PFT-Florio: On officiating concerns, Jerry Jones misses the point (perhaps deliberately)


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I'd like to see them try and put together a video collection showing Watt getting held 1/10th as much as Micah who leads the league in pressures while simultaneously getting the fewest holding calls against the opponent's offensive line.
If the team didn’t have bigger problems they could. There is not a league wide conspiracy against Micah. It’s just how the league is protecting QBs by allowing more holding.


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Jerry: “We know there’s judgment,” Jones said. “And we know it can be wrong. And, really, is wrong a lot. The idea of getting it ‘right,’ quote, with all that’s at stake. It can be right, if you all agree that we’re gonna go on that guy’s judgment. Now he may be half blind, but we’ve decided that we’re gonna go on his judgment. We both agreed to it coming in. And we assume that his integrity is OK and good, so it’s just a question of did he miss it or not. I think we’ve always lived with that.”

Florio: "It’s one thing for the two teams involved to live with that. It’s quite another for the people who are wagering their money legally on gambling to live with it. They haven’t agreed to accept mistakes that are avoidable, even if the teams in a given game have."
That's the dumbest argument I've ever heard. Gamblers are fully aware of the state of officiating in the NFL: it's not like it's some secret. If they aren't factoring it in, tough. They have no special right to better officiating.


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Jerry: “We know there’s judgment,” Jones said. “And we know it can be wrong. And, really, is wrong a lot. The idea of getting it ‘right,’ quote, with all that’s at stake. It can be right, if you all agree that we’re gonna go on that guy’s judgment. Now he may be half blind, but we’ve decided that we’re gonna go on his judgment. We both agreed to it coming in. And we assume that his integrity is OK and good, so it’s just a question of did he miss it or not. I think we’ve always lived with that.”

Florio: "It’s one thing for the two teams involved to live with that. It’s quite another for the people who are wagering their money legally on gambling to live with it. They haven’t agreed to accept mistakes that are avoidable, even if the teams in a given game have."
I disagree with Florio. Fans and those wagering should understand the rules and those impacts and effects officiating can have .


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In essence, the NFL is being called out for obvious manipulation of calls. It's just too blatant to ignore. The refs little union that makes them untouchable is fixing to be broken.

Is it really necessary to review every catch and TD. Hopefully I won’t live to the day when every play , penalty , etc will be reviewed in order to pursue perfection.

Instant replay for fans has gone too far. I’d suggest the networks stop showing these repeats from every angle in slow motion. Let fans see it in live full speed much like the officials do in action.

If we must let officials in the booth take a quick look for blatantly missed or incorrect calls then quickly over turn. I’d give 15-30 seconds.


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Officiating in sports has always been judgmental from calling strikes to personal fouls and penalties.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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I think the betting world may force he hand of the NFL to employ full time refs. Even if the product stays the same, it shows the bettors that they are trying to rectify the problem.
Full time players and coaches make mistakes every game. So would full time officials. Human error is part of the game for everyone involved in it.


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So is the NFL's choice to not allow any play to be reviewed and not hire full-time referees.
Yes. What of it? Are they required to do better or try harder? I wish they would for the sake of the game. But I don't see what compels them to do so for gambling.


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Jerruh: " they may be half blind....but"

Way to go Jerruh. His handlers need to keep him away from the media.

I'm sure the officials will be glad to know this. He's basically calling the officials honest but completely incompetent, bumbling "half blind" nincompoops... but saying that they suck equally bad for all teams so it equals out.

That's like calling the judge a moron right before you go to court to argue your reckless driving ticket.


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Yes. What of it? Are they required to do better or try harder? I wish they would for the sake of the game. But I don't see what compels them to do so for gambling.
I already explained it in a previous post.

As for the response you replied to, that was simply because the other member stated gambling was voluntary, which it is, but so is what the NFL decides to do with officiating. There was no more meaning behind that response than what I posted.


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The complaining over officiating is more sour grapes from fans.Much like rule changes.

It’s all part of the game. The NFL will tweak as necessary .

