Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal (Indictment Post #144, "Pimping" Allegations Post #442)

Yakuza Rich;4229966 said:
Saw the Gricar story on 'Disappeared' on Discovery ID channel. Really weird case.

That destroyed harddrive was paramount to many answers I would think.
Yakuza Rich;4233029 said:
Except, people aren't saying that. So you're laughing at figments of your imagination.

People do think he knew before 2002 and that he let it go.

Read the Grand Jury report. One of the victims says that Sandusky had a meeting with Paterno in 1998 and was visibly upset that he was told he wasn't going to be the head coach. And then Sandusky just happens to retire.


It doesn't make up for the fact that he did next to nothing.

He didn't even confront Sandusky in 2002 or apparently after 2002.

He's supposed to be a guy that teaches kids things like integrity and courage. Yet, was completely afraid to do anything more than report it to his superior and stick his head in the sand when Sandusky was still around the school and in the 2nd Mile Program...which Paterno is a member of the board.

Part of integrity and courage is doing stuff that you don't want to do, but you know is the right thing to do.

Nobody is saying that it wouldn't be incredibly difficult to do this. But, when face with the toughest decision in his life to make, he failed miserably.

The Grand Jury report says differently. He knew in 2002. And it's pretty easy to connect the dots and he knew in 1998.

I think it's obvious unless you are some blind Paterno lemming.


On the contrary, i think its pretty obvious you simply have it out for the guy. You continue to act like it was mostly his fault this all of this was let to continue to happen, when that couldn't be further from the truth.

The only thing said that he knew in 1998 was that Sandusky had been reported to have an incident showering with a student, in which the charges were dropped and he was never proven guilty of. Even though it was never proven, Joe still didn't want that kind of atmosphere around PSU, so he told him he'd never be the head coach there.

So he knew in 1998 that Sandusky had a report of an incident showering with a little boy, yet it was never proven that this happened.

He knew in 2002 that Sandusky was reported by a grad student to be fooling around with a young boy in the showers, and reported it to university officials immediately.

Neither of these things mean, Joe KNEW Sandusky was a serial kiddie raper.

Again, all you're doing is assuming a great deal about what you think Joe knew and what you think Joe could have done, when there is nothing in the grand jury testimony to support your stupid remarks.

He made one error in judgement.. telling university officials instead of law enforcemnt officials. That is his error that he will have to live with.

The way the police handled the first case in 1998 though, im not sure it was that big an error anyway because them not doing anything about the man after that, knowing he ran a program that had him in close contact with young boys very often is just sickening.

If his superiors had kept their word and took care of the incident when he reported it to them, alot of this sick crap could've been avoided.
cowboyeric8;4230989 said:
I'm so tired of the limited authority excuses crap. It was a felony! Go to the police. Don't go to people with in the organization. All the graduate assistant had to do, or Paterno or anyone else was call 911 and have a real investigation not some University sweep it under the rug process. Everyone who knew even a little about what was going on is at fault for letting it continue. If they had just shut it down it could have saved the trauma from who knows how many little boys.

It is about doing what is right.
I read a few minutes ago a 9th boy has came forward, I wouldn't doubt their are even more yet to come forward before it's done. The grad assistant seeing what he saw with his own eyes should have called 911 on the spot. It started with him and his moral responsibilty was to call the police. I haven't read anywhere, where someone else has said this till you.
Hoofbite;4233035 said:
Sorry to be a little blunt but **** Joe Paterno's legacy.

Before I go on, I'm not laying sole blame on Paterno. There's plenty of people who are to blame but it's pretty obvious that he knew what was going on and did next to nothing to stop it. The fact that he got zero results when telling his superiors should have pissed him off enough to take it public the very next day. All who knew are to blame and I hope those who kept it quiet all spend a little time in the slammer with a dude serving life who hasn't had a cellmate in over a decade.

But back to Paterno. His legacy can be smeared in dog **** for all I care. He doesn't deserve a legacy. I don't care if it were determined that he was the least responsible person in the matter, the fact that he's responsible at all is enough for his legacy to be buried ASAP.

How about the 9 (and counting) lives that are ****ed up because Paterno sat idly by and let this monster run free. Joe Paterno is as much an official at Penn State as the AD or any person he "reports" to. He should have been a human being and put a stop to it. If it were his son who was being molested, I wonder if he simply reports it to the officials. I don't care if this pedophile works / worked for Penn State or not, Paterno had a responsibility as a human to notify the police of his actions.

