Paying Dak is a dead end


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I admit that Dak had a fantastic year and he turned into a QB that I didn’t think he was capable of.

I felt like McCarthy did a unbelievable job with turning Dak into more than just a empty calorie stat padding QB and he was actually a legit top 5-7 QB this year.

With that said… We can’t get the team right and pay him, Lamb, and Parsons max deals.

So my question to all of you…

Is it time to move on from Dak? Have you seen enough of this current group to know that we can’t build a team around this QB that’s championship caliber?

Some of you are so terrified to move on from Dak.

We just watched Aaron Rodgers leave GB and they still had a QB who is nowhere close to AR’s caliber walk into Dallas and destroy us.

To me there is nothing to look forward to next year until we reach the playoffs.

If you’re the Cowboys you have to seriously consider dumping some of these contracts like Dak, Gallup, and maybe even Tyron Smith and using that money to build a better roster with Trey Lance as your QB or a big move up in the draft for someone like Williams or Maye.

You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Dak’s had his time and giving him an extension like he just won the Super Bowl is 2 steps in the wrong direction.

The Cowboys have to be more bold and try something different. They can’t just run it back.

paying Dak is a deadend. paying Parsons is a deadend. paying Diggs is a deadend. paying gallup is a deadend. paying cooper is a deadend. paying CD will be a deadend.

the best cowboys should do is just trade all their assets and just draft. that's the most fun we have around here. then find a good player and trade it.

this organization will not win anything while Jerry is in charge. guaranteed. prove me wrong.


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Sounds great, but Dak does not have to do either and can stick Dallas with a $58M cap hit this year.
Can always go with option 3, lame duck for 2024.


1- Stick with the original extension plan, maybe with a wrinkle
. Continue to bank on Dak. Be prepared to make him maybe the highest-paid player in NFL history, maybe at $60 million APY. He'll be a "Cowboy for Life'' on a long-term deal. And you live with it.

2- Cut or trade him after June 1. That date alleviates just a bit the cap ramifications. But the $59 million piper must be paid. Move on from Prescott and you "save'' $34 million and you "gain'' about $9 million of room in 2024.

That point is much-ballyhooed. But it leaves out the other shoe to drop: The add-up equals $25.5 million in dead money in '24 and another $36.5 million dead in '25.

Do you want to get rid of Dak so desperately that you want to pay the cap $35.5 million two years from now just to escape him?

Another issue on the trade notion: If you don't want his $59 million baggage, why does another team want it? And why would they give you anything of value back for the privilege of taking it on?

Oh, and if Dak is moved on? You hand the keys to Cooper Rush or Trey Lance. Can the Cowboys win that way?

3- Don't worry about winning in 2024. Keep Dak. Eat it. Start over. Could you really do this? It would be messy in an unprecedented way. But you could.

Micah, Lamb and Dak



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I admit that Dak had a fantastic year and he turned into a QB that I didn’t think he was capable of.

I felt like McCarthy did a unbelievable job with turning Dak into more than just a empty calorie stat padding QB and he was actually a legit top 5-7 QB this year.

With that said… We can’t get the team right and pay him, Lamb, and Parsons max deals.

So my question to all of you…

Is it time to move on from Dak? Have you seen enough of this current group to know that we can’t build a team around this QB that’s championship caliber?

Some of you are so terrified to move on from Dak.

We just watched Aaron Rodgers leave GB and they still had a QB who is nowhere close to AR’s caliber walk into Dallas and destroy us.

To me there is nothing to look forward to next year until we reach the playoffs.

If you’re the Cowboys you have to seriously consider dumping some of these contracts like Dak, Gallup, and maybe even Tyron Smith and using that money to build a better roster with Trey Lance as your QB or a big move up in the draft for someone like Williams or Maye.

You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Dak’s had his time and giving him an extension like he just won the Super Bowl is 2 steps in the wrong direction.

The Cowboys have to be more bold and try something different. They can’t just run it back.

It's 8 yrs past time to move on from Dak. He never should hsve been drafted.


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A dead end for who? The fans or the Cowboys??

When we have empty seats and drop our #1 revenue status let me know .


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I think it depends on how they structure it. I mean, theoretically, they could wait until the draft to make a decision on extending him. Especially since Jerry doesn't do anything in FA. So, if they get a QB, they could June 1 cut him. If not, then extend him to a 3 year deal, including this year, knowing that we have to draft a QB next year and June 1 cut him prior to the 3rd year. This gives us the luxury of letting a rookie sit like Mahomes, Rodgers, and Love did. I suppose, alternatively, they could do it anyway with the fact we do have Trey Lance. Start him, and, if it doesn't work, we probably get a really high draft pick.


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Get Dak outta here

He can win MVP, be first team all pro, set all the single season qb records. Not a single credible soul will have faith in him during the playoffs to beat 3 good teams in a row
He would have to beat a 4th team in the Super Bowl.

Ain’t happening!


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No choice
Our idiot FO signed a contract that requires he be paid or we can field a bottom of the barrel team


1st Round Pick
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You had me until Trey Lance.
You would’ve said the same about Jordan Love.

