News: PFT: Jerry Jones heads to court again soon -- as the plaintiff

You are using your morals and placing them on others. I grew up with my real father not in my life. He was until about 4, then not after that. So I view things from my perspective, not yours. Lets assume my facts correct, just for the sake of argument. Jerry and mama are at some casual event and they start flirting with each other. They eventually have sex a few times, I wont even call it an affair, they hook up , have sex and thats it. No other relationship. 2 months goes by and Jerry is informed his sex toy got pregnant. He asks her to have an abortion and she refuses. At that time Jerry tells her he has n desire to have another child and if she does go through with it, he will in no way be involved in this child's life.

They make the financial agreement, that Jerry followed through on. Giving them millions of dollars, setting up several cash payments, a car, vacations, college, and who knows what else.

Now Jerry has done exactly what he said he would do. He also has the right to not be involved. How can I say that? Because my morals are different than yours. The woman should not have all the power in this scenario, yet they do. Being a biological father doesnt make you a father. Remember, I have experience with this which is why I have the views I have. So when Jerry said he wouldnt be involved in her life, he meant it. He paid what he agreed, and just because the other side wants things to be differently doesnt mean he is required to do so. It isnt that complicated. While you may view him as scum for following through with what he said, I do not.
I also have a similar experience and I think you've chosen an insanely terrible hill to die on. I also just had a kid and can't imagine paying my way out of their life. Congrats, you're at a table by yourself with your views because of your "experiences". The vast majority of people view perpetually cheating on your spouse and paying your way out of being a father (especially when you have the resources a guy like Jerry has) as nothing short of reprehensible. It isn't that complicated.
I also have a similar experience and I think you've chosen an insanely terrible hill to die on. I also just had a kid and can't imagine paying my way out of their life. Congrats, you're at a table by yourself with your views because of your "experiences". The vast majority of people view perpetually cheating on your spouse and paying your way out of being a father (especially when you have the resources a guy like Jerry has) as nothing short of reprehensible. It isn't that complicated.
You are confusing morals with what is lawful. They aren't always in line. Jerry is only responsible lawfully for child support until she is 18. She lawfully is not entitled to anything more if Jerry makes sure that is what he wants in his will.
You are using your morals and placing them on others. I grew up with my real father not in my life. He was until about 4, then not after that. So I view things from my perspective, not yours. Lets assume my facts correct, just for the sake of argument. Jerry and mama are at some casual event and they start flirting with each other. They eventually have sex a few times, I wont even call it an affair, they hook up , have sex and thats it. No other relationship. 2 months goes by and Jerry is informed his sex toy got pregnant. He asks her to have an abortion and she refuses. At that time Jerry tells her he has n desire to have another child and if she does go through with it, he will in no way be involved in this child's life.

They make the financial agreement, that Jerry followed through on. Giving them millions of dollars, setting up several cash payments, a car, vacations, college, and who knows what else.

Now Jerry has done exactly what he said he would do. He also has the right to not be involved. How can I say that? Because my morals are different than yours. The woman should not have all the power in this scenario, yet they do. Being a biological father doesnt make you a father. Remember, I have experience with this which is why I have the views I have. So when Jerry said he wouldnt be involved in her life, he meant it. He paid what he agreed, and just because the other side wants things to be differently doesnt mean he is required to do so. It isnt that complicated. While you may view him as scum for following through with what he said, I do not.
Let me make clear, I don’t view anyone as “scum”. My problems with Jerry are never personal on my part nor are they about his personal life. My problems with Jerry are about what we know publicly: The results we have been getting in the playoffs for three decades and the things we know publicly such as this paternity situation.

I do view Jerry’s actions as a father in this situation as lacking in character. That’s just my opinion. I‘m not passing “moral judgement” on anyone. I don’t know Jerry Jones and have never claimed to know him as a person or his motives.

