Owens blames Romo and Garrett for release - 5/23/09

gbrittain;2785372 said:
So TO made Romo, yet TO gets released and 30 GMs pass on this guy. One team picks him up for a one year contract.

Release Romo and I promise you my life savings, car, and house that he will have more than one team interested and be offered more than a one year contract.

All fans have oponions, but seldom are we able to verify that our opinion is right. This is one of those rare instances that we got to see TOs value. He was released on the open market and one team showed real interest. One team signed him with a massive vote of confidence...a ONE year contract.

So my opinion of TO has been proven. 3 GMs have fired him, and 31 of them have elected to pass on him on the free market.

I can't say my opinion of Romo has been proven, but if you think only one team would be interested in Romo on the open market then I got nothing for you. Might as well be talking to a brick wall.

They probably all passed on him because of his persona, not his on the field talent, which its undisputable where he ranks in NFL history.

So by your logic, TO isnt that good because 31 gm's pased on him, then romo must really suck since all 32 nfl teams passed on him in the draft. I guess hes started to prove all 31 right, except for this team who doesnt have a clue when it comes to evaluating qb talent, other then AIkman who anybody would have known to pick. So ya, your probably right if romo was free then he would have alot of teams after him to be a backup on their team. Which there is no shame in being a backup.

If it wasnt for Owens' personality, he would have more then 1 team after him, but your basing your opinion on what kind of person he is instead of what he does on the field. If your opinion that talent and personality were related, who knows how many players wouldnt be in the HOF or wouldnt even be in the NFL. So just like you and everyone else who "hates" on TO, you know theres nothing you can hate on about his on the field talent, so you have to attack his character. Which for all we know, he might have better character then you or who ever else. Perhaps even the ones on here or anyone else judge his character when they have a record, which for all we know, TO doesnt.
gbrittain;2785372 said:
So TO made Romo
Tony Romo came to the Dallas Cowboys as an undrafted college free agent in 2003 and spent 3 seasons in the shadows transforming himself into an NFL passer.

Terrell Owens joined the team in 2006 and benefited like everyone else when Romo was inserted as the starter for game 7.

Romo made Romo.
RedRaiderCowboysFan;2785374 said:
Send me your address so just in case the AFL comes back, I can send you a romo Desperado jersey so you can wipe your tears from the saddness of your life on!
It doesn't get sadder than this, folks.
Bluefin;2785388 said:
Tony Romo came to the Dallas Cowboys as an undrafted college free agent in 2003 and spent 3 seasons in the shadows transforming himself into an NFL passer.

Terrell Owens joined the team in 2006 and benefited like everyone else when Romo was inserted as the starter for game 7.

Romo made Romo.

Actually TO was a HOF'er before romo, along with a Pro Bowl Tight End, another pro bowl WR in Glenn, Pro Bowl LT, D Ware, and some other really good players on defense. So romo benefited from having all that talent around him to make up for his lack of talent, which they carried him, and when the time came for the qb to carry the team, he failed. It doesnt take that good of a qb to come in and throw the ball to TO, Glenn, Witten, and hand off to Barber being protected by a probowl LT. So ya, romo made all those guys probowlers. :laugh1:
RedRaiderCowboysFan;2785356 said:
So you know that romo is more narcissistic then Owens? You reject his correct definition of romo because your definition of what you want romo to be is completely emotion driven and lacking in football insight or understanding. Being an administrator doesnt make you the all knowing of football or what you want to believe about romo is the truth. So many think romo is good because of his stats, well I wont be surprised if/when TO has the last laugh when romo is if not the leage leader in interceptions or at the top of that list and the touchdowns decrease dramatically and this team wins 6 or 7 games maybe.

romo is so full of himself, he actually beleives he doesnt need TO to look good and has most everyone thinking that as well, but it was only because he had TO that he and every other qb hes played with had their best seasons. He might be an ***, but that doesnt take away from the talent he is and that he is a hall of fame player. Without Owens to make romo look good, romo will probably implode and his teammates and every naive romo fan there is might start to see just how truly pathetic he is. But most will probably never admit it because that would have to admit they were wrong and not many people are big enough to do that.