You have to believe in player development.

Getting out from under Dak’s deal and building the overall team is probably a better move going forward into 2025.

Next year is lost before it begins.


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You would’ve said the same about Jordan Love.

You have to believe in player development.

Getting out from under Dak’s deal and building the overall team is probably a better move going forward into 2025.

Next year is lost before it begins.
We are very bad at developing players.


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If the defense isn’t performing and he has to throw the ball aggressively bad things start to happen.
This isn't to defend Dak but this is an issue with most, if not all QBs. It's why every defensive coordinator's goal is to make an offense one-dimensional. They want a QB passing 40-50 times a game. Why...... more risk in passing or more chance of turnovers?

BTW.....this isn't my take. Read it several times from league insiders


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Get Dak outta here

He can win MVP, be first team all pro, set all the single season qb records. Not a single credible soul will have faith in him during the playoffs to beat 3 good teams in a row
What folks have to understand is the more Jerry gets pushed and bashed by fans and media the more and harder he pushes back. He’s got the bucks and can laugh at everyone and it doesn’t matter it’s a reflex reaction to saying he did it wrong and history says he will double down to prove he was right and when he does change it will be because he has a better plan. Been this way last 29 years not sure why people think he will change


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Be not deceived, money must not be a deterrent. Dak and the Cowboys are on the cusp of greatness so pulling the rug out right before the moment of glory would be ludicrous. So embrace the mediocrity and dare not challenge the round peg in a square hole mentality that's certain to yield absolutely nothing going forward. So much to look forward to. Embrace the suck.


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In NO WAY shape or form will Jerry get rid of his runner up MVP, unless they think Lance is ready.
Seems likely.
Jerry has been making noises about "running out of time". Don't thing he's ready to go back to the Chad Hutchinson days.


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"Let's move on from our 30-year-old All-Pro QB, even though we have nobody better to replace him with!"

-No GM ever

If Lance shows us something, this becomes a conversation.


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I have another criticism about Dak.

He’s just not a QB you can get in a shootout with.

If the defense isn’t performing and he has to throw the ball aggressively bad things start to happen.
Look around the league.

How many QBs have won "shootouts" in the 2024 playoffs?

Dak absolutely choked away the 1st half vs Green Bay, but make no mistake - defense still wins championships.


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Can always go with option 3, lame duck for 2024.


1- Stick with the original extension plan, maybe with a wrinkle
. Continue to bank on Dak. Be prepared to make him maybe the highest-paid player in NFL history, maybe at $60 million APY. He'll be a "Cowboy for Life'' on a long-term deal. And you live with it.

2- Cut or trade him after June 1. That date alleviates just a bit the cap ramifications. But the $59 million piper must be paid. Move on from Prescott and you "save'' $34 million and you "gain'' about $9 million of room in 2024.

That point is much-ballyhooed. But it leaves out the other shoe to drop: The add-up equals $25.5 million in dead money in '24 and another $36.5 million dead in '25.

Do you want to get rid of Dak so desperately that you want to pay the cap $35.5 million two years from now just to escape him?

Another issue on the trade notion: If you don't want his $59 million baggage, why does another team want it? And why would they give you anything of value back for the privilege of taking it on?

Oh, and if Dak is moved on? You hand the keys to Cooper Rush or Trey Lance. Can the Cowboys win that way?

3- Don't worry about winning in 2024. Keep Dak. Eat it. Start over. Could you really do this? It would be messy in an unprecedented way. But you could.

Micah, Lamb and Dak

Isn't there a way we could work out a deal to facilitate a trade so that a team could take it on financially. We add another year to his deal, making it half the money, then it would make a team more interested hopefully

CT Dal Fan

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Yeah but we don’t pay Dak to be like other QBs.

That’s the problem…
We don't? Look at what the Eagles are paying Hurts. Look what the Giants are paying Daniel Jones. The Cardinals in Kyler Murray, the Browns in Deshaun Watson, the Chargers with Herbert, the Vikings with Cousins.......and so on. What have any of them done to earn it?

The market sets what QB's get paid just like every other position. Nobody can expect Dak or ANY quarterback to accept a discount because that's just plain stupid on their part. It's like your boss offering you a raise or promotion and you don't have to do anything extra to get it. Would you refuse?


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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I think
The only problem with it is we don’t have that bridge guy. We don’t have a Love because we never draft QB’s. Maybe we could survive with Lance? Doubtful as all this kid has done is gotten hurt in his career. If your plan is to draft a QB this is the year. You won’t be able to get a Caleb or Maye but you could get Penix. But after watching the NC game he folded like a cheap suit when he got punched in the mouth.

They are not about to pay Lamb and Micah and have some scrub QB.
I think it’s franchise negligence to not draft a QB now every single year regardless of round.

You never know and you have to try.

CT Dal Fan

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I think

I think it’s franchise negligence to not draft a QB now every single year regardless of round.

You never know and you have to try.
I think they wanted Aiden O'Connell last year but he was gone before they got to pick him where they wanted.

This was the rationale for giving up this year's 4th for Trey Lance. They were going to take a QB this spring anyway.