The instant replay reviews are already out of control reviewing every reception and TD. Hopefully they won’t review every frikin play,

The game wasn’t mean to be perfect. It’s a game played by and officiated by humans.
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What would be wrong with implementing a "review" flag, meaning an official throws it when they think something may have happened but they're not sure. that way, no official call on the field has been made, so it can go either way, and the burden of "overturning" something isn't there. I realize you wouldn't want this happening 10x a game but I think it could work on a somewhat limited basis.


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Too much whining going on. When you gamble, anything can happen. No one knows beforehand if there's going to be a bad call or not. For everyone that gets screwed due to a bad call, someone else made a lot of money.

The NFL doesn't have to take steps to change their product to appease a separate organization.
No. They should have done it after the saints debacle. To appease its fan base, and keep some integrity


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Full time players and coaches make mistakes every game. So would full time officials. Human error is part of the game for everyone involved in it.
So. Fine the officials the same way you fine the players and coaches for mistakes. If an official for example has a vested interest in a certain team and calls something every play to make sure his interest does well, should he not be reprimanded?


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I already explained it in a previous post.

As for the response you replied to, that was simply because the other member stated gambling was voluntary, which it is, but so is what the NFL decides to do with officiating. There was no more meaning behind that response than what I posted.
Are you talking about your post #25? I read it and rejected it out of hand. The NFL has no such legal responsibility. The NFL doesn't have to care about gamblers or gambling in general in a legal sense. It's sports entertainment.

The only way your post would make total sense is if these gambling apps were run by the NFL. That might get them into legal trouble. But otherwise, the NFL could come out and say, we're doing like soccer. Just 1 ref to oversee everything. You don't like it? Too bad.


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I think the betting world may force he hand of the NFL to employ full time refs. Even if the product stays the same, it shows the bettors that they are trying to rectify the problem.
This doesn't solve the issue of betting /influencing games by officials.


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No. They should have done it after the saints debacle. To appease its fan base, and keep some integrity
For the life of me I can't understand why they didn't call a penalty on that play. The only thing I can think of was that the ball was there when the WR got hit. Or almost there. But he clearly hit him right in the helmet. Even if you want to dismiss the early hit as debatable, the helmet to helmet was the foul.

What has the NFL ever done to appease the fanbase? Why should they? Give me a reason. If you keep buying the shoe leather I sell you to eat, and I am making a fortune from it, why the hell would I care what you think about it? You keep buying it. I'm not doing anything to improve it. You would have to compel me in some way to change. Not just bellyache.


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I think the betting world may force he hand of the NFL to employ full time refs. Even if the product stays the same, it shows the bettors that they are trying to rectify the problem.
Disagree. I used to bet a little on NFL games and never again. A lot of fishy stuff goes on too much and your eyes are even more open to it when you are worried about point spreads. Many of the calls refs make are deliberately made to influence the game in terms of betting. One call here and there can do that. And all of this is by design.


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Are you talking about your post #25? I read it and rejected it out of hand. The NFL has no such legal responsibility. The NFL doesn't have to care about gamblers or gambling in general in a legal sense. It's sports entertainment.

The only way your post would make total sense is if these gambling apps were run by the NFL. That might get them into legal trouble. But otherwise, the NFL could come out and say, we're doing like soccer. Just 1 ref to oversee everything. You don't like it? Too bad.
A few points your post needs addressing.

First of all the integrity of the games are of the utmost interest of the NFL. While the NFL is a Sports Entertainment entity it has publicly insisted the competition is pure and its results are absolute .

Remember the NFL in order to maintain its Anti Trust status which allows them non profit tax exempt provided by the US Congress enables them to maintain their monopoly on Network TV contracts which are the benchmark to Equal TV Revenue and foundation to the access and success which funds the multi billion dollar industry.

And while the NFL isn’t currently in the sports betting business many owners are endorsing Sports Books like our own Jethro Jone$. And several of these Sports Books are sponsors advertising on NFL games. In the future we will see these built into the stadiums.