Its a shame so many people have settled for romo and become romo fans instead of Cowboys fans. So when romo finally gets the boot, will everyone jump ship and rationilize and say its not his fault he could never get it done and go buy a romo jersey for the team he is on next, or conitnue to say whoever is a Cowboy just has to the best simply because they are on the team? And anybody who tries to argue against the point im making, your the exact kind of person Im talking about.
Holy cow. I already have a nickname for this post. Swiss cheese because it is so full of holes.

Let's start with the nonsense about me being an Administrator and what this means that I know. On the forum I'm not an Administrator, nor are the Mods Moderators. We are Cowboys fans expressing our opinions. I didn't post and say, "this is true because I am an administrator on this forum. Bow to me peasants." You're the self conscious paranoid who apparently has trouble with the fact that a volunteer staff member would dare to share an opinion that is contrary to what someone else would think. That isn't my problem. How you deal with the fact that I volunteer here is your problem.

Romo is more narcissistic and full of himself than Terrell "I Love Me Some Me" Owens? That one is a beauty. Upon what do you base that hunk of screed? Oh wait, I already know. He can bag babes that you can't. Hate to tell you this, but Owens has bagged some celebrity significant others a time or two himself. Apparently the difference is he can't get any who want the relationship to last. What drives women away from successful, good looking, wealthy men more than any other issue. Usually it is when a man is consumed with himself. The very essence of Narcissus. That describes iFlower the Wide Receiver more than any Quarterback in NFL History.

I have no football understanding? I have forgotten more about the game of football than you will ever know and I honestly have not forgotten that much. Be that as it may, let's forget that for one minute and focus on Tony Romo, the subject of your ill guided derision. Let me begin by saying I did not start out as a Tony Romo fan. Ask anyone on this forum who has known me for the 7 years I have been posting. I am a football pedigree, classic pocket passer purest. What that means, (since I doubt you have any clue) is that I will take a big armed, classic drop back passer with pocket pressence and some kind of QB or NFL pedigree over any other style of QB.

Does that definition fit Tony Romo? No it doesn't. The closest it gets for me that Tony Romo had a QB pedigree is that he comes from the same Alma Mater as Sean Payton and Mike Shanahan. Romo is a gunslinger, a scrambler, and in my opinion he does not have a strong arm. His arm is adequate. I do not consider him to have one of the strongest arms in the NFL. I never have. I can show you posts from a pre-season game where I saw him play live before he ever got his starting chance if you doubt this.

Point blank, very few posters on this forum had more doubt about Tony Romo than I had in the beginning. I confess that openly and without shame. You want to know why? Because I am not now, nor have I ever been, afraid of being wrong about a football opinion. On Tony Romo I was most assuredly wrong. He completes a high percentage of his passes. He throws for incredible amounts of yardage and for a lot of TDs. He escapes pressure and makes plays happen when most QBs would be sacked and the refs spotting the ball while the Defense celebrates. He wins football games.

You and the other know nothing Romo critics all spew the same bile. "Forget the stats. Forget the stats." You're all like parrots of each other with that silly mantra. Newsflash! Football is about stats. I hate to break that to the lot of you and burst your myopic bubbles of stupidity but it is the truth.

How do I define Tony Romo? It certainly isn't the bile driven way you do and it isn't even the bile driven way that you accuse me of. The reason for that is that you simply don't have a good enough grasp of the game to know how anyone can view the game as levels of gray instead of black and white.

For the record, I view Tony Romo as one of the top QBs in the NFL talent wise. And isn't it freaking hilarious how the NFL experts all agree with me and not you and your cabal of "Romo is the devil" nonsense talking, bile spewing, Owens worshipping cohorts?

I believe he needs to continue to develop. He needs to cut down on mistakes. He needs to take this team farther than he has so far and he needs to win in the post season. I view him as very synonymous of a QB named Peyton Manning who faced much of the same criticisms as Romo until he finally got all the pieces together.

I think it is beyond moronic that some posters sit there and talk about the past as if it has anything to do with the future. Romo has failed in the past so that means the future is set in stone. I would say more about this mantra you guys spew but "beyond moronic" pretty much covers it. The same things said about Peyton Manning and Steve Young and John Elway and other QBs of the past and will be said about talented QBs in the future. They can't win when it counts. Then when they do, the stupid mantra changes. Like the man said, you can't fix stupid, but stupid sure thinks it is a genius that others should pay heed to.

