CATCH17;2559591 said:
So USC didn't deserve to be in over OU after OU got crushed by K State at the end of the year?
I think USC proved that they were the better team the next season after they put a whoopin on OU that was so bad that it still haunts them to this day.
I know Nebraska had no business playing Miami after what the Buff's did to Nebraska. (at the end of the year.)
The bad *** from Start to finish argument holds no water. Especially when teams with 1 loss play for the title.
Do you not see how stupid this is?
You can not rank a team with indentical records 1 spot better than the other if the team 1 spot behind beat you.
That is ashame College Football can get away with that. Especially since the regular season is supposed to be some kind of playoff.
I told you somewhere in one of my posts that I doubt we'll ever see a team get in the NC after getting blown out in their CCG like OU did in '03. Yes, USC deserved to be in that game.
The badass argument is not all that bad. From start to finish, the teams who have the best wins, and the least of the ugly losses get a shot. I don't know why you would bring up your 1 loss argument. I doubt we'll be seeing any NC games with two, or even one undefeated team nearly as often as we used to.
Now, to meet you half way, Catch. I have looked back on the past title games of this decade and I somewhat concede to the playoff idea. Ohio State got to the NC game TWICE due to a horrible conference. They were there by default last season.
However, this year I truly believe the BCS got it right. After going over OU's schedule, wins, and losses, and UF's, I have come to the conclusion that with the quality wins, statement games, and least ugly losses, they both deserve to be there. Texas actually has a better case than UF, but not OU. I'm sorry, but the head to head thing doesn't hold water because OU beat more quality teams and their loss was not near as bad as UT's. Also, a 3-way system that MACK BROWN voted for included Texas Tech. You vote for the rules, you live by them. Funny thing is, they'll probably change it next year, and OU will end up getting the better of it and getting a head to head nod. I'll enjoy seeing the tears flow down here over that one.
If we have a playoff, SCRAP conference title games. Don't put a 4 loss ACC champion in there. I don't think it should be any higher than a BCS final 4 to be honest with you. An 8 team playoff would have teams involved that have no business being in there, while others get left out. Can you imagine a 4 loss ACC champion ranked let's say, 14, getting in there over a team with 1 loss that didn't win their conference but is ranked in the top 10?
As for teams like Utah, all I can say is schedule two powerhouses in your non con schedule and hope for the best. Either that or get out of that conference. You can't cry about something when all you do is beat bush league teams. I understand they beat Alabama. Maybe if they would've scheduled someone like that in the non con, they could've proved it then and not in the Sugar Bowl.
Bottom line for me is, this year the BCS got it right. Maybe not every year, but this year they did. I'm all for a small playoff so ppl will quit crying and everyone can be happy.
All I know is people really need to put aside their bias toward certain teams, and set aside their opinion of the playoff, and respect the NC game we have coming up tomorrow night. The two best teams in the nation are playing for all the marbles. Take off the head to head glasses and look at wins over ranked opponents. There's more to a season that just one game, unless that game is the NC game of course.