I didn't have much to say on the subject but after getting a couple pages through the document, this whole situation is just deplorable. This guy took advantage of disadvantaged kids to satisfy his sick and twisted desires. Like YR said, this probably goes back years and it really wouldn't shock me if this guy set up those foundations to serve as a way of getting close enough to act on his perversions.

The fact that Paterno didn't take this to the police after notifying the school, regardless of the school's action, is just despicable. What was he expecting? Was he afraid of screwing up a potential forced resignation and severance package? He should have walked out of that meeting and straight into the police department but he didn't. He washed his hands of it.

I hope they just erase Joe Paterno from the history books. I'm serious. In the grand scheme of things, his legacy should be the last thing considered at this point. It's clear he knew of it, the only question now is "how long"?

I don't want to hear, "he told school officials. He notified the school". Bull**** and everyone knows it so just get all the **** the way out of here with that nonsense. Because he didn't take further action, more kids were molested and nothing came of it so he may as well have done nothing at all. Seriously, he basically did nothing. He certainly didn't take the action that any of us would expect him to take if it were our kids. I challenge someone to say they'd be just fine with a grown man turning his back on their kids like that by notifying a school official, seeing nothing come of it and just moving on down the road as though it never happened.

Someone please sit here and say that's a form of action that you'd accept of another human being to take if your kids were repeatedly raped. I dare anyone to take that stance.

In all honesty, Paterno should be thanking his lucky stars if all he loses is his legacy. He should be included in it. Like just notifying a supervisor just frees someone of all guilt. We'd expect more from the guy serving us fries at McDonalds, let alone one of the most well respected and tenured members of college football. Well, he was well respected. I hope he taken to the ringer over this.

Again, Paterno is not the only one to blame but how anyone can free him from guilt even to a minimal extent is absolutely mind boggling.

Your wall of text comes down to one simple thing. Had Joe told the cops this would all had been ended right then and there.

Problem is that the Cops knew about Sandusky in 1998. They did nothing, or at minimum found no evidence of anything. So your whole premise that going to the cops would have stopped anything, is absurd as it is proven not to be true.
Cajuncowboy;4233073 said:
Your wall of text comes down to one simple thing. Had Joe told the cops this would all had been ended right then and there.

Problem is that the Cops knew about Sandusky in 1998. They did nothing, or at minimum found no evidence of anything. So your whole premise that going to the cops would have stopped anything, is absurd as it is proven not to be true.

How can you say these two things in the same sentence?

That the cops neglected to act or were unable to by the amount of evidence available?

If you believe it's possible there was no evidence, how would you expect them to act upon anything?
RoyTheHammer;4233055 said:
The only thing said that he knew in 1998 was that Sandusky had been reported to have an incident showering with a student, in which the charges were dropped and he was never proven guilty of. Even though it was never proven, Joe still didn't want that kind of atmosphere around PSU, so he told him he'd never be the head coach there.

So he knew in 1998 that Sandusky had a report of an incident showering with a little boy, yet it was never proven that this happened.

He knew in 2002 that Sandusky was reported by a grad student to be fooling around with a young boy in the showers, and reported it to university officials immediately.

Neither of these things mean, Joe KNEW Sandusky was a serial kiddie raper.

Sandusky acts clearly inappropriately in 1998 with a child in a shower. Furthermore, Sandusky ADMITS to it with the mother of the boy in 1998.

It's so clear that point Paterno tells him that he will never be the HC there.

And all of the sudden, Sandusky just happens to retire shortly after the incident.

Then, 4 years later when according to the Grand Jury report, McQuery said to Paterno that he saw Sandusky fondling a boy and what happened made him 'feel uncomfortable.'

So with those 2 incidents, Paterno wouldn't think that Sandusky had a major problem?

And furthermore, he didn't bother to do more than the bare minimum against a guy who was reported to fondle a boy. Even though what actually happened was worse, fondling a boy is unacceptable and a heinous crime.

Again, all you're doing is assuming a great deal about what you think Joe knew and what you think Joe could have done, when there is nothing in the grand jury testimony to support your stupid remarks.

I believe you have not read the Grand Jury report. It's obvious by your weak attempts to stick up for Paterno.