I sit back and wonder how the stories will change if Romo rises above your feeble grasp of the game to accomplish what many believe he can and you, in your glorious ignorance have said is quite impossible. While you struggle to curtail the perception that your alligator mouth overrode your mosquito *** my take on Tony Romo will have remained constant and level headed. One of the most talented QBs in the NFL. The only difference will be the monkey off his back acclimation.

Try not to strip your gears as you figure out how to spin control your way around the cheese you cut in that post. I hope you can stomach the smell.
Hostile;2785396 said:
Holy cow. I already have a nickname for this post. Swiss cheese because it is so full of holes.

Let's start with the nonsense about me being an Administrator and what this means that I know. On the forum I'm not an Administrator, nor are the Mods Moderators. We are Cowboys fans expressing our opinions. I didn't post and say, "this is true because I am an administrator on this forum. Bow to me peasants." You're the self conscious paranoid who apparently has trouble with the fact that a volunteer staff member would dare to share an opinion that is contrary to what someone else would think. That isn't my problem. How you deal with the fact that I volunteer here is your problem.

Romo is more narcissistic and full of himself than Terrell "I Love Me Some Me" Owens? That one is a beauty. Upon what do you base that hunk of screed? Oh wait, I already know. He can bag babes that you can't. Hate to tell you this, but Owens has bagged some celebrity significant others a time or two himself. Apparently the difference is he can't get any who want the relationship to last. What drives women away from successful, good looking, wealthy men more than any other issue. Usually it is when a man is consumed with himself. The very essence of Narcissus. That describes iFlower the Wide Receiver more than any Quarterback in NFL History.

I have no football understanding? I have forgotten more about the game of football than you will ever know and I honestly have not forgotten that much. Be that as it may, let's forget that for one minute and focus on Tony Romo, the subject of your ill guided derision. Let me begin by saying I did not start out as a Tony Romo fan. Ask anyone on this forum who has known me for the 7 years I have been posting. I am a football pedigree, classic pocket passer purest. What that means, (since I doubt you have any clue) is that I will take a big armed, classic drop back passer with pocket pressence and some kind of QB or NFL pedigree over any other style of QB.

Does that definition fit Tony Romo? No it doesn't. The closest it gets for me that Tony Romo had a QB pedigree is that he comes from the same Alma Mater as Sean Payton and Mike Shanahan. Romo is a gunslinger, a scrambler, and in my opinion he does not have a strong arm. His arm is adequate. I do not consider him to have one of the strongest arms in the NFL. I never have. I can show you posts from a pre-season game where I saw him play live before he ever got his starting chance if you doubt this.

Point blank, very few posters on this forum had more doubt about Tony Romo than I had in the beginning. I confess that openly and without shame. You want to know why? Because I am not now, nor have I ever been, afraid of being wrong about a football opinion. On Tony Romo I was most assuredly wrong. He completes a high percentage of his passes. He throws for incredible amounts of yardage and for a lot of TDs. He escapes pressure and makes plays happen when most QBs would be sacked and the refs spotting the ball while the Defense celebrates. He wins football games.

You and the other know nothing Romo critics all spew the same bile. "Forget the stats. Forget the stats." You're all like parrots of each other with that silly mantra. Newsflash! Football is about stats. I hate to break that to the lot of you and burst your myopic bubbles of stupidity but it is the truth.

How do I define Tony Romo? It certainly isn't the bile driven way you do and it isn't even the bile driven way that you accuse me of. The reason for that is that you simply don't have a good enough grasp of the game to know how anyone can view the game as levels of gray instead of black and white.

For the record, I view Tony Romo as one of the top QBs in the NFL talent wise. And isn't it freaking hilarious how the NFL experts all agree with me and not you and your cabal of "Romo is the devil" nonsense talking, bile spewing, Owens worshipping cohorts?

I believe he needs to continue to develop. He needs to cut down on mistakes. He needs to take this team farther than he has so far and he needs to win in the post season. I view him as very synonymous of a QB named Peyton Manning who faced much of the same criticisms as Romo until he finally got all the pieces together.