Reid…This is an opinion forum. Your opinions about Jerry are fine with me. Whatever they may be. It doesn’t bother me one iota that your opinions about Jerry differ from mine. I’m neither annoyed nor offended by our differences of opinion. Never will. I support you sharing them here even though we often disagree.
I also have a similar experience and I think you've chosen an insanely terrible hill to die on. I also just had a kid and can't imagine paying my way out of their life. Congrats, you're at a table by yourself with your views because of your "experiences". The vast majority of people view perpetually cheating on your spouse and paying your way out of being a father (especially when you have the resources a guy like Jerry has) as nothing short of reprehensible. It isn't that complicated.
Thats the beauty of the way I live. I dont worry about what others think. I have been married since I was 18 years old.... 36 years this Sept. I have 4 daughters and we have a great life together. Why should I care about what most other people think? When half of those people have been married and divorced, maybe more than 1 time. I have never accepted govt assistance, never filed bankruptcy, never lost a house, never defaulted on a loan, never cheated on my wife.... and I am supposed to worry about what this insane society thinks of my opinion? This country is full of hypocrites. They want to judge how others live and their own life is a joke.

In my best John McEnroe impersonation.... You can NOT BE SERIOUS?
Let me make clear, I don’t view anyone as “scum”. My problems with Jerry are never personal on my part nor are they about his personal life. My problems with Jerry are about what we know publicly: The results we have been getting in the playoffs for three decades and the things we know publicly such as this paternity situation.

I do view Jerry’s actions as a father in this situation as lacking in character. That’s just my opinion. I‘m not passing “moral judgement” on anyone. I don’t know Jerry Jones and have never claimed to know him as a person or his motives.

Reid…This is an opinion forum. Your opinions about Jerry are fine with me. Whatever they may be. It doesn’t bother me one iota that your opinions about Jerry differ from mine. I’m neither annoyed nor offended by our differences of opinion. Never will. I support you sharing them here even though we often disagree.
It is hard for some to see through the written word. I am NEVER upset or offended by anything written in this forum. You said it perfectly, this is an opinion forum. My written words may come off strong, it is just the way I write, but I dont take this place too serious. I enjoy the banter, but only when people sling personal insults does anything bother me. It doesnt bother me personally, it just bothers me that people can not speak of a topic without insulting people. After a couple times, I just put them on ignore. I think we can all be adults.
Let me make clear, I don’t view anyone as “scum”. My problems with Jerry are never personal on my part nor are they about his personal life. My problems with Jerry are about what we know publicly: The results we have been getting in the playoffs for three decades and the things we know publicly such as this paternity situation.

I do view Jerry’s actions as a father in this situation as lacking in character. That’s just my opinion. I‘m not passing “moral judgement” on anyone. I don’t know Jerry Jones and have never claimed to know him as a person or his motives.

Reid…This is an opinion forum. Your opinions about Jerry are fine with me. Whatever they may be. It doesn’t bother me one iota that your opinions about Jerry differ from mine. I’m neither annoyed nor offended by our differences of opinion. Never will. I support you sharing them here even though we often disagree.
Saying he's lacking in character is you passing moral judgment. But I don't see the problem with that. But people are confusing morality and law.
You are confusing morals with what is lawful. They aren't always in line. Jerry is only responsible lawfully for child support until she is 18. She lawfully is not entitled to anything more if Jerry makes sure that is what he wants in his will.
its what Ive been trying to say, even putting down the reasons someone can contest a will.... just being his kid and wanting a piece of the pie isnt enough.
I am sure this has been said but I really feel for his wife. I would leave him and take him to the cleaners at the same time. Jerry deserves everything he is getting. Your past will catch up to you sooner or later.
Absolutely no chance she did not sign a prenup. Dirty little Jerry would not have it any other way.
Just heard back and it turns out she encourages Jerry to sleep with girls that are 1/4 his age so my bad on that one I guess.
well, it means she doesnt have to. None of the sex, yet all of the benefits of being his wife.... hmmmm, that sounds real familiar. Where have I seen that before.......... hmmmmmmm
I listed the legal reasons a will can be challenged in Texas. None will apply to her. If Jerry, being of sound mind decides to leave out one of his children from his will because he doesnt like them, thats it. Case closed. Just because the child is upset they lost out on millions is not a legal reason to challenge the will. Case dismissed.
I have to admit it is impressive how I have corrected you time and time and time again in this thread in matters of fact and matters of law, and yet you still arrogantly think you are an expert on the subject because you googled "grounds to contest a will in Texas" and then you cut and paste the results from whatever law firm's website you were directed to.

Newsflash: The law is just a wee bit more complicated and nuanced than the one page summary you stumbled onto. You simply don't realize how ignorant you are.
I have to admit it is impressive how I have corrected you time and time and time again in this thread in matters of fact and matters of law, and yet you still arrogantly think you are an expert on the subject because you googled "grounds to contest a will in Texas" and then you cut and paste the results from whatever law firm's website you were directed to.

