News: PFT: Michael Irvin "remains suspended" by NFL Network

In this country, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty. This is not a 3rd world country which you are accustomed to.
That's a nice theory. Let me ask what you think the majority of American's think about the guy arrested for the murders of the 4 kids in Idaho.

And it is a noble gesture to suggest all of us wait until that concrete evidence is in but these threads, they are our court.

This is where some find him guilty and some acquit but the majority of those do it because they liked him as a player and he was a Cowboy and plays the pompoms on the NFLN.

AC, at least my guilty verdict is based on history of behavior and what I know about him from others that worked with him.
When he was young and reckless, I would not be surprised. Today at his elderly age after all Irvin has been through, I need to see/hear proof.
Older guys giving up on chasing younger women? :lmao2::lmao2::lmao2::lmao2:

This guy begs to differ.


When we're younger, we have less to prove but as we age, men get stupider than a bucket of hair.
The way you've worded that sounds more like "court of public opinion", which is different, but relevant.

The NFL fired him from his job, and it was way too soon after the alleged event for them to claim to be reacting to lower ratings or something like that. I can see Irvin suing for wrongful termination.

Thing is: if the NFL had any stones on the core of this matter, they would have hired observers to tail Irvin, and I'm pretty confident they would have found all the evidence they needed to legitimately fire him a long time ago.
A lot of it has to do with "if we don't know, we don't have to do anything about it".

Jimmy Johnson knew very well what was going on with the extracurricular activities of his players just as he did at Miami and OK State. He even made the hilarious remark in an interview that the thanked God that Barry was at OU at the same time". LMAO, Jimmy had some bad boys but Barry had borderline criminals and some did get charged.

That court of public opinion has a much better reach than the court of law. It has cost a lot of people their careers just in the past 10 years.

And one thing that Irvin said that a lot of people do not approve of was he couldn't remember because he'd had a few drinks. There are a lot of people in Dallas still mad they changed the drinking laws and made portions of the counties wet.

And even if you don't subsribe to that, isn't it just stupid to say that on the radio? Why not he was tired and met a lot of people that day, laying it on drinking was really stupid and part of the reason the NFLN has to deal with him.
You're a man, she's not. It's different. Plus, she had undercover security floating around like sharks so she knew if anything broke out she'd be covered. So anyone in that position just had to be cordial and if things linger, it appears security is taught to move in like they did to provide a chance to end things. That's exactly what happened. With Irvin scheduled to be there at least another 6 days the hotel didn't want the chance of that happening again. So as a business you have the right to refuse service for almost any non-banned reason as you know from your story above, so they did. They're not at fault from where I sit.

Agree and there were security, so she didn’t have to stay if felt threatened place had people. If felt threatened just walk away, don’t have to stay there and listen. Like her male counterpart was madder than she was about the whole ordeal.
Also had a couple of female managers throw guys out of the branch, so just because female doesn’t mean they take crap either. Trying to come on to them at work.
Agree and there were security, so she didn’t have to stay if felt threatened place had people. If felt threatened just walk away, don’t have to stay there and listen. Like her male counterpart was madder than she was about the whole ordeal.
Also had a couple of female managers throw guys out of the branch, so just because female doesn’t mean they take crap either. Trying to come on to them at work.
Well then this gets into telling someone how they should feel or what they should do which you can't assume for another person personally. It also assumes that a person has to react right there in the moment, which a person also doesn't have to do and often doesn't. But since we're here and talking professionally, I would guess there's protocols in place for working at a bar or hospitality environment and that this sort of thing is covered. I've never worked at one so I'm only guessing here using what I think is common sense.

If you encounter someone you think is intoxicated and they're intent on talking to you, is it best to escalate the level from where they are or to keep them at a certain level if they're not being physically threatening? I would guess that employees are taught the latter, especially with security hovering around who perhaps are trained to notice a potential situation like that first security guard who hovered around for like 20 or so seconds to assess their conversation. Just up and leaving could escalate a situation which is maybe why she waited for security to make themselves known in a more obvious way before passing him off to them and getting out of there. But we don't know what the training was so maybe it was all by the book to stay cool and wait for the moment to pass him off. Just because it worked one night doesn't mean you want to have to go through it another 6 nights. So you have your hotel invoke their right to refuse service and they involved the NFL to get it done another way.
In this country, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty. This is not a 3rd world country which you are accustomed to.
This isn't a criminal case and Irvin is not in jail. Your employer can suspend/fire you for any number of reasons.

