News: Peter King: Greg Hardy has the right to work in the field in which he excels

Why should he have to say that? Who does he owe remorse too? He doesn't owe us ANYTHING. Whatever was said about Tom Brady's wife was NOTHING. The guy has a sense of humor and everyone wants him o act a certain way. The moral police. Everyone is. Its silly. Then when he finally gives you guys what you want a remorseful "tweet" you guys say "like anyone believes that". Why even bother? I don't blame the guy. The guy is public enemy #1. There's nothing he can do to get off of that so he might as well just focus on football.

I wish you were on my jury, I have ocean fron property in Colorado.
Why does he owe remorse? The women he allegedly beat apparently doesn't care about remorse or this incident so why is everyone more upset then the victim themselves? She took the money and ran.

It's societal. If you actually hit a woman or threw her around...whatever way you want to label did something wrong. Plain and simple. If you come back with your second chance people expect you to feel a little lucky and fortunate. They don't expect jokes about hot wives, etc. I think that caused the runaway train we are seeing now. Hypothetical but if I get something simple like a Public Intox or a DWI, I'd feel like an idiot and I'd be remorseful to my family, friends and society because I caused issues and could have caused much more. No matter what fight he was in, he did something wrong and even a simple "hey, I made some dumb mistakes in the past and I want to thank the league and Cowboys for this chance" goes a long way. He owes it to the people taking a chance on him.

I'm reading your replies above and you don't seem to get it. The Cowboys and the NFL didn't have to take another chance on him or pay him a ton. I could get fired at my job for the above DWI. I'd have to apologize for embarrassing them if I wanted to stay. It's manners, societal norm...whatever you want to call it. He owes a lot!!
Your response is exactly the type of thing I'm talking about when I say some people are coming from an emotional place. The scenario you've created has, quite literally, nothing to do with the actual situation at hand.

The idea that you'd even suggest that your response to an assault would be murder is beyond ridiculous and I hope you're just saying that for effect. How does your going to prison for the rest of your life help anyone or anything in that scenario?

It's not for effect, I promise you that's what would happen barring a bullet or police stopping me. An emotional place? You're damn right, what do you think those brusies are? Make up? Do you think what happened was a fantasy?

Your response is what is so disturbing. You act like what happened never happened, you just push it aside in the name of sacks and W's
The thing that always bugs me about fans reacting to Hardy, and really any other player with off-field issues, is that they forget that players have just as much of a right to work as you and I do.

Hardy and Rice might not be true in this conversation, but who in the world would be OK with getting fired for being in, say, Pat Kane's situation? For getting fired and black listed in your industry for smoking weed? Sports fans I think are wildly hypocritical in regards to all of this.

in the end this has always been my stance. if they go too far legally, let the law sort it out. when they are done they have the right to pursue their chosen field. now finding employment is another issue and teams may not want to be associated with that and that is their own prerogative. but this seeming constant call people have for the jobs of people they don't even know amazes me.

well it used to. just kinda count on it now.

and since hardy did "pay off" the girl and she took it, that should have ended it but she felt the need to release the pictures NOW of all times to get back into the light. yet no one questions her motives or role in all this - just the victim innocently trolling for money.

It's societal. If you actually hit a woman or threw her around...whatever way you want to label did something wrong. Plain and simple. If you come back with your second chance people expect you to feel a little lucky and fortunate. They don't expect jokes about hot wives, etc. I think that caused the runaway train we are seeing now. Hypothetical but if I get something simple like a Public Intox or a DWI, I'd feel like an idiot and I'd be remorseful to my family, friends and society because I caused issues and could have caused much more. No matter what fight he was in, he did something wrong and even a simple "hey, I made some dumb mistakes in the past and I want to thank the league and Cowboys for this chance" goes a long way. He owes it to the people taking a chance on him.

But that's you. That's how you would act. Why are we telling someone how they should react after committing...a disgusting act? He did something wrong. I just have a problem when people are more in uproar about a situation then the victim is. Fact is, Hardy owes us NOTHING. He doesn't owe you a anything and he doesn't owe me anything. We didn't grant him a second chance the Cowboys did. If you hate the guy for his act okay fair enough. But hating him for not "showing remorse" or saying the right things is silly and at the point you're forgetting what you guys are even upset about.
But that's you. That's how you would act. Why are we telling someone how they should react after committing...a disgusting act? He did something wrong. I just have a problem when people are more in uproar about a situation then the victim is. Fact is, Hardy owes us NOTHING. He doesn't owe you a anything and he doesn't owe me anything. We didn't grant him a second chance the Cowboys did. If you hate the guy for his act okay fair enough. But hating him for not "showing remorse" or saying the right things is silly and at the point you're forgetting what you guys are even upset about.

