Pat Robertson speaks out for marijuana legalization

Hoofbite;4448241 said:
It's not making the people any money but it's making the privatized prison systems lots of money.

And as we know, large amounts of money somehow find their way into decisive matters.

And those private prison still have to operate under fed law. They have to provide food, medical care. Inmates have the same rights that the courts have given them. No doubt private vs Government I would say Private is more efficient but in the end the money to house prisoners still come from the tax payer. These private prisons are also just a very small part of the overall prison system.

As always be people use a few exceptions as if it is the norm, It is not. If you have been handed down prison sentence the high percentage of the time you are going to a state prison.

However as I mention before and it gets brush aside “No one is going to prison for small amounts of weed". Only people who are dealing in large amounts with the intent to sell. Hell most of the time the cop is not going to waste his time even taking you down town over a small amount
Doomsday101;4448225 said:
And that is already against the law. Not sure what that has to do one way or the other with this topic.

Both are already against the law, but one is devastating and one is for the most part harmless.

My point was, .. as a society, let's spend way less time addressing the harmless crime, .. and way way way more time addressing the devastating crime.

To me, if even one child is being molested, there is no time to be discussing smoking a joint.
Denim Chicken;4445190 said:
IMHO, I think all drugs should be decrimialized--gambling and prostitution too. But, I'm one of the opinion that one should have dominion over thier own body.

Well, I'm for the legalization of weed but not willing to let meth, crack or heroine get slid into the issue.

There's a line, IMO. The line is just currently misplaced.
WV Cowboy;4448258 said:
Both are already against the law, but one is devastating and one is for the most part harmless.

My point was, .. as a society, let's spend way less time addressing the harmless crime, .. and way way way more time addressing the devastating crime.

To me, if even one child is being molested, there is no time to be discussing smoking a joint.

Come on we can't talk about both? Lets talk about murder instead of either of these things. Look if you’re for legalization great again I'm not against it but these straw men statements of lets don't talk about it because there are things that are important is silly.
I think legalizing something like heroin is dangerous because of it's ability to effectively numb an individual completely and the ease of overdose.
Doomsday101;4448257 said:
And those private prison still have to operate under fed law. They have to provide food, medical care. Inmates have the same rights that the courts have given them. No doubt private vs Government I would say Private is more efficient but in the end the money to house prisoners still come from the tax payer. These private prisons are also just a very small part of the overall prison system.

As always be people use a few exceptions as if it is the norm, It is not. If you have been handed down prison sentence the high percentage of the time you are going to a state prison.

However as I mention before and it gets brush aside “No one is going to prison for small amounts of weed". Only people who are dealing in large amounts with the intent to sell. Hell most of the time the cop is not going to waste his time even taking you down town over a small amount

9% is pretty significant, IMO, when you consider where it was just a few years ago.

The rate of increase is pretty high. I think it was like 6% less than a decade ago.

You don't think that number is driven by money going straight back to the people who sign off on this stuff?

My point was simply that the privatized prison system has grown heavily.

I would agree that nobody would go to prison for a single instance of a small amount but multiple small amounts would eventually do the trick.

Stupid, yes. Unreasonable, yes.
Hoofbite;4448260 said:
Well, I'm for the legalization of weed but not willing to let meth, crack or heroine get slid into the issue.

There's a line, IMO. The line is just currently misplaced.

Fact is at one time all these drugs were legal. It was not until the 1920 they were made illegal
Doomsday101;4448277 said:
Fact is at one time all these drugs were legal. It was not until the 1920 they were made illegal

Yeah. And now that we have adequate information about all the drugs we should be able to make a rational and informed decision.
Hoofbite;4448276 said:
9% is pretty significant, IMO, when you consider where it was just a few years ago.

The rate of increase is pretty high. I think it was like 6% less than a decade ago.

You don't think that number is driven by money going straight back to the people who sign off on this stuff?

My point was simply that the privatized prison system has grown heavily.

I would agree that nobody would go to prison for a single instance of a small amount but multiple small amounts would eventually do the trick.

Stupid, yes. Unreasonable, yes.

and they still have to abid by the same laws regarding prisoners. It is still costly to house prisoners to feed them to give medical care to them. You can't force them to work so these prison are not self sufficent and it requires states to pay for it. When I say the state pays for it that means those of us who live in that state since government if not a profit driven organization which is why move government ran business are do so poorly
Doomsday101;4448277 said:
Fact is at one time all these drugs were legal. It was not until the 1920 they were made illegal

Women werent legally allowed to vote or hold most jobs until the 1920s. Public lynchings were still legal in many areas until the 1950s. Slave labor was once legal in this country.

On a different note, we used to drill into people's heads for headaches to let the demons out.
Hoofbite;4448279 said:
Yeah. And now that we have adequate information about all the drugs we should be able to make a rational and informed decision.

