Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal (Indictment Post #144, "Pimping" Allegations Post #442)


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Cajuncowboy;4234301 said:
Right, and that is on him. But he told Paterno it was and there was no credible evidence of anything wrong. That was what Paterno was told, supposedly by the head of the Campus Police, Schultz.
Clearly you think Paterno did what he was supposed to do. Report to a superior and his hands should be clean.

If there were no inquiries by Paterno or McQueary, no follow-up investigation by any police agency, no actual investigative report, no investigation into the rape of that little boy, then NOBODY's hands are clean.

It's that simple to me. The GA accepted a simple explanation weeks later that being banned from university facilities, but was never called to interview by a police, and never thought to call the police. Paterno told his boss, but was never called to interview with the police, and never thought to call the police. The boobs above them, Larry, Moe, and Curley, clearly didn't call the police.

Everyone involved failed that little boy.


Lightning Rod
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I doubt anyone here would do more than JoePa despite all the typical internet webboard indignation that is being typed.


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trickblue;4234307 said:
Geez cajun... that is not a good connect the dots thing, my friend... ;)

Think in the concept of cause and effect...

Well unless you have proof that he knew anything, you are just guessin'. Nothing more.


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CanadianCowboysFan;4234328 said:
I doubt anyone here would do more than JoePa despite all the typical internet webboard indignation that is being typed.

It's the typical, "Let's tear down the guy who has the most to lose even if they deserve it or not."


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Geez, just read some of the afadavit again, and there's no way Joe Pa didn't hear about the 98' incident. I could atleast believe that he choose not to believe it, which would be a mistake, but understandable considering that charges weren't filed.

But after the 02' incident, anyone with knowledge of the 98' incident, should've made sure that a real investigation took place. At that point no rational human being could see this as coincidence and not realize he's a serial offender that needs to be stopped asap.


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CanadianCowboysFan;4234328 said:
I doubt anyone here would do more than JoePa despite all the typical internet webboard indignation that is being typed.
Maybe you wouldn't do anything differently. But since I know plenty of unreported sex abuse victims, I tend to know how I would react more than anyone else. I've also seen the fallout from that abuse.

It's a shame and if I ever witnessed a crime like that, I know for a fact that I would do more than what I've read that these guys did or didn't do.


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WoodysGirl;4234317 said:
Clearly you think Paterno did what he was supposed to do. Report to a superior and his hands should be clean.

If there were no inquiries by Paterno or McQueary, no follow-up investigation by any police agency, no actual investigative report, no investigation into the rape of that little boy, then NOBODY's hands are clean.

It's that simple to me. The GA accepted a simple explanation weeks later that being banned from university facilities, but was never called to interview by a police, and never thought to call the police. Paterno told his boss, but was never called to interview with the police, and never thought to call the police. The boobs above them, Larry, Moe, and Curley, clearly didn't call the police.

Everyone involved failed that little boy.

And once again for the umpteenth time, no one says he shouldn't have called the cops. But, the level of culpability that is being heaped on Paterno is unreasonable. He did what the law says he should have done.

You have people here that said he should have went to Sandusky first. Really? To use your example, if a co worker told you someone committed a crime on company property and you knew them, you would go to them first? No, you wouldn't.

Paterno went through the process that was in place to report this kind of thing. As a matter off act, Paterno wasn't even a witness. he was just the middle man for the witness. He passed it on to his superiors. People on here are acting like Paterno himself raped these boys. How many times in this thread has Sandusky been excoriated as opposed to Paterno?

That will tell you a lot right there.


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Cajuncowboy;4234333 said:
It's the typical, "Let's tear down the guy who has the most to lose even if they deserve it or not."

Now wait a minute... that's simply not true...

There have been several in here, including me, that grew up with a great deal of respect for Joe Pa...

The bottom line is, he COULD have done more... and stated as much. This isn't about swindling someone out of 10 grand, this about the life and futures of young men SHATTERED by these grotesque incidents...

Fair or not, he is the face of PSU and he will be one of the one's taking the fall... because he could have done more...

One unfortunate mistake can bring down nations... and has...

I hope he is not forever associated with this as his defining moment, but he is doing the right thing this time...


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Cajuncowboy;4234331 said:
Well unless you have proof that he knew anything, you are just guessin'. Nothing more.

Cajun... I'm sending you one of these 'cause you deserve it...



Lightning Rod
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First JoePa NEVER saw anything. All he had was a guy who DIDN't go to the authorities as far as I am aware, tell him what he saw in the shower. JoePa then goes to his bosses and tells them. They dropped the ball no pun intended but in the end, how is that JoePa's fault?


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Manwiththeplan;4234335 said:
Geez, just read some of the afadavit again, and there's no way Joe Pa didn't hear about the 98' incident. I could atleast believe that he choose not to believe it, which would be a mistake, but understandable considering that charges weren't filed.

But after the 02' incident, anyone with knowledge of the 98' incident, should've made sure that a real investigation took place. At that point no rational human being could see this as coincidence and not realize he's a serial offender that needs to be stopped asap.

Very well said.

Sandusky was a top assistant and an employee under Joe for a long time. I just can't conceive of him not knowing about the '98 incident. I mean Joe was his "boss".

And I don't think it would be a stretch to believe the conversation held in '99 about Sandusky not being in line for the top job wasn't partially due to his transgression in '98.


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WoodysGirl;4234340 said:
Maybe you wouldn't do anything differently. But since I know plenty of unreported sex abuse victims, I tend to know how I would react more than anyone else. I've also seen the fallout from that abuse.