I think we are talking about the same thing but you are confusing the outrage. I'm not mad because he owed me anything. I do think the guy is a loose cannon and a bad dude due to the hitting/throwing and subsequent attitude. He didn't owe me an apology BUT he owed the Cowboys, league and her. As a fan I'm wanting a smooth transition. Am I mad he didn't apologize to me? No. Am I upset that he was such a big knucklehead that he couldn't show up Day 1 and at least show some remorse and thank the team and league for a second chance....Yes. It's part of the song and dance. I think this story wouldn't be half as bad if that had happened. His first apology of sorts was after the pics. Which makes me think he knows he looked bad and maybe he should have earlier. To me its just a rehab of the reputation 101.
I think we are talking about the same thing but you are confusing the outrage. I'm not mad because he owed me anything. I do think the guy is a loose cannon and a bad dude due to the hitting/throwing and subsequent attitude. He didn't owe me an apology BUT he owed the Cowboys, league and her. As a fan I'm wanting a smooth transition. Am I mad he didn't apologize to me? No. Am I upset that he was such a big knucklehead that he couldn't show up Day 1 and at least show some remorse and thank the team and league for a second chance....Yes. It's part of the song and dance. I think this story wouldn't be half as bad if that had happened. His first apology of sorts was after the pics. Which makes me think he knows he looked bad and maybe he should have earlier. To me its just a rehab of the reputation 101.

and "she" lobbed out the pics why? there's a whole lot to this story on both sides and i'm long since past caring.
What is incredible is nobody knows what the heck happened at his house that night other than what is reported.

The fact that her friend says she threw herself into a bathtub and that she said Hardy did it and then went back and said she did it to herself just makes me believe that maybe I don't have enough details to say if Hardy is some kind of monster or not.

Also, Hardy got misdemeanor charges which would lead me to believe this wasn't some kind of beat down by him.

IMO, he probably squeezed her and shoved her around. Do I know this? No. Just my opinion.
It's not about the charges, it's about the ACT. Do you have a single moral bone in your body?

It's shocking the number of fans that are grasping for reasons to dismiss what this scumbag did. It doesn't make it any more right that this girl was afraid to testify against him so the charges were expunged. It doesn't make it any more right that he paid off the victim to not testify against him. He's scum. He'll do it again. He should be in jail where prisoners with more morals than him would be giving him the treatment he likes to dish out on women.

Just because he plays on our team doesn't mean we need to make excuses for his behavior. Carolina did the right thing. We didn't. That something we have to deal with, but it doesn't mean we have to like it.
It's shocking the number of fans that are grasping for reasons to dismiss what this scumbag did.[/B] It doesn't make it any more right that this girl was afraid to testify against him so the charges were expunged. It doesn't make it any more right that he paid off the victim to not testify against him. He's scum. He'll do it again. He should be in jail where prisoners with more morals than him would be giving him the treatment he likes to dish out on women.

Just because he plays on our team doesn't mean we need to make excuses for his behavior. Carolina did the right thing. We didn't. That something we have to deal with, but it doesn't mean we have to like it.

Because nobody knows exactly what he did.

Nobody knows if he did a Ray Rice or if he was throwing a girl off of him that was going crazy on him.

Everyone agrees that you should not hit a women.

Some of us just don't know how to judge this situation because we don't know the situation.
It's not for effect, I promise you that's what would happen barring a bullet or police stopping me. An emotional place? You're damn right, what do you think those brusies are? Make up? Do you think what happened was a fantasy?

Your response is what is so disturbing. You act like what happened never happened, you just push it aside in the name of sacks and W's

The fact that you're openly saying you'd go from 0 to murder or suicide by cop is kind of over the top.

Speaking as someone who actually lived through domestic abuse, I don't take the issue lightly, so let's not pretend we know each other after a simple verbal exchange on a web forum, yeah?
You must be joking. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. If I went on a date with your daughter or mom, walked her to the front door with those types of bruises on her and said "I know how it looks but she attacked me and I was just defending myself" would you say "oh, ok, hopefully you guys had a nice dinner"?