As one Penn State fan, 'blind allegiance for false heroes.'

And I'm not just blaming Joe. But it's amazing to me how out of all of the people involved, he's the one that some Penn State fans go the extra mile to absolve him of any blame.

Everybody involved was dispicable in their coverup.

Cajuncowboy;4233073 said:
Your wall of text comes down to one simple thing. Had Joe told the cops this would all had been ended right then and there.

Problem is that the Cops knew about Sandusky in 1998. They did nothing, or at minimum found no evidence of anything. So your whole premise that going to the cops would have stopped anything, is absurd as it is proven not to be true.

That's not the point of all of this.

Nobody expect Paterno to be judge, jury and executioner.

But, they do expect him to do more than to tell his supervisor (who in reality, isn't his supervisor) about such an awful crime.

And they do expect him to ban Sandusky from the school.

People know that guilty people can go to trial and be found free. And there's nothing that a guy like Paterno could do about that. But, at least make the attempt to do something besides covering your own arse.

Yakuza Rich;4233089 said:
Sandusky acts clearly inappropriately in 1998 with a child in a shower. Furthermore, Sandusky ADMITS to it with the mother of the boy in 1998.

It's so clear that point Paterno tells him that he will never be the HC there.

And all of the sudden, Sandusky just happens to retire shortly after the incident.

Then, 4 years later when according to the Grand Jury report, McQuery said to Paterno that he saw Sandusky fondling a boy and what happened made him 'feel uncomfortable.'

So with those 2 incidents, Paterno wouldn't think that Sandusky had a major problem?

And furthermore, he didn't bother to do more than the bare minimum against a guy who was reported to fondle a boy. Even though what actually happened was worse, fondling a boy is unacceptable and a heinous crime.

I believe you have not read the Grand Jury report. It's obvious by your weak attempts to stick up for Paterno.

As one Penn State fan, 'blind allegiance for false heroes.'

And I'm not just blaming Joe. But it's amazing to me how out of all of the people involved, he's the one that some Penn State fans go the extra mile to absolve him of any blame.

Everybody involved was dispicable in their coverup.

Paterno did nothing to try and cover it up.. that's why people are defending his actions. He was told of an incident, and went right to university officials with it the information.

The people who are most to blame are those that did try and cover it up, and then lied about the whole thing on top of that. That is truely sickening. Paterno told the wrong officials, and was lied to when being told they would handle the matter appropriately.

..and also the police and child protection agency for being so supremely stupid as to let a guy who runs an organization where he comes in contact with young boys all the time, go off scott free when Sandusky ADMITTED TO THEM that he had inappropriate contact with a young boy. That is the major crime here. All he had to say to them was "Yes, i did it, but i know it was wrong and i won't do it again."

Bam. They drop all charges and let him go with no record or probation or consequences at all. You'd think at the very least they'd investigate a little into his charity organization to see if there are any other instances where this may have occured.

But nahhh, just let him go.
Cajuncowboy;4232994 said:
Don't know how true this is but I talked to a friend tonight who is in the media in Williamsport and has had some unofficial conversations with people at the school. that told me that it is very likely Joepa coaches this Saturday and then will turn the head coaching over to his son Jay for the remainder of the year.

There is some speculation that some don't want Jay to take over because it is too close to his dad and the school would like to begin to distance themselves from this scandal as soon as possible. If this indeed does happen they may turn to Dick Anderson or mike McQueary.
Um, whuh-huh? Your friend thinks the team will want to distance themselves from the scandal and turn to McQueary? You do realize that he's front and center in the middle of the scandal, right? (Am I getting the names mixed up? If so I apologize.)

Personally, other than Sandusky himself, I think McQueary is the worst of this reprehensible cast of characters. He's the one who personally witnessed a completely dispicable action and then did nothing but run away and tell his daddy.
RoyTheHammer;4233032 said:
To be honest.. after the way the police handled the first incident reported in 1998, i sincerely doubt they'd have done anything if Joe had gone to them and said "one of my grad students told me they saw a guy raping a little boy. Grad students word against Sandusky's.. that case would have been thrown out too and Sandusky would have gotten away with it again like the sick **** he is.
Wow, you really just can't help yourself but act as a total Paterno apologist in the face of all contradictory evidence and the grand jury finds, can you?