I think it is beyond moronic that some posters sit there and talk about the past as if it has anything to do with the future. Romo has failed in the past so that means the future is set in stone. I would say more about this mantra you guys spew but "beyond moronic" pretty much covers it. The same things said about Peyton Manning and Steve Young and John Elway and other QBs of the past and will be said about talented QBs in the future. They can't win when it counts. Then when they do, the stupid mantra changes. Like the man said, you can't fix stupid, but stupid sure thinks it is a genius that others should pay heed to.

I sit back and wonder how the stories will change if Romo rises above your feeble grasp of the game to accomplish what many believe he can and you, in your glorious ignorance have said is quite impossible. While you struggle to curtail the perception that your alligator mouth overrode your mosquito *** my take on Tony Romo will have remained constant and level headed. One of the most talented QBs in the NFL. The only difference will be the monkey off his back acclimation.

Try not to strip your gears as you figure out how to spin control your way around the cheese you cut in that post. I hope you can stomach the smell.

DallasEast;2785408 said:

:lmao2: :lmao2:

That might be your best work to date. Too bad he doesn't have a unique avatar.
romo may mess up some, but he makes some of the most unbelievable passes i've ever seen. not to mention avoiding a TON of would be sacks that this crappy oline lets fly through(yes, the oline sucks. put any other qb on the team and he gets sacked 60 times).

Holy Crap I cant breathe. :laugh1: :lmao2:
Hostile;2785396 said:
Holy cow. I already have a nickname for this post. Swiss cheese because it is so full of holes.

Let's start with the nonsense about me being an Administrator and what this means that I know. On the forum I'm not an Administrator, nor are the Mods Moderators. We are Cowboys fans expressing our opinions. I didn't post and say, "this is true because I am an administrator on this forum. Bow to me peasants." You're the self conscious paranoid who apparently has trouble with the fact that a volunteer staff member would dare to share an opinion that is contrary to what someone else would think. That isn't my problem. How you deal with the fact that I volunteer here is your problem.

Romo is more narcissistic and full of himself than Terrell "I Love Me Some Me" Owens? That one is a beauty. Upon what do you base that hunk of screed? Oh wait, I already know. He can bag babes that you can't. Hate to tell you this, but Owens has bagged some celebrity significant others a time or two himself. Apparently the difference is he can't get any who want the relationship to last. What drives women away from successful, good looking, wealthy men more than any other issue. Usually it is when a man is consumed with himself. The very essence of Narcissus. That describes iFlower the Wide Receiver more than any Quarterback in NFL History.

I have no football understanding? I have forgotten more about the game of football than you will ever know and I honestly have not forgotten that much. Be that as it may, let's forget that for one minute and focus on Tony Romo, the subject of your ill guided derision. Let me begin by saying I did not start out as a Tony Romo fan. Ask anyone on this forum who has known me for the 7 years I have been posting. I am a football pedigree, classic pocket passer purest. What that means, (since I doubt you have any clue) is that I will take a big armed, classic drop back passer with pocket pressence and some kind of QB or NFL pedigree over any other style of QB.

Does that definition fit Tony Romo? No it doesn't. The closest it gets for me that Tony Romo had a QB pedigree is that he comes from the same Alma Mater as Sean Payton and Mike Shanahan. Romo is a gunslinger, a scrambler, and in my opinion he does not have a strong arm. His arm is adequate. I do not consider him to have one of the strongest arms in the NFL. I never have. I can show you posts from a pre-season game where I saw him play live before he ever got his starting chance if you doubt this.

Point blank, very few posters on this forum had more doubt about Tony Romo than I had in the beginning. I confess that openly and without shame. You want to know why? Because I am not now, nor have I ever been, afraid of being wrong about a football opinion. On Tony Romo I was most assuredly wrong. He completes a high percentage of his passes. He throws for incredible amounts of yardage and for a lot of TDs. He escapes pressure and makes plays happen when most QBs would be sacked and the refs spotting the ball while the Defense celebrates. He wins football games.

You and the other know nothing Romo critics all spew the same bile. "Forget the stats. Forget the stats." You're all like parrots of each other with that silly mantra. Newsflash! Football is about stats. I hate to break that to the lot of you and burst your myopic bubbles of stupidity but it is the truth.

