P90 workout - Questions and comments

Week 2 officially begins today. I've got my eating in right thus far today and I'm looking forward to tonights workout. I feel a ton better already then I did when I started just last week.
BraveHeartFan;4438427 said:
I've used EAS before and it's pretty good. There are several brands of protein that I like and could use.

EAS has solid taste.

I like Gasparis whey milk chocolate.

If you're going to take supplements the 4 I would take is a Multi, probiotic, Fish Oil, and Protein Powder (if you didn't get a lot of protein in that day)

How many LB's have you dropped so far?

Some people say not to weigh yourself everyday but for me it keeps my eating in check.
CATCH17;4439496 said:
Some people say not to weigh yourself everyday but for me it keeps my eating in check.

Weighing yourself daily is basically meaningless if you're looking to measure exact weight loss for a specific day. If you are going to do it, the only time it's even worth doing in the AM as soon as you get up. (before eating or drinking anything) Your body's weight shifts up and down based on food and drink intake and recent exercise level.

This is why you don't weigh yourself every day. If you do it every few days or once a week, you get a general idea (trending) of the direction your weight is going.

Actually, the best thing you can do is track yourself in a mirror. Scales lie about how fat you are. (water / food weight vs actual fat) Using a mirror does not.
CATCH17;4439496 said:
EAS has solid taste.

I like Gasparis whey milk chocolate.

If you're going to take supplements the 4 I would take is a Multi, probiotic, Fish Oil, and Protein Powder (if you didn't get a lot of protein in that day)

How many LB's have you dropped so far?

Some people say not to weigh yourself everyday but for me it keeps my eating in check.

I like to get vanilla. Then I can vary the flavor by putting it in the blender with frozen strawberries or peaches or even chocolate syrup. It allows for good variety.
Wimbo;4439623 said:
I like to get vanilla. Then I can vary the flavor by putting it in the blender with frozen strawberries or peaches or even chocolate syrup. It allows for good variety.

Forget that. Take some of this...


That stuff makes me feel great if I mix it in with some juice or something.
BraveHeartFan;4439490 said:
Week 2 officially begins today. I've got my eating in right thus far today and I'm looking forward to tonights workout. I feel a ton better already then I did when I started just last week.

CATCH17;4439496 said:
EAS has solid taste.

I like Gasparis whey milk chocolate.

If you're going to take supplements the 4 I would take is a Multi, probiotic, Fish Oil, and Protein Powder (if you didn't get a lot of protein in that day)

How many LB's have you dropped so far?

Some people say not to weigh yourself everyday but for me it keeps my eating in check.

I have not weighed again. I plan to only do so every 2 weeks or so. I take the eye test over the scale test. lol

And I have 3 of the 4 things you mentioned there. The Multi, fish oil, and my whey protein. I know absolutely nothing about the other thing you mentioned.

Whats it for and how does it help?

Sam I Am;4439511 said:
Weighing yourself daily is basically meaningless if you're looking to measure exact weight loss for a specific day. If you are going to do it, the only time it's even worth doing in the AM as soon as you get up. (before eating or drinking anything) Your body's weight shifts up and down based on food and drink intake and recent exercise level.

This is why you don't weigh yourself every day. If you do it every few days or once a week, you get a general idea (trending) of the direction your weight is going.

Actually, the best thing you can do is track yourself in a mirror. Scales lie about how fat you are. (water / food weight vs actual fat) Using a mirror does not.

Yep. I use the eye test (mirror) and I feel you get a lot better, more satisfying, feeling by seeing the results on your body rather than what some scale may or may not tell you.
CowboyMcCoy;4439656 said:
Forget that. Take some of this...


That stuff makes me feel great if I mix it in with some juice or something.

there is a difference between probiotics and protein powder. Different products for different reasons.
BraveHeartFan;4439925 said:
I have not weighed again. I plan to only do so every 2 weeks or so. I take the eye test over the scale test. lol

And I have 3 of the 4 things you mentioned there. The Multi, fish oil, and my whey protein. I know absolutely nothing about the other thing you mentioned.

Whats it for and how does it help?

Yep. I use the eye test (mirror) and I feel you get a lot better, more satisfying, feeling by seeing the results on your body rather than what some scale may or may not tell you.

A Probiotic is for stomach health which leads to better overall health.

If I could only take 2 things it would be fish oil and probiotic.

If you ever take antibiotics then you really need them.

It replenishes the good bacteria in your stomach, fights off all kinds of stuff, helps breakdown your food better and also helps you get more nutrients from your food.

It's a must have for me.
CATCH17;4441049 said:
A Probiotic is for stomach health which leads to better overall health.

If I could only take 2 things it would be fish oil and probiotic.

If you ever take antibiotics then you really need them.

It replenishes the good bacteria in your stomach, fights off all kinds of stuff, helps breakdown your food better and also helps you get more nutrients from your food.

It's a must have for me.

Very true for me. I have to have a probiotic. I was being prescribed them, but I've found I can do better with various strains at different ones for different times. Most times, I just buy the packets at the health store for $1.35... The ones with greens and super foods mixed in are the best for me.

The "Green Vibrance" is by far the most potent, per independent tests, but the others do just fine. The GV is also more expensive and so I only get it on the really bad days. Or when I'm feeling adventurous about my health.

I like it all mixed in one, but mostly I buy that stuff for the probiotics inside of it.
CATCH17;4441049 said:
A Probiotic is for stomach health which leads to better overall health.

