News: Peter King: Greg Hardy has the right to work in the field in which he excels

If walks like a duck, quacks like a know the saying. You know who did find him guilty, a judge.
the same judge that has had more of her 'decisions' over turned then any other judge in NC? THe judge that was a member of a domestic abuse counsel? WHo is rather famous for never believing anything a man says and believing everything the woman says?

now how dumb do you feel?
As Junior Miller on the 1310Ticket stated this morning, anyone, ANYONE that continues to defend Hardy after the publication of those photos Friday is a MORON!!........I couldn't agree more with his assessment...

If it were as black and white as just those photos then he would be in jail.

Hardy wasn't the only man that put his hands on her either that night. His manager did as well. She threw herself into a bathtub.

There is so many different things going on here.

But if you do a drive by on the situation, listen quickly to what he was accused of by the media, look at the pics, then yeah he is a monster.
Does it make it untrue? No. But it does impact credibility, since cocaine usage leads to paranoia, hyper-arousal, anger and aggression.

Ironic. You bring up credibilty due to a persons lifestyle and actions and yet Hardy's actions and lifestyle (ie putting his hands on a coach, dating a coke head, making crude remarks about other players wives, etc) don't impact his credibilty? I've already said this but his actions do nothing to support his "innocence" and only contribute to what his accuser has told police.
If it were as black and white as just those photos then he would be in jail.

Hardy wasn't the only man that put his hands on her either that night. His manager did as well. She threw herself into a bathtub.

There is so many different things going on here.

But if you do a drive by on the situation, listen quickly to what he was accused of by the media, look at the pics, then yeah he is a monster.

She threw herself into the tub, yeah OK, what a ridiculous statement!
If walks like a duck, quacks like a know the saying. You know who did find him guilty, a judge.

Also, it was charged as a misdemeanor. Not a felony. So that right there tells you it wasn't some kind of beat down. Then later it was expunged all together.
the same judge that has had more of her 'decisions' over turned then any other judge in NC? THe judge that was a member of a domestic abuse counsel? WHo is rather famous for never believing anything a man says and believing everything the woman says?

now how dumb do you feel?

Not in the slightest. So I guess she shouldn't be a judge an all judges shouldnt be allowed to be members of a domestic abuse counsel. Lol, ok.
You must be joking. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. If I went on a date with your daughter or mom, walked her to the front door with those types of bruises on her and said "I know how it looks but she attacked me and I was just defending myself" would you say "oh, ok, hopefully you guys had a nice dinner"?

I don't have a daugter but if I did, or if that was my mom, I would be in prison right now for murder.

Then you are just as bad and part of the problem like Hardy.

What it equates to is people becoming controlled by their emotions, and acting violently.

You do what you described above, and you're literally the same as Hardy, whether you like to admit it or not.
Ironic. You bring up credibilty due to a persons lifestyle and actions and yet Hardy's actions and lifestyle (ie putting his hands on a coach, dating a coke head, making crude remarks about other players wives, etc) don't impact his credibilty? I've already said this but his actions do nothing to support his "innocence" and only contribute to what his accuser has told police.

What are you going on about? I'm just telling you what cocaine can do to a person. It affects their judgement and behavior during the said events, and hence, it can also affect their credibility when it comes to describing what happened. I didn't investigate both sides of the story like the legal system did to determine his innocence or guilt. But I'm sure they took her cocaine usage into account.
Also, it was charged as a misdemeanor. Not a felony. So that right there tells you it wasn't some kind of beat down. Then later it was expunged all together.

So that makes it ok? Maybe the judge lessened the offense because she didn't want to ruin his career. We could make hypothetical situations all day. I'm done arguing this. Believe what you want. Myself and 99% of the rest of the world will believe what we want, he's a woman beater.
When most comments are in the neighborhood of I feel...then I think there really can't be much comparison value beyond blowing smoke.
Then you are just as bad and part of the problem like Hardy.

What it equates to is people becoming controlled by their emotions, and acting violently.

You do what you described above, and you're literally the same as Hardy, whether you like to admit it or not.

I fully admit it and if I did smething like he did I wouldn't deserve to be payed millions of dollars to play a sport.
I fully admit it and if I did smething like he did I wouldn't deserve to be payed millions of dollars to play a sport.

You do realize the legal system played its course right? He served his time by NFL standards, and there is nothing else legally that can be done. He has a right to play, no matter your emotional viewpoint on it.
So that makes it ok? Maybe the judge lessened the offense because she didn't want to ruin his career. We could make hypothetical situations all day. I'm done arguing this. Believe what you want. Myself and 99% of the rest of the world will believe what we want, he's a woman beater.

Ok, well you go on being a sheep then and don't question anything.

Do as your told.

Becky Thorne Tin, a white North Carolina judge far more experienced at litigating domestic violence issues than members of the media, chose not to send Hardy to prison. Tin, Mecklenburg County district attorney Andrew Murray (white) and assistant district attorney Jamie Adams (black female) saw pictures of the victim’s and Hardy’s injuries, reviewed the pertinent statements and testimony and deemed the crime a misdemeanor.
Did a white woman, a white man and a black woman with deep knowledge of our criminal justice system scheme to let a hulking black man escape prison for beating “the hell” out of a white woman?

This seems unlikely inside Judge Tin’s courtroom. A magna cum laude graduate of Harvard, Judge Tin is the co-chair of her alma mater’s battered women’s advocacy project. In 2007, Judge Tin was involved in a controversial case related to domestic violence that left her, by her own admission, “traumatized.” Over the objections of 32-year-old Sonia Long, Judge Tin issued a less-restrictive restraining order against Long’s estranged husband, Anthony Long. One week later, Anthony Long murdered his wife.
Domestic violence is an issue Judge Tin likely takes more seriously than the sports writers pontificating about what Jerry Jones and the Cowboys should do with Greg Hardy.

I'm sure she would've just hated to ruin poor Hardy's career given the opportunity to rightfully do so.
I fully admit it and if I did smething like he did I wouldn't deserve to be payed millions of dollars to play a sport.

We have active judges that are guilty of much more malice upon their spouses and receive little to no public attention.
I fully admit it and if I did smething like he did I wouldn't deserve to be payed millions of dollars to play a sport.
You deserve whatever you can get but again you're just mad you don't make what Hardy makes. Another person outted for being mad at someone else's financial situation. Shouldn't be so jealous its not a good trait to,have
I'm just curious to know where was this witch hunt when Roethlisberger was accused of rape? Or more recently when Johnny Football is accused of beating his girlfriend? The Johnny Football thing lasted about 5 minutes......

Boom! I just tweeted the same thing to Mike & Mike. You wanna boycott Cowboys sponsors - okay. Just make sure you give me the Steelers sponsors and the Cardinal sponsors with Frosty Rucker and the Dolphins with Philip Merling, etc.

Dont' cherry pick because it's the Dallas Freaking Cowboys.

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