How do I define Tony Romo? It certainly isn't the bile driven way you do and it isn't even the bile driven way that you accuse me of. The reason for that is that you simply don't have a good enough grasp of the game to know how anyone can view the game as levels of gray instead of black and white.

For the record, I view Tony Romo as one of the top QBs in the NFL talent wise. And isn't it freaking hilarious how the NFL experts all agree with me and not you and your cabal of "Romo is the devil" nonsense talking, bile spewing, Owens worshipping cohorts?

I believe he needs to continue to develop. He needs to cut down on mistakes. He needs to take this team farther than he has so far and he needs to win in the post season. I view him as very synonymous of a QB named Peyton Manning who faced much of the same criticisms as Romo until he finally got all the pieces together.

I think it is beyond moronic that some posters sit there and talk about the past as if it has anything to do with the future. Romo has failed in the past so that means the future is set in stone. I would say more about this mantra you guys spew but "beyond moronic" pretty much covers it. The same things said about Peyton Manning and Steve Young and John Elway and other QBs of the past and will be said about talented QBs in the future. They can't win when it counts. Then when they do, the stupid mantra changes. Like the man said, you can't fix stupid, but stupid sure thinks it is a genius that others should pay heed to.

I sit back and wonder how the stories will change if Romo rises above your feeble grasp of the game to accomplish what many believe he can and you, in your glorious ignorance have said is quite impossible. While you struggle to curtail the perception that your alligator mouth overrode your mosquito *** my take on Tony Romo will have remained constant and level headed. One of the most talented QBs in the NFL. The only difference will be the monkey off his back acclimation.

Try not to strip your gears as you figure out how to spin control your way around the cheese you cut in that post. I hope you can stomach the smell.

Maybe I was wrong, maybe you are more narcissistic then romo. You have this unfounded belief that you know more about football then anyone else. So let me ask you, if you did why arent you working for an NFL team. Perhaps you have had lots of success playing Madden over the years and that has convinced you that you know football.

You seem to be so hell bent on defending romo, perhaps its because you have this little doubt in the back of your mind that he isnt what you make him out to be, or more what you want him to be. Because thats what it is, your getting what you want and hope mistaken for what is. All you and your romo groupies have to go on is stats, but tell me what stats have to do with winning? You must think romo is better then Aikman since Troy never threw more then 23 tds in a season.

Its funny how so full of yourself you are, thinking the "experts agree with me." When did you go talk with the experts and convince them your opinion was right. I think its you agree with their opinion. And if you consider someone like on ESPN an expert, then I guess Herm Edwards is an expert and what he said about vick compared to romo must be the truth right. Someone is only an expert if they agree with what you think, so forgive me if I dont consider you an expert. And to put romo in the same sentence as Manning and Elway is a disgrace to the qb position. I dont recall them ever losing a playoff game because the ball was in their hands at the end of the game with the score close and in position to win it either. Its not that they couldnt win, its that their teams just got beat, they didnt blow it themselves. Steve Young was a good qb, but he got to sit behind Montana and had a team loaded with talent around him to help make him look good. But its laughable how you say you know football, well what do you know, stats, where players went to school? Did you even play more then high school football, or what? Because you seem to have convinced yourself that you know more then you probably do, and if anyone who disagrees with you then they must be clueless.

Your right half way, football is about stats, but team stats and not individual stats. Just because a team scores alot of points, or even breaks offensive records or single season records for say td's, that doesnt mean you win the Super Bowl, which is what the goal of playing pro football is, because it seems like you and you romo followers have settled for stats instead of championships. Ill take a Super Bowl championship team with a low scoring, grind it out running game and a qb who makes plays for his team and not the other any day or a throwing 40 times a game putting up yards and tds but choking when the pressure is on the most. You base talent off of stats well I guess following your logic well use the Texas Tech as an example since I went to school there. Since every tech qb puts up huge stats, they must be super talented and winners and woulb be successful NFL qbs. Oh wait, none are worth a darn outside of LBK, and didnt win any major bowl games and havent done jack in the NFL and probably never will. So romo, who lost every playoff game in college, has carried on into the NFL. The only stat that matters when its all said and done when your career is over is how many Super Bowls did you win, with the very few exceptions like Dan Marino.

