Pet peeves

Fake Veterans,these guys who have been in the Viet Cong POW Camps like Rambo freeing the POWS. One moron I overheard trying to impress a girl said "That the Green Berets wanted him to try out for them" Seriously they begged you to join them? No you try out for them,not them hoping you will help them....
Fake Veterans,these guys who have been in the Viet Cong POW Camps like Rambo freeing the POWS. One moron I overheard trying to impress a girl said "That the Green Berets wanted him to try out for them" Seriously they begged you to join them? No you try out for them,not them hoping you will help them....
He probably had one guy in a bar say, "Oh yeah, you should come see if you can make it as a Green Beret.", and he embellished.
I see toilet etiquette is making the rounds in the thread. Usually I would not touch the subject (pun intended) but I would like to vent for a sec.

I wish all plumbing was excellent and equal but it isn't. Nowadays you can be graced with facilities that do not even require you to touch anything. Simply do your business and it flushes away automatically. It is magical...

Of course, there is nothing magical about getting rid of <expletive>. I cannot count the number of times I have visited a bathroom and found <expletive> waiting to be discovered. It is those JACKPOT occasions when the countless varieties of human excrement are painfully revealed.

Seriously. Old people. Young people. Parents of unsupervised bay bay kids. Women. Men. I could not care less. Culprits should be shot. On sight. No one should deal with other people's <expletive>. Ever.

Are you in a hurry? Okay. Do not visit a public restroom. Just <expletive> on yourself because no one should be confronted with your stinky treasure trove of <expletive> since you were 'in a hurry' and did not flush.

Does your <expletive> smells awful? Too bad. Deal with it. No one else, as in no one else on planet Earth, should see what you could not bear to deal with long enough to flush.

Cannot stand the sight of your <expletive>? That is completely understandable since no one else should gag over what came out of your body either. Flush.

No toilet paper? Did not check for toilet paper beforehand? That is a you problem. It is not a 'Thank goodness I found a open stall and OMG WHAT IS THAT SMEARED ON THE WALLS???' nightmare for anyone else. Check for TP before checking out your bowels.

Paper grows on trees. Nature does not cultivate paper within the linings of a discharge pipe to the point where the toilet bowl CANNOT drain its contents. Use. Common. Sense. Before. You. Wipe.

Lastly, as I alluded to earlier, plumbing is not perfect everywhere. Sometimes one flush is plenty and there is a nice tidy clean toilet bowl waiting for the next porcelain throne visitor. Occasionally, two flushes are necessary. Maybe, three flushes will do the job. Know what? THERE IS NO SET FLUSHING LIMIT! Stay and continue flushing until evidence of your visit has vanished vanished vanished vanished vanished (echo).

Good. I feel better. Wait. I think that burrito has come back to haunt me...

When using a public toilet do you sit or hover?
Rhetorical questions.
I like the Rhetorical Jeopardy game . Give people, especially strangers, what appears to be an answer to a question they didn't ask and just watch them.

My favorites are the time, temp but the best is to just say a day of the week, that it isn't, and wait for a response or use a name like you are trying to guess their name.

But here's the best mind screw that I have found. Go up to a total stranger, this works particularly well on women, and start a conversation as if they're someone you know. Start with "Judy, how are you? (critical here not to let them get a word in yet) I haven't seen you in a year, how's Frank and the kids"? Now wait. Denial is coming unless you've accidentally hit the right name which has happened to me twice but they will still deny being the person you know. You register a look of shock "Oh, I am so sorry, you could be Judy's identical twin. I am sorry to have bothered you". You walk off and go about your business but they're thinking 'there's someone that looks just like me? And evidently close by'. I defy anyone not to let that marinate in their head,
I like the Rhetorical Jeopardy game . Give people, especially strangers, what appears to be an answer to a question they didn't ask and just watch them.

My favorites are the time, temp but the best is to just say a day of the week, that it isn't, and wait for a response or use a name like you are trying to guess their name.

But here's the best mind screw that I have found. Go up to a total stranger, this works particularly well on women, and start a conversation as if they're someone you know. Start with "Judy, how are you? (critical here not to let them get a word in yet) I haven't seen you in a year, how's Frank and the kids"? Now wait. Denial is coming unless you've accidentally hit the right name which has happened to me twice but they will still deny being the person you know. You register a look of shock "Oh, I am so sorry, you could be Judy's identical twin. I am sorry to have bothered you". You walk off and go about your business but they're thinking 'there's someone that looks just like me? And evidently close by'. I defy anyone not to let that marinate in their head,
LMAO................That's good stuff, but did it escape your attention the Lundy was directly responding to your previous post? :laugh:
LMAO................That's good stuff, but did it escape your attention the Lundy was directly responding to your previous post? :laugh:
Yes, it did, LMAO, I did not make the connection. He's British, ya know, sometimes they can just go off on these tangents. Unlike us Yanks. And he is an executive in the PJG and Grand Poobah of the European division.
Yes, it did, LMAO, I did not make the connection. He's British, ya know, sometimes they can just go off on these tangents. Unlike us Yanks. And he is an executive in the PJG and Grand Poobah of the European division.
Oh, you promoted him? I thought we needed to pass any foreign promotions with a unanimous vote........Maybe I'm thinking of Chinese food day.

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