Packers QB Jordan Love has agreed to a 4-year extension worth $220M


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It’s moronic because the reason Dak doesn’t have more success is in part he hasn’t been good enough to win with the teams Jerry has built lol.
It's not moronic. Listen to yourself.

If Dak can't win with teams Jerry has built, that's not going to change in the future. If that doesn't change you don't commit 4 to 5 more years to Prescott. That would be moronic.


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It's not moronic. Listen to yourself.

If Dak can't win with teams Jerry has built, that's not going to change in the future. If that doesn't change you don't commit 4 to 5 more years to Prescott. That would be moronic.

I could tell by your name you excel at math.


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My guess is that Dak doesn't know what he would settle for.
If Jerry plays hardball Dak will have a big choice to make.
He won't get the coddling he gets from the Cowboys anywhere else. A move to another team is likely a move closer to retirement.
Coddling? Why do you guys think Dallas does coddling? You guys need to wake up and realize you root for one of the most incompetent franchises in the NFL and the guys like Dak and Micah yall crap on are the only reasons they even win 12 games it sure as hell isn’t because of the front office.


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It's not moronic. Listen to yourself.

If Dak can't win with teams Jerry has built, that's not going to change in the future. If that doesn't change you don't commit 4 to 5 more years to Prescott. That would be moronic.
So Jerry shouldn’t do his job…but the players should? It just makes no sense. And for the record I’m not advising bring him back. I’m advising this team make a decision on him. It’s been 8 damn years and they still don’t know what they have in him? It’s stupid but this is the same team that allowed Jason Garrett to stay 10 years.


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Lets wait and see how they structure the deal. I don't think it will be as bad for GB as people think. It's four years at 55M, but 1 year at 12.7M mixed in. It's an average of 46M over the next 5 years. They probably have an out after 2-3 years.


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But look how stupid this plan is….Lance doesn’t have a deal either lol. His plan is for a quarterback who 49ers gave up on after trading multiple first rounders for just to snag a 4th rounder for. A guy who couldn’t perform in the most qb friendly offense in the league……and he’s not under contract. This doesn’t sound stupid to you?
I didn't say Jerry's plan was smart or that he is, and I don't know nor does anybody know, if Lance is his master plan. What is clear isi that he has lost faith in his HC and QB, and has no clue what to do when they are both gone next year? In Jerry's mind it is very plausible that just because they didn't pick up his 5th year, there is a chance they can resign him after the season. What is happening with this franchise has been par for the course over the last 30 years, and us suffering fans have to expect this year after year


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It's not moronic. Listen to yourself.

If Dak can't win with teams Jerry has built, that's not going to change in the future. If that doesn't change you don't commit 4 to 5 more years to Prescott. That would be moronic.
I was thinking about the same thing. The kind of teams that Jerry has built seems to have pretty much become a standard for Dallas, so I have to agree, that's not likely to change, especially if we're paying a QB $40-55M a year! The only thing that changes is Dak's bank account.


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2nd in the NFC, behind Dak, with 36 total touchdowns in his very first season as a starter, with no real WR1 and the youngest receiving corp in decades.

Small sample size yes but to say he “has shown nothing” is a bit much…
The post I replied to said he’s done enough to warrant the deal. When I say nothing I mean in relative to that statement. He had a great year. I’d invest in him I don’t care what the cost is. But there is risk involved in giving a one year wonder a deal. Eagles right now are figuring that out. Fortunately for the Packers Love has all the tools just doesn’t have the cheap rookie deal.


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Highest paid player in the league with only starting one season. IMO that is crazy!
What option did they have? If you take the time to actual develop a player you are gonna be paying them with little real game experience. But the alternative is you develop them for some other team