It wouldn't be a grad student's word against Sandusky's word. Presumably the kid would have some input in the matter as well. And I'm sure you would never believe some kid over St. Joseph of Mt. Nittany but, believe it or not, they can do forensic testing on the kid to confirm the story.

(All this is not to mention that fact that any real man would have pummeled Sandusky senseless upon stumbling upon the disgusting scene, not gone running to daddy who, in turn, went running to "JoePA." I guess cowardice runs in the family. They must have been taught that by Coach Paterno.)
Yakuza Rich;4233089 said:
Sandusky acts clearly inappropriately in 1998 with a child in a shower. Furthermore, Sandusky ADMITS to it with the mother of the boy in 1998.

It's so clear that point Paterno tells him that he will never be the HC there.

And all of the sudden, Sandusky just happens to retire shortly after the incident.

Then, 4 years later when according to the Grand Jury report, McQuery said to Paterno that he saw Sandusky fondling a boy and what happened made him 'feel uncomfortable.'

So with those 2 incidents, Paterno wouldn't think that Sandusky had a major problem?

And furthermore, he didn't bother to do more than the bare minimum against a guy who was reported to fondle a boy. Even though what actually happened was worse, fondling a boy is unacceptable and a heinous crime.

I believe you have not read the Grand Jury report. It's obvious by your weak attempts to stick up for Paterno.

As one Penn State fan, 'blind allegiance for false heroes.'

And I'm not just blaming Joe. But it's amazing to me how out of all of the people involved, he's the one that some Penn State fans go the extra mile to absolve him of any blame.

Everybody involved was dispicable in their coverup.


I'm with you on this one. Joe Pa's actions - or inaction - was inexcusable, unless he is a senile old man, which in that case, he needs to resign.
tyke1doe;4233192 said:
I'm with you on this one. Joe Pa's actions - or inaction - was inexcusable, unless he is a senile old man, which in that case, he needs to resign.
There's no way he was senile 10 years ago when all this went down because if he was senile 10 years ago, he'd be way far out there now.
Rogah;4233155 said:
Wow, you really just can't help yourself but act as a total Paterno apologist in the face of all contradictory evidence and the grand jury finds, can you?

It wouldn't be a grad student's word against Sandusky's word. Presumably the kid would have some input in the matter as well. And I'm sure you would never believe some kid over St. Joseph of Mt. Nittany but, believe it or not, they can do forensic testing on the kid to confirm the story.

(All this is not to mention that fact that any real man would have pummeled Sandusky senseless upon stumbling upon the disgusting scene, not gone running to daddy who, in turn, went running to "JoePA." I guess cowardice runs in the family. They must have been taught that by Coach Paterno.)

Paterno apologist? lol

What did the police do in 1998 when Sandusky ADMITTED to both them and child protective services that he committed an inappropriate act and showered with a little boy?

They said, "Oh, well don't do it again. Move along, sir.."
tyke1doe;4233192 said:
I'm with you on this one. Joe Pa's actions - or inaction - was inexcusable, unless he is a senile old man, which in that case, he needs to resign.

Ever watch his press conferences? He certainly seems senile.

Still.. he made an error in judgement that he definitely should have known was wrong.

If i could ever get my hands on Curley though, or Spanier, or Schultz.. i'd wring his damn neck for not alerting authorities and then lying to try and sweep everything under the rug.
he wasn't senile 10 years ago.

Error in judgement.

I hear the same apology for Vick.

Error in judgement.

Except that Vick's ERROR lasted for YEARS.

Never seizes to amaze me how some people desperately want to find excuses for POS. Or for those that let children be molested.
tyke1doe;4233192 said:
I'm with you on this one. Joe Pa's actions - or inaction - was inexcusable, unless he is a senile old man, which in that case, he needs to resign.

That's what it's kinda like hearing Paterno lemmings stick up for him.

One second they will say he is a 'God' and 'is Penn State', the next second they'll claim he's this powerless old man. He's either one or the other and if he's a powerless old man, then all of the Paterno stuff was just a charade over the past 10+ years. Which I don't believe is true because you're not going to get that many former players saying how much of a 'God' he is.

Mike and Mike addressed this topic this morning. How did McQuery and the janitor witness what they did and not at least yell stop it? Both walked away disgusted never tried to stop Sandusky, at least that was not said in the indictment.

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