People Who Don't Drink

To lighten up the thread some...

Two of my favorites...Foster Brooks roasting Don Rickles.

Foster Brooks, the funniest drunk who was really not drunk.

theogt;3831654 said:
Actually I said it is an excuse for drinkers and a myth for non-drinkers.

If anyone in this thread tells me they've blacked out and done things they don't remember at all based on drinking alcohol alone, I'm calling them a bald-faced liar.

People may not remember every single detail of what happened, but that's true of being sober as well.

Well, there is either a boat load of liars here or someone is ignorant of the truth. Considering I've woke up the next day not remembering things that happen the night before, I'm going to have to go with the latter.
theogt;3831654 said:
Actually I said it is an excuse for drinkers and a myth for non-drinkers.

If anyone in this thread tells me they've blacked out and done things they don't remember at all based on drinking alcohol alone, I'm calling them a bald-faced liar.

People may not remember every single detail of what happened, but that's true of being sober as well.

Heres an experiment I just made for you.

Start off with a beer, sip it, talk. Have a few more. Bong a few beers, two at a time is preferred. Have a buddy make a mixer or 2 for you. Play a few games of beer pong or flip cup, maybe a dizzy bat or two. Chugging contest? Why not. etc

If you haven't blacked out, you haven't drank enough.

*In no way do I condone you getting black out smashed while going ham, so don't blame me for what happens."
Aikmaniac;3831673 said:
That would drive me crazy dude. I know part of the "fun" is reflecting on those type of nights (example: The Hangover), but I cannot imagine waking up somewhere and not remember how I got there.

As I said I don't drink anymore. Just not worth waking up feeling bad or the trouble it has caused in the past like being arrested.

Bob came home drunk one night, slid into bed beside his sleeping wife, and fell into a deep slumber.

He awoke before the Pearly Gates, where St. Peter said, 'You died in your sleep, Bob.'
Bob was stunned. 'I'm dead? No, I can't be! I've got too much to live for.
Send me back!'

St. Peter said, 'I'm sorry, but there's only one way you can go back, and that is as a chicken.'

Bob was devastated, but begged St. Peter to send him to a farm near his home....
The next thing he knew, he was covered with feathers, clucking and pecking the ground.

A rooster strolled past.. 'So, you're the new hen, huh? How's your first day here?'
'Not bad,' replied Bob the hen, 'but I have this strange feeling inside.
Like I'm gonna explode!'
'You're ovulating,' explained the rooster.
'Don't tell me you've never laid an egg before?'
'Never,' said Bob.
'Well, just relax and let it happen,' says the rooster.
'It's no big deal.'

He did, and a few uncomfortable seconds later, out popped an egg!
He was overcome with emotion as he experienced motherhood.
He soon laid another egg -- his joy was overwhelming.
As he was about to lay his third egg, he felt a smack on the back of his head, and heard.....

"BOB, wake up! You Pooped in the bed!"

Getting OLD just ain't what they said it would be
nyc;3831678 said:
Well, there is either a boat load of liars here or someone is ignorant of the truth. Considering I've woke up the next day not remembering things that happen the night before, I'm going to have to go with the latter.

Well this kind of fits the topic...Kind of like my buddy Juke says from time to time...(paraphrasing here)
When a bunch of people are telling you that you are drunk, maybe you should sit down.
Doomsday101;3831681 said:
As I said I don't drink anymore. Just not worth waking up feeling bad or the trouble it has caused in the past like being arrested.

I hear you. There are times I have had to help friends back-track the night before since I was the DD or sober, boring guy. I'll admit some of it was funny, but there were cases when things got out of hand. Those incidents reinforced the fact that I would not trust myself being out of control.
Aikmaniac;3831695 said:
I hear you. There are times I have had to help friends back-track the night before since I was the DD or sober, boring guy. I'll admit some of it was funny, but there were cases when things got out of hand. Those incidents reinforced the fact that I would not trust myself being out of control.

Well that is one thing I will not do is be the DD frankly being around drunk people really opens your eyes of how stupid they get.
A man walks out of a bar totally hammered, only to be greeted by a snobby woman. She takes one look at him. "You, sir, are drunk!"
"And you ma'am, are ugly. But when I wake up, I will be sober!"

There is a maturity thing involved. In genearal (not always) younger people who drink have more of a problem with those that don't drink than older people. younger people are more likely (again, not always) to make drinking the central activity of their social lives, and therefore have more difficulty relating socially to those who don't drink. They are also more likely (again, not always) to drink to excess, making it more awkward to be around those who don't drink. As people get older it becomes less of an issue unless the older person in question is an alcoholic or still trying to live out his youth.
5Stars;3831716 said:
A man walks out of a bar totally hammered, only to be greeted by a snobby woman. She takes one look at him. "You, sir, are drunk!"
"And you ma'am, are ugly. But when I wake up, I will be sober!"


That's actually a Winston Churchill quote. He and Dean Martin are 2 of my favorite drinkers.
Hostile;3831663 said:
The Drunk's Prayer

Snorkle, snorkle little twink
Who the heck you I stink
I'm not under that they call
The alcafluence of inkyhol
Tee martunies make a guy
Feel so foolish don't know why
So just one more to fill my cup
I've got all day sober to Sunday up

And with that I bow out of this thread because it is already getting ugly. Must be the alcohol.

'Twas the Pig Fair last September.
The day I well remember
I was walking up and down in drunken pride..
When My knees began to flutter,
So I sat down in the gutter..
When a Pig came up and lay down by my side.
As I was sitting in the gutter,
Thinking thoughts I could not utter..
I thought I heard a passing lady say:
"You can tell a man who boozes By the company he chooses."
And with that the pig got up and walked away.

theogt;3831654 said:
Actually I said it is an excuse for drinkers and a myth for non-drinkers.

If anyone in this thread tells me they've blacked out and done things they don't remember at all based on drinking alcohol alone, I'm calling them a bald-faced liar.

People may not remember every single detail of what happened, but that's true of being sober as well.

Good God man..give it happens.

It has happened to me on a few occasions...I'm not proud of it but it most certainly did happen.
5Stars;3831763 said:
'Twas the Pig Fair last September.
The day I well remember
I was walking up and down in drunken pride..
When My knees began to flutter,
So I sat down in the gutter..
When a Pig came up and lay down by my side.
As I was sitting in the gutter,
Thinking thoughts I could not utter..
I thought I heard a passing lady say:
"You can tell a man who boozes By the company he chooses."
And with that the pig got up and walked away.


Excellent. :)
I wish there was no such thing as alcohol.

When I think of alcohol, I think of all of the fights that have occurred, all of the relationships/friendships ruined, all of the jobs lost, all of the spouses abused, all of the children abused, all of the marriages broken up, all of the girls that have been raped, all of the DUI's and all of the car accidents, all of the people killed in those accidents, all of the live's ruined, ... all because some fool drank too much alcohol, .. I wish there was no such thing.
WV Cowboy;3831791 said:
I wish there was no such thing as alcohol.

When I think of alcohol, I think of all of the fights that have occurred, all of the relationships/friendships ruined, all of the jobs lost, all of the spouses abused, all of the children abused, all of the marriages broken up, all of the girls that have been raped, all of the DUI's and all of the car accidents, all of the people killed in those accidents, all of the live's ruined, ... all because some fool drank too much alcohol, .. I wish there was no such thing.

This is like blaming guns for all the people who've been shot.
CowboyDan;3831794 said:
This is like blaming guns for all the people who've been shot.

Well, if guns didn't exist, it would be damn hard to shoot someone! :laugh2:

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