News: Peter King: Greg Hardy has the right to work in the field in which he excels

The only people who are being disingenuous and not showing remorse in this whole set of current events surrounding Hardy is the media members with their whoring agenda. Don't tell me you false prophets know more about the entire story than those who conducted the legal investigation and ultimately expunged the charges. They're the ones who use their positions to vilify someone in their sanctimonious tripe - which is utterly pathetic - from a set of pictures because they don't like the team he plays for. Hardy is another person that none of them personally know and isn't an example for their hypocritical false outrage and PC campaigns. Just like DV can be reprehensible - like most things in life, there are also gray areas and levels to it - so is making it look worse than it was and slandering someone for it.
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I would like to see a sit down interview between Hardy and a journalist that has reviewed everything related to the case. I don't think that it will ever happen, but I would like to hear it.
It's shocking the number of fans that are grasping for reasons to dismiss what this scumbag did. It doesn't make it any more right that this girl was afraid to testify against him so the charges were expunged. It doesn't make it any more right that he paid off the victim to not testify against him. He's scum. He'll do it again. He should be in jail where prisoners with more morals than him would be giving him the treatment he likes to dish out on women.

Just because he plays on our team doesn't mean we need to make excuses for his behavior. Carolina did the right thing. We didn't. That something we have to deal with, but it doesn't mean we have to like it.

It was a misdemeanor, he wasnt going to serve any prison time, and even he did Hardy do you really think Hardy couldnt survive in prison?
Anyone saying Hardy should never play another down in the NFL because of what happened is, either coming from a very personal place (and therefore placing their emotions over rationality) or an idiot.

People buy things everyday, knowing almost nothing of how and who makes those things. Would you stop buying iPhones if the foreman of a factory that builds them had a domestic assault on his record? If we required everyone that produces the things we consume in life to be a standup individual, we'd die hungry, thirsty and outdoors.

hell, the Iphone is made by a coolie who earns a $1.00 a day
The fact that you're openly saying you'd go from 0 to murder or suicide by cop is kind of over the top.

Speaking as someone who actually lived through domestic abuse, I don't take the issue lightly, so let's not pretend we know each other after a simple verbal exchange on a web forum, yeah?

Yeah. I'm not saying I would do something so extreme on purpose, I just know I have a temper and if someone did something or even appeared to harm someone I loved I would lose it and consequences would be an after thought.

So if you don't mind me asking, being a victim of domestic abuse, how in the world can you defend, cheer for and/or not express outright disgust and anger over JJ signing Hardy?

Let's be honest. He's guilty. Let's stop pretending he is innocent. His actions do nothing to support him. Even if he didn't do anything, his remarks, actions, dealing with the media, etc are all trash.
Some of you people are acting like he was going to prison for a while. He was charged with misdemeanors. His sentence from the bench trial was a 60-day suspended sentence and 18 months probation. He was never going to see the inside of a cell unless he violated probation. Get over it.
Just to clarify, I assume you feel the same way about Big Ben and the rest of the 33 players charged (See below). They should all be banned regardless of whether the charges were proven or not? Or do you just feel that way about Hardy? Also for clarity sake, does this "privilege", not "right", extends into other workforce areas, like say government work? Unions? Music or entertainment business? Maybe someone you work/worked with or a relative? Maybe they were charged but acquitted, should they be fired too? I have a friend who quit his job, because he was working side by side with a Pedophile who was convicted in Maryland and was hiding in CT. He was eventually caught and put on a weekend jail sentence over 3 years.His boss knew about the conviction but never shared the information until after the employee was caught in CT. My friend felt he couldn't work for someone who would hide a Pedophile, so he quit. So, if you feel that way I understand. But, then does this flow over to other assaults also? Anyone "charged" with a assault shouldn't be allowed to work anywhere, whether they were found guilty or not?

So while I understand where you are coming from and agree if anyone beat my mother or daughter, there might not be a question of whether they were allowed to work, because they may never walk again...Is this just and NFL thought? Should they just be executed?

From Jan. 1, 2012, to Sept. 17, 2014, 33 NFL players were arrested on charges involving domestic violence, battery, assault and murder. In the last two calendar years, at least 15 of those players were arrested for violence against women.

Each case is different. Refresh my memory (honestly) was there any physical evidence against Ben?