I don't have a daugter but if I did, or if that was my mom, I would be in prison right now for murder.

Just to clarify, I assume you feel the same way about Big Ben and the rest of the 33 players charged (See below). They should all be banned regardless of whether the charges were proven or not? Or do you just feel that way about Hardy? Also for clarity sake, does this "privilege", not "right", extends into other workforce areas, like say government work? Unions? Music or entertainment business? Maybe someone you work/worked with or a relative? Maybe they were charged but acquitted, should they be fired too? I have a friend who quit his job, because he was working side by side with a Pedophile who was convicted in Maryland and was hiding in CT. He was eventually caught and put on a weekend jail sentence over 3 years.His boss knew about the conviction but never shared the information until after the employee was caught in CT. My friend felt he couldn't work for someone who would hide a Pedophile, so he quit. So, if you feel that way I understand. But, then does this flow over to other assaults also? Anyone "charged" with a assault shouldn't be allowed to work anywhere, whether they were found guilty or not?

So while I understand where you are coming from and agree if anyone beat my mother or daughter, there might not be a question of whether they were allowed to work, because they may never walk again...Is this just and NFL thought? Should they just be executed?

From Jan. 1, 2012, to Sept. 17, 2014, 33 NFL players were arrested on charges involving domestic violence, battery, assault and murder. In the last two calendar years, at least 15 of those players were arrested for violence against women.
You must be joking. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. If I went on a date with your daughter or mom, walked her to the front door with those types of bruises on her and said "I know how it looks but she attacked me and I was just defending myself" would you say "oh, ok, hopefully you guys had a nice dinner"?

I don't have a daugter but if I did, or if that was my mom, I would be in prison right now for murder.

I think you are taking this whole thing to a level it does not need to be at.
Highly emotional while lacking factual evidence.
Oh,and if you ever get to have a daughter,raise her right,so she will not live to be a coked up drunk gold digging degenerate.
Like Chris Rock said,I would not do it,but I understand.
What's expected of him? How about remorse? Whether you think he's innicent or not he should have said or done something. How about "No one will ever know what happened that night but myself and Nicole. I understand why people think I abused her. I am against domestic violence and no matter what I say or do, peoole may never believe me but I am contributing $XYZ,000 to xxx foundation for women who are victims of abuse".

Instead he makes comments about Tom Brady's wife, sister and guns. He then supports himself by throwing a temper tantrum on the side lines and putting his hands on a coach. What does our fine owner and coach do? Support and condone his actions by calling him a leader.

Oh, I almost forgot! He tweeted last night that he was sorry for his past actions. Lol, like anyone believes that Greg. Karma is real and he'll eventually get his.

Go ahead jwitten82, waiting on your predictable and laughable response.
I don't need blah, blah, blah, fake talk. If you do to make yourself feel better go,ahead but everybody don't need that. The comments about Brady wife and guns wasn't even bad stop it. The media got you but you're not the only one though.
You must be joking. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. If I went on a date with your daughter or mom, walked her to the front door with those types of bruises on her and said "I know how it looks but she attacked me and I was just defending myself" would you say "oh, ok, hopefully you guys had a nice dinner"?

I don't have a daugter but if I did, or if that was my mom, I would be in prison right now for murder.

:laugh: I like the way you put that. It highlights the absurdity of such a claim.
I think you are taking this whole thing to a level it does not need to be at.
Highly emotional while lacking factual evidence.
Oh,and if you ever get to have a daughter,raise her right,so she will not live to be a coked up drunk gold digging degenerate.
Like Chris Rock said,I would not do it,but I understand.

Does the same go for Hardy's father - if you have a son, raise him right so he isn't dating cokeheads and throwing them on a futon of weapons?
I think you are taking this whole thing to a level it does not need to be at.
Highly emotional while lacking factual evidence.
Oh,and if you ever get to have a daughter,raise her right,so she will not live to be a coked up drunk gold digging degenerate.
Like Chris Rock said,I would not do it,but I understand.
The person you're quoting using emotional babble that is really bad. Who really cares for others as their own family? People are so disingenuous its not even funny with their emotional heart string talk. I don't even think they mean to be that way but they just are

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