As I have said I have no issue with it being legal my only issue is those who act as if it comes with no down side.
Doomsday101;4448282 said:
and they still have to abid by the same laws regarding prisoners. It is still costly to house prisoners to feed them to give medical care to them. You can't force them to work so these prison are not self sufficent and it requires states to pay for it. When I say the state pays for it that means those of us who live in that state since government if not a profit driven organization which is why move government ran business are do so poorly

I'm not contesting that it costs money.

I'm simply saying that there are people who profit off it..........most of them hold positions of responsibility.

There's not doubt it costs money to the taxpayers. It also lines the pockets of people casting the real votes.

I tried to make it subtle so it would get too PZ but that's what I was going for.
The30YardSlant;4448284 said:
Women werent legally allowed to vote or hold most jobs until the 1920s. Public lynchings were still legal in many areas until the 1950s. Slave labor was once legal in this country.

On a different note, we used to drill into people's heads for headaches to let the demons out.

and what does this have to do with anything. I just pointed out that drugs like Heroin and morphine were legal. In the 20's in large part because epidemic that was taking place and death rate is was made illegal.
Hoofbite;4448288 said:
I'm not contesting that it costs money.

I'm simply saying that there are people who profit off it..........most of them hold positions of responsibility.

There's not doubt it costs money to the taxpayers. It also lines the pockets of people casting the real votes.

I tried to make it subtle so it would get too PZ but that's what I was going for.

True who would run a prison if all they were going to do is break even? That would make no sense.
Doomsday101;4448285 said:
As I have said I have no issue with it being legal my only issue is those who act as if it comes with no down side.

I don't see the downsides being any more "down" than alcohol in this case.

Alcohol withdrawal can kill you. Weed? Never even known of a person having withdrawal from weed.
Doomsday101;4448291 said:
True who would run a prison if all they were going to do is break even? That would make no sense.

Which brings up a whole different issue.

In short though, the prison system is screwed. :laugh2:
Hoofbite;4448292 said:
I don't see the downsides being any more "down" than alcohol in this case.

Alcohol withdrawal can kill you. Weed? Never even known of a person having withdrawal from weed.

I never said it would kill you.

But the argument goes back to people pointing at other things they feel are worse that it somehow justify weed is then good.

Not sure how many ways I can say it, I'm not opposed to legalization, I don't make it out to be a good thing either. I think we have enough irresponsible people without giving them yet another legal crutch to use.
Hoofbite;4448292 said:
I don't see the downsides being any more "down" than alcohol in this case.

Alcohol withdrawal can kill you. Weed? Never even known of a person having withdrawal from weed.

To add to this, alcohol withdrawel CAN kill you in severe cases, heroine withdrawel often WILL kill you without medical care through the process. Stopping heroine cold turkey is often more dangerous than continuing to use.

The relative dangers are a huge factor in legalization. Weed presents almost no eal health hazards others than stupid **** people do when they're high. Alcohol can be dangerous but only in higher doses and for long periods of sustained use. Heroine and cocaine can kill you the first time you use them, even in smaller doses, and both are exponentially more addictive than alcohol or weed.
Doomsday101;4448289 said:
and what does this have to do with anything. I just pointed out that drugs like Heroin and morphine were legal. In the 20's in large part because epidemic that was taking place and death rate is was made illegal.

Wasn't heroin derived as a "treatment" for opium addiction? Now addicts go to the doctor and get legal perscriptions for suboxone and/or methadone to help break the adiction to heroin and other legally perscribed opiates that are now more common among users than heroin.

Now suboxone and methadone are very popular street drugs but you don't hear that much about them. Wonder why?

There is a war but I also don't think it is to eradicate drug use.

Like others are saying, follow the money.

The problem with weed is it doesn't need a cure. There is no new legally perscribed drug necessary to cure the addiction/withdrawls from weed. The only money to be made from weed legally is to put people in jail for it.

I've been around this block a few times. Tried it all short of the needle. 99% of the people right there with me back in the day got through that phase and moved on to happy self sufficient lives.

It isn't the drug, its the individual.
Doomsday101;4448269 said:
Come on we can't talk about both? Lets talk about murder instead of either of these things. Look if you’re for legalization great again I'm not against it but these straw men statements of lets don't talk about it because there are things that are important is silly.

I never suggested that you couldn't talk about it, my point was society in general worrying about one so much when the other is going on.

Talk about it all you want.

You don't have to agree, that's ok, .. I wasn't trying to get anyone to agree with me.


If I'm at the mall, I would want the security guard stopping the crazy guy inside who is shooting people, instead of taking a minute to write a ticket to someone outside whose tire is over the blue line of the handicap parking spot.

Let's address the devastating issue before we address the harmless one.

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