Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal (Indictment Post #144, "Pimping" Allegations Post #442)

Yakuza Rich;4233544 said:
Paterno's statement.


Just wow.


Yeah, I'm sure he's really caught off guard.

Never would have suspected it.
Stautner;4233550 said:
First, I don't think the poster was suggesting it wasn't a horrible thing for kids.

Second, Paterno wasn't presented with evidence, he was presented with a 2nd hand account. You still may believe Paterno should have gone to the police rather than put it in the hands of the university, but it's false to suggest Paterno had evidence of anything.

I wonder why nobody is crucifying the asst. coach who saw the incident in the showers. He left in the hands of Paterno, just as Paterno left it in the hands of the school. Seems to me both he and Paterno should have followed up.

I clearly stated later both should serve time for failing to report a crime against a child. You agree, don't you?

Joe Pa deserves jail time and so does the assistant. Imagine being that little boy in the shower with a predator that is supposed to be your protector. Joe Pa and the assistant and anyone else that had first or second hand knowledge of the predator deserves a swift kick to the head and a large boyfriend at night in prison.

Not my problem. I did what was required. This is a major problem with our society today. What happened to our country? I am quickly losing respect for many poster I like. You turn in child predators to the police. Period. No excuses.
Chocolate Lab;4233565 said:
You need to read up on the case. At the time, McQueary was a graduate assistant. He's now an assistant coach and recruiting coordinator.

And how does that change what I said? McQueary didn't commit the crime, Sandusky did, and Paterno didn't witness it, and Paterno didn't hire Sandusky after finding out about it.
Stautner;4233593 said:
And how does that change what I said? McQueary didn't commit the crime, Sandusky did, and Paterno didn't witness it, and Paterno didn't hire Sandusky after finding out about it.

Yes they did commit crimes. What is wrong with you today?


In Pennsylvania, employees in certain positions are required to report sex abuse to authorities when they become aware of it. Covered employees for sexual abuse reporting include doctors, nurses, school administrators, and teachers.

As prosecutors consider both Schultz and Curley to be school administrators, they are charged with violating the mandatory reporting laws when they did not notify officials of the suspected abuse. It was not reported when the two were notified of the sex abuse or who notified them of the abuse.

Joe Pa deserves to be included as a school admin.

Code Section 23§6303, et seq.

What Constitutes Abuse: Act which causes nonaccidental serious physical injury, sexual abuse/exploitation, serious physical neglect constituting prolonged or repeated lack of supervision or failure to provide essentials of life.

Mandatory Reporting Required By: Physician, coroner, dentist, chiropractor, hospital personnel, Christian Science practitioner, clergy, school teacher/nurse/administrator, social services worker, day care or child center worker, mental health professional, peace officer, law enforcement official, funeral director, foster care worker
Stautner;4233559 said:
First, I thought the guy was hired before Paterno knew anything about this, second I didn't think Paterno saw the crime, and third I thought the guy was already gone from Penn State before Paterno knew. I haven't read everything on this, but that's what the story I read online indicated this morning.

Brief synopsis...

Sandusky fully expected to be the next HC at PSU...

In 1998 he admitted to showering with a young boy after the mother made complaints. Paterno called him in and told him he would never be HC at PSU (incidentally, Sandusky left PSU pissed after Paterno told him and he had a young teen boy in the car at the school and related it to him). He retired (likely forcibly) after the '99 season. Reading over all kinds of PSU message boards, Paterno became publicly cool to Sandusky at that point, so he had to have known the allegations. So when it happened again in 2002, people are wanting to know why he didn't go to the police when it was reported to him. That's pretty much the gist of it...
JBond;4233580 said:
I clearly stated later both should serve time for failing to report a crime against a child. You agree, don't you?

Joe Pa deserves jail time and so does the assistant. Imagine being that little boy in the shower with a predator that is supposed to be your protector. Joe Pa and the assistant and anyone else that had first or second hand knowledge of the predator deserves a swift kick to the head and a large boyfriend at night in prison.

Not my problem. I did what was required. This is a major problem with our society today. What happened to our country? I am quickly losing respect for many poster I like. You turn in child predators to the police. Period. No excuses.

Jail time, I don't know. Paterno didn't see the crime, so he couldn't testify to it. McQueary should have reported it, but I understand being a young grad assistant at the time he was confused and went to his boss to decide how to handle it. Bottom line is both dropped the ball, as clearly did the university who was more interested in covering their butt than doing what is right. And while I share your disgust over what Sandusky did, along with your frustration at how everyone passed the buck until the university just buried it, i don't know that throwing everyone in jail is the answer either.
Doomsday101;4233604 said:
So the trial has already taken place and a sentence passed? I will not defend any child prediator but right now we have charges and some where I read that there is a presumption of innocent until proven guilty, does that apply in Pennsylvania law?

Innocent until proven guilty... but he HAS admitted showering with a young boy in the past, so there will be no benefit of the doubt with this guy...
trickblue;4233605 said:
Brief synopsis...

Sandusky fully expected to be the next HC at PSU...

In 1998 he admitted to showering with a young boy after the mother made complaints. Paterno called him in and told him he would never be HC at PSU (incidentally, Sandusky left PSU pissed after Paterno told him and he had a young teen boy in the car at the school and related it to him). He retired (likely forcibly) after the '99 season. Reading over all kinds of PSU message boards, Paterno became publicly cool to Sandusky at that point, so he had to have known the allegations. So when it happened again in 2002, people are wanting to know why he didn't go to the police when it was reported to him. That's pretty much the gist of it...

