News: PFT: Jerry Jones heads to court again soon -- as the plaintiff

As the Great Jimmy Johnson has said, Everyone gets treated differently.
You didnt explain jack. When I sit in here and write , I dont give much thought,
That much is obvious.
I just write. Im not turning in a legal document. The basic premise of what I said is 100% correct.
LOL!! Ah yes.... when I proved you wrong time and time and time again, what you meant was "the basic premise of what I said is 100% correct." LOLOLOL!!!

Actually, the basic premise of what you wrote was 100% wrong. You referred to the daughter as having no legal standing to challenge Jones' will, which shows you just don't know what you are talking about. You proved your own ignorance on the subject matter - and that you don't understand the difference between standing and legal basis.
And you think I give 1 damn about if think I have or dont have a degree. How long you been coming in here? Based uon the number of posts you, not too long. Im pretty sure those that have been in here for 15 or even 20 years going back to the old site dont question my credibility. I dont BS, I just say it like it is.
What kind of logic is this? You waste more of your life on a Cowboys message board, therefore you know more about the law than me?

You dropped out of Logic 101, huh...?
I havent read it yet, but did I see that the judge pretty much threw the case out? lol... just like I said. Now you go back to your premise that anything could happen.
I guess your reading comprehension is as weak as your grasp of the facts in this case, which is equally as weak as your grasp of the law. I said "anything could happen" with regards to a jury case. (Remember when I had to school you about how a challenge to a will is a jury trial?) I never said "anything could happen" in the current case because there is no jury in the current case.

You've been wrong time and time and time and time again in this thread, but now you're an expert on Probate Law because you read some page on some law firm's website somewhere. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Reid, my question is, if this young lady IS Jerry Jones’ actual child, why shouldn’t she expect some money as the other Jones children are? Is it that he sees his other 3 children as “legitimate“? I’m certainly not a legal expert on this but I know Jerry can say he chooses not to pay her a dime. He can say that to any of his kids. But again, it doesn’t make it just “about money” if the lady also wants him to admit he’s her father.

I’m not in favor of just anyone milking a wealthy person of money for flimsy reasons. And I know there are attempts made like that all the time. But a child with Jerry’s DNA and proof he is the father…is that wrong for that person to expect some financial rights? He can still say no.
Jerry made it very clear by the way he has handled this situation from day 1 how he has viewed this. I gave a scenario earlier where he had sex with a woman, she got pregnant. he made it clear he would not be a part of this child's life, at all. Maybe he wanted an abortion and she refused. But if he made it clear he would have no role in this kid's life, then it is what it is.

As far as her wanting him to admit he is her father... it didnt seem to be any issue with her until the money train was about to end. I do not live his life, so i will not say what he should or shouldnt do. BUT, I always question why it is the woman that gets to decide the entire future for the man. She doesnt want the child, he has no say. She wants the child, she has all the say. If he were my father, would I want a piece of his 15 Billion or more pie.... sure I would. But he is in no way legally or morally obligated to give her a penny IMO, since he has already paid out MILLIONS to the mom and daughter.
It’s just an opinion on an opinion forum. I don’t see that as “passing moral judgement“, but you’re entitled to your opinion too Speedy, lol.

In my opinion, being a father requires some responsibilities beyond writing a check. Going to court to uphold a non-disclosure agreement so you can avoid acknowledging paternity to me is not a good character move. It’s just my opinion that if a man fathers a child he should acknowledge he is the father. Whatever financial responsibility he chooses from there is his choice.

Again, just my opinion.
well it appears mommy and daughter disagree with you........ well, for 26 years they
Reid, my question is, if this young lady IS Jerry Jones’ actual child, why shouldn’t she expect some money as the other Jones children are? Is it that he sees his other 3 children as “legitimate“? I’m certainly not a legal expert on this but I know Jerry can say he chooses not to pay her a dime. He can say that to any of his kids. But again, it doesn’t make it just “about money” if the lady also wants him to admit he’s her father.

I’m not in favor of just anyone milking a wealthy person of money for flimsy reasons. And I know there are attempts made like that all the time. But a child with Jerry’s DNA and proof he is the father…is that wrong for that person to expect some financial rights? He can still say no. a perfect world we wouldn't have deadbeat dad's, single mother's and men with kids with different women thay do not live up to their duties as men and fathers. She bit the hand that fed her and Jerry is being as bad as those loser dad's hanging around on the street corner with other loser dads
Jerry made it very clear by the way he has handled this situation from day 1 how he has viewed this. I gave a scenario earlier where he had sex with a woman, she got pregnant. he made it clear he would not be a part of this child's life, at all. Maybe he wanted an abortion and she refused. But if he made it clear he would have no role in this kid's life, then it is what it is.

As far as her wanting him to admit he is her father... it didnt seem to be any issue with her until the money train was about to end. I do not live his life, so i will not say what he should or shouldnt do. BUT, I always question why it is the woman that gets to decide the entire future for the man. She doesnt want the child, he has no say. She wants the child, she has all the say. If he were my father, would I want a piece of his 15 Billion or more pie.... sure I would. But he is in no way legally or morally obligated to give her a penny IMO, since he has already paid out MILLIONS to the mom and daughter.
Well said.

I guess my feeling is if my biological father did not want to admit he was my father nor have anything to do with me it would really screw with me more than the money. It seems reasonable for him to at least acknowledge he is her father regardless if he chooses to give a penny more.
Well said.

