Per Mike Fisher: Jerry is worried if he can sell the idea of Mike McCarthy return to fans

Jerry lives in a permanent state of self deception when it comes to the on field operation. What seems obvious even to non-expert fans like us is not obvious to Jerry or Giggles.
That boils down the the evaluation process. Thinking they are better off than they actually are is an on going problem. "we like our guys"! Even though we joke about that on here, it's a serious issue with this team. Father and son really seem clueless on the matter. The fact that they even brought Elliott back tells you how out of touch they are on this matter and simply don't care. And he still suits up and gets carries? lol And that's only one decision on a very long list.
If he cared...he would have fired the GM at least 15 years ago...hired a REAL GM....and let said GM do his/her job. That person would have benchmarks and milestones they would have to meet. If they don't, you fire them and hire someone else until you get it right. I would not begrudge Jerry if he got it wrong...I loathe him because he's gotten wrong for 30 years, yet won't CHANGE!!!!
Agree 99% except for 'If he cared, he would have fired the GM at least 15 years ago'. I would agree totally 'If he cared, he would have fired the GM at least 22 years ago. Three straight lackluster 5-11 seasons, that followed four years of poor trial-and-erroring to re-capture Super Bowl glory, should have been the nail in any GM's coffin.
He shoved Garrett down our throats with no problem, I don’t see how he has an issue
Jerry Jones shoved Jason Garrett down Dallas fans' throats determined to prove his unquestionable football expertise he hired the next Tom Landry. He has never had any aspirations of doing the same with Mike McCarthy.

On this topic, Jones' issue is two-fold. One, he wants a head coach he can fully exploit in capturing as many dollars as possible. Two, he wants that head coach to deliver him a Super Bowl ASAP.

I believe this is the dilemma Jones faces. I do not think he is even three quarters confident in McCarthy's chances of leading Dallas to another Super Bowl. And I think he knows he can do his best PT Barnum sell job with another hire. Retaining McCarthy prevents him from escaping his self-made box.
Jerry Jones needs to be taken out back behind the woodshed.
He and DNA Kid #1 are poster children of smart alecks, people who think their philosophy is unquestionable, that need some commonsense beaten into them.
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I think Jerry has brain damage. Dallas is coming off 3 straight 12-5 seasons. After a bad playoff loss, he gives the HC an ultimatum.......I need you to win. A "prove it" year. He gives his coach ZERO help and support and basically lets him fail. They're 6-8 with the best they can be at 9-8. Did McCarthy actually succeed or fail ? I'm not sure if I even know what the answer is. Does Jerry ? Does anybody? Is it common practice to throw entire seasons away to make a point? Again, I think Jerry has brain damage.
He and DNA Kid #1 are poster children of smart alecks, people who think their philosophy is unquestionable, that need some commonsense beaten into them.
It's been a downward spiral since around '94 when Jimmy left. Back when Jerry was doing marketing and not trying to make football decisions. Nothing will change.
I know it is Fisher and I do not trust his reporting. But I would be one bit surprised if this article has a grain of truth in it. Sadly this just sounds like Jerry Jones. All good NFL owners and good GMs ALWAYS if possible try and do the best thing for the team. With Jones it is always about him first and then whatever. He must have the headlines; he must be in charge of the roster and coaching decisions. If he really cared about the team he would turn over those decisions to others more capable. The last 3 decades have proven he and his son lack the ability....
Maybe 105.3 can keep interviewing him and kissing his ***, they all just keep saying team turn around and these guys suck
i too believe Jerry could care less what fans want or think.

The Jones rule with an Iron Hand.

" We the Jones, will decide and tell fans what we think is best for us ..and for them "

" Love it or Leave it "

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