You must be joking. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. If I went on a date with your daughter or mom, walked her to the front door with those types of bruises on her and said "I know how it looks but she attacked me and I was just defending myself" would you say "oh, ok, hopefully you guys had a nice dinner"?
I don't have a daugter but if I did, or if that was my mom, I would be in prison right now for murder.
Just to clarify, I assume you feel the same way about Big Ben and the rest of the 33 players charged (See below). They should all be banned regardless of whether the charges were proven or not? Or do you just feel that way about Hardy? Also for clarity sake, does this "privilege", not "right", extends into other workforce areas, like say government work? Unions? Music or entertainment business? Maybe someone you work/worked with or a relative? Maybe they were charged but acquitted, should they be fired too? I have a friend who quit his job, because he was working side by side with a Pedophile who was convicted in Maryland and was hiding in CT. He was eventually caught and put on a weekend jail sentence over 3 years.His boss knew about the conviction but never shared the information until after the employee was caught in CT. My friend felt he couldn't work for someone who would hide a Pedophile, so he quit. So, if you feel that way I understand. But, then does this flow over to other assaults also? Anyone "charged" with a assault shouldn't be allowed to work anywhere, whether they were found guilty or not?
So while I understand where you are coming from and agree if anyone beat my mother or daughter, there might not be a question of whether they were allowed to work, because they may never walk again...Is this just and NFL thought? Should they just be executed?
From Jan. 1, 2012, to Sept. 17, 2014, 33 NFL players were arrested on charges involving domestic violence, battery, assault and murder. In the last two calendar years, at least 15 of those players were arrested for violence against women.