As far as privelage is concerned, I do think it applies to professional sports and not necessarily every other job. These guys get paid millions of dollars to play a game, a form of entertainment. Many of them also have a a greater exposure to the public and media which means they should be held to a higher standard. It's basic human decency. Are they supposed role models? No, but they should not act like a heathen.
It's not about the charges, it's about the ACT. Do you have a single moral bone in your body?

Ok please share, by your logic anyone who has been accused of domestic violence should never be able to work again. So let me ask you, are you prepared to support them for the rest of their lives? Or if they are unemployed are you prepared for the rise in crime? Please share your moral viewpoint because it doesn't make sense. People do bad things. Hardy was only accused, never convicted. But some people want to take a crack heads word as gospel. She even admitted that Hardy's assistant was physical with her trying to get her out of the house and had her in a bear hug. Can you definitively say that it was Hardy, not his assistant?
As Junior Miller on the 1310Ticket stated this morning, anyone, ANYONE that continues to defend Hardy after the publication of those photos Friday is a MORON!!........I couldn't agree more with his assessment...
I think you are taking this whole thing to a level it does not need to be at.
Highly emotional while lacking factual evidence.
Oh,and if you ever get to have a daughter,raise her right,so she will not live to be a coked up drunk gold digging degenerate.
Like Chris Rock said,I would not do it,but I understand.

Not saying you're saying this, but just bevause she's a coked up drug addict doesn't change anything. Not to mention, what does that say about Hardy? She said when he was attacking her his pupils were "pin point". Hmmmm...I wonder why that is, maybe she forgot to leave out the part they were probably coked up together. Does her being a junky some how make what happened untrue?
I don't need blah, blah, blah, fake talk. If you do to make yourself feel better go,ahead but everybody don't need that. The comments about Brady wife and guns wasn't even bad stop it. The media got you but you're not the only one though.

When you learn proper, or even decent grammar, I may entertain you.
Yeah. I'm not saying I would do something so extreme on purpose, I just know I have a temper and if someone did something or even appeared to harm someone I loved I would lose it and consequences would be an after thought.

So if you don't mind me asking, being a victim of domestic abuse, how in the world can you defend, cheer for and/or not express outright disgust and anger over JJ signing Hardy?

Let's be honest. He's guilty. Let's stop pretending he is innocent. His actions do nothing to support him. Even if he didn't do anything, his remarks, actions, dealing with the media, etc are all trash.

Let's be honest.. You don't know one way or the other if he is guilty or not.
As Junior Miller on the 1310Ticket stated this morning, anyone, ANYONE that continues to defend Hardy after the publication of those photos Friday is a MORON!!........I couldn't agree more with his assessment...
Im pretty sure most people aren't concerned what a radio person and a nobody posting on here (that includes basically all of us on here by the way) thinks.
Not saying you're saying this, but just bevause she's a coked up drug addict doesn't change anything. Not to mention, what does that say about Hardy? She said when he was attacking her his pupils were "pin point". Hmmmm...I wonder why that is, maybe she forgot to leave out the part they were probably coked up together. Does her being a junky some how make what happened untrue?

Does it make it untrue? No. But it does impact credibility, since cocaine usage leads to paranoia, hyper-arousal, anger and aggression.
Ok please share, by your logic anyone who has been accused of domestic violence should never be able to work again. So let me ask you, are you prepared to support them for the rest of their lives? Or if they are unemployed are you prepared for the rise in crime? Please share your moral viewpoint because it doesn't make sense. People do bad things. Hardy was only accused, never convicted. But some people want to take a crack heads word as gospel. She even admitted that Hardy's assistant was physical with her trying to get her out of the house and had her in a bear hug. Can you definitively say that it was Hardy, not his assistant?

I'm not even going to get into this with you because anything short of a direct admission by Hardy himself, you'll come up with more justifications to excuse his guilt. I guess you think OJ was innocent
Let's be honest.. You don't know one way or the other if he is guilty or not.

If walks like a duck, quacks like a know the saying. You know who did find him guilty, a judge.
by the way

there is no case since the case has been expunged.

None of the physical 'evidence' supported even PART of her contradictory statements.

So what are you hypocritical PC whiny little nothings talking about?
When you learn proper, or even decent grammar, I may entertain you.
Oh no not the I'm better at grammar card. Also my faux smart friend you've already "entertained" me by one responding and two by using the tired better than me card people online like to play. Lastly there really isn't bad grammar but say whatever you need to feel better about yourself.

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