News: PFT: Elliott's dad says "legal team is ready to fight"

It sounds reasonable what you said but if she was just okay with getting beat on for love, gravy train, etc why would she then always be taking pictures. I'm not up on DV but the people getting beat up now are taking pictures, telling their parents who don't say nothing, and going back to get beat up every other day for about a week straight? That doesn't make sense to me or I'd think most people but maybe to someone envolved with DV more can put me straight on that.
You forget a key component of the NFL case: the requirement that any common sense is completely suspended when examining the evidence.

Bruises before Zeke arrived means Zeke is responsible.
Lead investigator doesn't find the only witness credible means she's absolutely truthful.
Victim means eyewitness.
Victim of domestic violence only calls police after made up assaults. She keeps the real ones to herself.
Case comes down to two people's word, go with the proven liar.
Need to find out who's telling the truth before your decision? Skip their interviews.
Automatic six game suspension? Well except for all the rest of them.
Having the parents tweet and stand up for their son is really a great PR move. It humanizes Zeke and that he is real victim here and that the NFL was negligent in handling this case. All evidence point to Zeke as innocent. Commissioner ignored hearings from the panel and didn't even speak to the accuser in person. This can eventually become a PR nightmare for the NFL and it would have been better if the commissioner would have just given Zeke a lighter suspension or just a slap in the hand.

right - it does humanize the situation.
and their words cannot be used against him in court.

they need to create the beginning of the PR nightmare
parents planning protests
concern for violence and riots breaking out
your move, other owners, do you want to risk your golden goose?
so if someone branded you an abuser and you hadn't done it, would you agree not to fight just so as not to cause trouble?

No not if he 100% didn't do it. But I'm waiting for more facts to come out before making any final judgments myself. I'm assuming the NFL had something concrete? Unless they're total imbeciles.

Just seems like a lot of noise right now. Can't make sense of it.
You forget a key component of the NFL case: the requirement that any common sense is completely suspended when examining the evidence.

Bruises before Zeke arrived means Zeke is responsible.
Lead investigator doesn't find the only witness credible means she's absolutely truthful.
Victim means eyewitness.
Victim of domestic violence only calls police after made up assaults. She keeps the real ones to herself.
Case comes down to two people's word, go with the proven liar.
Need to find out who's telling the truth before your decision? Skip their interviews.
Automatic six game suspension? Well except for all the rest of them.
Yep sounds like NFL frontier justice on full display.
Yep sounds like NFL frontier justice on full display.

Not NFL. This is social media frontier justice on display.

There are still a huge number of people that think that the pictures of Tiffany Thompson's abuse were just released over the weekend and know nothing about her backstory.

And judging by what I understand, the NFL Commissioner is among that group of late to the table.
This might sound like a naive (stupid) comment and maybe the NFL has more evidence (photos) but none of the images of her (bruises) show her face. If all there evidence is based on the photos I really hope this was the 1st thing the NFL collaborated. After reading the 77 page police report, none of the witnesses notice any bruises on her including the police who responded to her 911 call. After all her threats against Elliot about ruining his career, lying on a police report, trying to influence witnesses to lie, then the latest about the 50 phones call & hacking into e-mails; this seems like an unhinged women that would be capable of a lot.
I think it's pointless to fight.

Just like in the Brady case, Goodell has too much power that everyone signed for. He can do whatever he wants.

The best we can hope for is that a neutral arbitrator goes over it and is allowed to rule on it.

The NFL has made up their mind though and want to look tough for so many of their past screw up. Being fair doesn't matter.

wonder if the NFL will conduct its own investigation?

Look at the comments. Other teams fans want him with open arms. You dont see the fake outrage. Why? Because the masses are only swayed by what people on the TV say. Which is why ate country is were its at. A bunch of mind controlled drones manufactured by the media.
Monetary gain is a far more logical conclusion.

And the stigma of being a woman-beater helps this how? Certainly not with endorsements. Probably not with merchandise sales. My understanding is that this finding also affects his current contract aside from the loss of game checks. It also adds one big strike against him if he should have any other disciplinary situations arise in the future. I don't think accepting this helps him in the long run either.

Unfortunately, it looks as if the only way he's going to rehabilitate his reputation is to absolutely destroy hers.

wonder if the NFL will conduct its own investigation?


Brock's case went through the legal system and he was found innocent.

It is only appropriate to be judge, jury and executioner in cases where there was no civil authority involved, there is specious information and you were free to come up with your own interpretation.

Get with the program.
I think it's pointless to fight.

Just like in the Brady case, Goodell has too much power that everyone signed for. He can do whatever he wants.

The best we can hope for is that a neutral arbitrator goes over it and is allowed to rule on it.

The NFL has made up their mind though and want to look tough for so many of their past screw up. Being fair doesn't matter.
Brady convinced 2 of 4 judges to side with him and he was guilty...... if he kept fighting he probably wins because other tamperers/cheaters only got fines
And the stigma of being a woman-beater helps this how? Certainly not with endorsements. Probably not with merchandise sales. My understanding is that this finding also affects his current contract aside from the loss of game checks. It also adds one big strike against him if he should have any other disciplinary situations arise in the future. I don't think accepting this helps him in the long run either.

Unfortunately, it looks as if the only way he's going to rehabilitate his reputation is to absolutely destroy hers.

not need to destroy, just get the facts out:
1. fabricate evidence
2. threaten him with black man - white woman - be smart
3. gets in brawls with other women
4. what is her job and where does work?
5. lie to the police and the investigators?
6. how many affidavits already are evidence against her?
7. were there already bruises before he got there?

Brock's case went through the legal system and he was found innocent.

It is only appropriate to be judge, jury and executioner in cases where there was no civil authority involved, there is specious information and you were free to come up with your own interpretation.

Get with the program.
ohhh k, so i'll put you down as a No
right - it does humanize the situation.
and their words cannot be used against him in court.

they need to create the beginning of the PR nightmare
parents planning protests
concern for violence and riots breaking out
your move, other owners, do you want to risk your golden goose?
I don't want to risk my Golden Goose :eek::eek::eek:
not need to destroy, just get the facts out:
1. fabricate evidence
2. threaten him with black man - white woman - be smart
3. gets in brawls with other women
4. what is her job and where does work?
5. lie to the police and the investigators?
6. how many affidavits already are evidence against her?
7. were there already bruises before he got there?

That was very well thought out !!! :clap:
And the stigma of being a woman-beater helps this how? Certainly not with endorsements. Probably not with merchandise sales. My understanding is that this finding also affects his current contract aside from the loss of game checks. It also adds one big strike against him if he should have any other disciplinary situations arise in the future. I don't think accepting this helps him in the long run either.

Unfortunately, it looks as if the only way he's going to rehabilitate his reputation is to absolutely destroy hers.

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