News: PFT: Marriott tries to dismiss Michael Irvin's lawsuit, claims he made "harassing and inappropriate comments"

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it's probably over as it is, so he might as well go all out
The evermore reason his desperation will most likely net him very little .

IMO he’d of been much better off staying quite and let it play out without the exposure he brought.
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whaa cry baby got kicked out of a hotel and moved somewhere else. If the NFL network didn't want him to work at the super bowl they probably had more complaints about the pos and this was probably just one more. Whaaaaaaaaaaa, **** biscuit is crying.

And a hotel has the right to eject a guest who makes "harassing and inappropriate" comments to their staff.
If anyone here isn't sure of that, check into a hotel tonight and try it yourself. Better yet do it on a work trip so your employer will hear about it.
I think his point was simply that the article reads as though this is a revelation.
I doubt he ever sees a penny. If he pursues this further then the NFL Network gets involved and becomes liable which ends his broadcasting career. Unless Jethro hires him on the Cowboys Silver Network.
It depends on if the NFL Network has already binned him. Plus, I think he'd probably accept it to where his lawyers get their expenses covered and Marriott issues a public apology to him. That would probably help him to clear his name.
whaa cry baby got kicked out of a hotel and moved somewhere else. If the NFL network didn't want him to work at the super bowl they probably had more complaints about the pos and this was probably just one more. Whaaaaaaaaaaa, **** biscuit is crying.
I will remember that when you are accused of something you didn't do
whaa cry baby got kicked out of a hotel and moved somewhere else. If the NFL network didn't want him to work at the super bowl they probably had more complaints about the pos and this was probably just one more. Whaaaaaaaaaaa, **** biscuit is crying.
I don't think this is about that. I think this is about him clearing his name for what sounds like an apparently and allegedly false accusation that was levied against him. I think that it's important that the truth about what happens comes out.
I don't think this is about that. I think this is about him clearing his name for what sounds like an apparently and allegedly false accusation that was levied against him. I think that it's important that the truth about what happens comes out.
We don’t even know what the accusation is?

What if it isn’t false? He doesn’t even recall what he said or did. Not sure why we’d listen to him?
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It depends on if the NFL Network has already binned him. Plus, I think he'd probably accept it to where his lawyers get their expenses covered and Marriott issues a public apology to him. That would probably help him to clear his name.
It’s not like Marriott booted him to the curb. They simply moved him to another hotel. That’s a very accommodating disciplinary action most of their guest probably wouldn't enjoy if such complaint were filed.
We don’t even know what the accusation is?

It seems to me that it was some sort of issue involving harassment. At least that's what I understood as to why he was removed from SB coverage. According to witnesses, they did not see anything that fit this description. So, for now, the evidence seems to suggest that he was not harassing the employee. I'd imagine that'd be why he was removed. Especially since the NFL seems to be a lot harsher on that sort of thing.
It seems to me that it was some sort of issue involving harassment. At least that's what I understood as to why he was removed from SB coverage. According to witnesses, they did not see anything that fit this description. So, for now, the evidence seems to suggest that he was not harassing the employee. I'd imagine that'd be why he was removed. Especially since the NFL seems to be a lot harsher on that sort of thing.
and I heard that she was the one who approached him.
It’s not like Marriott booted him to the curb. They simply moved him to another hotel. That’s a very accommodating disciplinary action most of their guest probably wouldn't enjoy if such complaint were filed.

True, but to me, it's more about the he said she said thing
It seems to me that it was some sort of issue involving harassment. At least that's what I understood as to why he was removed from SB coverage. According to witnesses, they did not see anything that fit this description. So, for now, the evidence seems to suggest that he was not harassing the employee. I'd imagine that'd be why he was removed. Especially since the NFL seems to be a lot harsher on that sort of thing.
Witnesses also didn't HEAR anything, which is what this case is about and what Mike himself said the hotel told him was the issue.
The case should proceed and be sorted out in a civil proceeding. Irvin has been adamant about his innocence so he should have his day in court.
True, but by this time, Michael has already had his share of days in court.
Witnesses also didn't HEAR anything, which is what this case is about and what Mike himself said the hotel told him was the issue.
That's the issue though. It seems to be a he said she said thing. He thinks he didn't say anything outlandish apparently. She apparently does. That's why it's a difficult situation. If it was just about him moving hotels, I think this would be a non-story. The fact that he was sent home from SB week and appears to have been "benched" is why I think this is a story.
This is why I don't understand why people in here think Irvin has a snowball's chance in hell at getting anything. If there's no audio, how do you prove what she claims to be false? This is just standard operating procedure for the hotel.
there is more to the story than he said she said.....someone told the NFL and the NFL thought it was bad enough to park Irving during the NFL's...biggest game of the year, the Superbowl.......Marriot better have proof...or it's gonna be messy.....the question is...why did the Michael Irvins employer get notified....
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