I think youve gotten so used to the smell of crap your full of that its caused you to live outside of reality. Ive never criticized romo for anything off the field, unlike the TO bashers who complain about his personality instead of what kind of football player he is. So the only real truth is we dont know how it will turn out. The Cowboys might rise, or crash with romo. My guess is romo crashes and burns, its an objective prediction and not because of what I want to happen. Just because you tell yourself over and over you think romo is good and want him to be so you can justify your unfounded opinion that you "know" football, that doesnt make it the truth. You have made it pretty clear you dont know as much was you think you do by trying to compare romo and Peyton Manning, that made me laugh out loud. You forget all those stats came from players who had put up huge stats as well long before romo, yet we havent seen romo do it without those guys. If romo was on say the Lions, they are still probably 0-16. The truth will play out this season, so well revisit these posts after this next season.
Don't waste your breath guys. Out of 81 posts, 74 of them are criticizing Romo.

That is no joke. The guy is obsessed with Romo.

Of course, his non-Romo posts (which are indirectly anti-Romo) are gems like these:

RedRaiderCowboysFan;2542933 said:
If the Cowboys could get Tim Tebow, the qb and leadership issues would be solved all at one time.

RedRaiderCowboysFan;2549093 said:
Jevan Sneed might be a good fit as a starterfor the Cowboys when he comes out in the draft either after next season or the season after.

GO RED RAIDERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
theogt;2785443 said:
Don't waste your breath guys. Out of 81 posts, 74 of them are criticizing Romo.

That is no joke. The guy is obsessed with Romo.

Of course, his non-Romo posts (which are indirectly anti-Romo) are gems like these:

Yes I admit I talk about this subject alot, because its the one I and others feel strongest about. Everyone else seems to like to talk about it so why not I? It is the most fun subject to talk about. What else is so intresting, Greg Ellis complaining some more, will Felix be an injury prone rb his whole career, will Miles Austin be more then a guy who can just fun fast, will Newman get hurt again, who will be the other starting safey be, etc, etc, etc.? And ya, Ill take a Tebow, Snead, McCoy coming out any day over romo.
RedRaiderCowboysFan;2785452 said:
Yes I admit I talk about this subject alot, because its the one I and others feel strongest about. Everyone else seems to like to talk about it so why not I? It is the most fun subject to talk about. What else is so intresting, Greg Ellis complaining some more, will Felix be an injury prone rb his whole career, will Miles Austin be more then a guy who can just fun fast, will Newman get hurt again, who will be the other starting safey be, etc, etc, etc.? And ya, Ill take a Tebow, Snead, McCoy coming out any day over romo.

theogt;2785453 said:

Thats funny, I use to wear Obsession but it got old. Im sure if I was a romo supporter you wouldnt be posting that. But it is funny, but no Im not obsessed with bashing romo, but I think many are obsessed with wanting to somehow prove they knew all along romo would be good. I think your post can be shared my many.
I LOVE ME SOME ME!;2785271 said:
Did'nt TO catch the game winner against the Packers?lol. Thats like if Lebron James has a bad game and hits a game winner at the end. How the hell is that not clutch?lol

People will hate on TO for anything............even a game winning catch. Crazy

Are you referring to the playoff game between San Fran and GB back in 1998?

The difference between TO and Lebron James is this: The time span between Lebron's game winning shots is usually less than a decade.
RedRaiderCowboysFan;2785386 said:
They probably all passed on him because of his persona, not his on the field talent, which its undisputable where he ranks in NFL history.

So by your logic, TO isnt that good because 31 gm's pased on him, then romo must really suck since all 32 nfl teams passed on him in the draft. I guess hes started to prove all 31 right, except for this team who doesnt have a clue when it comes to evaluating qb talent, other then AIkman who anybody would have known to pick. So ya, your probably right if romo was free then he would have alot of teams after him to be a backup on their team. Which there is no shame in being a backup.

