Manwiththeplan;4234236 said:
2 questions, I thought I read he was banned from bringing children on campus, not banned himself, correct?
and second, even if that was enforced, would common sense not say that he'll just do it some where else? Why would anyone with knowledge of the 2002 event be satisfied with that outcome?
Exactly. A great point and one that can't be explained away by "He's old and didn't have the power."
trickblue;4234250 said:
Reading PSU message boards many said it was obvious that Joe Pa had cooled to Sandusky in '99 and that he had very little of anything to say to him or at his retirement banquet other than short generic quips. I'm sure he knew. Since no charges were filed I think Joe Pa demonstrated the man he was known to be by cutting ties with what many considered the best assistant coach in the business...
I think in the 2002 incident, he was so disassociated with Sandusky he reported it to his superiors (who REALLY dropped the ball) and gave the whole situation the Pontius Pilate treatment...
Being the figurehead of PSU, he is now taking a fall for not reporting it to police...
As he should. I don't care how disassociated with Sandusky he was he did the bare minimum and did nothing more. He checked nothing more. He followed up on nothing.
Meanwhile this person, who he's been given an eye witness account of anal sex with a 10 year old, is walking around at practices, working out in the facilities, and working closely with children in a charity program that Joe was on the board of.
And yet he still didn't think it approperiate to check up on these things and see what had been investigated, what was being done?
Disgusting. The worst case of turning the blind eye that I can possibly think of.
RoyTheHammer;4234252 said:
Paterno is a 75 year old man, and a football coach. Not the judge, jury, and executioner.
If someone is banned from campus, or banned from bringing kids onto campus, its up the the university to enforce it.. not the football coach who has nothing to do with Sandusky at this point.
From the campus, yes. From football practices, from being in the work out facilities, I believe Joe would have MORE THAN ENOUGH power and authority to do something about that and yet he did NOTHING.
RoyTheHammer;4234263 said:
Why would police and child protective services hear him admit to them both that he showered with a young boy in the locker room in 1998 and just say "Don't do it again.. now move along, sir." ??
Makes no sense.. none of this does.
Absolutely agree with you 110% here. They dropped the ball as well, as did several others in this. It's not just Joe Paterno who dropped the ball, there is a multitude of people who did. None of these people did what they should have been doing in any of their respective positions.
Cajuncowboy;4234282 said:
And it keeps getting more and more asinine.
How so? By turning a blind eye, by doing no follow ups, by saying nothing and doing nothing about him being at practices, in the work out facilities, working in a charity that Joe had his hands in as well he basically enabled him.
I know that wasn't the intent of Joe, by any means, as I'm sure he just didn't want to know or be part of any of it and just wanted it to go away in his mind but by sitting by, and doing absolutely nothing beyond the bare minimum he had to do by reporting it to his boss, he allowed this sick person to have complete access to places that had been allowing him to find, and rape, innocent children.
RoyTheHammer;4234745 said:
So, in your opinion, what more should Joe have done, and how much of an effect did he have on the entire situation?
He had a HUGE effect on the situation by doing what amounts to basically zip.
He could have easily picked up a phone and asked the local police department if they were ever contacted on this situation and was there anything he could do to help with the investigation if they were aware.
He didn't have to put much effort, even at 75 years old, to find out what was being done, if anything, with the situation. It was pretty clear, since the guy was allowed to continue to be there for YEARS after this that nothing was done by the University.
And yet some how that was just fine with Joe. He was content to sit back and just turn a blind eye to it.
RoyTheHammer;4234750 said:
Football program.. he was 1A.
Outisde the football program.. he didn't control pretty much anything.
What decisions was he making outside the football program? Do tell former Collegian writer?
That's fine. Are practices part of the football program?
Are the workout facilities part of the football program?
We all know that the answer to both of these are yes, and yes the facilities are for other sports and students as well but I'm quite sure Joe would have plenty of authority in that area, and he did nothing to keep this disgusting individual from having access to both of those things.
The fact that Sandusky continued to have access to those places tells anyone paying attention that Joe knew not only that the University had done basically nothing to Jerry but he knew it first hand becaus the guy was coming around, hanging out, in places that there is no way Joe can say " I didn't know he was allowed there or had been there."