PFT: More Details on Nick Barnett Arrest

iceberg;1535622 said:
people try to paint the stupid as if it's actually relevant. i agree abersonic, that scenario is easy to avoid. if it's getting out of hand bear hug her till someone comes along to calm her down. besides, if "she's" big enough to curb me i've got some pretty serious issues on my hands.

You could always taze her :D
iceberg;1535630 said:
heh - i'm amazed anyone believed that story. : )

Oh...........! :laugh2: See my reply in the other post!

Sucker!! I was thinking...what the hell....
Yeagermeister;1535644 said:
You lost me when you said a woman got naked for you :D

yea, i shoulda mentioned the $200 in cash in my hand...
Jay-D;1535580 said:
That whole "don't touch the woman" thing is so ridiculous. Haven't you ever been punched or kicked by a woman? I've been in fights where the other guy's girlfriend has jumped on my back and tried to gouge my friggin' eyes out. Chivalry goes right out the window pretty quickly with some ladies.

There are lots of women in the armed forces fighting for you right this minute. They are killing and getting killed.

Welcome to 2007, big guy. It's not the weaker sex anymore.

That may be the most lame thing I've ever read.

First of all I never said, stand there and get your eyes gouged out. A drink in the face is a far cry from Eye gouging.

This is a woman and an NFL Linebacker.

He should have walked away. Now, the woman should have charges pressed against her for the act of throwing the drink, but you don't hit a woman. You have to be more of a man than that.
iceberg;1535602 said:
sorry - i don't buy the "you're rich and famous so therefor you're subject to every "fans" whims. they have a right to be able to go out just like you and i do. they have a right to privacy and to NOT have the trembling fan who just can't believe their luck "taking just a moment of their time".

i realize it may not be a realistic expectation, but in the end i'm not an "autograph" hound anyway and just because i see someone famous out and about doesn't give me the right to pawn all over them.

it would seem some people get so "starry eyed" they want to seperate "rights" and think their few minute intrusion isn't that big a deal.

i've seen modano, irvin, switzer, haley, juan gonzales, and many others in "public" situations because i used to live down the street from their headquarters for the cowboys and the rest - just luck of the draw i suppose. i never once got in their face and expected a thing from them - yet i did see people hover all around as if this made their life complete.

i think the "fans" are the ones who need a reality check at times.

Ummm, it's the price you pay. IT's part of the whole thing. Personally, I collect autographes of NFL players. However, I have never asked for one when I've met them in a social setting. That is my choice.

The problem is that they want the fame and fortune and when they get it they also want the same annonimity that you and I have. This isn't fantasy land where you can have everything you want. There are trade offs.
Cajuncowboy;1535848 said:
Ummm, it's the price you pay. IT's part of the whole thing. Personally, I collect autographes of NFL players. However, I have never asked for one when I've met them in a social setting. That is my choice.

The problem is that they want the fame and fortune and when they get it they also want the same annonimity that you and I have. This isn't fantasy land where you can have everything you want. There are trade offs.

True, but there is no excuse for people to be rude when a player says no to your request. I think many fans are inconsiderate and downright rude and even though these athletes are famous they are still human.
Cajuncowboy;1535848 said:
Ummm, it's the price you pay. IT's part of the whole thing. Personally, I collect autographes of NFL players. However, I have never asked for one when I've met them in a social setting. That is my choice.

The problem is that they want the fame and fortune and when they get it they also want the same annonimity that you and I have. This isn't fantasy land where you can have everything you want. There are trade offs.

and "the fan" should be grown up enough to know they can get autographs at the proper times and when *not* one of those times, leave the people alone. just because you see someone on TV you can't assume they wanted the "fame and glory" vs. just wanted to play football. wanted to act, write - make a difference and do something with their life that does yes - happen to be in the public eye.

if this isn't "fantasyland" then LEAVE THE PEOPLE ALONE cause like you just said, it's not a fantasy to "rub elbows" with the "star". it's reality and maybe they just want dinner with their family on a night out like the rest of us. it's why some clubs where the stars do hang out have a "no autographs" policy.

it's YOUR fantasy to "hook up" with the famous people, right? but it's not fantasy land either...

i have no problem with people who collect autographs. don't want to imply it's a bad thing - it's just a thing. but it's a bad thing to hound people and assume it's just a few minutes of their time in public isn't a hassle/bother and something the stars just have to put up with.

maybe they should realize it *is* a fact of life then again maybe it *is* a fact of life the average fan who assumes things needs to grow up some and drop being so star-struck.
Doomsday101;1535854 said:
True, but there is no excuse for people to be rude when a player says no to your request. I think many fans are inconsiderate and downright rude and even though these athletes are famous they are still human.

when i saw modano (sp?) it was at a rest. that also had karaoke and i was hanging out with that crowd at the time. i didn't recognize him right off but the bartender was a HUGE stars fan and knew him instantly and while i was sitting at the bar he told me about it. i looked over, saw a man w/family eating and thought "cool" and went back about my own business.

about 10 minutes later "it" started. 1 autograph person came by, then it "got out" and 3-4 of the people did the "do you mind - it's for my mother on chemo who loves you!" or whatever stuff. he signed a couple then the family got up and left early (it seemed like to me) paying their tab anyway on the way out.

*those* people need a grip on reality and jeez - let stars be "people" too and have some family time like the rest of us.

i firmly disagree being a star means you forgo privacy or the simple dinner w/family.

"fans" who intrude need to grow up.
It comes with the territory.

I'm not saying it's right.

Just that it comes with the territory.

Fame, fortune and fanaticism.