If it wasnt for Owens' personality, he would have more then 1 team after him, but your basing your opinion on what kind of person he is instead of what he does on the field. If your opinion that talent and personality were related, who knows how many players wouldnt be in the HOF or wouldnt even be in the NFL. So just like you and everyone else who "hates" on TO, you know theres nothing you can hate on about his on the field talent, so you have to attack his character. Which for all we know, he might have better character then you or who ever else. Perhaps even the ones on here or anyone else judge his character when they have a record, which for all we know, TO doesnt.

Can't separate the person from his skills. You get the skills you get the person. TO is an unbelievable talent never said otherwise.

I did say Romo would be more in demand on the open market than TO.

So considering the whole package Romo has more value than TO. Like it, love it or leave it I don care. It is what it is.
RedRaiderCowboysFan;2785441 said:
Maybe I was wrong, maybe you are more narcissistic then romo. You have this unfounded belief that you know more about football then anyone else. So let me ask you, if you did why arent you working for an NFL team. Perhaps you have had lots of success playing Madden over the years and that has convinced you that you know football.
No, I don't know more about football than everyone else. I think it is safe to say I know more than you. My gas emissions know more than this post and the last one. If only I could bottle them and ship them to Lubbock. C'est la vie.

I actually don't play video games and that includes Madden. I think I have Madden 2001 (I honestly don't know if I do or not any more), and I bought it used in like 2003 (on sale and out of date) and haven't played it since. I find video games to be a monumental waste of my time. But I'll applaud your vain attempt at a retort. Okay, I'll laugh at it.

RedRaiderCowboysFan said:
You seem to be so hell bent on defending romo, perhaps its because you have this little doubt in the back of your mind that he isnt what you make him out to be, or more what you want him to be. Because thats what it is, your getting what you want and hope mistaken for what is. All you and your romo groupies have to go on is stats, but tell me what stats have to do with winning? You must think romo is better then Aikman since Troy never threw more then 23 tds in a season.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You honestly took me describing my doubts about him and my QB preferences as defending him? Is it only written English you don't understand?

Have I ever said that Romo is better than Aikman? No, In fact when other posters have had that stance I took the opposite view.

My such a shame that you take these almighty swings and all you do is whiff. If I give you a broom instead of the bat at least you can clean home plate while you thrash around like a fish out of water.

RedRaiderCowboysFan said:
Its funny how so full of yourself you are, thinking the "experts agree with me." When did you go talk with the experts and convince them your opinion was right. I think its you agree with their opinion. And if you consider someone like on ESPN an expert, then I guess Herm Edwards is an expert and what he said about vick compared to romo must be the truth right. Someone is only an expert if they agree with what you think, so forgive me if I dont consider you an expert. And to put romo in the same sentence as Manning and Elway is a disgrace to the qb position. I dont recall them ever losing a playoff game because the ball was in their hands at the end of the game with the score close and in position to win it either. Its not that they couldnt win, its that their teams just got beat, they didnt blow it themselves. Steve Young was a good qb, but he got to sit behind Montana and had a team loaded with talent around him to help make him look good. But its laughable how you say you know football, well what do you know, stats, where players went to school? Did you even play more then high school football, or what? Because you seem to have convinced yourself that you know more then you probably do, and if anyone who disagrees with you then they must be clueless.
I think you need an example of an expert agreeing with me and comparing Romo to Peyton Manning who by the way was compared to Elway. I threw in Young because the situation fit and he is more of a scrambler turned passer like Romo.

I am sorry to do this to you (actually, truth be told, I am looking forward to it) as I know it is going to sting and probably leave a mark.

Roger Staubach on Tony Romo.

"I think Tony's headed in a great direction in his career and I think he's a really, really good quarterback," Roger told reporters. "I don't know him that well. Troy has spent more time with Tony. I'm a fan of Tony's as far as how he plays. He makes big plays, he does things right. And he's really a heck of a basketball player, so he's really competitive.

"I just think, as a quarterback, you've got to be able to put the pieces together. You can't be part of the distractions. I don't know what took place with some of the receivers saying that Jason (Witten) and Tony were spending too much time together throwing the ball, those kinds of things. You have to mature through that and kind of put it to the side and not let it bother you. I think he's just a young quarterback and certain things bother him that also leaves the locker room and goes on the field. I think he'll overcome that.

