Peter King lights up Jerry


Forum Architect
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There was a time Jerry was a maverick, but those days passed long ago. It's clear Stephen's influence is stronger than ever and that he's all about maintaining the status quo and preserving the wealth that has already been established.

The only way any of this changes is if the Cowboys' stance atop the Most Valuable Franchises perch becomes unstable.


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There was a time Jerry was a maverick, but those days passed long ago. It's clear Stephen's influence is stronger than ever and that he's all about maintaining the status quo and preserving the wealth that has already been established.

The only way any of this changes is if the Cowboys' stance atop the Most Valuable Franchises perch becomes unstable.
Really, the Jones ownership is really is creative in progressive ways...that won't happen to the Dallas Cowboys until the NFL goes belly up. Don't kid yourself.


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It's easy to suggest a franchise has to start from scratch when you're not in any way involved with the process.
Actually that's what keeps franchises / companies from making the right decisions from time to time. Or why do Businesses consulting outfits never go out of style. Operational blindness can be a very dangerous thing.

Anywhere but the NFL of course, where franchises rake in high profits even when they suck.


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Who you kidding now, the maid?
You caught me. I am trying to talk myself back into sticking around by hook or crook But I need to keep my BP in mind. It is a health thing. Its hard to stay away from the team I fell in love with in 1973 when I was 3 years old. I need to see REAL meaningful changes made. When we lost in 78,to the steelers I cried, when we lost in SF in 81, I cried. Now Im just numb to it but my BP as I get older is an issue.


Well-Known Member
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There was a time Jerry was a maverick, but those days passed long ago. It's clear Stephen's influence is stronger than ever and that he's all about maintaining the status quo and preserving the wealth that has already been established.

The only way any of this changes is if the Cowboys' stance atop the Most Valuable Franchises perch becomes unstable.
exactly. Hes just the caretaker of Daddys nest egg.


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I can't stand Peter King and at first I was okay with Jerry bringing back McCarthy. But my thinking has evolved, admittedly without the understanding of Jerry's rationale. I think McCarthy has done a fine job with the Cowboys. 3 consecutive 12-5 seasons is a pretty decent accomplishment. But this is a unique situation. Jerry has 3 option to improve upon McCarthy with 3 coaching options who bring exactly what the Cowboys need to the table. Discipline and physicality.

In any other season I would argue, unless there is a coaching option better than the one they have there is no point in changing coaches. But this year, they have two great options and one good one.

We need a change in defensive philosophy with this team. These 3 coaches bring that change. Jerry should have reached out to Harbaugh at least to see what it would take to bring him to Dallas.

But at the same time, let's not throw all the blame at the coach. The GM is a big issue himself. He refuses to change his ways. We knew this team had issues running the football and stopping the run at the end of last season. What did the Cowboys do? They shed their LB depth and tried to get away with a 200lb safety at LB. In stead of depth at LB, they protected a 6th round draft pick at CB, who was never active and sat behind guys like Nahshon Wright.

Every other team in the NFL will sign a top tier free agent to fill a gap in their roster, except Jerry. This is a huge handicap. While other teams apply immediate fixes to improve, Jerry relies on getting rookies to overperform. Mazi was the first 1st round DT draft pick in over 30 years. But expecting him as a rookie to have an impact was stupid. Not 1st DTs make that big of an impact in their rookie season. It is a rarity when they do and usually it is a top 10 or 15 pick, but a bottom 10 pick. Until Jerry is willing to let go of the Neville Gallimores and sign guys will Christian Wilkins to play DT the Cowboys will struggle with a weakness here or there that good teams will exploit.


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I can't stand Peter King and at first I was okay with Jerry bringing back McCarthy. But my thinking has evolved, admittedly without the understanding of Jerry's rationale. I think McCarthy has done a fine job with the Cowboys. 3 consecutive 12-5 seasons is a pretty decent accomplishment. But this is a unique situation. Jerry has 3 option to improve upon McCarthy with 3 coaching options who bring exactly what the Cowboys need to the table. Discipline and physicality.

In any other season I would argue, unless there is a coaching option better than the one they have there is no point in changing coaches. But this year, they have two great options and one good one.

We need a change in defensive philosophy with this team. These 3 coaches bring that change. Jerry should have reached out to Harbaugh at least to see what it would take to bring him to Dallas.

But at the same time, let's not throw all the blame at the coach. The GM is a big issue himself. He refuses to change his ways. We knew this team had issues running the football and stopping the run at the end of last season. What did the Cowboys do? They shed their LB depth and tried to get away with a 200lb safety at LB. In stead of depth at LB, they protected a 6th round draft pick at CB, who was never active and sat behind guys like Nahshon Wright.

Every other team in the NFL will sign a top tier free agent to fill a gap in their roster, except Jerry. This is a huge handicap. While other teams apply immediate fixes to improve, Jerry relies on getting rookies to overperform. Mazi was the first 1st round DT draft pick in over 30 years. But expecting him as a rookie to have an impact was stupid. Not 1st DTs make that big of an impact in their rookie season. It is a rarity when they do and usually it is a top 10 or 15 pick, but a bottom 10 pick. Until Jerry is willing to let go of the Neville Gallimores and sign guys will Christian Wilkins to play DT the Cowboys will struggle with a weakness here or there that good teams will exploit.
I guess King is no longer scared of losing his access to Dallas.


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It will never happen but what we need to do is organize a huge protest march
Thousands of cowboy fans demanding a new GM
burning jerseys; and hanging effigys of Jerry
THIS would get a LOT of publicity and humiliate the bum big time


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You caught me. I am trying to talk myself back into sticking around by hook or crook But I need to keep my BP in mind. It is a health thing. Its hard to stay away from the team I fell in love with in 1973 when I was 3 years old. I need to see REAL meaningful changes made. When we lost in 78,to the steelers I cried, when we lost in SF in 81, I cried. Now Im just numb to it but my BP as I get older is an issue.
For sure, stay committed to monitoring and be regular. Splurging is normal on a limited basis. Stay monitored and your family will be grateful as will I.


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For sure, stay committed to monitoring and be regular. Splurging is normal on a limited basis. Stay monitored and your family will be grateful as will I.
Im a work in progress. TY, I will.


Taco Engineer
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That's the freaking problem. Jerry is not gonna hire anyone who does not think the way he thinks. Just wants YES men or women. So it takes people not involved in the process to give it to him straight. Best advice usually comes from someone who does not have a dog in the fight.
Deal with it. Jerry ain't changing. It probably won't change after he's passed.


Taco Engineer
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Actually that's what keeps franchises / companies from making the right decisions from time to time. Or why do Businesses consulting outfits never go out of style. Operational blindness can be a very dangerous thing.

Anywhere but the NFL of course, where franchises rake in high profits even when they suck.
I know. I'm not blaming anyone bu Jerry Jones.


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If the coaching market was bone dry, sure, I could see bringing back Big Mac. As we all know already, there are some good names dangling out there. I get the whole 3 seasons of 12-5. Yeah, that's great, but how long is he going to be able to sustain that? Not to mention each year is the same pathetic bounce from the playoffs including this humiliating Packers loss.

Year 4 though, year 4 has to be it!!! :rolleyes: