sees it.

I'm glad I at least don't have to worry much about rationalizing his behavior here anymore, because when times are good with him, they're really good. The problem is that it works both ways with bad times as well.

The reason I'm saying all this is because, sadly, you're starting to come off the same way. TO's gone. The apologists will slowly disappear or at least shut up. There's no need to keep pouring salt in the wounds at this point. Please drop the "I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make him look worse" attitude is not only childish, but in TO's case, it's unnecessary. It's not like he's a media darling.

What are you talking about. I knew it was his page 100% when I wrote the piece. I verified it myself with like three different sites. And I read thru like 5 pages of it to make sure it had other posts pertaining to things he was doing. like going to LA and then to Niagra Falls.

And the 'get this party started' line means I want everyone to know he is who we thought he was. That includes his former teammaes who are still Romo's teammates.

Are you trying to tell us all that there wasn't two parties in this battle? Or maybe even more?

There was certainly a T.O. vs Romo/Witten battle. And I would hope the fans who were still not sure where they really stood in that battle now know that Terrell Owens wasn't someone you want to root for. He wasn't asked directly about his release. He volunteered his answer in assigning blame to Garrett and Romo. That should tell us something.

You need to look at this issue with a broader scope my friend.

This isn't just about three people. It's about a team that was divided by someone last season who many thought was a good guy.

And now hopefully some on that team will realize he isn't such a good guy after all. Then when they do that they can finish healing up and stop thinking in the back of their minds that Romo was the problem.

After all we do want Romo to be a complete team leader this season right? Well who's going to give their full backing to a guy who they think was kind of punk in that nonsense that went on last season.

My unhealthy obsession?

It's with the Dallas Cowboys. And I offer no apologies for it.
DallasEast;2784869 said:
Judas is just like everyone else I've dealt with over many years. I won't be putting him on ignore.
That's what I'm talking about. Have a debate. You think I agree with everything people say on here? NOPE.

IF someone wants to talk TO, be ready to deal with it or don't even talk about it.
bbgun;2784819 said:
Actually, Hos invited me to do the show last September, but I declined. A co-host should be more analytical than emotional, but that ain't me. I'm not an x's and o's kinda guy.

Stop the ****.

You come on, we talk Cowboys and have a good time.

That's all it's about.
Judas;2784874 said:
That's what I'm talking about. Have a debate. You think I agree with everything people say on here? NOPE.

IF someone wants to talk TO, be ready to deal with it or don't even talk about it.
When you're ready to finally admit that Owens caused his own release, which was the sole reason behind this change in posting persona of yours, just let me know.
dcfanatic;2784876 said:
Stop the ****.

You come on, we talk Cowboys and have a good time.

That's all it's about.
I hope one day he will change his mind and do the show. I enjoy laughing.
gbrittain;2784868 said:
Why? Because I don't want to run Romo out of town yet? Ok you are the voice of reason. :lmao2:

Keep cementing your place as the forum clown. You are better than this, I wonder if we will ever get the old Clove back?

I do not pretend anything. We are what we are. I do not like Wade and I would get rid of him. Romo needs to improve on some things. The defense needs to step up. Lots of money and picks have gone to the defense, but they are not great by any stretch.

You obviously do not know what I think, but since I do not carry on whinning and moaning about Romo I am an 7-9 fan. Whatever dude.
Last year about mid to late in the season, all I heard was whinning about TO.

No one told you all to shut up. No one bothered to call you all clowns or whatever, you had your free will to say whatever you wanted to about the guy. A player on our team who no one supported, and all of sudden you all are good and faithful fans?

So this year, I feel the need to go after Romo. Is it because I don't like his attitude? NOPE It's because he's not very good in my eyes? Are we living in a 3rd world country where I can't talk about a sacred player on the team?

Talk trash about TO when he was on the team but I can't talk trash about Romo. That seem fair.
Judas;2784861 said:
You know what to do if you can't handle what I say, you do what guys like Romo and Garrett do. They run to the owner and ask for a release.
I have never started a post since 2005, I simply respond to them. If you have something to say about a player I liked, then expect for my response.

If Romo goes out and win play off games, and takes us to the Super Bowl, then either I won't comment on him at all, or I will sing his praises, but since I don't sing praises anymore, I just won't comment.
Judas;2784881 said:
Last year about mid to late in the season, all I heard was whinning about TO.

No one told you all to shut up. No one bothered to call you all clowns or whatever, you had your free will to say whatever you wanted to about the guy. A player on our team who no one supported, and all of sudden you all are good and faithful fans?

So this year, I feel the need to go after Romo. Is it because I don't like his attitude? NOPE It's because he's not very good in my eyes? Are we living in a 3rd world country where I can't talk about a sacred player on the team?

Talk trash about TO when he was on the team but I can't talk trash about Romo. That seem fair.

All I can say is :lmao2: :lmao: :laugh2:

Carry on Judas the traitor.
dcfanatic;2784871 said:
After all we do want Romo to be a complete team leader this season right? Well who's going to give their full backing to a guy who they think was kind of punk in that nonsense that went on last season.
For the record, I think Romo's handling this pefectly.

Nothing further.

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