All or nothing.
Cajuncowboy;1535848 said:
The problem is that they want the fame and fortune and when they get it they also want the same annonimity that you and I have. This isn't fantasy land where you can have everything you want. There are trade offs.

On this I agree.

You want to make the big $$ but you don't want fans bothering you when you are out trying to have a good time. You are totally into fans "bothering" you when it is some hot chick who wants to go home with you but you don't want slightly overweight girls who just wants your autograph around.

The guy plays for a team that is OWNED by the fans. That's his boss right there. She wants an autograph, she better get one.
stasheroo;1535860 said:
It comes with the territory.

I'm not saying it's right.

Just that it comes with the territory.

Fame, fortune and fanaticism.

All or nothing.

i agree that people "think" they have this right.

i disagree on whether or not they really do.
abersonc;1535861 said:
On this I agree.

You want to make the big $$ but you don't want fans bothering you when you are out trying to have a good time. You are totally into fans "bothering" you when it is some hot chick who wants to go home with you but you don't want slightly overweight girls who just wants your autograph around.

The guy plays for a team that is OWNED by the fans. That's his boss right there. She wants an autograph, she better get one.

she can get her happy big tailed self to an event where her idol is scheduled to be. she can sweat off a few in the hot training camp sun to get one as he walks by. but it's not *Her Right* to bug him when he's eating dinner.

and i don't seperate the "hot chic" from the "baby's got back" either. you're generacizing "fame and fortune" to those who have it - it's likely a job like anything else.

i know a lot of famous musicians and they love to sing and entertain and it's their talent. but that doesn't make them public property 24x7.
iceberg;1535862 said:
i agree that people "think" they have this right.

i disagree on whether or not they really do.

I agree.

As I said, I don't think it's right but I hardly have sympathy for the plight of someone making millions of dollars either.

If that's the 'trade-off' - so be it.

These people have a choice, they can choose to be high paid athletes and celebrities - thereby sacrificing privacy for big bucks - or they can choose another career path where nobody will care what they do.

They have a choice.
iceberg;1535859 said:
when i saw modano (sp?) it was at a rest. that also had karaoke and i was hanging out with that crowd at the time. i didn't recognize him right off but the bartender was a HUGE stars fan and knew him instantly and while i was sitting at the bar he told me about it. i looked over, saw a man w/family eating and thought "cool" and went back about my own business.

about 10 minutes later "it" started. 1 autograph person came by, then it "got out" and 3-4 of the people did the "do you mind - it's for my mother on chemo who loves you!" or whatever stuff. he signed a couple then the family got up and left early (it seemed like to me) paying their tab anyway on the way out.

*those* people need a grip on reality and jeez - let stars be "people" too and have some family time like the rest of us.

i firmly disagree being a star means you forgo privacy or the simple dinner w/family.

"fans" to intrude need to grow up.

I agree and I think people forget about common courtesy that every person regardless of status deserves. For the Most part I think most of these guys are very accommodating about giving out autographs but there are times when they want to go out with family and friends without the hassle of autograph hounds and when they say no I think people should respect that.
stasheroo;1535865 said:
I agree.

As I said, I don't think it's right but I hardly have sympathy for the plight of someone making millions of dollars either.

If that's the 'trade-off' - so be it.

These people have a choice, they can choose to be high paid athletes and celebrities - thereby sacrificing privacy for big bucks - or they can choose another career path where nobody will care what they do.

They have a choice.

so do the overly-anal "fans" - don't they? they can be respectful or they can be dorkwads. why put *all* the responsiblity on the "millionaire" (and funny, i'm not gonna begrudge someone for making money and think there's some karma-justice to it in the end) and excuse people for being rude?

i agree many people are gonna go the "rude" side - but this isn't a "right" it's just rude. you want an autograph, get it at the right time.
stasheroo;1535865 said:
I agree.

As I said, I don't think it's right but I hardly have sympathy for the plight of someone making millions of dollars either.

If that's the 'trade-off' - so be it.

These people have a choice, they can choose to be high paid athletes and celebrities - thereby sacrificing privacy for big bucks - or they can choose another career path where nobody will care what they do.

They have a choice.

They have another choice and that is to say No to the person asking for the autograph.
Doomsday101;1535868 said:
I agree and I think people forget about common courtesy that every person regardless of status deserves. For the Most part I think most of these guys are very accommodating about giving out autographs but there are times when they want to go out with family and friends without the hassle of autograph hounds and when they say no I think people should respect that.

one night i was at the back bar at firewater and one of my friends (not overly into indie music but supports my efforts just the same) and we were talking about famous people when the drummer from a local band came up to me and we were talking and he was pretty ripped. i asked him what he tought of vinnie paul and his eyes lit up and it was compliment after compliment. i then smiled and looked to my left cause he was right there paying his tab.

of course the drummer did the whole OH MY GOD DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE??? he was actually pretty cool about it and vinnie was as well but there's reasons these people stick to the bars they happen to frequent. you go to vinnie in renos and try that and you'll have to get by his people first.
iceberg;1535870 said:
(and funny, i'm not gonna begrudge someone for making money and think there's some karma-justice to it in the end)

I was trying to think of some parallel with starving africans looking at wealthy nations....i don't know...whining about immigrants.

"They want to live in a capitalist society that the rest of the workd envies, and drive a Nissan Qwest? That's fine. They're gonna have to deal with the Mexicans and possible Canuck's immigrating illegally, as well as Michael Jackson.

If that's the trade off, so be it. They have a choice."

It's a work in progress.

Fans don't have the right to act like complete dill-holes just because they watch TV. Athletes shouldn't be obligated to deal with that, anymore than you'd be obligated to your boss, should he show up at your dinner table at 9 pm, and ask you to fill out an expense report.

You're not at work.

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