Taht's more than the story I read this morning. I suppose more is becoming known all the time.

One thing I'm not understanding is what Sandusky was even doing at the school in 2002 when he was no longer a coach there.
trickblue;4233611 said:
Innocent until proven guilty... but he HAS admitted showering with a young boy in the past, so there will be no benefit of the doubt with this guy...

I was not referring to Sandusky but Paterno
RoyTheHammer;4233259 said:
Paterno apologist? lol

What did the police do in 1998 when Sandusky ADMITTED to both them and child protective services that he committed an inappropriate act and showered with a little boy?

They said, "Oh, well don't do it again. Move along, sir.."
How does police incompetence excuse Paterno's despicable (in)actions?
Doomsday101;4233614 said:
I was not referring to Sandusky but Paterno

I'm surprised that after 40 years of running posssilby the most above board of the big time college football programs that the public isn't giving him a little more of the benefit of the doubt. It almost seems some are treating Paterno as if he is as or more guilty than Sandusky.
BlueStar3398;4233534 said:
+1 Supporting a guy that knew about a vile, despicable crime against a child and didn't call the cops is disgusting.

If I witnessed that crime, I would have called 911 right then and there. I bet that child was thinking SOMEONE HELP ME! And no one did.
That last sentence just broke my heart. :( :( :(
Stautner;4233609 said:
Jail time, I don't know. Paterno didn't see the crime, so he couldn't testify to it. McQueary should have reported it, but I understand being a young grad assistant at the time he was confused and went to his boss to decide how to handle it. Bottom line is both dropped the ball, as clearly did the university who was more interested in covering their butt than doing what is right. And while I share your disgust over what Sandusky did, along with your frustration at how everyone passed the buck until the university just buried it, i don't know that throwing everyone in jail is the answer either.

You understand? What? Empathy towards the lack of morality displayed in this incident is disturbing to me. So you would have done the same thing? I do not believe that. I would like to believe many of us would have knocked the SOB out and reported him to the police after securing the child. Maybe I am expecting too much of my fellow man. I understand your point, but strongly disagree with rationalizing any culpability away.
Stautner;4233613 said:
One thing I'm not understanding is what Sandusky was even doing at the school in 2002 when he was no longer a coach there.

That's the million dollar question...
Doomsday101;4233604 said:
So the trial has already taken place and a sentence passed? I will not defend any child prediator but right now we have charges and some where I read that there is a presumption of innocent until proven guilty, does that apply in Pennsylvania law?
Actually yes, there has been a trial and a grand jury has released their Findings of Fact, which fits all acceptable definitions of having established proof beyond any reasonable doubt.

There will still be more trials and hearings and sentencings (these things take a long time) but we can accept the Grand Jury's findings as proof of guilt beyond any reasonable doubt. So you can stop hiding behind "presumption of innocence" because we're now past that point.
Rogah;4233641 said:
Actually yes, there has been a trial and a grand jury has released their Findings of Fact, which fits all acceptable definitions of having established proof beyond any reasonable doubt.

There will still be more trials and hearings and sentencings (these things take a long time) but we can accept the Grand Jury's findings as proof of guilt beyond any reasonable doubt. So you can stop hiding behind "presumption of innocence" because we're now past that point.

Grand jury is not a trial it is a hearing to determine if there is evidence to proceed with a trail. Grand Jury send many cases to trial some are found guilty some found innocent so don't tell me a Grand Jury finding is a trail it is not
Stautner;4233613 said:
Taht's more than the story I read this morning. I suppose more is becoming known all the time.

One thing I'm not understanding is what Sandusky was even doing at the school in 2002 when he was no longer a coach there.

They gave him an office via his retirement package. They gave him all sorts of great stuff despite the prior knowledge they had concerning his activity with children.

I think that is what pisses many off. They knew and did nothing to stop him. It is hard to stop a single deviant, but when others know and pretend there is not a problem and allow it to continue...welll..... kinda like the mom that allows the father to beat or molest the children and turns away. That person is absolutely as responsible as the perpetrator.

I wonder how all his adopted kids and foster children are doing.
JBond;4233598 said:
Yes they did commit crimes. What is wrong with you today?


Joe Pa deserves to be included as a school admin.

The website you cited indicates the school administration can bear some criminal liability, not Paterno. Again, I'm not saying Paterno acted as he could or should have, but so far I haven't seen anything that indicates what he did is a criminal offense.

As I said, I believe Paterno should have followed up after reporting to the school to make sure it got handled properly, and in not doing so is where I think Paterno failed.

JBond;4233631 said:
You understand? What? Empathy towards the lack of morality displayed in this incident is disturbing to me. So you would have done the same thing? I do not believe that. I would like to believe many of us would have knocked the SOB out and reported him to the police after securing the child. Maybe I am expecting too much of my fellow man. I understand your point, but strongly disagree with rationalizing any culpability away.

You keep treating this as if Paterno saw it and had the chance to knock the guy out, but that isn't the case. As for McQueary. I certainly don't condone the fact that he didn't stop it, but he was not much more than a stunned kid. My guess is he would handle the situation differently now. But again, what I have a problem with is that after having time to clear his head, and as time passed, he didn't start to wonder why the police weren't coming to him to question him about the crime he witnessed, and why he didn't follow up to make sure Sandusky had been dealt with appropriately. I can imagine I would handle such a situation much differently at my age than I would have in my early 20's, but I'm sure even at that age I would take steps to make sure the guy got prosectuted if i saw that my employer wasn't doing so.

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