Packers release Jaylon Smith


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I wonder if he is rethinking that whole 'power of the #9' thing.

Wore 9 in college and suffered a truly devastating injury. Switched to 9 in the big league and didn't last the season.
Tony made him rue the day he took


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You can't let him back in the building.

He can't physically play. Plus his instincts are poor. MM has a culture in the locker room he has to protect. The Cowboys releasing Smith was saying to everyone you can't be on this squad unless you are effective to a minimal standard. The message was that Smith couldn't meet the minimal standard.

What would your message be to the team if you bring back Smith? You are now lowering your standard? HOw do you get to the SuperBowl when you are prepared to lower your standards.

Smith is done, and he needs to be some other team's problem. The LB core led by Parson is infinitely better. It's a bummer we lost Cox, but if you want to replace Cox pick some someone who had real potential.

Adding Smith is just adding another burden who doesn't really have a chance at competing for a starting position. No thanks.

The Cowboys have more importnat things to do and accomplish.

BTW, did you see Baldy's breakdowns of Parsons? LVE is making his way out the door. If Cox hadn't gotten injured I wonder if he would have been on the trading block, and moved.

We have to redo the LB unit. This is a focus of next year's draft. We got rid of Smith. LVE is next. As Jaylon said the tape doesn't lie, and oddly enough our drafting of Parsons had made everyone realize how bad our LB core was.

We have walked away from two of the three who were taking up key spots. Smith and Lee. One more to go, and our new direction with this unit will transition.
Lee retired


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I was surprised they signed him. It's a wrap Jaylon, but he made out pretty good after his unfortunate injury...good for him. Good luck Jaylon.


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You need good instincts and a true understanding of game film breakdown to be a coach. Jaylon has neither. He hid his lack of instincts with athleticism until he couldn't anymore. He just didn't seem to care about getting better at his craft thinking he was elite already.

So either his instincts suck or he avoided direct contact because he was making business decisions and then tackling everyone from behind when he could.

Is that what you want coaching? Not me.

He's exactly who I want coaching....31 other teams ;)


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He's not great, but you bring him back for depth. LVE has a history of being injured as of recently, so he very well might not last the whole season, so what then? This also gives Parsons more chances of being at DE. Either we trade for an LB or bring him back, and the chances of us doing anything in FA is close to nil.
No, stop!


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Now we have to dump the Lawrence contract.
At least when Lawrence is healthy (I know, rare) he is a good player. Crawford for example was a total waste of money, when Lawrence is on the field he may not be quite worth the contract but he is one of the better DE in the league. Prior to this year Lawrence was probably the best player on the defensive side of the ball.


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If you watch him run and think his movement isn’t an issue you’re mistaken. Lack of instincts can be schemed around, a lack of lateral burst and general flexibility cannot.
Seriously, where do people get that crapp from? Blatantly obvious.