Part of the Dez Rolling Stones Article

"Way more to the story" may not be as bad as people think. The suggestion surrounding the "story" is that Dez did something bad. Jay Glazer may be saying it's actually not as bad as people think.

I remember reporting a story about a minister who was accused of beating his wife. At least, that's what she said in the police report. The minister was criticized mercilessly in the community and the press. But the back story wasn't the case at all. The minister took the car keys from his wife because she was intoxicated, but she wanted to drive the car. He struggled to get the keys from her; she got mad and had him arrested for domestic abuse.
Later, I found out she was bat crazy, had abused him physically, and he had enough of it and divorced her.

There was "way more to the story" than what was officially reported. But the minister didn't want to make a big deal about it so he let it go and moved on. He's remarried and is still pastoring a church today, even though his credibility took a hit.

I understand why other reporters would say that there was more to the video story than has been uncovered. Without proof a reporter like Glazer can't report the story even if they're certain about the truth. It's like in a court of law when everybody knows somebody is guilty but none of the witnesses will testify.

If there really was a video what do you think would happen to it? Somebody would pay to make it go away if possible. If somebody did pay to make it go away, reporters would probably know that there is "more to the story" but couldn't report it because they have to evidence and no witness that will go on record.

The local media is now dominated by the Sports Talk Radio people. Those 3 stations and any other media compete to get access to the Cowboys. Jerry, Stephen, multiple players and even Charlotte come on the radio periodically and some of them have weekly shows during the season. The Cowboys control all of that access. If any of those local reporters push the controversial issues like the video, then the Cowboys can easily threaten to cut off or restrict their access.
Now that whatever Dez told them (Rolling Stone) is in print people automatically believe all of it.

The Cowboys wanted him to be associated with Wells. If Wells was that bad I think the Cowboys would know about it. It's possible that somebody else (Roc Nation) is behind the smear campaign on Wells.

Dez did sign a contract with Wells and now Dez and Roc Nation don't want to honor the contract. It's in their interest to make Wells look like the bad guy.

Dez also got a lot of help from some group of people in creating his Brand X marketing and some people think the X idea came from someone in that group. Now Dez and Roc are screwing those people over also.

The whole thing is ugly. There are always 3 sides to every story. My side, your side and the truth.

Wells may have served a purpose but maybe outlived his usefulness, who knows.

I know Dez wants to cut ties and move on with Roc Sports and Tom Condon.
I can see how you would think that. Call me nuts, but I think Dez is smarter than a lot of people give him credit for. IMO, the best thing Dez has going for him is that he knows he doesn't know it all and he's proactively trying to strengthen his short comings. No, I think that when the entire Dez story is written, a lot of people will be surprised by the ending. Again, JMO.

Hopefully you're correct.
Hopefully you're correct.

He has over come some very long odds to get to where he is today and Dez, himself, must be credited with that. My guess is that he will end up doing a lot more right than wrong. I, too, hope (for Dez's sake) that I'm right.
The whole thing is ugly. There are always 3 sides to every story. My side, your side and the truth.

Wells may have served a purpose but maybe outlived his usefulness, who knows.

I know Dez wants to cut ties and move on with Roc Sports and Tom Condon.

My point is the article is a fluff piece with Roc completely in controll of the narrative.
People like Wells? Whatever could you mean by that?

People that have numerous bank accounts and businesses and get money mysteriously from companies that you later find out that they are the owner or have some connection to (relative may own or it's in a relatives name, but it is their company).

I work with some pro athletes and it's not completely unheard of to have money come from different accounts and have a business in their name to protect themselves and their family from liability. I also worked with an owner of a chain of car dealerships and he had more credit cards than I've ever seen anybody have, but only a four different accounts and his businesses were under the same umbrella, but was only done to allow him to do business in the multiple states he had dealerships in. However, he is completely legit and on the up-and-up.

But, from what it appears with Wells he's going way beyond that (and he's not even a pro athlete or a gazillionaire car dealership owner). I'll just say it the very least...makes me question the legitimacy of Wells, especially since credible accountants and business managers are questioning where a lot of money went.