I guess my feeling is if my biological father did not want to admit he was my father nor have anything to do with me it would really screw with me more than the money. It seems reasonable for him to at least acknowledge he is her father regardless if he chooses to give a penny more.
well, I grew up with my father not in my life. Did it screw with me? Maybe, probably in ways I dont even quite understand. When he died 8 or so years ago, I didnt even shed a tear. Why should I? he was really nobody to me. I guess this is why I have my views of this situation. If he didnt want anything to do with her, why is she so bent on having some relationship with him? ahhhh, there is this thing called money.
I don't get what the big deal is. It's the truth. If he agreed to give money for her care because she's his kid and now seeks to take it all back because they wouldn't be quiet then it's proof he didn't care about the kid's well-being but the publicity of being the male slag everyone knows he is. Why wouldn't having a court vindicate you be enough versus now also trying to impoverish the kid you stepped out on your wife to create?

And I've said it to you before but you care way, way too much about what someone else might say.
Regardless if Jerry wins or not he looks like a dirtbag.
Has Jerry followed through with the court order and taken a paternity test? If not, why not? Is he above the law? If he did, what are the results? If Jerry was so sure this young lady is no way capable of being his daughter, why has Jerry financially taken care of her for years since her childhood? What kind of an example are you setting, Jerry???
Why would you have a contract and pay someone millions if you did not believe it was your kid?
Maybe but it's an obvious question.

You would think Jerry would want all this to just go away so countersuing them for breach of contract is interesting. I don't know the intersection of laws/cases here but if he were to win this suit would that mean that the paternity test suit, where he was forced to take a DNA test, would then go away?

If not, and this is all just about recouping some money, seems like an odd choice for Jerry.
I think we all already now the results of the test.

Why is he fighting to not have it?

Why did he sign a contract and pay millions to make it go away?

Maybe if Jerry did not have this distraction, he could actually focus on being a real GM for once.
Lets say he take sthe test and it shows he is the father. Ok, now what? NOTHING, thats what. The man had sex with a woman. he made it clear to her he wanted no part of being Daddy Brady. Like it or not, it is what it is. If he wanted the baby and she had an abortion..... everyone would be ok with that. So how is it different when the man says nope. He did as he is legally required and then some financially. But at this point, this is about one thing. Daughter trying to get in the family vault.

She has never had a relationship with him, appears she never cared to much when the cash was flowing... but now the cash has run dry ad girl wants a daddy and siblings.
Are you married???
You are confusing morals with what is lawful. They aren't always in line. Jerry is only responsible lawfully for child support until she is 18. She lawfully is not entitled to anything more if Jerry makes sure that is what he wants in his will.
Her Mom taking the deal does not make it right for the daughter. A jury will see it differently.

Not too many Billionaires of your peers out there.
Well said.

I guess my feeling is if my biological father did not want to admit he was my father nor have anything to do with me it would really screw with me more than the money. It seems reasonable for him to at least acknowledge he is her father regardless if he chooses to give a penny more.
So the millions of kids that are adopted by loving parents and never see or meet their biological parents all feel screwed up? Yeah, sure....
So the millions of kids that are adopted by loving parents and never see or meet their biological parents all feel screwed up? Yeah, sure....
That is a completely different situation than adoption…

I have a nephew and his wife who have adopted two children now 4 and 2. Those two kids will someday want to know who their biological parents are and will have the right to know. Many adopted adult children later seek to find their biological parents.

The young lady who is JJs daughter is a grown woman. She does have the right to know who her biological father is. Jerry doesnt have to pay her a dime but he should acknowledge his paternity. A judge has ruled he must take a paternity test.
That is a completely different situation than adoption…

I have a nephew and his wife who have adopted two children now 4 and 2. Those two kids will someday want to know who their biological parents are and will have the right to know. Many adopted adult children later seek to find their biological parents.

The young lady who is JJs daughter is a grown woman. She does have the right to know who her biological father is. Jerry doesnt have to pay her a dime but he should acknowledge his paternity. A judge has ruled he must take a paternity test.
So, it has nothing to do with money? Wonder if she would be fighting so hard if her dad was a street thug with nothing to his name.
So, it has nothing to do with money? Wonder if she would be fighting so hard if her dad was a street thug with nothing to his name.
That's how I feel. I don't believe for a single second if paternity is proven she will then be satisfied and disappear into the night. She sees paternity as the gateway to more money.
That is a completely different situation than adoption…

I have a nephew and his wife who have adopted two children now 4 and 2. Those two kids will someday want to know who their biological parents are and will have the right to know. Many adopted adult children later seek to find their biological parents.

The young lady who is JJs daughter is a grown woman. She does have the right to know who her biological father is. Jerry doesnt have to pay her a dime but he should acknowledge his paternity. A judge has ruled he must take a paternity test.
Jerry does not recognize the paternity. That is why he is fighting to hide the DNA Test. This law suit is not about money per se. It is to make the DNA test go away and a threat to take the money back if they don't drop the DNA request.
And since this isn't a criminal matter, your BA in CJ is no more relevant to this conversation than a BA in underwater basket weaving.
I took that class. It was unbeweaveable! I also took a year of medical school AND stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Allow me to perform your next open heart surgery.

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