It's a shame and if I ever witnessed a crime like that, I know for a fact that I would do more than what I've read that these guys did or didn't do.

Once again, Paterno didn't witness a crime. He had a 2nd hand report about a crime committed by a longtime friend. It aint that easy to look at a close friend who you don't believe is capable of horrendous acts and go to the police with a charge you know will wreck his life, all based on a 2nd hand account and something you personally cannot verify, and personally cannot believe occured based on your knowledge of the accused.

Of course it's much easier for everyone at home to say what they would do because they aren't faced with having to initiate the destruction of a lifelong friend based on a claim of something they don't believe that friend is capable of.

I'm pretty sure in the same circumstance most of us would be happy to put it in the hands of the company and let them do the dirty work, and similarly if the company said they had investigated it and didn't find enough evidence to support wrecking your friend's life by sending him to prison most would probably accept that and assume the employer had taken the proper steps to check it out.

All this said, if it is proven that Paterno already had direct knowledge that Sandusky had previous inappropriate sexual contact with a child, that changes the scenario because McQueary's report would be consistent with prior behavior. If that proves to be the case Paterno should be viewed much more harshly because that goes beyond burying your head in the sand. That would actually be enabling a predator.


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MichaelWinicki;4234372 said:
Very well said.

Sandusky was a top assistant and an employee under Joe for a long time. I just can't conceive of him not knowing about the '98 incident. I mean Joe was his "boss".

And I don't think it would be a stretch to believe the conversation held in '99 about Sandusky not being in line for the top job wasn't partially due to his transgression in '98.

No, I don't think it's a stretch to believe it, but from what we know at the moment there isn't enough certainty to condemn a man based on it.


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Stautner;4234397 said:
Once again, Paterno didn't witness a crime. He had a 2nd hand report about a crime committed by a longtime friend. It aint that easy to look at a close friend who you don't believe is capable of horrendous acts and go to the police with a charge you know will wreck his life, all based on a 2nd hand account and something you personally cannot verify, and personally cannot believe occured based on your knowledge of the accused.

Of course it's much easier for everyone at home to say what they would do because they aren't faced with having to initiate the destruction of a lifelong friend based on a claim of something they don't believe that friend is capable of.

I'm pretty sure in the same circumstance most of us would be happy to put it in the hands of the company and let them do the dirty work, and similarly if the company said they had investigated it and didn't find enough evidence to support wrecking your friend's life by sending him to prison most would probably accept that and assume the employer had taken the proper steps to check it out.

All this said, if it is proven that Paterno already had direct knowledge that Sandusky had previous inappropriate sexual contact with a child, that changes the scenario because McQueary's report would be consistent with prior behavior. If that proves to be the case Paterno should be viewed much more harshly because that goes beyond burying your head in the sand. That would actually be enabling a predator.
Once again, I KNOW Paterno didn't commit a crime or witness a crime. However, I think Paterno should've done more. I think the GA should've done more. I know Larry, Mo, & Curley could've done more.


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WoodysGirl;4234408 said:
Once again, I KNOW Paterno didn't commit a crime or witness a crime. However, I think Paterno should've done more. I think the GA should've done more. I know Larry, Mo, & Curley could've done more.

Well, you did quote and respond to a post that said most people wouldn't do more than Paterno did by saying what you would do if you witnessed a crime of that nature.

That said, I personally agree Paterno should have done more. Not necessarily at the time, but later when nothing happened. At the least he should have discussed it with Larry, Mo and Curley and convinced himself they really did look into it and they had good reason for deciding not to take it to the police.

Who knows, maybe he did that and came away convinced no crime was committed. If he didn't then I believe Paterno buried his head in the sand rather than be more proactive in taking his longtime friend down, which is the sad part of it because if he had been it could have prevented more kids from being harmed.

As for the GA, he is the one that actually saw it and didn't have to rely on a 2nd hand account and didn't have the conflict Paterno likely had in not being able to believe a lifelong friend was capable of such acts. He was the one who should have insisted this really happened. I don't blame him for going to Paterno first, then to the DA and administration, but he is the one in a position to be most adamant because he was the one with direct knowledge of the crime.

And I agree on Larry, Mo and Curly. They didn't even bother to pass the responsibility on to someone else, they chose to ignore it an hope it went away without anyone finding out.


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WoodysGirl;4234408 said:
Once again, I KNOW Paterno didn't commit a crime or witness a crime. However, I think Paterno should've done more. I think the GA should've done more. I know Larry, Mo, & Curley could've done more.
Paterno wishes he had done more... that's pretty much case closed on this particular part of the debate.


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CanadianCowboysFan;4234430 said:
What more should JoePa have done?

Does reporting it to your superiors not constitute enough?
Let me ask you this question, would you be satisfied with what Paterno did if that kid, who was being sodomized was your son?

I venture to say he certainly could have done.


Lightning Rod
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peplaw06;4234434 said:
Paterno wishes he had done more... that's pretty much case closed on this particular part of the debate.

Except what else could he say? He has to say that.


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03EBZ06;4234435 said:
Let me ask you this question, would you be satisfied with what Paterno did if that kid, who was being sodomized was your son?

I venture to say he certainly could have done.

It's a ridiculous question as it wasn't my son and it is a question that cannot be answered,

If I say yes, I'm a hypocrite who only cares about my own, if I say no, I'm an atrocious parent or at best, a liar.

It's like those "when did you stop beating your wife" type questions.