If I could only take 2 things it would be fish oil and probiotic.

If you ever take antibiotics then you really need them.

It replenishes the good bacteria in your stomach, fights off all kinds of stuff, helps breakdown your food better and also helps you get more nutrients from your food.

It's a must have for me.

Sounds real good. Where do I get them? Whats a good brand? What am I looking for in what makes one a good one over a bad one?
BraveHeartFan;4441171 said:
Sounds real good. Where do I get them? Whats a good brand? What am I looking for in what makes one a good one over a bad one?

Get a large container of Greek Yogurt at your grocery store. scoop your protein powder (this is why I like vanilla), 2-3 of scoops of Greek yogurt, some frozen fruit, some ice, and 8 oz of water in a blender and make a daily smoothie.

A workout plan I like, that I've had really good results with is a basic 5x5 alternating workout. You aren't in the gym slaving away because it's more focused workout and less free weights that focus on a few muscles.

If you want to try it out, here is the basics: *You can google search 5x5 workout plan and there are several different ones you can use. This is the one in particular I use.*

Basically 3 days a week, 45 minute workout and 15 min cardio each day.
Workout A:
5x5 Workout A
Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Rows 5x5

5x5 Workout B
Squat 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5

Week 1, Find a weight you can comfortably lift for these increments.
Week 2, Try to bump that up 5-10 lbs. If not, bump it up 2.5 lbs or whatever you can.
Week 3, Same
Week 4, Same

Week 5 & 6 you lift much more are more peak weeks. You lift a lot heavier weights but lighter increments 3x3 instead.

Week 7 and 8 return to the 5x5 schedule.

I am using this to bulk up and add more muscle. It works well for losing weight and toning up as well.
BraveHeartFan;4441171 said:
Sounds real good. Where do I get them? Whats a good brand? What am I looking for in what makes one a good one over a bad one?

I think CowboyMccoy knows more about different brands than me.

I just use the Members mark brand from sams. Has 4 billion different strains of bacteria.
Got day 2 of week 2 in last night without any serious problems. I was able to go harder this time around as well. I can feel myself already getting stronger and a bit more conditioned. No where near good, of course, but it's a solid start.
Day 3 of week 2 is done. I haven't missed a single workout yet and I feel really good about it.

I'm getting better with each workout as well and thats great.
Day 4 of week 2 was knocked out last night. Yesterday wasn't quite as good a day as the previous days had been. I ate one bad meal yesterday, first one since I started eating right almost 2 weeks ago, and that sort of slowed yesterday down.

But I still feel really good about it all so far.

Also I have come across a couple questions in the last couple days I thought I'd throw out there to the more experienced workout folks here.

Yesterday after I ate lunch, the bad meal I mentioned, I got the worst headache. Is that coincidence or is that something that does happen from time to time when you eat a poor choice after trying to eat clean?

And the argument of weights vs. bands. Where do you come down on it? Do you feel that the bands are better for resistance workouts or not as good overall? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
BraveHeartFan;4444488 said:
And the argument of weights vs. bands. Where do you come down on it? Do you feel that the bands are better for resistance workouts or not as good overall? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Resistance band training is good. It actually gives you more ways to work your muscles without getting in weird positions. (weights are lifted up, resistance bands can go any direction) Honestly, you don't even need weights (or bands for that matter) to work out. You can workout almost any muscle in your body without either of them.

There was this ex-military trainer that worked at our gym as a trainer. He was huge, but he said he never uses weights. (even though he trains people on them, because it's a gym) He will use medicine balls, ropes, bars (for pull ups), etc, but doesn't use any weights. (including dumbbells)
Yeah I know there are lots of ways. I went on Youtube one time and watched a series of workouts from folks who simply go out to a local park and use the park equipment as a gym for pull ups, push ups, dips, and such.

There are all kinds of ways to workout without equipment. I'm a guy who likes the old Dumbells and such but I've found that I love using the bands as well. You seem to get a really nice resistance at the peak of a move, giving more burn, and what I've found is the nicest thing about the bands, other than they're light, small, and easy to take anywhere, is that you don't seem to get the same wear and tear on your joints and stuff that you might with free weight use.

All the moves you do with the bands just seem really smooth and fluid. Now there are a few moves I still really prefer free weights on. Tricep Kick backs and military or swimmers presses. Anything that you press the weight over your head but that's only because I don't like the way the bands rub up against the back of your arms and such. I just don't like that.

But for flys and curls? Oh man. Nothing beats the bands for those. They're sweet for those moves.

Also I got my workout in beautifully last night. Strongest I've felt in the first two weeks and I was able to increase almost every exercise by 2 reps this workout. I felt stronger than ever on my push ups. This is really working well because the first workout on the 27th I struggled to get 4 or 5 push ups on each push up type.

Now I'm knocking out 8-10 on all of them. In just two weeks! It's amazing how well this works if you simply follow it and go hard. I'm loving it so much that it's actually making me not only enjoy working out but enjoy the thought of improving enough to step up to P90x next and improve even more.

I'm enjoying it and that's the key thing. I haven't missed a single workout so far for nearly two weeks and I can honestly say that's the first time that has ever happened for me.
BraveHeartFan;4446174 said:
I'm enjoying it and that's the key thing. I haven't missed a single workout so far for nearly two weeks and I can honestly say that's the first time that has ever happened for me.

I'm proud of you, bro! Keep it up...

;) :star:

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