It's also never a good idea (legally) for an employer to go public with the reasons they took action, so don't hold your breath waiting for them.

The only way the public will learn the specifics is if this ends up in court, a place no party involved wants. Any legal action is likely to be out of court and kept private.
Valid points for sure. I can't disagree with anything you've said.

However, put me down for the unpopular opinion.... I don't want to listen to women talk about football, period. I prefer commentators who played the game, & or coached the game, preferably at a high level.

It's hard to respect someone's opinion talking about something they haven't done themselves.
I fully understand your sentiment.
Well then this gets into telling someone how they should feel or what they should do which you can't assume for another person personally. It also assumes that a person has to react right there in the moment, which a person also doesn't have to do and often doesn't. But since we're here and talking professionally, I would guess there's protocols in place for working at a bar or hospitality environment and that this sort of thing is covered. I've never worked at one so I'm only guessing here using what I think is common sense.

If you encounter someone you think is intoxicated and they're intent on talking to you, is it best to escalate the level from where they are or to keep them at a certain level if they're not being physically threatening? I would guess that employees are taught the latter, especially with security hovering around who perhaps are trained to notice a potential situation like that first security guard who hovered around for like 20 or so seconds to assess their conversation. Just up and leaving could escalate a situation which is maybe why she waited for security to make themselves known in a more obvious way before passing him off to them and getting out of there. But we don't know what the training was so maybe it was all by the book to stay cool and wait for the moment to pass him off. Just because it worked one night doesn't mean you want to have to go through it another 6 nights. So you have your hotel invoke their right to refuse service and they involved the NFL to get it done another way.

Agree with what you are saying my man, just speaking on having worked in customer service and still do and how things are. You are correct the hotel have the right to do what they did just like my bank and I do to people if need be. Just saying because you are in customer service you don’t have to put up (man or woman regardless) with someone disrespecting you.
Agree with what you are saying my man, just speaking on having worked in customer service and still do and how things are. You are correct the hotel have the right to do what they did just like my bank and I do to people if need be. Just saying because you are in customer service you don’t have to put up (man or woman regardless) with someone disrespecting you.
Nope, you don't have to in any space. I just think in this type of setup the company has it where everything doesn't have to fall on the one employee to make the determination and has the rest of the team (security) help which is kinda nice if the company can afford that.
Please show the video.
You were the guy defending ray rice knocking out his girlfriend or was it some other guy who put his hands on a woman? You and Jumbo thought it was okay to put your hands on a woman. Yep, that was you. Then you spouted some crap about Hispanic women in West Texas being mean and you would have to fight. yep, that was you. Now we know why you hated Romo
You were the guy defending ray rice knocking out his girlfriend or was it some other guy who put his hands on a woman? You and Jumbo thought it was okay to put your hands on a woman. Yep, that was you. Then you spouted some crap about Hispanic women in West Texas being mean and you would have to fight. yep, that was you. Now we know why you hated Romo
Consider yourself reported! That was not me. I don't believe in hitting a woman. Plus, I'm not even from West Texas.
well you shouldn't have said that, again you even made up that crap too. smh don't say something if it isn't true. Bundy doesn't forget
I never said that. Tired of your lies. Hope you get handled since you refuse to stop making false accusations.
I never said that. Tired of your lies. Hope you get handled since you refuse to stop making false accusations.
yeah, you did, Jumbo, and you and a couple of other guys were saying sometimes you have to put your hands on women. The internet doesn't forget. Don't say stuff you don't want to be remembered. Coach and KSK probably remember that thread, you were a hit in it.
yeah, you did, Jumbo, and you and a couple of other guys were saying sometimes you have to put your hands on women. The internet doesn't forget. Don't say stuff you don't want to be remembered
I hope you get given a good vacation. Sick and tired of your crap.

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