Packers QB Jordan Love has agreed to a 4-year extension worth $220M


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The post I replied to said he’s done enough to warrant the deal. When I say nothing I mean in relative to that statement. He had a great year. I’d invest in him I don’t care what the cost is. But there is risk involved in giving a one year wonder a deal. Eagles right now are figuring that out. Fortunately for the Packers Love has all the tools just doesn’t have the cheap rookie deal.
It's a risk, yes. But remember, he has that one year at 12M mixed in. His cap hits are probably not going to be that bad.

Look at Lawrence for example. He signed at 55M. But since he has 2 rookie years mixed in, no cap hits approach 55M until 2028 when it's in the 40s. No real bad cap hit until 2029.

If Dak gets the same contract it's different. He'd get 55M a year +40M. That makes it worse.


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At this point, I'm wondering if the Cowboys are waiting on purpose because they planned on giving Dak what he wanted the whole time but just wanted to make it seem like they had no choice


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But even that looks stupid. If you lost faith in Dak and Mike….get rid of them lol. I get it man what you’re saying….it makes sense and you hope it’s true. This front office is stupid and I’m starting to think Stephen is more to blame for this.
Can't get rid of Dak until the end of the year, and we had a chance to get rid of MM and pick a handful of more qualified HC candidates and yet again we failed miserably. This is why I have become numb as a fan of this franchise


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At this point, I'm wondering if the Cowboys are waiting on purpose because they planned on giving Dak what he wanted the whole time but just wanted to make it seem like they had no choice
I had not thought of that. Good point. Not sure Jerry is that savvy. Not sure he can even wipe himself anymore. If Dak reels in $57 million AAV in the next 24 hours your assessment is correct.


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Dak should definitely get more than the guy who emasculated him in front of 50 million people 6 months ago.

If Dak played against this Dallas defense in that playoff game he would have done the same thing Love did, if not more.


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LOL, good one!


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It's a Circus to pay Dak?. Some of our fans are just stuck in a loop.warm hole I swear
IN MY OPINION, It's a circus to keep hyping a guy who has a history of underperforming in big games, rather than replacing him and actually trying to do better.
Every year Jerry Jones knows if he can keep fans believing that the next year might be the one that they actually win something, but never addressing the real problem.
He obviously thinks big dollar contracts and the wait and see approach will draw in viewers, as opposed to winning.


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I agree. He’s shown nothing. Cousins got hurt, Fields regressed, if those 2 things don’t happen they don’t make the playoffs. But that’s not crazy part to me. The crazy part is what you said. The Packers had no choice. It’s crazy that an untested quarterback gets this deal because of timing more so than a consistent display of talent. If I was a Packers fan I’d be a little nervous on this one. If he’s not great or takes a step backwards then they’re in trouble. Unfortunately for Love is he doesn’t get to play a “burnt out” Dan Quinn defense every week. This will be interesting to watch moving forward.
Yeah man I mean he sat out. He played his leverage to the T. Lamb is gonna do the same and get paid.


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It's a risk, yes. But remember, he has that one year at 12M mixed in. His cap hits are probably not going to be that bad.

Look at Lawrence for example. He signed at 55M. But since he has 2 rookie years mixed in, no cap hits approach 55M until 2028 when it's in the 40s. No real bad cap hit until 2029.

If Dak gets the same contract it's different. He'd get 55M a year +40M. That makes it worse.
I mean it’s a lot of money regardless. Definitely a risk no matter what.


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Can't get rid of Dak until the end of the year, and we had a chance to get rid of MM and pick a handful of more qualified HC candidates and yet again we failed miserably. This is why I have become numb as a fan of this franchise
You can get rid of Dak anytime you want. Could easily cut him if he’s that out of favor with him.


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You, nor anyone else here, know what Dak would settle for. No friggin clue. Just noise.
True Rock, but Dak might've been giving the Cowboys a clue when he said "all the other great quarterbacks played for other teams.
He was including himself in "all the other great QBs" and then made it clear he was prepared to move on to greener pastures in pursuit of
the bigger bucks. And he was giving the fans a clue when he told us "Be fans or don't be fans" and more or less to "move on".

Dak used to be a lot more careful with his words than that, but not now.
That's OK Dak, maybe I won't be as careful with my words from now on either. ;)
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
True Rock, but Dak might've been giving the Cowboys a clue when he said "all the other great quarterbacks played for other teams.
He was including himself in "all the other great QBs" and then made it clear he was prepared to move on to greener pastures in pursuit of
the bigger bucks. And he was giving the fans a clue when he told us "Be fans or don't be fans" and more or less to "move on".
Dak used to be a lot more careful with his words than that, but not now.
That's OK Dak, I'm not going to be as careful with my words either. ;)
I’m pretty sure that was just a negotiation tactic on Dak’s part. Letting Jerry know he’s not afraid to move on. The Cowboys have the talent to go far in the playoffs if not all the way, for the next 2 or 3 years. But only with Dak. Let him walk after this season and you waste all that young talent you’ve spent so many precious commodities on.


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Jordan Love's proven to be a good QB.

Good QBs are scarce, so good QBs get paid.

Why do some of you still struggle with this?


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So Dak will get what 4 years at 250 fully guaranteed with no trade clause
Dak's agent, Todd Francis, is ruthless......................he has a reputation around the league as being a nut cutter.

On the open market, I think Francis will go for the jugular and demand $60 a year, just to make a statement.

Odds are there is at least one team that is desperate enough for a QB to do it.