News: PFT: Elliott's dad says "legal team is ready to fight"

I'm glad his dad has his back and is ready to fight for Zeke. I also hope he has a quiet moment with his son about using better judgment, like not pulling down girls' tops in public and avoiding late night situations with alcohol.
Late night alcohol the horror. What is this prohibition? The top thing I can give you as far as a bad look but if she's okay with it how can you and others be more mad?
I don't know whether he is guilty or not, but I just can't wrap my head around how either her or him have any credibility. Which is most likely why the police refused to move forward.

Witnesses said she stated she was going to ruin his life. How do you than ruin some one's life if she is their only "eye witness"?

It is also bizarre that the NFL gets to decide on appeals of its own rulings.
Just because she's crazy, doesn't mean he didn't put his hands on her. It's essentially the same thing as the Greg Hardy case.

This is in no way the same as Hardy. I think Hardy was screwed, but it in no way is the same.
The NFL has labeled him a woman beater. You seem to think that is nothing.

Not at all. The damage is already done. That plus the sweeping powers Goodell has already been affirmed to have with the Brady case makes things look bleak.

Elliott's best and only chance is to make this so dirty and nasty that Goodell and the NFL would rather back down to make it go away.
The question I have is whether or not all of this was clearly presented to the panel during the process.

If it was, then they are unquestionably corrupt.

How you can hear things like this, read texts like that and still find the woman remotely credible to the point that you can hold him responsible for something even the authorities could not?

It seems the NFL is putting a lot of credence in the fact that the investigators told them that despite the fact she clearly lied, they believed her accounts.

So the NFL basically put more weight into what an investigator told them as opposed to actual, physical evidence that was collected and clearly showed the girl had little credibility.
This is in no way the same as Hardy. I think Hardy was screwed, but it in no way is the same.
Hardy had a court verdict against him. Not even remotely the same.

Except for the dubious accuser though.
It seems the NFL is putting a lot of credence in the fact that the investigators told them that despite the fact she clearly lied, they believed her accounts.

So the NFL basically put more weight into what an investigator told them as opposed to actual, physical evidence that was collected and clearly showed the girl had little credibility.

The investigators need to be investigated. This is collusion pure and simple.
I really have a problem with his DAD being his mouthpiece. Maybe it's just the way youngster are raised in this day and age...but when I got out of college...and was on my own..I....ME....spoke for ME!!!!! Does not mean my parents didn't "brag" on me or weren't "proud" of me. But I can't imagine my dad having ANYTHING to say to my employer or co-workers if he did not agree with something that was said to me or about me in my annual evaluation at work.

Reminds me of the RG3 era in DC...and his Dad was in the lockeroom and tossing the football with his son on the practice field. You status at a "leader" would be in question if your dad seemed to act like a buffer between you are the rest of the team/society!
Because in the climate of the past decade, facts no longer matter. People just pick their side based on the skin color they prefer. And in the case, the team they root for.
This isn't new my friend bias based on skin color or many other things. It is just more highlighted because of the Internet.
I don't know whether he is guilty or not, but I just can't wrap my head around how either her or him have any credibility. Which is most likely why the police refused to move forward.

Witnesses said she stated she was going to ruin his life. How do you than ruin some one's life if she is their only "eye witness"?

It is also bizarre that the NFL gets to decide on appeals of its own rulings.
How he don't have any credibility in this case? Sounds like you just don't want to be like she's lying because that looks bad saying that. I understand but I don't understand you saying he has no credibility in this case right here
Just because she's crazy, doesn't mean he didn't put his hands on her. It's essentially the same thing as the Greg Hardy case.

It doesn't, but it does become harder to prove, which is why the DA didn't pursue the case.

The problem here is that the NFL doesn't have the burden of proving this in a court of law, so the burden falls on Elliott and his legal team to show that the personal conduct policy was misapplied because they are punishing him for something that never happened. Because there's no way Elliott can prove without a doubt that he did not touch her, I don't know if his legal team can prove he's innocent, which it would have to do in this case.

I think the approach that he's going to have to take is either a) he was punished more than a player known to have committed DV, which brings race into it or b) the NFL has defamed his character by calling him a "woman beater" despite the fact that he has not been convicted of it. Frankly, I believe the NFL needs to be challenged on being able to rule players "guilty" through a non-criminal investigation that does not result in a court conviction. In other words, the players need to get the carte blanche given to the NFL overturned. The league should not be able to sully a player's reputation when prosecutors have determined that there's not enough there to pursue a case or without clear evidence of some conduct that damages the league's reputation.
I truly believe what I read in an earlier article that the NFL starts with a conclusion...most of the time..guilty...and then works their way backward and cherry picks what will make their case. If Zeke actually hurt her, this would be moot.

And on a side note I keep seeing mentions of Hardy. I truly believed Hardy was an abuser and think the reason he never got another job was there was WAY more to his I thought his response to his accusations were close to being a sociopath with no self awareness. That is a fear of mine with Zeke....pattern of childish behavior. Hope he can take this time to settle in and learn a lesson.
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If the police or government dont press charges there is no way the NFL should be allowed
to hold their own court. The NFL has a natural out for this by blaming it on no charges or arrest
being made. The color bias is Blue and Silver.
I truly believe what I read in an earlier article that the NFL starts with a conclusion...most of the time..guilty...and then works their way backward and cherry picks what will make their case. If Zeke actually hurt her, this would be moot.

And on a side note I keep seeing mentions of Hardy. I truly believed Hardy was an abuser and think the reason he never got another job was there was WAY more to his I thought he response to his accusations were close to being a sociopath with no self awareness. That is a fear of mine with Zeke....pattern of childish behavior. Hope he can take this time to settle in and learn a lesson.
It is certainly possible that Hardy is an abuser. HOWEVER the case was not only weak but the so called victim was a crack ho and thus any credibility she had would have been destroyed on the stand. So a fair amount of parallels here as regards the so called victim.
Elliott's dad says "legal team is ready to fight"

Last week, the father of Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott declared himself to be “ready for the show down.”

On Monday, Stacy Elliott provided some more details about how things will play out, now that the NFL has suspended his son for six games.

“My son’s legal team is ready to fight!” Stacy Elliott tweeted on Monday morning. “Let’s deal!!!! You will know the set up and PLOT!”

The tweet contains excerpts from a new Fort Worth Star-Telegram story from Clarence E. Hill. Jr. regarding a review of certain documents from the case — documents that have yet to be publicly released.
I still don't know what legal recourse Elliott has outside of suing Thompson. But it appears Elliott's legal team is ready to release ALL the documents related to Thompson's threats and make this a PR nightmare for the NFL, Goodell and Thompson.
If the police or government dont press charges there is no way the NFL should be allowed
to hold their own court. The NFL has a natural out for this by blaming it on no charges or arrest
being made. The color bias is Blue and Silver.

That is another point I don't understand. What exactly is the damage to the league if they can say there was no criminal activity.

To me they are the ones who dragged this out and have turned it into a negative.

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