"I think he'll be like a Peyton Manning. It takes years. You're building your team and you get your guys behind you. I think Tony Romo is a franchise quarterback for the Cowboys and I think he'll continue to get better."

Damn, it sucks to be you right now. You should read my opinion of Herm Edwards comparison of Romo to Vick. Then you'd really hate yourself for these total misses. I think we should call you The Scud. You're not quite that accurate, but I can't think of anything less accurate than a Scud at this point.

RedRaiderCowboysFan said:
Your right half way, football is about stats, but team stats and not individual stats. Just because a team scores alot of points, or even breaks offensive records or single season records for say td's, that doesnt mean you win the Super Bowl, which is what the goal of playing pro football is, because it seems like you and you romo followers have settled for stats instead of championships. Ill take a Super Bowl championship team with a low scoring, grind it out running game and a qb who makes plays for his team and not the other any day or a throwing 40 times a game putting up yards and tds but choking when the pressure is on the most. You base talent off of stats well I guess following your logic well use the Texas Tech as an example since I went to school there. Since every tech qb puts up huge stats, they must be super talented and winners and woulb be successful NFL qbs. Oh wait, none are worth a darn outside of LBK, and didnt win any major bowl games and havent done jack in the NFL and probably never will. So romo, who lost every playoff game in college, has carried on into the NFL. The only stat that matters when its all said and done when your career is over is how many Super Bowls did you win, with the very few exceptions like Dan Marino.
Well, at the very least you are consistent in being wrong about everything. You're trying to translate college statistics to the NFL and all kinds of wild swipes at nothing. And a gimmick Texas Tech Offense at that. Pathetic.

Do you need to be kept away from sharp objects, like wits? It might explain why yours is so dull.

RedRaiderCowboysFan said:
I think youve gotten so used to the smell of crap your full of that its caused you to live outside of reality. Ive never criticized romo for anything off the field, unlike the TO bashers who complain about his personality instead of what kind of football player he is. So the only real truth is we dont know how it will turn out. The Cowboys might rise, or crash with romo. My guess is romo crashes and burns, its an objective prediction and not because of what I want to happen. Just because you tell yourself over and over you think romo is good and want him to be so you can justify your unfounded opinion that you "know" football, that doesnt make it the truth. You have made it pretty clear you dont know as much was you think you do by trying to compare romo and Peyton Manning, that made me laugh out loud. You forget all those stats came from players who had put up huge stats as well long before romo, yet we havent seen romo do it without those guys. If romo was on say the Lions, they are still probably 0-16. The truth will play out this season, so well revisit these posts after this next season.
An "objective prediction?" Is that anything like "jumbo shrimp" and "pretty awful?" I guess it isn't surprsing that oxy is not the only moron, but it still is sad when someone advertises their lack of intellect in so glowing a fashion.

Yeah, me and Roger on the Peyton Manning comparison. Damn us to hell.

You have got to love the guys who say the truth will play out and we will revisit the subject. Let's be real honest here. The ONLY way you will revisit this subject is if you luck out worse than a guy who finds a compassionate ***** who gives him a free one and Romo falls apart like you claim not to wish, but can't seem to stop wishing will happen. If you are wrong there is no way you have the brass testicles to come back and eat crow. Nah, that anatomy never exists in guys who hide behind the "just because you're the administrator doesn't mean you are right" crapola. If experience has taught me anything it has taught me that you flub its rarely show up when being a man counts for something. I'll be here either way. I'm chained to the position for now. If Dallas succeeds this year you'll be as invisible as your football intellect is now.

Not that this will be a bad thing.
Oh Hostile, basing the fact you think you know more about football then me just because you think romo is just amazing is whats truly pathetic. Perhaps I know more then you, thats why I am able to realize the fact that he isnt a good qb and will come out and say it. Your just so witty, but ya Staubach is a great guy so he will say nice things about romo, but he also said nice things about Quincy and Hutchinson. The Colts built their team around Manning, the team romo took over was already built to win. So because youve convinced yourself you know or agree with the so called "experts" that you know more then I do, I beg to differ and well see how it all plays out. I will definately be here either way myself, and well just see if you have any testicles, much less brass ones if/when you fall on your face and have to live with the shame you have brought on yourself for being such a staunch romo defender. Then well see who the man is.

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