Newsflash: The law is just a wee bit more complicated and nuanced than the one page summary you stumbled onto. You simply don't realize how ignorant you are.
Ignorant? I actually attended a year of Law School... and have a BA in Criminal Justice. Please refrain from your own ignorance. Im well aware of how nuanced the law is, but in the case of contesting a will... the reasons they can be contested are quite clear. You corrected me on 2 things... I was off by one additional payment, and the fact a civil trial is allowed for contesting a will. That changes nothing about what I have said. She is entitled to zip and she's going to get zip.

Ignorant?? Please
Jerry is a dirty dirty little old man. By the time he croaks there won't be a human left on the planet that gives a rat's turd about him.
It is amazing how many friends (and family) rich people have when it comes time to read the will....
Ignorant? I actually attended a year of Law School... and have a BA in Criminal Justice.
I find that very hard to believe when one of your above posts shows you didn't even understand the difference between legal basis and legal standing (until I explained it to you). Your misuse of the most basic of terms makes the above claim quite dubious.

And since this isn't a criminal matter, your BA in CJ is no more relevant to this conversation than a BA in underwater basket weaving.
Case is done. Judge announced that Jerry is 100% in the clear! Enjoy…
Case is done. Judge announced that Jerry is 100% in the clear! Enjoy…
Well.... that's not exactly what he said, but yes it was a big win for Jones. The Judge essentially threw out all the arguments of those saying "the daughter never signed the contract! she was just a baby!"

Now that it is ruled that all parties, including the child (now an adult), are beholden to the original deal, he will likely press his advantage. Recovering money is usually very hard (you can't draw blood from a stone) but it sure creates a chance to get future concessions to save him and his family an awful lot of headaches.

IMHO the mother and daughter duo overplayed their hands. They should have waited and gone after the will. "Hey, every time Jerry made one of his payments to me he promised me I'd be taken care of in his will!"
I find that very hard to believe when one of your above posts shows you didn't even understand the difference between legal basis and legal standing (until I explained it to you). Your misuse of the most basic of terms makes the above claim quite dubious.

And since this isn't a criminal matter, your BA in CJ is no more relevant to this conversation than a BA in underwater basket weaving.
You didnt explain jack. When I sit in here and write , I dont give much thought, I just write. Im not turning in a legal document. The basic premise of what I said is 100% correct.

And you think I give 1 damn about if think I have or dont have a degree. How long you been coming in here? Based uon the number of posts you, not too long. Im pretty sure those that have been in here for 15 or even 20 years going back to the old site dont question my credibility. I dont BS, I just say it like it is.

I havent read it yet, but did I see that the judge pretty much threw the case out? lol... just like I said. Now you go back to your premise that anything could happen.
Saying he's lacking in character is you passing moral judgment. But I don't see the problem with that. But people are confusing morality and law.
It’s just an opinion on an opinion forum. I don’t see that as “passing moral judgement“, but you’re entitled to your opinion too Speedy, lol.

In my opinion, being a father requires some responsibilities beyond writing a check. Going to court to uphold a non-disclosure agreement so you can avoid acknowledging paternity to me is not a good character move. It’s just my opinion that if a man fathers a child he should acknowledge he is the father. Whatever financial responsibility he chooses from there is his choice.

Again, just my opinion.
and here you have it:

Jones states that Alexandra Davis reached the age of majority in December of 2014 and accepted more than 220 monthly, annual, and special payments under the Settlement Agreement after becoming an adult," the suit reads.

This is now and has always been abut money. The money and payments were coming to an end, and someone wanted to keep the money train on the tracks.
Reid, my question is, if this young lady IS Jerry Jones’ actual child, why shouldn’t she expect some money as the other Jones children are? Is it that he sees his other 3 children as “legitimate“? I’m certainly not a legal expert on this but I know Jerry can say he chooses not to pay her a dime. He can say that to any of his kids. But again, it doesn’t make it just “about money” if the lady also wants him to admit he’s her father.

I’m not in favor of just anyone milking a wealthy person of money for flimsy reasons. And I know there are attempts made like that all the time. But a child with Jerry’s DNA and proof he is the father…is that wrong for that person to expect some financial rights? He can still say no.

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