On a related note, this week in practice the trainers and others had to comb the field again looking for Dez' ear ring. Not sure if they found it.

C'mon Dez.
I just read the article. I don't know how anybody cannot think Wells is not shady.

When the writer reported to Wells that Bryant's tax advisor has proof of Wells' taking money out of an account that was in care of Dez to pay off mortgage (which Wells said Dez was living rent free) and the bank loan for the jewelry debts...Wells doesn't even argue that claim and just says that he can 'depose Dez Bryant - and I know things they don't.'

Classic signs of getting caught in a lie. A truthful person would argue that claim. A deceitful person would ignore the claim against them and then threaten the accuser.

Another don't get fired from the police department for a missing pair of boxing gloves. Good luck trying to get that dismissal okay'd by the union. If it is true that it was officially over a pair of boxing gloves, you can rest assured that there were a *ton* of things he did wrong leading up to that.

I think the Cowboys hired Wells because he's got good connections with judges and DA's, but he appears to be as crooked as a question mark.

Yeah.. I echo these Wells comments.. sounds like a guy taking advantage of his position for additional personal gain. I guess he felt $17K/month wasn't enough when there was other easy opportunity to take more for himself. Also if Jerry hired him I'm sure he was giving Jerry regular reports on what was going on to be used in any way Jerry would want. If Wells knew about the Walmart incident and there was a police report he obviously would need to tell Jerry. Every full time security person or caretaker knows some "dirt" on the person they are managing, but usually there are clauses to prevent them from talking about it. The more concerning thing is really the money manipulation and using Dez's money for personal payments outside of the contract. Wells statements are very in line with what people say when they are doing those things.. asking why he would need to do that, saying if you come after him he knows things you won't want heard, etc.. Glad he is gone and hope he stays far away from other players. He probably started out fine and then slowly corrupted over time as he saw opportunities to get things out of the deals by doing things to benefit him personally while still supplying the services. I would suspect his taxes, income and assets are all misrepresented through multiple shells.

Wells is particularly scummy because he knows how to skate around NDA. He feeds the press off the record and then selectively confirms things later. He certainly does not honor an NDA agreement. He's been the source of all the leaks and nonsense for the last two years. I was floored when he confirmed Dez's rehab a few years ago.

The rabbithole goes deeper because Royce West owned the house Dez was living in right before the schism. That guy is a state senator and was likely bankrolling the whole thing. Wells lost most of his professional licenses when he was convicted of tax fraud last decade.
Maybe Jerry Jones mentioned Irvin's criminal behavior and Dez responded I'm not Michael Irvin. Context is everything. This article seems worth reading.

+1 smart read on it. some of you guys are sooo gullible. Dez loves Irvin. Irvin loves Dez. let's not let the media stir up something that isn't there.
Wells is particularly scummy because he knows how to skate around NDA. He feeds the press off the record and then selectively confirms things later. He certainly does not honor an NDA agreement. He's been the source of all the leaks and nonsense for the last two years. I was floored when he confirmed Dez's rehab a few years ago.

The rabbithole goes deeper because Royce West owned the house Dez was living in right before the schism. That guy is a state senator and was likely bankrolling the whole thing. Wells lost most of his professional licenses when he was convicted of tax fraud last decade.

Yep - at the highest levels of business an NDA is nothing more than a gnat that is easily swatted away.

I'm really surprised at the lack of vetting and due diligence by Jerry and the team unless like Rich says they wanted a safety net around him and Wells was a necessary evil. It seems the story gets darker and murkier and Dez made it through a potentially really bad perfect storm and came out okay on the other side.
Yep - at the highest levels of business an NDA is nothing more than a gnat that is easily swatted away.

I'm really surprised at the lack of vetting and due diligence by Jerry and the team unless like Rich says they wanted a safety net around him and Wells was a necessary evil. It seems the story gets darker and murkier and Dez made it through a potentially really bad perfect storm and came out okay on the other side.

He's done it before.
He's done it before.

Yes he has. I have an immense amount of respect for Dez. His family situation was so deplorable yet he hung in there. He had a gift, recognized it, took advantage of it, worked like hell and made it when many others just couldn't. He's the man who should be talking at the rookie symposium.

If you can't learn from his story - you simply don't want to.
Now that whatever Dez told them (Rolling Stone) is in print people automatically believe all of it.

The Cowboys wanted him to be associated with Wells. If Wells was that bad I think the Cowboys would know about it. It's possible that somebody else (Roc Nation) is behind the smear campaign on Wells.

Dez did sign a contract with Wells and now Dez and Roc Nation don't want to honor the contract. It's in their interest to make Wells look like the bad guy.

Dez also got a lot of help from some group of people in creating his Brand X marketing and some people think the X idea came from someone in that group. Now Dez and Roc are screwing those people over also.

They have Bryant's accountant making claims about the finances that contradicts Wells quoted statements. Compare and contrast to the unnamed sources who hammer Bryant. Accountants have licensing and all that. Libel is real too. If he lied it could come back and bite him yet he has his name out there.

The guy that Dez hired to create the X campaign that produced nothing is suing him sure and that will be resolved in court one way or another. Wells has not sued for breach of contract. He got a cease and desist order.

Wells according to the named accountant was very paid. They accounted for his agent fees. They accounted for the security contracts. You think the accountant is lying about the "David Wells c/o Dez Bryant" account paid for from the endorsements Dez said he was stealing? How about the insurance payments for a fleet of cars owned by Wells? How about the three years of mortgage payments with Wells name on it he claims were free? How about the bank loan for the jewelry Wells claims to have paid for?

Wells has been lying demonstrably about Dez's money.
My point is the article is a fluff piece with Roc completely in controll of the narrative.

It has a named accountant contradicting statements of Wells and allowing him a response. That is hardly complete control. The part chronicling his homelife in Lufkin was well done I thought.
They have Bryant's accountant making claims about the finances that contradicts Wells quoted statements. Compare and contrast to the unnamed sources who hammer Bryant. Accountants have licensing and all that. Libel is real too. If he lied it could come back and bite him yet he has his name out there.

The guy that Dez hired to create the X campaign that produced nothing is suing him sure and that will be resolved in court one way or another. Wells has not sued for breach of contract. He got a cease and desist order.

Wells according to the named accountant was very paid. They accounted for his agent fees. They accounted for the security contracts. You think the accountant is lying about the "David Wells c/o Dez Bryant" account paid for from the endorsements Dez said he was stealing? How about the insurance payments for a fleet of cars owned by Wells? How about the three years of mortgage payments with Wells name on it he claims were free? How about the bank loan for the jewelry Wells claims to have paid for?

Wells has been lying demonstrably about Dez's money.

Only Dallas would put a guy like Wells in charge of players' security. You can't make this stuff up.

Sounds like Wells has 'street cred' in spades but couldn't pass a background check if he had to.

Dez really has had it rough and my opinion of his maturity has actually increased. He is nothing like Irvin except intense on the field.
I just read the article. I don't know how anybody cannot think Wells is not shady.

When the writer reported to Wells that Bryant's tax advisor has proof of Wells' taking money out of an account that was in care of Dez to pay off mortgage (which Wells said Dez was living rent free) and the bank loan for the jewelry debts...Wells doesn't even argue that claim and just says that he can 'depose Dez Bryant - and I know things they don't.'

Classic signs of getting caught in a lie. A truthful person would argue that claim. A deceitful person would ignore the claim against them and then threaten the accuser.

Another don't get fired from the police department for a missing pair of boxing gloves. Good luck trying to get that dismissal okay'd by the union. If it is true that it was officially over a pair of boxing gloves, you can rest assured that there were a *ton* of things he did wrong leading up to that.

I think the Cowboys hired Wells because he's got good connections with judges and DA's, but he appears to be as crooked as a question mark.


Exactly. That depose statement did it for me too. The dude was stealing. After being caught he threatens. That's pretty straightforward.

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